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Old 09-10-2009, 07:24 AM   #1701
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Initiation rites (physical sexual maturity) are pretty interesting, as they kind of imprint, or begin to imprint, a conceptual overlay on experience. Can't speak for first ejaculation lol {well maybe, that was way later} but first menses would be it for a girl-woman. That and the breasts beginning to grow. For a boy-man, growing hair I suppose. Before puberty? I haven't observed a lot of difference between boys and girls.
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Old 09-10-2009, 01:57 PM   #1702
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
This guy is a bit of a nutter on some of his videos, but I do think he has a bit of a gift at seeing things as though one is looking at a film's negative. His Alexander palace video is fascinating. Anyhow, look what he sees in the 2012 Olympic logo:

He is recycling Rik Clay's information. Rik Clay is the one who brought that to the public attention. RIP Rik Clay.
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Old 09-11-2009, 02:32 AM   #1703
777 The Great Work
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The First Family Of ANU Whirl Order

Osiris - Father
Sirius-Isis -Divine mother
Sun Horus - Jesus
And( Set) Satan, the great Adversary,star of the show.

The divine story is thousands of years old, and nothing has changed but the names.

The Goddess Auset (ISIS) (Mary) operates through the star Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. As Auset, she is called the great provider, because of the energy she transmits to the sun and the earth.

The God Asar operates through the star system of Orion, and can be found together with the star ,Auset.

This union is said to make heaven and earth fruitful. Together Auset operating through the star system Sirius, and Asar operating through the star system Orion, are husband, and wife, and transmitting their energy through our solar system. This develops the energy of (Horus) the core of sun ,and earth, as the Goddess Auset(ISIS) operates through the star system Sirius. Isis is called the queen of Sirius, and is known as the great provider.

The God Asar operates through the star system ,as king chief or leader of the northern territory,which is sacred to Asar, as the region where he made his transition to rule as king, and also where he is resurrected.

The two star systems change positions in the sky and ultimately unite with one another. This union is the union of the Goddess and God in the sky.

This is the union of the queen of Auset and Asar, king of the North. Because the God operates through the star Orion, he has been called the sun for thousands of years. As queen Auset has the title , wise one. The star born of the wise queen, is called the Sun of the wise one.

The names and titles as they function through the star systems.

1 In your spirit Horus governs your Heart

2 Set governs your desire

Asar and Auset govern your soul ,the devine conscious part of your spirit.

When you allow the divine part of your spirit to guide your actions, you live well. This is Asar and Auset ruleing the country as king and queen.

However sometimes you allow your misguided desires or lust to control your actions .This is set killing Asar in order to take over the reigns of control. As you live controlled by lust, and misguided desire, you cause yourself to suffer. This is sets rule, causing the people to be oppressed.

At some point you decide to make a change, and you begin to look for a proper way to live your life. This is Auset looking for her husband Asar ( Osiris).

When you have found out the truth about how you should live and make the decision to embrace divine order, over a lust dominated lifestyle. This is Auset finding Ausar embracing him ,and becoming pregnant with a new will to live right. As your newly born way to live right conflicts with your lust, and misguided desire. This is ( Horus) and set, will and desire the two combatants, fighting.

When lust wins out, Set has killed Horus. when you follow your intuition ,and you're willing to live right and overcoming your urges. This is Horus being resurrected from the dead.

When you finally are free of the lust , misguided desire and live according to divine law permanently. Horus has defeated Set and taken over the Government of your personal world.

On earth Asar is the black soil substance of earth, and is in partnership with Auset, the river waters of earth. Their partnership brings prosperity to the people.

When the red hot desert lands of Set begin to expand and dry up the black soil and rivers .The people suffer and go hungry. Asar and Auset have been removed from ruler ship, and Set has taken over.

When the river waters begin to move and expand again ,and move over the black soil, the union of the two, river water ,and black soil ,Auset and Asar produce vegetation, while drawing down the solar energy deep within the core of the earth, and within the sun.

Through the vegetation Horus energy is born into the world, and the people are thus returned to prosperity ,and free from hunger and suffering. Asar and Auset have produced the savior of the world.

The hot weather of the desert threatens the existence of new vegetation ,and the vegetation dies as a result. Yet the vegetation re-emerges at a certain season. Horus has been killed ,and been resurrected. The vegetation grows into lush forest with great trees ,and vines that displace the desert. Horus has taken over the government of the world.

