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Old 03-11-2009, 06:06 PM   #1
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Exclamation OK Folks!! No FEAR-But Urgent Info for People with Low Immunity!!

-- --------------- Bulletin Message -----------------<br />From: Youngevity-Sara (196171613)
Date: Mar 11, 2009 10:41 AM Subject: URGENT!! ARM YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM!!!PLS REPOST!!!----------

------ Bulletin Message ---------

Pls call in to Naturapathic Doctor, Dr. Joel Wallach at www.ksco.com to learn how to defend your immune systems NATURALLY against h5n1 flu pathogens!!! This is URGENT to all people with CHILDREN,SENIORS,OR IMMUNE DEPRESSED PEOPLE(CANCER ,ETC!!!) MUST FLOOD YOUR SYSTEM with VITAMIN C!!!!!USE LIQUID SILVER!!! USE TEA TREE OR EUCALYPTUS 100% NATURAL OILS TO PROTECT!!!! THERE ARE OVER 66 MILLION AMERICANS THAT FIT THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE!!!! To: Date: Mar 11, 2009 9:01

Better Link-


Last edited by Samarkis; 03-11-2009 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 03-14-2009, 02:00 AM   #2
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Default Re: OK Folks!! No FEAR-But Urgent Info for People with Low Immunity!!

Sounds like some needs are:

- a good stock of Vitamin C
- the means to CORRECTLY make or obtain colloidal silver and the knowledge to use it properly
- a stock of, and a working knowledge of how to mix and use MMS.

(Note MMS and Vitamin C are not compatible - Vitamin C stops MMS working, so you have juggle between these two)


Last edited by Anchor; 06-18-2009 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 04-27-2009, 10:48 PM   #3
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Default Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

We have suggestions for prevention and treatment of pandemic swine flu spread out in various threads. I have made this thread to copy the information over here so we have it all in one easy to access place. I love the jokes, comments, and side-tracking, but let's try to keep this thread really "meaty" with good information.

If you find a good post, please copy it over here with a mention of the original poster (if it's not you) and perhaps a link to the thread it originated in. Anyone who's got the time - please copy mine over and I'll keep looking for new info or take the time to type out some highlights of various radio interviews. Thanks!

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Old 04-27-2009, 11:15 PM   #4
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

This is a snippet from a longer post by pyrangello

Here's a good prepardness site 4 lab techs put this together years ago and it's worth checking periodically and a good guide to plan. www.planforflu.com/home
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:28 PM   #5
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

The one minute cure at the end of a post by Viking
But there were no links in this post,
so a quick search brought me to this page -
It is some kind of oxygen therapy - told about in this book.

Imagine never having to worry about getting the flu again -- or suffering from migraine headaches, gum disease, sinusitis, anemia, lupus, bronchitis -- and any other disease, for that matter.
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:30 PM   #6
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Posted by me http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...8&postcount=27

Taking aspirin or something to lower the fever when you have the flu is a very bad idea.
The fever (as long as it's not really high) is there to contain and kill the virus.

quote from:
Homeopathy also gained quite a reputation during the 1918 flu pandemic. Raymond Seidel, HMD (homeopathic medical doctor), decided to be a homeopathic doctor during the 1918 flu epidemic when he was a 10-year-old delivery boy for a local homeopath. He said, "I saw that the people who were taking aspirin were dying, about half those who were drinking a lot were dying, and those that received homeopathic remedies were living."

another quote:
In Julian Winston’s article, Influenza-1918: Homeopathy to the Rescue (The New England Journal of Homeopathy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1998), he noted that most of the deaths were caused by a virulent pneumonia that was especially devastating to those who depressed their system with analgesics, especially aspirin. The following citations from his article prove this point:

Three hundred and fifty cases and lost one, a neglected pneumonia that came to me after she had taken one hundred grains of aspirin in twenty-four hours. ~Cora Smith King, MD, Washington, DC

I had a package handed to me containing 1,000 aspirin tablets, which was 994 too many. I think I gave about a half dozen. I could find no place for it. My remedies were few. I almost invariably gave Gelsemium and Bryonia. I hardly ever lost a case if I got there first, unless the patient had been sent to a drug store and bought aspirin, in which event I was likely to have a case of pneumonia on my hands. ~J. P. Huff, MD, Olive Branch, Kentucky

One physician in a Pittsburgh hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many cases. "Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homeopathic pharmacy, and get homeopathic remedies." The Doctor replied: "But that is homeopathy." "I know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case." ~W. F. Edmundson, MD, Pittsburgh

There is one drug which directly or indirectly was the cause of the loss of more lives than was influenza itself. You all know that drug. It claims to be salicylic acid. Aspirin’s history has been printed. Today you don’t know what the sedative action of salicylic acid is. It did harm in two ways. It’s indirect action came through the fact that aspirin was taken until prostration resulted and the patient developed pneumonia. ~Frank L. Newton, MD, Somerville, Massachusetts

Aspirin and the other coal tar products are condemned as causing great numbers of unnecessary deaths. The omnipresent aspirin is the most pernicious drug of all. It beguiles by its quick action of relief of pain, a relief which is but meretricious. In several cases aspirin weakened the heart, depressed the vital forces, increased the mortality in mild cases and made convalescence slower. In all cases it masks the symptoms and renders immeasurably more difficult the selection of the curative remedy. Apparently aspirin bears no curative relation to any disease and it ought to be prohibited. ~Guy Beckly Stearns, MD, New York

By doing a bit of research into books and periodicals from the 1918 flu pandemic era, it is clear that allopathic "cures" were deadlier than the disease itself. Many homeopaths, autologists and other "drugless" doctors understood that the blood was the life force of the body and its purity was a barometer of health as well as an indicator of disease susceptibility. They also witnessed that the poisoning of the blood via yellow fever, typhoid and smallpox vaccinations was the prerequisite condition for contracting the "Spanish" flu. But even then, the flu itself was not a death sentence. The deaths occurred among those who stifled their body’s attempts to heal itself by taking allopathic potions such as aspirin and other inappropriate treatments.
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:33 PM   #7
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

In addition to vitamin C and colloidal silver, zinc is good. Vit. C/zinc lozenges can be sucked and help in the throat. Watch dosage, especially for children. Olive leaf extract is good also.
Aloha, bushycat
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:36 PM   #8
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment


"Listen guys. This is the big one. As a micro/ molecular biologist for one of the largest biotech firms in the world, I feel pretty confident in sending a warning to anyone who will listen.

