10-18-2008, 10:30 PM | #1 |
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CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
hey community,
im just taking an informal poll here. maybe its more recent but i cant help but notice the preponderance of fundamentalist christian ideology and symbols in the forums (im not saying its bad im just noticing it) more and more threads i see have religious overtones to them, in additon id say 50% or more peoples avatars are angels, demons or riffs on 666 etc. as well as people talking alot about ascended "masters" light vs dark etc or talk of serpents and the like. personally i was raised with no particular spiritual or religious ideas, religion has always seemed very very foreign and weird to me , worshipping and rituals dont really work for me ( i dont even like going to big concerts exactly because of the "worshippy" overtones) so when im reading posts and theres so much "be a part of the light my child" and whatnot i get that same feeling of distance that i would get attending a church. i find myself in a strange situation of being with seemingly very religious (particularly christian) people (again im not saying thats bad, just very weird for me) so my question is, how many of you out there are infact christians either now or previously were. and how many people of a buddhist, jewish, or muslim backround are here at avalon? |
10-18-2008, 10:41 PM | #2 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
i personally will run away from anyone using jesus/christian symbology...yet i can handle buddhist/taoist/hindu/wiccan/pagan/vedas....i really really don't resonate with any christian stuff....i am very spiritual yet i am not religious...i help people but i don't talk about god...
i havent noticed that there have been more of these lately but i havent been here that long and i just ignore when people start up with all that...sometimes i undertand language is very limited and its the only way someone can reference an emotion/situation....but if i feel someone is preaching from their little pulpit i will just go elsewhere and not even bother to read... |
10-18-2008, 10:53 PM | #3 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Greetings Clark and Community,
I had the fortune of being brought up under several different "faiths"...a few branches of Christianity, as well as the Jewish faith, for a time. (due to a divorce when I was very young.) As a child I was forced to attend church and never felt comfortable with the premise of 'worship'...as you mentioned. As I live and learn, I have come to realize a few major flaws with all organized religions...they all seem to ignore pertinent facts, in some form or other. For instance, how old is this planet...really? I've discussed this matter with gentlemen and women who knock on my door trying to persuade me to save myself by joining them...they say the Earth is only 6k years old at most....c'mon? Anyway...I find it interesting that you notice all these 'religious' aspects as you peruse these pages...while I notice none of them (until they are pointed out). I guess it just shows how we all see things individually. I currently "worship" the universe, and give thanks daily for each moment I am granted. All Love. |
10-18-2008, 11:03 PM | #4 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Well Clarkkent...i feel the same. And much like you i grew up with no religious upbringing, although my mother was non-practicing Catholic and my Dad was a non-practicing Baptist...i did go to Baptist Sunday school but that did not sit well with me even as a young child...i am still learning about myself every day, i am practiing tolerance and humility and i DO belive that we should be forgiving and love on another on a concious level.
peace sylph |
10-18-2008, 11:56 PM | #5 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
As someone who spent 13 years in Catholic school (including kindergarten) I can also say I have little fondness for ritual or worshiping. Something being forced down your throat just makes you gag, ya know?
That being said, I have formed my own 'religious' beliefs around what I've learned more outside Christianity, though it seems I have some full circle in that I've come to believe many things I was told before. The difference being that I came to the conclusion myself, not because I was told "That's the way it is". Dogma and Papal Infallibility make me uneasy. Catholicism is a bad joke IMO. Also, I know many many people on here are into "new Agey"-type stuff and that's cool. For some reason it just seems more and more to me like the complete opposite of certain mainstream religion, yet exactly the same in the way people are espousing it as gospel. This also makes me uneasy. But, to each his/her own... |
10-19-2008, 04:16 AM | #6 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Religion,"cough","gag","cough,"gag", I live in the bible belt and cannot wait to get out, southern baptist hogwash, evil brainwashing of good people! Makes my skin crawl just thinking about the bible and church, and have always known that there is something not right about it! Well, how's that for an answer, did I get my point across? LOL, and that's my 50 cents worth. PRAISE THE TOMATO AND PASS THE KETCHUP PLEASE!.....P.S. it is brought up way to much and quoted way to much in this forum.
