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Old 12-08-2009, 06:23 PM   #1
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Question The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

This thread is an offshoot of a post on the "Nassim Haramein *new interview" thread.

The post had a comment about the attitude of the Freemasons toward people they called "the profane," as in ordinary people - not superior people - such as themselves.

This post reminded me of something that has been bothering me. I struggled through the book The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall, and I remember him talking about how clueless "the profane" are.

In Camelot's interview of Jordan Maxwell, Jordan spoke very affectionately about Manly P. Hall.

This bothers me. Does it bother anyone else?
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Old 12-15-2009, 09:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

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Old 12-15-2009, 09:53 PM   #3
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by Doom View Post
So Jordan Maxwell started talking about how great masonry is starting in 2000?

I didn't quite follow the stuff about his name.

It's not his real name, is that correct?
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Old 12-15-2009, 10:01 PM   #4
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

About his name, it's speculation really, but just another one of those 'coincidences', hehe. And what they are talking about is basically despite all jordan has said and done, there are audios of jordan speaking highly of freemasonry more recently, and since then he has been a looney toon discrediting his own work.
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Old 12-15-2009, 10:27 PM   #5
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by Doom View Post
About his name, it's speculation really, but just another one of those 'coincidences', hehe. And what they are talking about is basically despite all jordan has said and done, there are audios of jordan speaking highly of freemasonry more recently, and since then he has been a looney toon discrediting his own work.
Maybe the pressure has gotten to him!

Maybe he's the target of mind control - seriously - specific mind control after he became well known.
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:28 PM   #6
14 Chakras
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

There is no need for secrets anymore. It is time for all that is hidden to be revealed (as the New Testament prophesied)

Reality is that the general population was not ready to accept spiritual Truth through the dark ages. Reality is that those who did not accept whatever the Vatican told them was truth were considered heretics, and very often persecuted. Many of the great sages throughout history have been persecuted.

Books burned over and over.

Reality is that there are forces in our world that do not want the people to have access to information.

And reality is that the general populous was not ready for esoteric Truth, and when they saw anyone preaching it, like good mind controlled cattle, the general population (what was referred to as "profane") would very often report those who saw outside the box to the proper 'authorities' / Vatican representatives who literally had the power to destroy information / ancient text and throw people in dungeons / have them killed for speaking of things the Vatican did not approve of.

What did the Vatican not approve of? Anything that challenged their false authority as being the connection between man and God.

So it has indeed taken secret societies in the past to pass down information that would have otherwise been destroyed by those who wished to keep humanity in the dark for eternity.

The general populace was sometimes refereed to as "the profane" because they had no interest in spiritual truth, not only did they have no interest, they feared it and would rush to persecute those who did have an interest in it.

Most of the great thinkers throughout history and those who pushed progress forward for mankind were initiates into the mysteries. Many of the founders of the United States were, many of the great artist, musicians, scientific thinkers all were initiates in the mysteries. The only qualification to become an initiate in the mysteries was to be willing to search and find beyond the outer dogma and doctrine. Again, they were only kept secret because the information would have literally been destroyed and the people persecuted if the 'profane' / barbarians found out what was happening ~

Now the purpose of this information is that it would be passed down so that eventually, all of humanity can move beyond victim consciousness and take up their rightful roles as co-creators, take responsibility for their lives, and seek spiritual Truth. Human Know ThySelf was the maxim of the ancient mystery schools, and the same challenge remains today.

Now the fact is that Free Masonry was imperfect throughout the ages, but was indeed used by the Divine to pass down spiritual truth and help move society forward ~

The fact also remains that Free Masonry was indeed taken over by the black lodges to a very large degree over the past two centuries and now today, the highest levels are all working for the false hierarchy / dark forces.

So there really is nothing to be gained from these secret societies anymore, they are ego builders now rather than Truth bringers. Masonry builds the vibe that "I'm a mason so I'm better than those suckers / profane and can beat them". This was not it's original intent ~ rather the opposite, the raising up of the Christ Consciousness, the Divine in All people.

Now is the time for hidden Truth to be revealed to all in crystal clear teachings and for their to be no more profane, for All shall have the opportunity to come up higher and accept responsibility for their own creations.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 12-15-2009 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:45 PM   #7
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Interesting post, 14 Chakras. Thank you.

As I was reading it, I remembered reading that Freemasonry absolutely had to be secret in times past because of persecution from the Roman Catholic Church.

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
And reality is that the general populous was not ready for esoteric Truth, and when they saw anyone preaching it, like good mind controlled cattle, the general population (what they referred to as "profane") would very often report those who saw outside the box to the proper 'authorities' / Vatican representatives...
I see what you're saying...
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Old 12-16-2009, 09:48 AM   #8
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

The Vatican prosecuted them because of what happened with the Templars, they saw any secret society that promoted prosperity, growth and co-operation as a threat to the stability of the churches empire.