Avoid, avoid, avoid largely populated areas. (large cities, malls, clubs etc.)

Remember or ever heard of the Spanish flu that killed nearly half a million americans in 1918? It was the last large epidemic of the swine flu. Swine flu is far WORSE than bird flu as it can be passed person to person by the respiratory pathway. This thing is going to spread like WILDFIRE. The only hope we have, as a whole human race, is the fact that its been discovered in semi-remote areas, and not somewhere like NY or LA.

Three- four months ago everyone at my place of work received epidemic flu preparation pamphlets that basically detailed what to do when this does happen. (so they knew it was coming).

The outbreak itself is not the bad part here guys. H1N1 is only one of three major types of swine flu. Usually these three types fall into either Flu A or Flu C... but I have heard through the grapevine that this mutated strain will be falling into the Flu B category for the first time in the Swine Flu history. What does this mean for you and I, were all #ed. Thats exactly what it means.

According to the CDC, you need to start preparing, here is what they suggest:

_discourage large gatherings. Schools and businesses will close, sporting events could be canceled and transportation limited.
-Hospitals will be overloaded and doctors and nurses WILL BE SICK. Be prepared to be cared for in your own home.
-Stock a one week supply of food, water and medicines
---Drinking Water
---First Aid
---battery powered radio, generator etc

Each one of your states should already have a pandemic flu plan (no joke, they knew it was REALLY coming) and a pandemic flu site. If they do not, you can go to ohiopandemicflu.gov and check it out.

I am not joking here people. Millions of us are about to die. Millions. Will it be you? Someone you love? Its time to start taking the steps to ensure you have a future on this earth.

Your saying to yourself, its 7 cases in texas and mexico... I live in NY, its never going to spread this far that fast. WRONG. So very wrong. With today's modern transportation, coupled with incubation times of the swine flu. It already probably is in NY, and LA, and europe. BC those 7 people DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY made contact with roughly 100 people a day while they were incubating and unaware of symptoms for 3-7 days! Some of those people travel, and with the speed of modern transportation, spread it to another 300-400 people while still incubating.

Listen, people you know and love are most likely already infected. Its time to start thinking about yourself, and your immediate loved ones. I do not want to be a harbinger of death on these boards, but it really is time. This is the big one. Don't be caught with your dick in your hands. "
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:37 PM   #9
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Thumbs up Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

My Regimen is ;

Regular Exercise - Primarily Vegetarian Diet with some Meat - Vitamin D - Multivitamins - Colloidal Silver 20PPM.

I'm fit as a Fiddle...

For Me - The Colloidal Silver is My Ace in the Hole.

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Old 04-27-2009, 11:42 PM   #10
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Among other comments was the suggestion to check out the Avalon Library.

Link to our library

Last edited by Karen; 04-28-2009 at 12:36 AM.
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:58 PM   #11
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

I just added more information to the post on another thread, and I see Karen you have already added that post before I changed it.

{Karen edit: my copy deleted, I'd rather have the original poster post it!}

Here is the updated post including the information I recommended searching for:

Originally Posted by mpea View Post
Me neither, would MMS be any good for this virus?
Yes, Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) kills all pathogens, without destroying the friendly bacteria.

MMS can also purify water, 1 or 2 activated drops per gallon.

(Washing Fruits and Vegetables under Water Purification)

Miracle Mineral Solution Thread on Pathogens Post #731 http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...539#post144539
Also see recent posts #746, #747, #748

PATHOGENS: What are they?

A wide range of germs, parasites, and other unwanted organisms can enter the human body where they attempt to grow, reproduce, and wreck havoc by triggering dozens of defensive responses from the immune system.

We feel a cold coming on because the gold germ was observed by the immune system. To retaliate against the invading pathogen, histamine is produced and body temperature is raised in hope that this unwanted virus or bacteria may give up and die from the extra heat.

If immunity has been weakened, the invading germ multiplies and enjoys a cozy host, drawing free nutrients and taking over without pity. We say we've got a cold, or pneumonia, or bronchitus, or sticky phlem, or runny noses.

"PATHOGEN" is a general term similar to "germ" referring to any agent causing disease.

Usually a living microorganism.
Capable of producing infection.
Poisons like Arsenic would be excluded.

MMS Mineral Drops when used as directed, are claimed to destroy virtually all the pathogens listed below except for the "Proteen Pathogens" where 8 to 10 years of observational-testing may be required.

VIRUSES: Multi-celled but can only reproduce inside a plant, animal or person.

Hepatitis, Herpes, Mono, Warts, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Bird Flue H5N1, Norovirus, Yellow Fever, Ebola Hemmorhagic Fever, SARS, AIDS, HIV, Influenza, Cold Sores, Cold Germs, Measles, Tetanus, Typhoid

BACTERIA: Tiny one-celled creatures. Can live inside or outside the body.