Last edited by Dantheman62; 10-19-2008 at 04:20 AM. |
10-19-2008, 06:21 AM | #7 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Politically I was raised as a Stalinist (!!??). But that did not really stick. Embraced Chomsky influenced anarcho-syndicalism in my early 20's.
This kind of political philosophies are rarely accompanied by religious beliefs. Especially when I grew up in the most religiously depraved country in the world (Sweden). I see the "faith" I have as more as a philosophy for practical living and understanding of the universe. Much because of my tendency to bring as much scientific theory into my world view as I incorporate "religious" believs. I am a strong opponent to scandinavian protestantism (this does not mean that I hate christians in general). This because of that the church used to burn our ancient holy places and build churches directly upon their ashes. Our faith was conquered by the sword and we were never ment to serve under a monoteistic system. So therefor any religion but christianity is interesting to me. My practical philosophy has a (what they nowdays call) gnostic foundation. And with that follows the study of as many religions that I can grasp. Buddhism is a big part of it, hinduism as well. Sumerian, egyptian (as well as the kabbalhistic system that followed it) and other ancient practices are also a great influences. I find the teachings of Aleister Crowley quite interesting. Eventhough he was a freemason and (probably) very entangled in the occult side of the Illuminati. But, if you study his work you will find that it was not meant for the elite. It was meant for all of humanity. His open approach to publishing hurt him alot in the end.... Sorry for the short essay on myself but the Ego obviously took over and started ranting on overdrive. In short, I refuse to admit devotion to any perticular faith, or embrace religious lables. Therefor it takes time to describe all the parts of my "faith". Love under Will! Last edited by aiwass322; 10-19-2008 at 07:01 AM. |
10-19-2008, 06:27 AM | #8 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
I was raised in a christian family, went to church every week, sunday school, prayer meetings, youth group, etc. I was a convinced believer in heaven, hell, angels, demons, and even 6 day creationism - thanks to the folks at 'Answers in Genesis', which all reinforced to me that basically I had no choice but to believe, because this is just how things are, and you don't want to end up in hell...
I'm also a questioner though, and christianity doesn't hold up to extensive questioning... Eventually, after 27 years, I saw it for what it is. As inherently manipulative as any control system. I understand the New Ager's talk of love and light, etc. It's nice and all, but I don't think that holds up to questioning either. I think the dark has as valid a place as anything, so I'm more into finding a balance of all things now than any extreme. Even so I don't like to see systems that exploit or manipulate or oppress, so I may step up against those I see pushing any religion, or other misinformation. If I was to describe my current understandings, the closest I could come is similar to the basics of Theosophy, although I don't associate myself with them, or their goals. |
10-19-2008, 06:46 AM | #9 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Was raised with both catholicism and chistianity.
Yet, realized that I was having conversations with dead people from the age of two, and when I finally spoke to my parents about it at 16, they felt they were forced into a position to magnify their religiousness after the medical tests proved my brain and body were healthy & normal. For the christian half, deeper investment into christ was suggested. The catholic half was more of a cafeteria catholic, so infusion of further illusion was justified. I claim no beliefs. I experience individuals claiming different ideologies, and understand their attachments, but I don't subscribe to any thoughts that tell me I need to belong to anything or identify with anything as concrete, lasting truth. I see belief systems as recycled thought forms, further hypnotizing individuals away from their highest vibration. Peace, CW |
10-19-2008, 07:25 AM | #10 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Me myself was raised in a secular family in a secular society (swedish), although it has christian foundations.