Not saying the Freemasons are true and just though.
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:09 AM   #9
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Hi Seashore,
Going by your thread alone and the few recordings i have heard from Manly P Hall, i am inclined to agree. The general populace are by and large clueless. I am of course talking about Western civilization here.

I think the more awake you become, the more you realize how asleep everyone else is.

More than that though, i think there is doctrine in place to keep the masses asleep. Television being one.
It was only recently that i discovered the importance of the arts and art as an integral process of awakening the mind through manly P H. I remember not so long ago thinking it was for snobbish people only. A luxury that that only the rich could afford to experience.

As i do my weekly shop or attend any such public activity i do wonder sometimes; how many free thinkers are here? How many of us just go with the flow with what is by and large government sponsored events?

On a daily basis we are distracted by the government albeit unwittingly by the lower echelons. We are all what to do, eat, think etc. Give a child some paper and crayons and you are distracting it by asking it to think for itself. This is art to me, whether it be stacking stones, keeping a journal, or racking gravel, you are waking and tuning your senses.

As i say, i don't know manly's work that well and it is entirely possible that he may have succumbed to the ego or external pressure. however, the little i have heard i have to say, makes sense.
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Old 12-16-2009, 12:25 PM   #10
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by Bilko View Post
It was only recently that i discovered the importance of the arts and art as an integral process of awakening the mind through manly P H.
I read his book but I missed this.

Originally Posted by Bilko View Post
Give a child some paper and crayons and you are distracting it by asking it to think for itself. This is art to me, whether it be stacking stones, keeping a journal, or racking gravel, you are waking and tuning your senses.

Originally Posted by Bilko View Post
As i say, i don't know manly's work that well and it is entirely possible that he may have succumbed to the ego or external pressure. however, the little i have heard i have to say, makes sense.
But we also have information about the black arts being practiced in lodges by Freemasons... Freeman, whose father was a Worshipful Master of German Freemasonry, talks about this... (I was going to link to Freeman's blog and his bio, but his bio link on his blog is not working right now.)

I'm wondering whether Freemasonry had a dark side in their rituals from the very beginning, or did that come later?
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Old 12-16-2009, 02:56 PM   #11
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Please checkout the following video. It has 9 parts of 10 minutes each. It explains where Hall and Jordan get their opinions from, and why they believe what they say. I thought it was a mind blowing series...


Here is a link to the playlist so you do not have to search for the other parts:

The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement 2009 Final Cut 1/9
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Old 12-16-2009, 03:13 PM   #12
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by Argante View Post

Here is a link to the playlist so you do not have to search for the other parts:

The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement 2009 Final Cut 1/9
Thank you!

I have bookmarked this and will check it out!
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Old 12-17-2009, 02:57 PM   #13
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Was never attracted to Manly Hall's work because of that.
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Old 12-17-2009, 03:41 PM   #14
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Hi Seashore,

I really don't see the reason why this should bother you. The opinions of one man that he wrote in a book does not a hurricane make. Is he the main man of the Masons? I think not, as the main man would be far more secretive than to publish a book saying that all profanes are stupid! It's obvious that he did this to rake it in.

As for the Jordan Maxwell comment, I'm not too sure if Maxwell met Manly as it seems that they are from a different era. However, he could admire him as a writer, or she could admire him because it appears that he spilled the beans on the Freemasons (if that's what he did).

I shouldn't worry about it too much...

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
This thread is an offshoot of a post on the "Nassim Haramein *new interview" thread.

The post had a comment about the attitude of the Freemasons toward people they called "the profane," as in ordinary people - not superior people - such as themselves.

This post reminded me of something that has been bothering me. I struggled through the book The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall, and I remember him talking about how clueless "the profane" are.

In Camelot's interview of Jordan Maxwell, Jordan spoke very affectionately about Manly P. Hall.

This bothers me. Does it bother anyone else?

Last edited by Steve_A; 12-17-2009 at 03:46 PM.
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Old 12-17-2009, 03:42 PM   #15
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Was never attracted to Manly Hall's work because of that.
Did you see the part of the Camelot Jordan Maxwell interview where he talks about how wonderful Manly Hall was? I believe he said that Hall's extensive library was willed to Maxwell - something like that...
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Old 12-17-2009, 04:02 PM   #16
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Yes, I did catch that. He felt highly of Hall......
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Old 12-17-2009, 04:11 PM   #17
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by Argante View Post
Please checkout the following video. It has 9 parts of 10 minutes each. It explains where Hall and Jordan get their opinions from, and why they believe what they say. I thought it was a mind blowing series...


Here is a link to the playlist so you do not have to search for the other parts:

The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement 2009 Final Cut 1/9
Excellent videos highly recommend

I agree with the stuff on channeling.

Thanks for posting!
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Old 12-17-2009, 04:17 PM   #18
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
Excellent videos highly recommend

I agree with the stuff on channeling.