Tuberculosis, Anthrax, Staph, E.Coli, Typhoid, Salmonella, Morgellons ?, Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection, Peritonitis, Strep Throat, Stomach Ulcers, Tularemia, Lyme Disease

FUNGI: Multi-celled but plant-like similar to tree fungus. Takes nutrition from a plant, tree or animal.

Ringworm, Ady Pneumonia, Candidiasis, Yeast Infection, Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis

PROTOZOA: One-celled creatures. Usually spread through water.

Malaria, Chagas Disease, Giardiasis, Cryptosporidiosis

PARASITES: Actual complex living organism. Can live in intestinal tract or blood stream.

Round Worm, Tape Worm, Triginosis, Morgellons ?

PROTEIN: Multi-celled but can only reproduce inside a plant, animal or person.

BSE Mad Cow Disease, vCJD Disease

Incomplete list gathered from various medical books.

Diabetes is not on the list because it's not caused by a pathogen.

That would be a case of glands that no longer produce adequate insulin - a mal-functioning body part that MMS may improve but cannot restore. MMS has provided unusual improvements in diabetic persons, possibly because irritation of the pancreas is eliminated, or because the liver is cleansed to perform its functions more normally.

FREE Download of Part 1 of Jim Humble's book:
http://www.mmsmiracle.com/hereforhealing ~ Click on About MMS and scroll to near bottom for link to FREE Download.

Low cost shipping rates, include worldwide.

Miracle Mineral Solution Thread on Water Purification, Fruit and Vegetable Wash

To Purify Water (including tap water):

One drop of MMS in one gallon of water (with appropriate amount of activator) will remove fluoride, heavy metals, and pathogens from the water. The water will be odor free and drinkable within two or three minutes after mixing.

This drinking water has no health benefits except that heavy metals and bacteria were removed from the water. The gas sacrifices itself and reverts to become a few molecules of water. The gas disappears. JH

Further Notes: In an emergency if you don't have an activator available, you can add inactivated MMS at night and let it sit overnight. The water will activate the MMS slowly over several hours. Again, only 1 drop of MMS per gallon for drinking water is necessary.

For washing fruits and vegetables, use 50 drops of MMS per gallon of water and 250 drops (3 teaspoons) of 10% citric acid solution. Be sure to mix them in a separate, clean glass and wait 3 minutes before putting into the gallon of water. Place the vegetables in the sink, pour the gallon of activated MMS water over them and let sit for a few minutes. Rinse well. This should remove bacteria and help extend the life a little longer.

We emphasize the use of an activator, primarily 10% citric acid solution. If you don't activate the MMS as guided, you will not get the results you want.

Even if you were forced to take the vaccination, I would have the MMS on hand to detox the vaccination back out of the system.

I'm not sure if there was a micro-chip in the vaccination that it would purge that from the body.

You might consider starting the protocol to strengthen your immune system prior to any potential exposure to the viral strain.

This website has a reasonable price with low cost shipping, including worldwide.

$28 - $30 including shipping is a small price to pay to have the MMS and Citric Acid activator in your emergency supplies.

MMS Professional™ is the only professional grade MMS on the market, manufactured by an FDA certified GMP compliant Nutraceutical company and packaged with the utmost attention to safety and quality. Look for the MMS Professional™ label when using MMS or recommending to clients or customers.

Packaged in dark bottles, sealed and the better dropper tops that don't allow extra drops to come out and do not crystallize at the opening.

Jim Humble Approved: http://mmsmiracle.com/hereforhealing

Last edited by peaceandlove; 06-12-2009 at 03:32 AM.
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:00 AM   #12
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Many people are mentioning the fear factor - don't fall for it.
Stay in joy and love.
No more vaccines for me either!


Good point....they are feeding on the fear But it's the fear that they will play on I see them using the fear to bring out the virus they've created in the flu shots..that will kill us if we let them...I for one don't plan on letting them have their chance! Not if I can help it
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:02 AM   #13
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment


envision yourself in a protective violet light, shaped like an egg, with outer mirror surface which would reflect all the "bad" stuff. Like advised by S.Swerdlow. or you can use gold light, which, according to him, is the best for the physical plane.
You can also do it for your loved ones.
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:06 AM   #14
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Smile Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Colloidal silver will kill any pathogen. And it does NOT kill the good bacteria we need in our body. You can buy a colloidal silver generator for $50 on the Internet and make an unlimited amount. Just use distilled water and put the silver electrodes in the water and let it sit overnight. I just drank some. I have not had a cold or the flu in years.
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:23 AM   #15
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment


Okay guys... what works is cayanne pepper. Make fresh squeeze lemon juice, add maple syrup and sprinkle cayanne pepper on top of hot drink. Just one tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of water with cayanne is good. The key is to get your body into an alkaline condition as compared to acidic. Fresh food (fruits and veggies), apple cider vinegar (1 tsp in the morning), no caffine or ciggies. Vicks vapor rub to inhale the fumes. Green tea with tumeric sprinkled on top

I had the damn bugger at Christmas time and it was the first time I did not use antibiotics or go into pneumonia. My immune system actually kicked in and worked.

Another tip is to put colloidal silver in your bottle water and remember to drink it.

I would like to add Nyquil and Tylenol were also my friends.

Symfre tea is also excellent for getting rid of the symptoms. To locate it try the internet. It is made in Arizona. Drink two cups of Symfre tea as soon as you notice a scratchy throat or sinus congestion, then a cup every two to three hours for two days or longer during waking hours, as needed. To help ward off the onset of symptoms, drink Symfre tea immediately after exposure, or daily in a mild strength to bolster you immune system. Symfre Cold and Flu Tea is a delicious, all-natural way to help ward off the onset of cold and flu symptoms.