Two things I would like to reflect upon: 1 (positive) - The different paradigms for describing the same thing often recides in all religious belief: From the fact that Judaism, Islam and Christianity share the same holy books (old testament = Torah = Koran) to the other fact that many religions explanies the world in a strikingly similar way, although based upon a different cultural platform. 2 (negative) - It is sad that the religion has been substituting peoples need for rites and rituals for so long. It is important for us as a social being to have our rites for birth, adolesence, matrimony, death etc - I think that it should be a very good thing if those really weren't based on religion, but in common human ground, so that we without the belief issue could include friends from all religions and belief systems to a much bigger extent. 3 (really negative)- Religion as an organised institution is there mainly to stop people in their pursue of the spiritual growth - "Let the priests handle that and don't you even dare to think that you, small creep, should become a prophet - in fact, we will ignore you, ridicule you or, if you are too good at it: burn you at the stake". I think the above points counts for most of the worlds main religions. One of our main task as "awaken" should be to build bridges between belief systems. You should also show respect to other paradigms that your own: Do not demand to "prove" one belief/understanding system with your, that is, for instance: it is foolish to try to litteraly understand chinese medicine on a strict western medecine basis (how do you really understand "wind in the heart"?). Or when people are speaking of "energies" - it is an unfortunate pick of words that immediately makes engineers go: "Oh, yea? Why can't we measure it then?". If you want to understand another system - it is really up to you to stretch into understand that, not for those of that system to come to your side. As a parantesis example: Chinese medicine is far more than 3.000 years old and has been consequent and consistant for thousands of years. Our western dito stretches hardly more than 300 years, and is completely revised in every 10 years or so - maybe we should show some fundamental respect to other religions and understandings? Last edited by I_Am; 10-19-2008 at 10:27 AM. |
10-19-2008, 07:35 AM | #11 | |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
10-19-2008, 08:39 AM | #12 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Hi Clark... a few related questions for you.
Are you a materialist or do you at least suspect that there are higher planes of reality including, ultimately, our origin in planes of spirit? If you do know or suspect the multi-dimensional reality then could that be what Jesus the Christ and Guatama the Buddha (and others) were really talking about? At least in language that could be understood by people in a certain state of consciousness yet interpretable by "he who has ears"? ... And that those truths are progressively revealed and further elaborated upon over subsequent centuries? If they were talking about personal and universal multi-dimensional reality, could they have been seriously misinterpreted either through ignorance or by design? These are the important questions for me and so even though i was brought up in the fundamentalist catholic church (until i was 13) much later i looked into the bible and the buddhist and vedic teachings and discovered what they really meant. At first, that discovery was helped along by aware people who explained the obvious to me, yet my soul confirmed. I realised that all that worship of an external God or gods and dependence on an external savior -- through the mediatorship of an external priesthood -- is a power construct calculated for obvious reasons of control, to distort the true inner relationship of the individual to the universe. Once apon a time the church would torture and kill you if you dared question their false interpretations of the teachings of Jesus and other biblical personalities. Nowadays the powers controlling religion can only heavily polarise their flock against anything that could burst their own bubble while condemning the rest of us to hell, as usual. For that relative impotence on their part, we can thank the protestant (as a first step) and American revolutions for the civil and religious liberties that allowed us to say no to them. But rust never sleeps. More insidiously, the 'old money' is simultaneously sponsoring an avalanche of new age fluff to counteract whatever progressive revelation has been given over the past 140 years or so. Their obvious motto since they shangheid Jesus has been... If you can't lick'em, smear your garments in horse**** and join'em. Naturally my POV is premised on the fact that there is a true brotherhood of spiritual adepts who've been working for ages to raise the consciousness of humanity. Many of them have incarnated with us. I know they exist and that that is their passion and work. But they (and we) have always been deliberately opposed by a black brotherhood who try to prevent our knowledge of the multidimensional self and universe. Now that they can no longer prevent that knowledge (due to the work of the true brotherhood) they instead concede certain truths yet poison them with their own spin wherever possible. Almost every point of truth is twisted with a counterpoint which vaguely resembles it but which is calculated to decieve the seeker. It's a cliche for sure Clark Kent, but .... drum roll... 'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater'. What the black brotherhood did to the person and teachings of Jesus, they are doing again in the present to misrepresent the teachings of the brotherhood of which he is a part. While there are souls in the material plane who can potentially awaken to spiritual reality there will always be opposition to that awakening. This is the battle of armageddon. It goes on within the consciousness of man (between the soul and the ego) and it rages externally between the spiritual people on earth and those dedicated to eradicating our spiritual expression from the face of the earth. There's only one way to escape... Knock knock who's there? armageddon armaggedon who? armageddon outa here! Self- transcendence is the true message of Jesus. It's the only way outa here. |
10-19-2008, 09:09 AM | #13 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
true christianity has been suppressed and perverted ever since the 3rd century. In the last 50 years it has been increasingly used as a business. Except in country's in which it was repressed or in the minority like the Middle East and Russia. Christ's message is still the most important the world has received. Love your enemies and turn the other cheek.