Internal Government

In your body, the pituitary gland is a master gland that regulates the functions of other glands .The male and female reproductive organs have reflexive areas, that are connected to all of the major organs and glands. The heart is Horus's region, andregulates the flow of blood ,and thus energy to the various organs and structures of the body.

The nervous system , male testicles and female ovaries , is under the power of Set , who governs your desire to act upon your sexual urges . When one is controlled by lust, it can place a over emphasis on sexual activity. This forces the body's organs ,and structures to feed the sex drive.

The pituitary gland becomes over-worked, and submits to the misguided sex drive. The penis and vagina structures of the human reproductive area, become over-worked and weakened ,as they submit to the misguided sex drive.

The glands organs and structures of the body are drained of their nutrients in order to support the lust of the misguided sex drive. The body becomes weakened, the immune system becomes compromised. Set has forced Asar into submission and Aset into submission. The world or body is suffering under his government

Those who overcome, and win the battle against Set(SATAN), are called the first born of Anu, the solar plexus. Naki means first born. ANU is the only son of the creator God. Anu is also known as the planet Ur -anus, Ruler of aquarius and electromagnetism ( Green Planet).These are the Great shinning Ones.

Anu is also known as "the Star of Bethlehem". ...These are the Annunaki ,of ANU Whirl order, a one Whirl Government, that acts in harmony with the forces of nature, and the Cosmos.Theses forces are known as, the angels in the Whirl Wind.( MIND)

Light Conceived In ANU

You are the Annunaki

N PHI LIM G I- A N T that appear after the great flood .
1.6 1 8 - 1 .6 1 8
Man this stuff is Funny.

The New born Nephilim get Enfamil .

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-11-2009 at 03:26 AM.
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Old 09-11-2009, 03:06 AM   #1704
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

777, that is really cool!!!
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Old 09-11-2009, 04:11 AM   #1705
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite


Originally Posted by ries View Post
5 September google has a logo with a ufo which tried to beam up one of the 'o'.
when you click on the logo you directed to unexplained phenomenon sites.

Blue Apples
It says 144, which is the number of the Sac (RED) Feminine. Blue is the throat chakra ,and red is the root. Both are related to the breath or Blue OX-ygen.
Blue is a code for Bul, aka Taurus, for it is Taurus, through which we manifest, and is our source of Blu Chi eese . Or Bull cheese. So blue is also Blew, as in breath.

The alien concept is used, because ,once one leaves the root chakra, after conquering the low bull nature in the grey matter, all dormant cells are awakened . The being is transformed into a being of blue skin withblue Aura , and ascends into the heavens.( the shinning ones) This is the higher vibration of project blue or bul beam. This is the esoteric secret of blue apples at noon.

Michael Jackson was a symbol of the papal bull.He was Sacrificed ,before he completed the androgynous transformation. He also expired at high noon, based on reports.

Papal is a code for apple or blue(BULL) apple ipod.
Ipod would be the seed going through a 9 month transformation.Apple is also a code for people, blue apples , blu people, aka Nephilim. Peter holds the key to transformation. Peter is Ptah, the Egyptian androgynous god of transformation, who is depicted with blue skin, and adorning a blue skull cap. Ptah is the blue phallic God, that the Greeks changed to Pan. Ptah Pan = Peter Pan.
Take the blue pill and your still stuck in the root chakra.

Ptah was also called Apis the bull. I think thats enough.

This gets really deep.

The apple is the symbol of the pentagram fifth element transformation. When it is cut at the equator, the divine man is revealed.
Blue apples is the guarded secret of all secrets.

Below is Michael Jackson in the heavens as the god Ptah holding the two kids and the Nanny.
: roftl:
The constellation in which he is immortal, is shaped as the pentagram. Penta means five , this five is connected to the silver right hand glove that he wore,symbolic of the silver gate of the Pleiades. (Pentacost)

The Pleiades is located in the thigh of the bull.( Blue Genes of Isis-Genesis is the occult story of the God ptah and the splitting of the Atom)Taurus is known as Boss Taurus, and she pays the cost to be the boss.
Above Above So Below


Thats all i got to say about that.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-29-2009 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 09-11-2009, 08:07 AM   #1706
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Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
The First Family Of ANU Whirl Order

Osiris - Father
Sirius-Isis -Divine mother
Sun Horus - Jesus
And( Set) Satan, the great Adversary,star of the show.