Here is one link. http://www.herbalremedies.com/symloostea5o.html

The other helpful Chinese herb is Gan Mao Ling which we keep on hand at all times.
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:29 AM   #16
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Karen adds - this new swine flu is an H1N1 and may not match the information give below for H5N1 bird flu. It would be interesting to research that.


Here is some handy health info.

Natural Antivirals
Submitted by Health Gazette on Thu, 2006-05-11 08:55. Alternative Medicine

Regular readers know that I have no time for the nonsense relating to imagined bird-flu pandemics. However. I regarded the following item of sufficient novelty to be of some interest. You may judge its merits for yourself.

Research suggests certain natural foods may be as effective against virus H5N1 as commercial antivirals.

(PRWEB) May 10, 2006 -- A Biology teacher from Australia, named Stephen Jones, has done extensive research into the H5N1 virus and compiled a list of natural foods that are effective against it and listed others that are detrimental.

The list may come as a surprise to many people since foods such as spirulina and echinacea are listed as detrimental. This strange occurrence is largely due to the fact that the virus is immune to 2 cytokines that the body produces (TNF-a and IL-6). Cytokines are compounds produced by the body’s immune system that attack and remove foreign bodies. The problem is that when a foreign body is immune to certain cytokines, the body sees that its immune response is not working and tries even harder, which can lead to what is called a cytokine storm, where the body becomes flooded with these compounds and they eventually destroy the body itself. Foods such as Echinacea actually stimulate the production of these specific cytokines; hence consuming it is not a good idea if one suspects they may have the virus.

During the 1918 Spanish Flu many healthy young people died from cytokine storms due to their immune systems overreacting. Consuming foods which suppress the production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 and enhance the production of the ones that actually are effective against the virus will aid the patient greatly.

Other foods that create mucous in the respiratory tract, such as bananas, are also listed as detrimental due to the fact that the predominant breeding ground of the virus is the respiratory tract and another way in which a patient may suffer is due to the body's over production of mucous in this area.

Folk Medicines and Herbs to use and avoid with Bird Flu

Below is a list of foods that are said to contain substances that are natural antivirals, immune boosters or they decrease cytokines TNF-a and IL-6.

Alternative medications that are most likely to help us during a severe pandemic:

Garlic (allicin) - Very effective antiviral. Best if fresh (raw) and crushed. Must be consumed within 1 hour of crushing. Dosage is initially 2 to 3 cloves per day but later reduce until no body odour occurs. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID 9049657)

Vitamin C - Boosts the immune system and is an antiviral by blocking the enzyme neuraminadase. Viruses need neuraminadase to reproduce. There are anecdotal stories of people taking large amounts of Vitamin C (children ½) surviving the Spanish Flu. Research shows that it may reduce the production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. A study on 470 people involved giving the test group 1000 mg hourly for 6 hours and then 1000 mg 3 times daily after reporting flu symptoms. Symptoms decreased by 85%. (Pubmed PMID 10543583, 634178, 16169205, 12876306)

Green Tea (possible Tamiflu/Relenza alternative)- Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the production of the cytokine (catechins) TNF-a. Inhibits neuraminidase. May have antiviral activity that is equal to other antivirals such as Tamiflu. (Pubmed PMID 16137775)

St Johns Wort (Hypericum) - Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the production of the cytokine IL-6. Hypericum is an extract from St John’s Wort. There have been some very successful field trials in commercial flocks infected with H5N1 in Vietnam. (Pubmed PMID 7857513, 11518071, 11362353, 7857513, 11518071)

Vitamin E - Immune booster. Also decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. (Pubmed PMID 155882360, 10929076) Experiments involved using mice. Very suitable for immune compromised people, especially the elderly. Effects enhanced when taken with Vitamin C.

Apple Juice - Antiviral. Fresh apple juice including the pulp and skin has greater antiviral activity than heated commercial apple juice. More research is needed. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown. (Pubmed PMID 32832, 12452634)

Resveratrol - Antiviral. In addition to inhibiting neuraminidase, Resveratrol also sends a message to cells to stop manufacturing viruses. This is a proven antiviral found naturally in red wine, peanuts, mulberries, Japanese Knotwood root (richest source), raisins and red grapes. Resveratrol supplements are relatively inexpensive, are more stable than wine and is available in liquid form for absorption in the mouth. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID 1583880, 12817628, 15985724)

Scuttellaria (Skullcap) - Antiviral. A herb used as a tea. It has no side effects and is also a mild tranquilliser. Research suggests neuraminidase, which is a substance needed by the H5N1 virus to reproduce, may be inhibited.

Cranberry Juice - Early research shows that it may be an antiviral, making viruses less able to invade or multiply. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown. (Pubmed PMID15781126)

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) - Decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. Also boosts immune system. The number of white blood cells was significantly increased during treatment. No toxicity was noted. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/q...arch&DB=pubmed) Active constituents can be found in the leaves, bark, vine, and roots. Water extraction from bark used. Children and pregnant women are to avoid. Has a potentially damaging effect on the DNA of proliferating cells. (cancers, foetuses, growing children)

Curcumin (Tumeric Spice) - Decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. This is the yellow compound in turmeric spice. Research shows that this may be very good for preventing a cytokine storm although this is not proven. Must be taken with food or gastritis or peptic ulcers may occur. Pregnant women and feeding mothers should avoid this. The medicinal properties of curcurnin cannot be utilised when used alone due to rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall. When combined with Piperine found in black pepper the absorption is increased with no adverse effects. Obtainable from health stores in tablets, liquid, capsules already combined with piperine. Dosage is 500mg to 4000mg daily.