Too bad it's been getting such a bad name lately. Many false teachers. |
10-19-2008, 09:11 AM | #14 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
I don't practice any kind of religion and I view anybody spewing off at the mouth as a danger to my soul.
I agree with you Clark...I won't even finish reading someones post or thread if it has religious overtones. Sometimes the most shallow river makes the most noise. |
10-19-2008, 09:29 AM | #15 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
At the age of 14 my parents let me choose for myself and I stopped going to church all together.
Being raised catholic in the south of Holland it was all about socializing and enjoying the theatre in church. I love the scent of incense used there and I still have some of that very pure good incense. I have a very helthy distrust to all =ism's. May they be a religion or a ideology. I stay at the outer edges of it, learn from it, observe , but I don't get sucked in. It is not just religion that is taking the better of individuals but more so all sorts of convictions and ingrained emotional driven psychological behaviour. It is as debiliating as religion or some ideology. Jenny
10-19-2008, 12:11 PM | #16 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
The religions are a first step in the spiritual career. Then you pass to the personal religion made by whatever you think and feel it's right.
---0--- In the Jehoshua thing I have enought proofs (phisical ones) that he Is what the cristians says he is, read if you know spanish "Caballo de Troya" (in several lenguages but not in english hehehe) or urantia book, two interesting sources to look. Other thing. The luciferian illuminati wants to strongly eliminate him from our minds and culture so that's makes me at least interested why they want so much that if he isn't what the cristians say. It's odd, but chek out the Leo Zagami's camelot enterview, the world aparently is more than the TV and our teachers (persons in this system like us) shows to us. So, cheers! |
10-19-2008, 04:11 PM | #17 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
I belive a balance is needed.
We are all living very different lives, and had very different upbringings. We all bring our own unique perspective to the table. I used to be a christian (now i've seen the light, ironicly) I spent 4 years going to a very spiritual christian church, but i eventually realized that i could not think for myself. These were very good hearted nice people, but they were stuck beliving nonsence like god wrote bible or jesus created the universe. I never felt right worshiping jesus. Like it was an insult to the actual creater (like god or the heavenly father or whatever you want to call him). You can understand people ignoring comments with a religous theme if they've had it rammed down their throat from an early age by people that don't know what there talking about. You also would expect people who haven't had any religous experiance in life to find such comments hard to take seriously. I don't think we should blame the religous teachings for the way humanity (or illuminati) has used them to control the masses. I look back on my christian days now and think what a brainwashed fool i was. |
10-19-2008, 04:52 PM | #18 | |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
first off i disagree that we need to "escape" here..i read a similiar thing from a bloodline insider who views earth as a prison. ive found that illuminati and christians are bound together from both their inceptions....i dont come close to subscibing to either of them. ill never "be" anything -a mason, a christian, a jew, a "new ager" also with enough poking around in history you'll find a lot of these religious figures are almagmations of myth and not one person. i really dont think the illuminati want to eradicate christianity seeing as that they control it and more blood has been spilt in jesus's name than anyone on the planet. so while i agree with the "do unto others" and all that- it, and all religions are just systems of brainwashing and control (again my opinion) if you can divorce yourself from it and take the good spiritual knowledge than thats great, its also rare. personally my own backround is in science and logic...i came to a spiritual outlook through quantum physics, seeing that we indeed all are "one" from a scientific POV. i do believe this is one small vibratory fraction of the multidimensional universe, and that we have a "consciousness" that exists past and beyond our material bodies. i believe in evolution of the "spirit" you could say, im also well aware that our organic material 3D brains can only grasp so much at this stage. its beyond humans mind to fully grasp the larger whole of "reality" i also look into anthropology and history (though thats controlled as well) but the point is. the conclusion ive come to is that "civilization" is the problem. humans didnt need salvationist religions for hundreds of thousands of years. the fact is small tribes live in balance with nature and dont suffer from all the ills of society (random murders,psychological disorders