The divine story is thousands of years old, and nothing has changed but the names.

The Goddess Auset (ISIS) (Mary) operates through the star Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. As Auset, she is called the great provider, because of the energy she transmits to the sun and the earth.

The God Asar operates through the star system of Orion, and can be found together with the star ,Auset.

This union is said to make heaven and earth fruitful. Together Auset operating through the star system Sirius, and Asar operating through the star system Orion, are husband, and wife, and transmitting their energy through our solar system. This develops the energy of (Horus) the core of sun ,and earth, as the Goddess Auset(ISIS) operates through the star system Sirius. Isis is called the queen of Sirius, and is known as the great provider.
This is a fantastic explanation. So simple to follow the concept - maybe not so simple to live it Fantastic
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Old 09-14-2009, 11:09 AM   #1707
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Buying and selling souls at the cross rds. Some got off the,thought they could buy a soul, (entertainers) and took the red pill,and still confused, stuck in the root chakra.
There is so much to say about this image.

This $hit is getting really clever.


Dan Brown is most likely a FICTICIOUS character.The biblical tribe DAN is an occult symbol for the sign Scorpio.
Scorpio rules the colors RED, BLACK, AND BROWN
This is connected to the second and third horse of the apocalypse.The Phoenix rising from the ashes, through death and destruction.

This very idea is depicted in this image, as the seal is broken.The dome or skull of man is lit, the veil pierced, as he peers out into a world of Chaos and utter darkness.The lady in black and red, has entered the building bearing the Mark, it is DOMES DAY.

The word THE is emphasized, because, it is a code for the SUN,that receives the sting of death, from Scorpio on NOV 22, and the world faces the dark night of the soul, as darkness increase through the winter months.

These type things are put into the public's consciousness , through symbolism. You continually await in anticipation for DAN BROWN, who is death and destruction, unaware of the light side of the symbolism.

. Z ERO POINT Energy

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-16-2009 at 01:52 AM.
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Old 09-14-2009, 11:41 AM   #1708
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Are we at some sort of Cross Roads?
Are THEY trying to lead us down the wrong path?
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Old 09-14-2009, 12:06 PM   #1709
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No they are Set, the stage setter of opposition, which is needed for growth, and creation.We are the ones who create our on hell on wheels.
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Old 09-15-2009, 07:14 AM   #1710
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Kia's are under-rated! {then again I own a red Kia} I liked the song in the ad - shakin' and a moving (that's treason) - boomboomchakalaka


I bought it for a four-cornered road trip last year, which was super. Not only that, but when I drove the car home from the lot, it was already preset on my favourite radio stations - didn't even have to adjust the dial. AND, it has roll-up windows, so because I have a phobia about maybe landing in a lake or river one day (it happens around here), I can get out if I'm conscious. Electronic windows are not handy at times like that.

Last edited by Karen; 09-28-2009 at 10:35 PM. Reason: OP request
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Old 09-15-2009, 07:15 AM   #1711
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Oops, double post. It's OK because I was going to post this -

Some kind of activity that's not electromagnetic, I think (or organic) (?)... GMO food? nano particles programmed? artificial something? ... virus?

Last edited by no caste; 09-15-2009 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 09-17-2009, 04:12 AM   #1712
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
It looks like One World White Brotherhood in the London logo. Anyway, I'll complain to the International Olympic Committee about it. That and the robothead. If it's ZION scrambled, then the O has the puke white rings in it.
So here I am writing my little letter (about the logo) to the IOC and I find this. I KNEW it would tie in to liver cleanses!

I don't recognize the names on the IOC honorary members list. There's a separate section with one listing. Honour Members (only one) - KISSINGER, Henry (Mr)

Cleansing the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure you can undertake in order to improve your body's health. A liver cleanse should be done twice a year if possible. Ideally, it should be part of a semi-annual liver/parasite cleanse the sequence of which enhances the overall results.

<< unindicted war criminal!