Astragalus root (Astragali Radix) - Boosts immune system. (Pubmed PMID15588652)

Tea tree Steam Inhalation - Reduces the cytokine TNF-a. Add 2 drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of steaming water. Cover head with a towel and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes. Relieves congestion and fights infection. Its effectiveness is unknown. (Pubmed PMID 11131302)

The following substances may be best to avoid during a H5N1 pandemic

Elderberry juice (Sambucal) - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not be desirable for the H5N1 virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Nov;4:944-6)

Micro Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) - AVOID - Increases production of cytokine TNF-a. (Pubmed PMID 11731916)

Honey - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. (Pubmed PMID12824009)

Chocolate - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. (Pubmed PMID 12885154, PMID 10917928)

Echinacea - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although it is often used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the chance of cytokine storms for H5N1. (Pubmed PMID 15556647, 9568541)

Kimchi - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. (Pubmed PMID15630182)

Dairy products & Bananas - AVOID - These foods increase mucous production.


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/ (search using Pubmed ID number listed after each food)

Omega 3's:
omega-3 fatty acids

What can high-omega-3 foods do for you?
Reduce inflammation throughout your body
Keep your blood from clotting excessively
Maintain the fluidity of your cell membranes lower the amount of lipids (fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides) circulating in the bloodstream decrease platelet aggregation, preventing excessive blood clotting inhibit thickening of the arteries by decreasing endothelial cells' production of a platelet-derived growth factor (the lining of the arteries is composed of endothelial cells) increase the activity of another chemical derived from endothelial cells (endothelium-derived nitric oxide), which causes arteries to relax and dilatereduce the production of messenger chemicals called cytokines, which are involved in the inflammatory response associated with atherosclerosis reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the body's ability to respond to insulin by stimulating the secretion of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism, and is expressed primarily by adipocytes (fat cells) help prevent cancer cell growth.

What conditions or symptoms indicate a need for more high-omega-3 foods?

Cardiovascular Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Dry, itchy skin
Brittle hair and nails
Inability to concentrate
Joint pain
Salmon, flax seeds and walnuts are excellent food sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Research indicates that omega-3s may be better absorbed from food than supplements. Norwegian researchers compared 71 volunteers' absorption of omega-3s (EPA and DHA) from salmon, smoked salmon, cod (14 ounces of fish per week) or cod liver oil (3 teaspoons per day). Cooked salmon provided 1.2 grams of omega-3s daily, while cod liver oil provided more than twice as much: 3 grams of omega-3s per day.

Despite the fact that the salmon group got less than half the amount of omega-3s as the cod liver oil group, blood levels of omega-3s increased quite a bit more in those eating salmon than those taking cod liver oil. After 8 weeks, EPA levels had risen 129% and DHA rose 45% in those eating cooked salmon compared to 106% and 25%, respectively, in those taking cod liver oil.

In the group eating smoked salmon, blood levels of omega-3s rose about one-third less than in the salmon group. In those eating cod, the rise in omega-3s was very small.

Concurrent with the rise in omega-3s in those eating salmon, a drop was seen in blood levels of a number of pro-inflammatory chemicals (TNFalpha, IL-8, leukotriene B4, and thromboxane B2). Researchers think omega-3s may be better absorbed from fish because fish contains these fats in the form of triglycerides, while the omega-3s in almost all refined fish oils are in the ethyl ester form. Once absorbed, omega-3s are converted by the body from their triglyceride to ester forms as needed. Lipids. 2006 Dec;41(12):1109-14.

Last edited by Karen; 04-28-2009 at 01:10 AM.
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Old 04-28-2009, 01:09 AM   #17
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

This is quoted from:

Hydrogen peroxide in the ears for the flu and colds?

Although it would appear to contradict what we are taught about the flu and colds, many people have tried hydrogen peroxyde in the ears with great success. Hydrogen peroxide works quite well and is supposed to be effective about 4 times out of 5, especially if done when the symptoms first appear.

In 1928, Dr. Richard Simmons, hypothesized that colds and flu virus enter our bodies through the ear canal. It was Dr. Simmons' hypothesis that, contrary to what we have been taught, we usually can catch the two via the ear canal and not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most of us believe. Dr. Simmons' findings were dismissed by the medical community.
According to Dr. Simmons, keeping your fingers out of our ears will greatly reduce our chances of catching colds and the flu, but we need to keep in mind that these 2 are microscopic and can be air-born and may land on/in our ears. Once these microscopic bodies have entered the inner-ear, they then begin to breed, and from there they have access to every avenue throughout our bodies to travel, and infect and make us sick.
hydrogen peroxide in ear

Remarkable results can be achieved in curing colds and the flu within 12-14 hours when we administer a few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) into each ear. The H2O2 starts working within 2-3 minutes in killing the cold or flu. There will be some bubbling and in some cases mild stinging might occur. I do this myself and I can assure you that it is not painful in any way. It tickles more than anything.

Wait until the bubbling subsides - usually a few minutes - then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear.

Although this practice is perfectly safe for infants and children to use, the loud bubbling and stinging may frighten them, and they will need someone they trust to put the hydrogen peroxide in their ears. DO NOT get hydrogen peroxide in the eyes - if you do, flush with water.

Many people have also successfully used the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution in ears packed with wax, to help loosen it up after it has been soaked with oil for a few minutes (any oil will do, olive oil usually works best)
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Old 04-28-2009, 04:47 AM   #18
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Unified Serenity
Post#4 and 13

Hello all,

I am not a new reader here, but I am a new member. I believe we are being set up a bit with this "Flu scare". I think this is a pre-cursor to a real planned pandemic that will come in the not too distant future, but we are being prepared for it. To trust the CDC who will show through their deftly handling of this situation that we should all do as they say when the real one hits.

