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Old 08-01-2009, 09:02 AM   #1601
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Lady in Red...
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Old 08-01-2009, 10:08 AM   #1602
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Fantastic Judy!
So, what happens if we buy these X boxes, HD TVs etc. but are aware? Does this mean we wont be trapped?

Also, along the Red Dress theme:
I apologise to all who also dislike this song

Red Dress

"A girl's invited to flaunt
to get what she wants
cant say that its wrong ooh baby
a mans world,but boy can't you see
we're pulling the strings
we're taking the lead

and when your sure
you'll never let her play you again
she'll put on your favourite..."

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Old 08-02-2009, 11:48 PM   #1603
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

What crossed my path yesterday -

Penelope Cruz lost her luggage and wore this instead of a gown

The Spanish beauty was left red-faced as she walked down the red carpet in a red Bottega Veneta loose-fitting 70s suit as she attended the premiere of "Broken Embraces" at Somerset House. Cruz's luggage was lost when she flied to London, and she had to pull on red suit she kept in her hand luggage instead of a full-length gown.

Then, a red collar ... LOST BOYS OF SUDAN

Former lost boy fights for youth

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Old 08-03-2009, 02:21 AM   #1604
777 The Great Work
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A pair of NIKE IMP-AX at the Sole level or SOL = Soul
Sekhmet color's are red and purple
She is the Goddess Hathor ,of the purple Heart
She is the Purple passion of the Christ
The Benu Bird is the Phoenix,who's colors are also red and purple.

SOUL Recieving and being decieved by the poiZion information,only to have her divine energy reversed. All is information and all info has to be observed with a 360 degree Overstanding.
The chakras awakened , but Snow white has been dumbed down by the pozion information.
Dwarf Stars From the Southern position
1.sleepy = root chakra
2. = sacral chakra
3.doc = solar plexus chakra
4.bashful = heart chakra
5.sneezy = throat chakra
6.grumpy = pineal gland
7.happy = crown pituitary crown

The drwarfs are the defenders of Middle earth, the heart chakra ,color green.

The number giving in from the apple is 87 . 33

87 = G8 or Gate

Jupiter aka Zeus = Thunderbolts
Jupiter Rules Friday= Fri = Fir = Fire
The Fir Tree of Kundalin i Fire and Sekhmet is connected to Freya.she is the GIRL FRIDAY or FREEDAY AKA PAY DAY

You can be the maD Hatter or The Dam Hater


AFGA division of IMPAX AFGA = 78 or 87 G8 GATE

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Old 08-03-2009, 03:31 AM   #1605
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Great posts again JK and 777. I am really looking forward to your upcoming posts. Am I on the right track in thinking that we have to look beyond death or the one's who are planning our funerals, and go beyond into realms we would not normally want to tread?

But to do this journey we must wake up, stay out of the matrix, and live?

Thanks again, I look forward to your inputs, everyone's really.
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Old 08-03-2009, 08:59 AM   #1606
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

The word AFGHANISTAN is spelled in other languages without H...it's AFGANISTAN.

And now 777, please comment on that...
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Old 08-03-2009, 09:11 AM   #1607
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

purple heart


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Old 08-03-2009, 10:08 AM   #1608
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Great posts again JK and 777. I am really looking forward to your upcoming posts. Am I on the right track in thinking that we have to look beyond death or the one's who are planning our funerals, and go beyond into realms we would not normally want to tread?

But to do this journey we must wake up, stay out of the matrix, and live?

Thanks again, I look forward to your inputs, everyone's really.
Chaos is always moving,so we have to find the order within the Chaos.Sponge bOb says its fun being at the bottom at the root chakra in sodom,in the land of the lost with the lower reptilian energy.

It is our lack of overstanding words , that fuels the manipulation.We fear whats far.The two must become one,the AX swings both ways.

In the occult being naked is symbolic of a heightened state of awareness.You are naked and stripped of all your old beliefs, world attachments and not ashame. In the movie Watchmen.DR.Manhattan had no idea that he was about to be transformed.He was Naked, and transformed into an immortal, but yet unaware that he is a GOD. After his transformation like Alice in wonderland, he was still trying to figure out what just happened,because he didn't feel worthy of his divine natural abilities.