Last edited by no caste; 09-17-2009 at 05:43 AM.
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Old 09-17-2009, 05:44 AM   #1713
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Hello No caste, how does this tie in to the liver cleanse.I'm sure it is,because everything is connected.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-17-2009 at 06:58 AM.
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Old 09-17-2009, 06:00 AM   #1714
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Hello No caste, how does this tie in to the liver cleanse.I'm sure it is,because everything is connected.
777- 'Tis. I kind of swing this way: Pratītyasamutpāda. I can't tell you how much I learn from your work. Thank you.
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Old 09-23-2009, 12:35 AM   #1715
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They came after The high waters of the Flood

PTAH Pan The androgynous God of Transformation.Some things don't need words.

The men who star-e at the Coat, or Goat of many colors,The DNA( DAN) that holds the memory.

Duality symbolized by the two brothers of Gemini,cover up the light or private parts of the God, with a Blanket.for as long as the soul thinks in duality,he or she is naked and ashame. As HAM

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-23-2009 at 12:49 AM.
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:00 AM   #1716
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Amazing stuff 777

I was wondering, does the Flood play any physical part in the transformation or is this just the marker (time) for the process to begin?
The Flood has always been associated with transformation. I just clicked I've already been programmed in this
Millions and million have been trained to hate and fear the flood. Not just the religious types either. They have gotten to the kids:
This is what they want us to beLIEve we will become ..

I am also wondering, when MJ was taken out, was this some symbol of force down below that that THEY intend/want to stop the androgynes process from taking place?


Last edited by iainl140285; 09-23-2009 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:46 AM   #1717
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Amazing stuff 777

I was wondering, does the Flood play any physical part in the transformation or is this just the marker (time) for the process to begin?
The Flood has always been associated with transformation. I just clicked I've already been programmed in this
Millions and million have been trained to hate and fear the flood. Not just the religious types either. They have gotten to the kids:
This is what they want us to beLIEve we will become ..

I am also wondering, when MJ was taken out, was this some symbol of force down below that that THEY intend/want to stop the androgynes process from taking place?

Its everywhere what a dumb song,until you know whats being said.Its a hit to

Most definitely will play a part. This world flood never took place.The story is based on the anual flooding of the Nile.Robert Fludd who aided in writing the allegory,put it in a literalized yet esoteric format.The entire idea is based on the fish, or the Fins of a fish,as in IN - Finity. The goal is to be able to emerge above the waters of the flood of Cryptic speech.The soul who Drown,fail to comprehend the Round Pi.

One who find Hapi ness has wedded the conflicting forces of speech.The God Hapi is also connected with the flood waters of the Nile, for he is androgynous,and this flooding unites the two lands within and without.

Mj was an archetype of a Jubilee transcending at 50 at high noon .Billie jean are the genes of the Billy goat, or Baphomet (Ptah) Pan.

Everything he did was ritual. Down to the penny in the shoes.Copper in the plasma, is what turns the blood Blue when oxygenated.This is why copper has been played down to be worthless, but remember JC plus a Penny is the code,(Its all in side) and Lincoln freed the slaves they say.

Copper from fresh vegetables.This is truly a science

The ticking of the clock in the peter pan story,symbolize the urgency to start the regeneration process, or be swallowed up by the Crocodile sobek, for another round on the wheel of Fortune.
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:58 AM   #1718
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The ankh is also a ancient symbol for copper.HigH = 32 definition is speech.

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Old 09-23-2009, 12:20 PM   #1719
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PennyWise IT
Between his crossed legs, is the Baphomet Pentagram of transformation.He's telling the world(THIS IS IT) IT =911 or 666)

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-23-2009 at 01:37 PM.
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Old 09-23-2009, 01:15 PM   #1720
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That song was indeed a hit. Seemed like total non-sense at the time

Well, I am not up for another go on this wheel to be honest!

Im thinking, blue suits and outta here at noon
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:11 AM   #1721
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Illuminati Capitols, Astana, Kazakhstan.

It doesn't take long to rearrange the letters of Astana to come up with another rather infamous name.

If your wondering where some of the trillions of dollars of American money is going, here are some answers.

We are first greeted with good ole' Boaz and Jachin smack dab in the city center. The original pillars were said to be made out of copper, these ones look the same, or at least are copper coloured.

You can notice between Jachin and Boaz further on down is another monument named Bayterek. It is modeled after the tree of life and the bird of happiness, Samruk, which laid its egg between the branches.

Here are some pictures of some interesting objects inside the 'egg' of the tree.

And of course, no illuminati capitol would be complete without a pyramid.