First and foremost don't be a lemming. Don't react out of fear. Listen to your heart and act upon what it is telling you. Fear is the real killer. Spend time everyday centering yourself in the energy of unity and love. I have started a session within my family to daily refocus our energy in love and peaceful energy amongst us. The PTB want us in a state of panic and fear. They are setting up the population with this current flu scare and are using this to build trust in them for the big one. The shadow powers have stated they want reduce the world population by about 5 billion people through war, starvation, and disease. There is plenty of evidence for this plan available on the web in their own words. What will you do when the pandemic really hits?

Unfortunately, to do as they say then will mean accepting martial law, house to house searches, dna swabs, id tags / chips, and of course rationing of supplies.

This is our last warning folks for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Get plenty of supplies while you still can. Get a colloidal silver machine and make your own colloidal silver. Get the best water filter system you can (Stainless steel if possible) and plenty of vinegar and bleach. Potassium Iodine tablets would be wise to have as well.

If you can afford to spend several thousand dollars get a years supply of food for your family. I would avoid their vaccines completely. If you are involved in a community effort go in together and save money, work a deal if possible. If you cannot afford a lot, get something every week. Trim your expenses to afford these items.

There is a reason that hundreds of thousands of bio-hazard coffins are stationed around the United states. Cemeteries have been told to be ready with mass graves. FEMA trains are stationed along tracks in various places waiting to be used. Used for what? I can only guess they are for either relocating people to camps or for shipping bodies to be disposed of. Many diligent people have been gathering this evidence and it does not look good.

Prepare now to weather this storm. Have food, non-hybrid seeds, medicine, and supplies for a minimum of a year. The time may be shorter than we think. I was hoping for at least three to four years from now, but it may come more quickly.

I send my love and peace to you all, and pray you join me in that same energy for us all.

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor
It's not easy to stock up because it's just DAUNTING sometimes. There needs to be a list or something. Also, some of these things are expensive and I think it does more harm than good in the long run to spend money on expensive gadgets that will be useless in a survival situation.
You can get a water filtration system from $100.00 to $300.00.
You can buy bleach, vinegar pretty cheaply now. 8 drops bleach to a gallon of water I believe let it set an hour and it should be drinkable. Of course boiling is always good.

You can make a solar oven for less than $25.00

You can make a sanitary outhouse for less than $5.00

You can learn to collect water for nothing, read how on the net.

You can build a safe underground house for less than $200.00. You can store items underground in sealed containers very cheaply. You can use nitrogen to keep food from decaying for years, info free on web.

You can buy a 50 pound bag of rice for very little money. You can buy cheap cuts of meat and can it for very inexpensively. Same for picking veggies and growing your own. You can buy 14000 non-hybrid seeds for $40.00.

If you do some basic stuff, you can get started and not fall into temptation to fear. Pick up some health supplies every week. Buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some gauze, liquid stitch, etc.. Download first aid books for free.

You can either do it yourself for cheap, or pay someone who has whole kits set up already, but that's thousands of dollars. The point is, stop sitting on your gluts, go to the store, and get started.

The longer you wait, the more time is wasted, and you will fear because you have done nothing. I feel very empowered for the little I have done, and continue to do. I work with what I have, and I learn more daily. My skills are varied. I know gardening, homeopathy, blacksmithing, underground dwelling systems, security, hunting, passive solar, and I have much more to learn. The point is learn and act with what you have.
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Old 04-28-2009, 08:23 AM   #19
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Thumbs up Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

How to make your own colloidal silver

Full details here


An Alternate Method If You Cannot Obtain a Power Pack

If you are not able to obtain the power pack, you can substitute three 9-volt radio batteries. Hook them in series (hook the three battery leads negative to positive, leaving a positive lead at one end and a negative lead at the other end open) so they output 27 volts. The three 9-volt batteries replace the power pack until you can get a power pack.

When using the three batteries, it is better to use a 16 ounce glass jar (i.e. 450 grams). As above, in the first batch you should use distilled water, thus it may take a signficant amount of time to make the first batch. Using the technique above, put 10% or so of this first batch in a glass storage container. Then, put this 10% in the second batch so it will not take as long to make the second batch. And so on.

And some more info here http://www.silvermedicine.org/production.html

And here http://www.instructables.com/id/How-...Silver-Genera/

Some one said in the link that you could just eat using silver cutlery, that's why the rich people survived in the past

How about this for a novel idea: skip the whole colloidal silver supplements, which at best are "reputed" to be helpful and at worst will turn you blue (and that might not even be the worst of it...) and use silverware made of silver... you can buy old sterling spoons, etc at flea markets for a few dollars a piece. I personally think food tastes better with silver flatware, so I'm making the unscientific deduction that I'm ingesting tiny amounts of silver, with no risk of overdose. Reduce meat, salt caffeine and fat consumption, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables (with silver utensils if you choose) -- THAT is your magic cure-all not "supplements" of ANY kind.

Last edited by Swanny; 04-28-2009 at 08:28 AM.
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:40 PM   #20
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

HI guys,

I was going to drop by and post info about the flu outbreak. As I posted earlier I have been working with the Lakota nation in a mysterious outbreak that appeared about 2 months ago. After getting with them I identified it as a biological agent that is used in biological warfare. So this flu outbreak isn't the only pathological event occurring right now.

It seems that after 911 the Army Medical Command got their hands on almost every doc and trained us in some level of response. Actually the training was pathetically poor and they were more ill prepared than I thought. And as we speak they are mysteriously quite on this recent outbreak. I am however getting all the other updates on the flu.