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Old 08-03-2009, 10:09 AM   #1609
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
The word AFGHANISTAN is spelled in other languages without H...it's AFGANISTAN.

And now 777, please comment on that...
AFGA G8 or Gate i Stand
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Old 08-03-2009, 10:38 AM   #1610
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Labyrinth of interpretations = Absurd = Absence of Absolute.


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Old 08-03-2009, 12:34 PM   #1611
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Hi All,

Thought I'd put this together for anyone to use as a ref. when viewing codes/words and turning them 360

Remember, that the letters are the body of Osiris, and speech is Isis,and Pi is the living word that has to be resurected ,in order to OVERSTAND the Propaganda thats being sold daily (Thx 777)

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Old 08-03-2009, 06:00 PM   #1612
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
Labyrinth of interpretations = Absurd = Absence of Absolute.


Recommend Absolute Abstinence


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Old 08-03-2009, 06:17 PM   #1613
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Starfire blood
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Old 08-03-2009, 07:38 PM   #1614
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Abuse. Absolvable. Recommend absolute ablution.


Last edited by Oliver; 08-03-2009 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 04:23 AM   #1615
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Reptilian Root chakra-- the Grey matter is stuck in SODOM
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:06 AM   #1616
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I was asked by someone, how does pi effect their life? The answer is, in more ways than you will ever know. Everything you see, touch ,hear, feel, smell is effected by pi and a few other basic constructs. Everything in nature is pattern, structure, designs with unique vibratory frequencies.

The circle, being the two-dimensional shadow of the sphere, is a universal symbol of wholeness and completion. It is often symbolic of the purity of Spirit, and within its simple geometry is found a blueprint for all other geometries and forms. The circle in its purest form represents the return to Source via conscious relationship with the Whole.

Pi (3.1416 : 1) is found in any circle. In sacred geometry, the circle represents the spiritual realms. A circle, because of that transcendental number pi, cannot be described with the same degree of accuracy as the physical square. The circle is yin.What does that mean in a symbolic, metaphysical sense? Simply, that the circle can never be precisely quantified by a so-called rational or linear value.

It remains a mystery, just beyond the grasp of rational, numeric wholeness, and forever eluding exact definition and measurement. For this reason, the circle/sphere is also the consummate symbol of Spirit, that all-pervading life force or Spirit-energy that animates the universe and all life in it. Its function and nature remain mysterious and impossible to penetrate with the rational mind only.The circle stands for unity, oneness, eternity, wholeness, and completeness. The only form that encloses all other radially symmetrical or regular figures, it may connote pre-form, the genesis of form, origins or beginnings.

The circle's circumference is closed and continuous and as such conveys continuous cycles of endings and beginnings. Circles may signify cycles of time such as: phases of the sun and moon; cycles of light and dark; and perpetual rhythms of sleeping and waking, birth and death, growth and decay, systole and diastole, and inhalation and exhalation. In its totality, the circle suggests the timeless whole. The moving point along the circle conveys the passage of time.

It is the favored shape for spiritual, sacred spaces and the natural shape children gather to play in. It is the pi in the sky, of our zodiac and pi is embedded in our Alphabet. Pi is the Omnific Word of the Masons. The English language is structured around the use of the word, it is pivotal, in our speech. It is the pit, or seed of the fruit for all things. It is in your inspiration, expiration, it is the pixels on your screen, in the pictures in your life, and the spirals of our dance of life.

It is in the pillars of Joachim and Boaz, of King Salomon's Temple represented on the Tarot card and revered by the Mason's. It is the written in the mathematics of the pillars of Stonehenge, an eternal message in stone of sacred proportions, it is the pi gate of transformation. Pi is embedded in the structure of the py(pi)ramids, more on that later in a post I am working on.

When you solve for pi you see the light and shadow, it is the spark within our speech. In writing it is spelling and the cast spell is wrapped in pi. Remember magic is done in magic circles.

I found this chart fascinating done by mathematicians who are enamored with pi and they too view it as an omnific word.