Thanks for posting!
Now I'm going to have to move these up on my "To Do" list!!
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Old 12-17-2009, 07:51 PM   #19
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Ok, so I'm watching the first part of the video series "The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement 2009"....which I can already tell is Christian biased..

wherein they cite that the Illuminati & Freemasonry hold to the belief that Jesus is a personification of the sun itself (astrotheology), which was later distorted into Christian religious dogma as being a literal interpretaton that of the physical man Jesus was saviour. Ok I get that because I have read Acharya's book The Christ Conspiracy and, from my view, did a great job reducing all the world's religions to the same sources, that of sun god worship, study of the stars. Ex: IsRaEl, Isis, Ra the son God.

Then this producer goes on to say that the Zeitgeist movies are an implant by the Illuminati to destroy Christianity because that religion is a rip off of the truth, that of celestial bodies including the sun. The producer of this film even uses Acharya as a source for backup support by citing her research showing that there is no evidence of FreeMasons in ancient times to support the theory that of sun god worship.

HowEver... Acharya is not even an evemerist (someone who believes that Jesus existed but was not the son of God or the saviour), she stands that he never even existed at ALL. (the greatest story ever sold). So I think it's funny that he uses her material where it suits him.

Acharya is not a new age junkie whatsoever. I think, in this short snippet, that this is a fundamental Christian trying to defend his Jesus (which I understand), as it has been devastating & crushing to many who have learned of this deception, which in my educated view, is true, Jesus is a myth. (don't jump on me guys, I'm just stating my view)...

But this thing goes much further... because it goes into the stars as to our origins, that of off planet and has nothing to do with God, the ultimate creator. Anyone following me?

It's apparent to me that this producer has it backwards. The Illuminati are not pee'd off w/Christianity because they stole their religion & twisted it up... the Illuminati are the ones that implanted the religions, all of them, to begin with in my view, causing division & warring to continue.

As I mentioned earlier, I think, on this thread or the other one started w/Masons... check out keyofsolomon.com... this is getting REALLY good because I can see how the Illunimati will be exposed for having covered up the truth of our origins to begin with and the truth seeking christian may very well get their truth and they won"t like it one bit>>> what"s acharya"s saying: the truth will set you free but first it will **** you off.

I have more to watch and more thinking to do.

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Old 12-17-2009, 07:55 PM   #20
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

ps: why are some people allowed to write P*** (pee-pee slang) and mine gets censored?... there's your "click" for ya... later
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Old 12-17-2009, 08:20 PM   #21
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
ps: why are some people allowed to write P*** (pee-pee slang) and mine gets censored?... there's your "click" for ya... later
I think the system does this automatically. But it should be the same for everyone. The other person used the exact same word? Or am I misunderstanding you?
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Old 02-10-2010, 02:11 AM   #22
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Unfortunately the videos have been removed.
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Old 02-10-2010, 08:06 AM   #23
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

You can still find it on Google when you type a title. Chris White, the author of “The infiltration of a New Age Movement”, also did “My rant to the truth movement” and “Debunking Jordan Maxwell by Chris White”. A year ago, I did not agree with him. However, after my research about Madame Blavatsky, Bailey, M.P. Hall to name a few, I am on the same page.

Best regard,
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Old 02-10-2010, 10:20 AM   #24
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

The problem is "divide and conquer" theme, keep humas fighting each other while TPTB do their deeds behing the curtains.

Yes, the masons are satanists and luciferianist and so are many churches, Kryst or Christ has nothing to do with either, is just the name of the first sound of creation

Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La

And yes, there seems to be a plot to keep us in the dark of what is really happening here and about to happen in 2012

We are being told by the New Age disinfomation that we are going to ascend just because they say so

Even if we take the parts that are still authentic in the Bible and other texts, they all say that we have to change, they do not tell you how, but they all coincide that we are not fine just as we are and certainly not fit to live in higher worlds

We just have to look around us to see that if society does not work is because the individuals that form it are disfunctional...

We need to wake up and wise up as soon as possible, if we are interested in trascending this convoluted world in which we are dweling in this moment. All signs are there and it appears that the intentions of TPTB is to take us to a much worse paradigm; otherwise why will they take so much trouble in trying to keep us ignorant (amused with Tv, video games, reality shows etc, dog eat dog competition in workplace, school, sports etc) and drugged (with GMO foods, prozac, fluoride, etc?

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Old 02-10-2010, 02:51 PM   #25
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Default Re: The Freemasons - "The Profane" - Manly P. Hall - Jordan Maxwell

Brilliant post Stardust! Exactly!
quote: The problem is "divide and conquer" theme.

Stop with trying to publish which person is bogus or lieing... as they all can & do offer snippets to the big picture, the "parts that are still authentic".

I think by now, we have a good grasp on what the big picture is.
Do they offer you a WAY for true change? Maxwell has some great eye-openers, but does he ever tell you what he is doing to effect change other than exposing what is wrong?

Awareness alone does not change anything!!! It does no good to KNOW what is screwed up if there is NO WAY to direct your energies toward change.

Thank you Stardustacquarian, perhaps more people here might heed your beautiful direction!
MIght want to buy the book "Dare To Prepare" also.
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