As you may recall a few years ago we had the Westnile outbreak. After several failed attempts to stop the outbreak under the direction of the state veterinary medical director, a colleague and friend of mine that was working there suggested I be brought in to help. Less that 24 hours later after agreeing to help, an Oklahoman veterinarian hand delivered the largest vile of blood I have ever seen to my office. It was from a Westnile infected horse.

Two days later I gave the equine hospital in Oklahoma City a 70 page report and stated that the viral strains had been genetically modified and that the horses that had obtained the virus were now sterile. A sterile stud horse is not a good thing to have happen.

However, having identified the virus I proceeded to recruit some folks I know that was a spin off of Integris Health System in Oklahoma (I cannot name them here but they were a government contractor in the area of health servies). And guess what we did. We proceeded to burn CDs of the Rife frequency that matched the mutated virus I had identified. We modified a stereo CD player by removing the speakers and placing alligater clips where the speakers use to be. Then the horse was shaved and contacts were applied (the sticky tabs they put on you to run like used in electro cardiograms) on the horse's bare skin. We played the frequencies burned on the CD and ALL horses treated survived. Up to that point it was a 40% mortality rate.

So, I'm going to guess if this outbreak is to be conspiratorally interpreted then we should probably also assume that the virus has been genetically modified. Why? To be more virulent (spread easier). And there are two things I recommend. Of course using Rife technologies is a good idea but not necesarrily preventive. So I would begin to build up the body's resistance by taking remedies from two companies.

1) Bio-Immune from Energique. A homeopathic that they developed for biological warfare

2) A pleomorphic remedy from Pleo-Sanum for flu viruses. It will downgrade viruses even though they are genetically modified.

Both of these products have to be acquired through naturopaths, MDs, etc... So, if you have a health practitioner of integrative/alternative therapies they can get you those remedies. If they need help just pm or email me their contact info and I would be happy to help them with the remedy dosage etc...

And of course if you have any questions feel free to pm or email me via the forum.
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:47 PM   #21
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Not too long ago an indian nation ask me to investigate an alternative to drugs for biological agents. I spent three months investigating the options. The most important thing to remember is that there isn't a "silver bullet".

It is important to remember that 99% of the people making recommendation have never tested the remedy they are recommending on a biological agent like anthrax, small pox, etc...

Yes, silver kills bio agents but do you know why? Do you know it does not build anyones immune system. It is a contact agent. Let me explain.

If you filled a 50 gallon stock tank with anthrax infested water and and you put col. silver in that water the anthrax will die only "after" it comes in direct contact with the silver particulates introduced into the water. And that is the same way it functions in the body, it must circulate in the blood stream and come in contact with the bio agent to kill it.

So it is like Russian roulette whether or not it kills the pathogenic microbe before the person infected dies.

But what about building the immune system? Yes, I've heard the tons of reports about "feeling better" after taking col silver and various other remedies, and that is great. But immunity is enhanced by making sure at minimum two things happen.

1) That the body produces sufficient numbers of anti-bodies to fight a pathogen.

2) That the anti-bodies produced will be able to recognize the pathogen so that it will be attacked and eliminated/destroyed.

So taking remedies that stimulate the production of the anti-bodies is important. This can be accomplished in various ways, but it is important to know which ones can be done over a long period of time. For example echinacea is often the botanical of choice for colds etc... but is should not be used over a long period of time. So a better botanical to enhance immunity (up T-cell count) would be astragalus. Astragalus plays a vital role in botanical remedies for the immune system, and has been used historically to treat infections of the mucous membranes of the body, especially the urinary and respiratory tracts.

Things get tricky is when it comes to the body recognizing a pathogen. And genetically modified pathogens are often modified to accomplish just, that when making a biological weapons.

You have probably heard about "cell wall deficient" pathogens. This is when the microbe's cell wall is reduced or completely removed so that the anti-bodies we produce to fight the pathogen (virus, bacteria, fungus, etc...) can't find or recognize the "bad" guys, Our bodies were designed to fight biological pathogens by recognizing the coat/jacket/cell wall of the pathogen., and if it is missing even an all points bulletin isn't going to help our body detect the bad guys that are running around inside our body, because they are undetectable.

That is the kind of EVIL cleverness that biological weapon designers think up when making these disgusting biological weapons. However, there is an answer, and I will post it in my next post.....
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:54 PM   #22
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

A must that most people forget to do is simple hand washing, when you return home always wash hands and prefably around areas like mouth, nose.

Also tea tree oil is an excellant treatment it's anticeptic and keeps most cold and flu symtoms at bay.
Asprin as Karen has mentioned is also a no no for people who suffer with stomach ulcers, or IBS or any other similar symptoms, Asprin can cause internal bleeding if taken excessively.
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Old 04-28-2009, 04:49 PM   #23
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

George Ure's urban survival weekly news page


in his today's news discusses not only the GM flu, but also what to have on hand.

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Old 04-28-2009, 06:28 PM   #24
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

This is interesting, it came from a group I am part of on Facebook, the link is at the bottom of the page.... regardless of where the info comes from, if this gets any worse then anything is helpfull.....

To prevent the flu Lavender oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of certain species of lavender. Two forms are distinguished, lavender flower oil, a colorless oil, insoluble in water, having a density of 0.885 g/mL; and lavender spike oil, a distillate from the herb Lavandula latifolia, having density 0.905 g/mL. Lavender flower oil is a designation of the National Formulary and the British Pharmacopoeia. Like all essential oils, it is not a pure compound; it is a complex mixture of naturally occurring phytochemicals, including linalool and linalyl acetate.