Document Alpha

Does God Exist?
Examine the Evidence and Decide for Yourself
See: Document Alpha: Expanded Highlights of the Evidence

Written by
Vasilios Gardiakos

"Humans have written countless research papers about pi. The fascination with pi may be a universal phenomena. It is conceivable that mathematicians on other worlds beyond earth have done likewise. They may have also noticed the oddities in pi and wondered why. They may have pressed on and discovered the pi message.

The 3-4-5 (pi = 3.141592653...) Pythagorean triplet is special because it is the simplest and most easily recognizable constant. It seems reasonable that God inserted 3, 4 and 5 in the first five digits of pi so that we would spot it and perhaps wonder why this oddity exists in pi.

Besides the 3-4-5 that is visible very early in pi there are many more oddities which are covered in Document A so the chance occurrence argument is not only weakened but I should say destroyed. More strange is that in pi, (3.1 41 59...) 31, 41 and 59 are primes. What a coincidence? In pi 314159 is a prime and so is the mirror image, 951413. Coincidence or was these oddities included right at the very start of pi so that we will notice them. Strangely, 31, 41 and 59 can be used to generate prime numbers. Can this also be a coincidence? For more oddities click here.

For eons the search for the evidence for the existence of God has not produced any proof. Finally the scientific evidence in Document A proves that God exists. His existence is not the existence of a religious God but the Pythagorean God. There are two reasons I call Him the Pythagorean God. The first reason is that God gave Pythagoras recognition by inserting the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triplet at the very start of pi. The second reason is that Pythagoras had somehow figured out that God is a master mathematician. It is this mutual acknowledgement that makes this so compelling. Perhaps we should more carefully re-examine Pythagoras and his philosophy."

Time, space and energy are all numbers. Our minds, our thoughts, our sentience is all number. As Pythagoras said God is a Mathematician and in fact God is Number. Pythagoras thought numbers were divine, an expression of God’s mind. All of existence is number. "

This little bit is just a snippet from this site

For those who wish for an easier math chart try this one

Find X

I found his article fascinating although everyone gives Pythagoras far too much credit, since much of his knowledge was from the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and their knowledge from the Persians, Sumerians, and Babylonians.

It is now generally accepted by all but the most hardened sceptic that the classical pi ratio – 22/7, or 3.142857 etc. – is incorporated in the dimensions and proportions of the Great Pyramid. That the Egyptians knew of this value is further substantiated by a key piece of non-pyramidal evidence. This appears in the form of a royal decree, one of the most important administrative documents of the Old Kingdom, which appoints the high priest and Grand Vizier Shemaj Director of Upper Egypt. This document officially places all twenty-two nomes (districts) under his authority, enumerating them from first to last. Some time later the pharaoh appoints to the post of deputy the overseer vizier j, who seems to be the son of the same Shemaj. But then comes the most interesting part of this ancient decree, which states that the son's jurisdiction, as deputy, extends to only seven nomes. The symbolism is obvious: father over son, twenty-two over seven: pi.

Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-Do. Is 22/7 expression of pi in music, octaves with the Do being the last and first of the preceding next octave. Pi is the music of the spheres.

3, 4, 7, 8, 22, and 64. Three, the number of the Trinity, is the number of octaves encoded in pi. Four is the number of base-notes (Dos) in three consecutive octaves. Seven is the number of intervals between the notes of the major scale. Eight is the number of individual notes in the major scale. Twenty-two is the number of notes in three consecutive scales or octaves. And, according to the law of three forces, the three octaves incorporated in pi are each sub-divisible into three octaves apiece, giving an inner formula of nine octaves, or sixty-four notes. So eight is the constant, and sixty-four, is the square of it. 64 deserves a whole post of it's own, .