like depression etc) they believe in spirits and whatnot but they dont understand the concept of needing to be "saved' earth isnt a prison for them, it simply "is" all this talk of reptillians, atlantis, lemuria, civilizations on mars, adam, eve, jesus etc. its all very NEW. if atlantis existed - it was supposed to have existed 12-13,ooo years ago...thats VERY recent in actual HUMAN history. i dont believe in "armageddon" or the "great battle between light and dark" i believe that yes there is good and bad but its always been this way, since the dawn of civilization its always been the very FEW who control the very MANY. salvationist religions didnt pop up till there was a need for them, till peoples existence was so ****** they felt they NEEDED to be saved. i believe were going through the baby steps of being in a civilization and perhaps we'll make it through this difficult steps (clearly evolved ET's made it through the growing pains were having, so it IS possible- i used to think we'd just wipe ourselves out from stupidity...ET's prove its at least possible to get past this stage) anyhow, please dont try and combat some of these opinions of mine and give me links to info that jesus was a real person etc. i choose to believe what makes sense for me , and i dont believe in anything so much that i can be manipulated by it to go against my nature. there you have it , my opinion. i just wanted to see if the vast majority at avalon was christian, seeing that every time i click "new posts" i tend to see "bible" "god" "jesus" or "satan" "angels". its my opinion that people with a belief "system" need to have one or incorporate a new one into their old religious paradigm (thats why it seems like many former christians have taken up ET's and "end times" and substituted or added it to their previous paradigm) again just my observation and opinion, not an argument Last edited by clarkkent; 10-19-2008 at 05:08 PM. |
10-19-2008, 05:50 PM | #19 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
This may be a useful link regarding "Christianity" and other social religions.
http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com...rs/acharya.htm You can skip the first 6 minute intro |
10-19-2008, 06:03 PM | #20 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
I am personally spiritual to a degree. It has nothing to do with any organized religion as I feel they were simply put there originally for human evolutionary purposes.
Peace, Ampgod |
10-19-2008, 07:31 PM | #21 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
I was raised spiritually that we are all one, and that what you say and do has a direct impact on the universe. When I was young, my mom would "tap into the universe" if she was lost in Ann Arbor, or will herself a parking spot right up front. I have studied religion independently for years. It tells us so much about our history. It seems to drive community agendas, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. I never understood the whole your Gods better than my God thing. Drives me nuts.
10-19-2008, 08:19 PM | #22 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Just to clarify my own POV...
I agree with you CK that no-one need identify themselves as being anything... christian, buddhist, jew or mason etc. We each are a human being who in essence is a spiritual being. I can say that with certainty. But we can find reflections of that basic truth in the cultural-religious teachings of all societies throughout history because people who've made that self discovery have shared it with others and their lives and teachings have been passed on. The problems arose when the state colluded with the priest classes to control the people with distortions of those basic spiritual truths. Religion, even when it's symbology is properly understood, is just a conceptual framework that describes the individual and his/her place in the universe. I am so non-attached to religianity that i am just as happy to use or not use religious symbols when discussing the subjects we cover here. Problems only arise for people who are carrying the baggage associated with these religious terms and symbols due to previous misrepresentations and distortions made by christian fundamentalists. Anyone willing to look past that can find eternal truths in scripture. These truths are not the sole property of religion or science. They are just plain truths that are increasingly being re-discovered and re-presented in various disciplines including science and metaphysics. No-one has to 'believe' anything, just uncover truth wherever it can be found without fear or loathing of the form in which it appears. If christianity for example does not represent the true teachings of Jesus (and older books) then it deserves to be clarified for posterity imo. So i personally don't feel the need to run a mile from the biblical symbols just because church and state have colluded to dumb down the masses with a deliberate distortion of them. And i'm comfortable with Jesus and Guatama and with referring to them occasionally to make a point. Case in point CK,,, you were negatively triggered