The Great Plague of London, 1665–1666, was the last major outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe. The plague resurfaced in the mid-18th century; like the Black Death, the Third Pandemic began in Central Asia. It spread worldwide, killing millions, into the early 20th century.Homeopathic medicines had great success in treating people suffering from infectious disease epidemics.[162] During 19th century epidemics of diseases such as cholera, death rates in homeopathic hospitals were often lower than in conventional hospitals, where the treatments used at the time were often harmful and did little or nothing to combat the diseases.[163]

A popular homoeopathic treatment for the flu is a 200C dilution of duck liver, marketed under the name Oscillococcinum

The 1918 Flu Pandemic (From: J. Winston. 1999. The Faces of Homoeopathy. Great Auk Publishing. Wellington: New Zealand.)
It is hard to imagine the devastation caused by the flu epidemic of 1918-19. People who lived through it reported that someone who was up and well in the morning could be dead by evening.
It was about as deadly as the Black Death. Twenty million people died world-wide. Twelve and a half (12.5) million died in India alone - four percent of the population. In the United States, 548,000 people died in the epidemic.
The following is an extract from an article entitled "Homoeopathy in Influenza- A Chorus Of Fifty In Harmony" by W. A. Dewey, MD from the Journal of the American Institute Of Homoeopathy in 1921.
* Dean W. A. Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza treated by homoeopathic physicians with a mortality of 1.05%, while the average old school mortality was 30%.
* Thirty physicians in Connecticut responded to my request for data. They reported 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. In the transport service I ha 81 cases on the way over. All recovered and were landed. Every man received homoeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way. - H. A Roberts, MD, Derby, Connecticut
* In a plant of almost 8,000 workers we had only one death. The patients were not drugged to death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines. - Frank Wieland, MD, Chicago
* I did not lose a single case of influenza ; my death rate in the pneumonia was 2.1%. The salicylates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias. - Dudley A. Williams, MD, Providence, Rhode Island
* Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the District of Combia with but fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homoeopathic Hospital were 100% - E. F. Sappington, MD, Philadelphia.
* I have treated 1,000 cases of influenza. I have the records to show my work. I have no losses. Please give all credit to homoeopathy and none to the Scotch-Irish-American! T. A. McCaan, MD, Dayton, Ohio.
* One physician in a Pittsburg hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many cases. "Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homoeopathic pharmacy, and get homoeopathic remedies." The Doctor replied: "But that is homoeopathy." "I know it, but the homoeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case."
Julian Winston relates a further comment from his first homoeopath, Dr Ray Seidel:

"In reading accounts of the epidemic it seems many deaths were caused by a virulent pneumonia that was especially devastating to those who depressed their system with analgesics, the most common being aspirin. Raymond Seidel told me he decided to become a homoeopathic doctor when he was 10 year old delivery boy for a local homoeopath. He said, "I saw that the people who were taking aspirin were dying, and about half of those who were drinking a lot of whiskey were dying, and those receiving homoeopathic remedies were living."

Taken from here which is in itself a very interesting read with regards to what is happening now... remember only take what resonates with you...

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Old 04-29-2009, 07:34 PM   #25
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Default Re: Pandemic Flu - Prevention and Treatment

Originally Posted by Waterman View Post
HI guys,

I was going to drop by and post info about the flu outbreak. As I posted earlier I have been working with the Lakota nation in a mysterious outbreak that appeared about 2 months ago. After getting with them I identified it as a biological agent that is used in biological warfare. So this flu outbreak isn't the only pathological event occurring right now.

It seems that after 911 the Army Medical Command got their hands on almost every doc and trained us in some level of response. Actually the training was pathetically poor and they were more ill prepared than I thought. And as we speak they are mysteriously quite on this recent outbreak. I am however getting all the other updates on the flu.

As you may recall a few years ago we had the Westnile outbreak. After several failed attempts to stop the outbreak under the direction of the state veterinary medical director, a colleague and friend of mine that was working there suggested I be brought in to help. Less that 24 hours later after agreeing to help, an Oklahoman veterinarian hand delivered the largest vile of blood I have ever seen to my office. It was from a Westnile infected horse.

Two days later I gave the equine hospital in Oklahoma City a 70 page report and stated that the viral strains had been genetically modified and that the horses that had obtained the virus were now sterile. A sterile stud horse is not a good thing to have happen.

However, having identified the virus I proceeded to recruit some folks I know that was a spin off of Integris Health System in Oklahoma (I cannot name them here but they were a government contractor in the area of health servies). And guess what we did. We proceeded to burn CDs of the Rife frequency that matched the mutated virus I had identified. We modified a stereo CD player by removing the speakers and placing alligater clips where the speakers use to be. Then the horse was shaved and contacts were applied (the sticky tabs they put on you to run like used in electro cardiograms) on the horse's bare skin. We played the frequencies burned on the CD and ALL horses treated survived. Up to that point it was a 40% mortality rate.

So, I'm going to guess if this outbreak is to be conspiratorally interpreted then we should probably also assume that the virus has been genetically modified. Why? To be more virulent (spread easier). And there are two things I recommend. Of course using Rife technologies is a good idea but not necesarrily preventive. So I would begin to build up the body's resistance by taking remedies from two companies.

1) Bio-Immune from Energique. A homeopathic that they developed for biological warfare

2) A pleomorphic remedy from Pleo-Sanum for flu viruses. It will downgrade viruses even though they are genetically modified.

Both of these products have to be acquired through naturopaths, MDs, etc... So, if you have a health practitioner of integrative/alternative therapies they can get you those remedies. If they need help just pm or email me their contact info and I would be happy to help them with the remedy dosage etc...

And of course if you have any questions feel free to pm or email me via the forum.
Waterman, I really appreciate your posts on this; esp. writing technical material so we can all understand it. Looking forward to the next post.
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