The building has been named the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (also translated as the Pyramid of Peace and Accord).
The building is 77 m high. Exoterically speaking, the pyramid was built to host the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.
Inside is a 1500 seat Opera house for the general public, the roof of which is decorated with a large Sun.

Conveniently situated directly above the sun (and the public), is the congress chamber, a place for the leaders of all the world religions to discuss more ways to mislead and deceive (themselves).

And the apex is capped with another Sun and walls with white doves painted in the glass:

Really quite a beautiful building.

Other building of note in this newley created capitol include:
Ak Orda Presidential Palace (Ak orda literally tranlsates as White Horde)

A Mosque in the Islamic center of Astana:

Building of Ministry of Communication in Astana

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Old 10-12-2009, 07:35 PM   #1722
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Wow! over 60,000 views and over 1700 replies! Way to suck up some bandwidth!
LOL, just kidding, well done!

Oh and there's 777 threads in the "What does it mean" section too! LOL

Last edited by Dantheman62; 10-12-2009 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:25 AM   #1723
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Diamond Mind

There is no such Entity as RACE.
Race is a Code word for the number 22 and Car - Bon
B is the moon and on is the Sun.
So we have RA moving at 3 degrees = C

Beyond ----->C the pop Artist chants(Everything goes in the BOX to the Left), and she is correct, because all things start and end with the feminine.
In the image below,you can see PTah the ram going through the door of death and rebirth ,at the winter (SOLST-ICE)

As i mentioned before, carbon we know is the basic building block of life.C 6 is the code for Carbon.Carbon under Xtreme heat and pressure forms a diamond.Pressure time and heat forms the black rock under the shamanic tree, in the movie shaw shank redemption.It was those 3 factors that liberated the main character.

What this means is since we are carbon based, we must go through 3 degrees of transformation,like all life.Death, Birth and rebirth, to become a diamond.2012 is a freaking hoax.

Fire of the sun in its full potential in the month of August,is the transformer of all things.Life is only potential ,beneath the cold grounds of winter.

Knowing that nothing is separate from the whole, we can take this realization to the diamond base ball field, where this truth just jumps up and punch you in the face.

There are 9 endings in a baseball game, which is symbolic of 9 months, to form that diamond mind.The LA logo on the field is telling Xactly the date of the resurection (13). The 3 bases are connected with heat increasing, and causing transformation. the transcendent number is 13 and we need fire. So here in plain view is fire 13 or fri- day 13 th. Fir ,Fri are both anagrams of the kundalini fir tree or XMAS tree.

The sun is on the pitchers mound,transforming the batter and himself,through a game of pressure and time of 9 endings.The Occult does everything backwords,in order to confuse. What i am saying is ,first base is on your left.The Zodiac and the human anatomy, lines up perfectly starting with the feet.

Orion left foot foward

3 Degree of the CRAFT

Raised up by the lion's paw AKA LEO
The Arch of TRI umph means 3 degrees

Carbon being transformed and transcending.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 10-19-2009 at 03:46 AM.
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Old 10-19-2009, 04:12 AM   #1724
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Ok, so we have Friday the 13th coming in the next few years in:

November 13, 2009 11/13/2009

August 13, 2010 08/13/2010

May 13, 2011

January 13, 2012 01/13/2012

April 13, 2012 04/13/2012

July 13, 2012 07/13/2012

Looking at the 2010 August is the hottest month usually.

Man is carbon based and C6 is transformed in 3 events... can these events be affected by energies bombarding the system? What celestial events happen at those key times that we know about?

We have a Friday 13th in September of 2013. That would be 09/13/2013. Are they throwing us off with the Movie


The 9 is confusing me. I understand 9 months to get born, but is this symbolic of a 9 month period we enter or have entered already marked by a Friday the 13th? Or is the year 2009 part of it? November 13, 2009 gives us the infamous number 11.

August 13,2010 plus 9 months gives us another Friday the 13th in May of 2011. The 9 issue is throwing me off, and well, maybe I'm not getting any of this. Some feedback 777 would be immensely appreciated.

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Old 10-19-2009, 04:41 AM   #1725
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

If you read Astral Walkers goodbye post:


It seems to indicate the end of the sun coming soon, and rebirth. The workings of the negative forces to mess up our ability to gain the DNA modifications due to the food supply, drugs, and vaccine program.

Any thoughts on a tie in with this information and what is presented here about 2012?
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