by my use of the term "battle of armageddon" like it absolutely has to be associated with everything that peevs you about the fundamentalist christian version of it. Yet after dissing the term "battle of armaggedon" you went on to describe exactly what i was saying about it. A battle ("of armageddon" if you will allow) has raged between people for ages. Like you, i reject the narrow fundamentalist interpretation of a "few years war" right about now and i simply pointed out what you yourself are saying about conflict. Although in that "battle" i also included the interior conflict that each soul must win in order to be spiritually whole. A fractured soul is a magnet for conflict and is easilly manipulated. Most references to Atlantis and Lemuria are relatively new (aprox the last 140 years or so) but those civilisations existed for tens of thousands of years (and more) and only relatively recently disappeared around 12 thousand years ago with the sinking of Poseid. But before they sunk they reached a high level of civilisation including very high tech accomplishments, some of which we have only recently attained again. These were based primarily on free energy and anti-gravity technologies. The evolution of souls which we're all a part of, is going through continual cycles of high spiritual and material attainments (not necessarilly always simultaneously together) followed by cycles of darkness in the human psyche with it's attendant savagery in relations with each other. This cycle keeps repeating but the individual can transcend it as some people have already done. While this is not really an "escape" per se, the ultimate self-transcendence does place the soul (vibrationally) beyond the vulnerabilities associated with the purely materialistic expression of the mass consciousness. The "escape" i alluded to relates to the fantastic expectations of people who rely on an external savior figure (either UFO occupants or Jesus depending on one's preferred illusion) and not to my own perceptions of it. That is why i re-inforced the true teaching of Jesus (not a physical "rapture" scenario) that relates to self-transcendence as the only means of attaining "the kingdom of heaven" or "salvation" (self-elevation) because it is a spiritual state of consciousness discoverable within oneself (according to Jesus). On the subject of religion as it relates to humanity's many problems, you might know that true spirituality has been very rare throughout history and that war has been the normal state of affairs on planet earth for hundreds of thousands of years. The leaders were most often corrupt yet they often represented the passions of the people they ruled. Your historical ideal of communities living in harmony with themselves and each other has been very rare indeed. Those communities had their priests and shamans (by any other name) yet very few of them attained spiritual self-mastery. And for the lack of enlightened guidance and true examples of selfless service, very few community members attained the resolution of inner (and therefore outer) conflict. Not saying there were no good examples among the people but for the most part humanity has failed so far to live the golden rule. But i believe we can and i hope we can build societies based on fairness and respect. |
10-19-2008, 08:29 PM | #23 | |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
I did go to sunday school when i was a little girl but in the 50's most kids did. The bible never gelled with me either mever made sense to me it contridicted itself so much. |
10-20-2008, 02:19 AM | #24 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
At this moment. I'm closer to meta-physique. I like a lot of science. I practice contemplation of both the Universe, Humanity and myself. Naturally, I'm leaning toward the cosmic Christ. The life of Buddha, Mahomet, and many others saints like Gandhi influenced my youth to feed a need of knowing.
Of course, all that is Hidden from the system calls up my curiosity. Namaste, Steven |
10-20-2008, 02:54 AM | #25 |
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Re: CHRISTIANITY and avalon : a question from clark
Christianity, Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, or other major minor or newer versions of attribute controversy is a means to an end.The mistake most people learning about and becoming believers is that soon after you stop searching and the familiar, "I have the truth", fanaticsim version becomes too aparent and it creates disunity, disruption, belittlement, naiveness, war, hate, hell. Instead of the other way around. Why ? The answer is obvious even if most people would like to think that is not true.We attribute the dark forces to a Lucifer like being, if he existed and had something to do with the earth's creation then we have inherited part of that in our DNA. Suffice to say that hate and disunity abounds in our world.
For me I always said that, "I am my own worst enemy", self emotional discipline is no easy task. Heck but maybe I'm wrong so don't stone me, but what if I'm right !!! |
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