The word pitch is used in music, it's the difference in vibration of a human voice. Pitch is used in color as in pitch black. Pitch is used in advertising, where they work their magic in sales pitches. Pitch is used in baseball, so you can see we are pitched at from all directions.

this is the first 33 letters of pi, 32 after the decimal which interestingly is a zero

All ancient mystery schools had a special fondness for this number, which got filtered and encoded into text of religious books of all faiths, myths, parables, nursery rhymes and song.
*32 around 1 is United Nation
*33 Human Backbone, cranium at the top
*33 Christ consciousness
*33 titles of the antichrist in old testament
*33 largest positive integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of different triangle numbers
*32 teeth in the human mouth
*33 ranks (or degrees of initiation) of the Masonic hierarchy, divisible in 3 series of 11.
*33 members compose the Council of the Order of the Great Orient of France.
*33 degree you swear your allegiance to the Garters(working on a post on them as well)
*32 below is frozen, not knowing
*33 it thaws (knowing)

More about pi and the Isisian code later. This is just scratching the surface of pi, it is unending and easily obsessive number as it's depths are unfathomable. I hope this answered the question on how pi effects your life.

More resources that are too detailed for me to even try to mention here

Pi in Vedic traditions

More Pi in bible

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Old 08-06-2009, 09:40 AM   #1617
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Thank you Judy.
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Old 08-07-2009, 03:57 PM   #1618
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This information has been supressed for several thousand years. It is still hard to find the true teachings of the ancients on the internet.By the will of the divine mother ,i have received this info,and i am thrilled to share it with the readers of Avalon.

When someone can control your thoughts, then your actions are not a concern,for they are sure to follow.
THE Prerequisite, for Humanity's spiritual development ,and union with the divine

1 The Virtue of TRUTH = Strive for Truth
2 The Virtue of JUSTICE = Strive for Justice
3 The virtue of RIGHTEOUSNESS = Strive for Righteousness
4 The Virtue of Balance = Strive for Balance
5 The Virtue of Harmony = Strive for Harmony
6 The virtue of Order = Strive for Order
7Reciprocity = Xperience the Reciprocity ,from the achievement of the 6 listed above.

Tehuti Left EYE
1 Control of thought = your thoughts determine your actions
2 Control of action = when thinking correctly, correct actions follow
3 Steadfastness = maintain that steadfast relation ship between your thoughts and your actions
4 Idea seeker with high ideals = here we began to indentify with higher ideals
5 Evidence of a mission = here we began to experience evidence of a mission and purpose for our lives
6 Evidence of a call to spiritual order = next we experience a call to spiritual order
7 Freedom from resentment = Free from the resentment that friends and love ones may try to impose upon you.
8 Confidence in the power of the master or teacher = when the student is ready ,the master will appear.
9 Confidence in your own abilities = surrender yourself to the process and stop questioning everything
10 Preperation for initiation = Step into the world and demonstrate your mastery over these virtues.

The Heart is in Balance with the Feather

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Old 08-07-2009, 07:41 PM   #1619
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Old 08-08-2009, 06:55 PM   #1620
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"The Heart is in Balance With the Feather"


What weighs more, a tonne of feathers, or a tonne of bricks?
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Old 08-08-2009, 09:23 PM   #1621
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
"The Heart is in Balance With the Feather"


What weighs more, a tonne of feathers, or a tonne of bricks?
Well both weigh a ton, but if asked which I'd rather be hit by, it would be a ton of feathers
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Old 08-14-2009, 04:42 PM   #1622
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Don't Get caught in The Game Of Choosing Sides.

Stop choosing the Red Pill Know when you're being f...ed with:lol3:

What is true
Rue means red
true comes from the Root chakra,Troo
True = Uter - us
the uterus is governed by taurus
To speak truth is to Utter from the throat chakra, and from the heart.

True Blue

Root = red

Throat = Blue

True is the feminine na ture of a thing.

We manifest from where our energy festers and Rot below the waste.

we must develop a knowing and utter from the th-roat chakra and the heart.

No red are blue pill, all is needed for the process, and choice is an illusion .

All is in divine order

Thanks Iain for bringing ideas to life

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Old 08-14-2009, 05:20 PM   #1623
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U're being trained to take sides.

Thanks CVBG for making ideas come to life.
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Old 08-14-2009, 05:59 PM   #1624
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I think I speak on behalf of the many when I say thank you 777 for bringing the flame...
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Old 08-14-2009, 06:01 PM   #1625
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
I think I speak on behalf of the many when I say thank you 777 for bringing the flame...
OH YEAH !!!!!!!!!!

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