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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 07-28-2009, 02:10 PM   #1576
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

No matter what they advertise they use sexual images...I've seen paint and beer ads with large breasts.
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Old 07-28-2009, 02:17 PM   #1577
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Breasts always get my full attention
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Old 07-28-2009, 02:58 PM   #1578
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Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Breasts always get my full attention
That's why they do it.....
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Old 07-28-2009, 03:15 PM   #1579
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Old 07-28-2009, 03:24 PM   #1580
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Old 07-29-2009, 02:16 AM   #1581
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

mobile telephone network..


sms is short message service, texting basically, although I doubt she'll be texting anything until after she rinses off.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:43 AM   #1582
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
My French is really rusty... What product is this ad promoting? (I'm guessing either skin lotion or a whorehouse)
jissom (by what's on her teeth, cheeks, chin), or in this case, messy text sex

ho effin cleaver. no, how effin cleaver. no, how effin clever.

buy service. we know she's paid well (as a model) to look like she enjoys it.

everybody wins. the economy. lovers. aspirants to happiness.

easy as 1-2-3 (taking money)

it's the dream, not the product/service.

full lips
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:49 PM   #1583
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Do not know how I missed this till now

March 14th officially becomes National Pi Day -

The Number Pi

Outline of a Circle and its Diameter Pi represents the relationship between a circle’s diameter (its width) and its circumference (the distance around the circle).

Washington politicians took time from bailouts and earmark-laden spending packages on Wednesday for what might seem like an unusual act: officially designating a National Pi Day.

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a resolution introduced two days earlier that designates March 14, 2009 (3/14, get it?) as National Pi Day. It urges schools to take the opportunity to teach their students about Pi and “engage them about the study of mathematics.”

Zuck called them “lighthearted reminders about the importance of math and science education,” adding “this year we decided to put together an effort to see if we could use this as a mechanism to increase awareness for math and science education.”

All the arguments in favor of Pi Day also apply equally to Physics Day.

The text of the resolution is here;

Whereas the Greek letter (Pi) is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter;

Whereas the ratio Pi is an irrational number, which will continue infinitely without repeating, and has been calculated to over one trillion digits;

Pi day rulers

Whereas Pi is a recurring constant that has been studied throughout history and is central in mathematics as well as science and engineering;

There once was a number named pi
Who was quite an irrational guy
With digits nonending
The next always pending
This decimal form just wouldn't die!

Whereas mathematics and science are a critical part of our children’s education, and children who perform better in math and science have higher graduation and college attendance rates;

Whereas aptitude in mathematics, science, and engineering is essential for a knowledge-based society;

Whereas, according to the 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) survey done by the National Center for Education Statistics, American children in the 4th and 8th grade were outperformed by students in other countries including Taiwan, Singapore, Russia, England, South Korea, Latvia, and Japan;

Whereas since 1995 the United States has shown only minimal improvement in math and science test scores;

Whereas by the 8th grade, American males outperform females on the science portion of the TIMSS survey, especially in Biology, Physics, and Earth Science, and the lowest American scores in math and science are found in minority and impoverished school districts;

Whereas America needs to reinforce mathematics and science education for all students in order to better prepare our children for the future and in order to compete in a 21st Century economy;

Whereas the National Science Foundation has been driving innovation in math and science education at all levels from elementary through graduate education since its creation 59 years ago;

Whereas mathematics and science can be a fun and interesting part of a child’s education, and learning about Pi can be an engaging way to teach children about geometry and attract them to study science and mathematics; and

Whereas Pi can be approximated as 3.14, and thus March 14, 2009, is an appropriate day for `National Pi Day’: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives–

(1) supports the designation of a `Pi Day’ and its celebration around the world;

(2) recognizes the continuing importance of National Science Foundation’s math and science education programs; and

(3) encourages schools and educators to observe the day with appropriate activities that teach students about Pi and engage them about the study of mathematics.

Pi Day at the Exploratorium
Saturday, Mar 14 1:59p to 3:30p
at Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA

To celebrate Pi Day 2008, the San Francisco Exploratorium made a Pi string with more than 4,000 colored beads on it, each color representing a digit from 0 to 9. 2009 was the 22nd celebration of Pi day in San Francisco, now soon to be international celebration. July 22 is pi day as well 22/7 = pi.

From San Francisco to New York, in museums, universities, classrooms and in the privacy of one's own home, (and of course on Second Life), people are celebrating Pi Day -- an international holiday born at San Francisco's Exploratorium -- on Saturday, March 14th, at
1:59pm. The number is Pi, 3.1415926535.
In the News
Pi Day Eve is Pluto Day

MSNBC writes that March 13th is Pluto Day, because today's the day Pluto (who ever so recently was a planet) was discovered. So, those of you celebrating Pi Day minus .01 can celebrate Pluto's discovery as well! Pluto or Hades ruled the underworld, of occult powers and invisible aid.

Pi Shrine where they perform pi-related rites and eat ritual food.(This is their wording not mine)

Shaw leads the Pi Day procession at the Exploratorium. He was carrying a tape player booming out a version of "Pomp and Circumstance" with a digital voice speaking every number in pi. Participants carried numbers in the proper order of pi: 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, and so on. In a ritual of circumambulation the shrine of pi.

From San Francisco to New York, in museums, universities, classrooms and in the privacy of one's own home, (and of course on Second Life), people are celebrating Pi Day -- an international holiday born at San Francisco's Exploratorium -- on Saturday, March 14th, at 1:59pm.

The number is Pi, 3.1415926535...ad infinitum. It's the date and starting time, the number you get when you divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter, and it cannot be expressed as a fraction.

Come to the Exploratorium and gather around the Pi Shrine to perform pi-related rites and eat ritual food -- pie. Sing Pi Day songs, bead a pi string (a physical manifestation of the neverending value of pi), and circumnavigate a pi shrine. And as an added bonus, 3/14 is also Einstein's birthday.

Many schools are using these books below for learning. These pictures are so loaded with symbolism, I will just leave it at that for now I am going to get the whole series of books and then do a whole post on them. Look at them carefully and see what you can pick out, very loaded pictures..
‘Sir Cumference and the Knights of the Round Table”, a story about the introduction of the circle vocabulary (circumference, diameter, radius, etc.), and “Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi”, a story about the discovery of the value of Pi.

When King Arthur and his knights get together, the table they have is so long that everyone has to shout to be heard. A rectangular table is too long and a triangular table is too pointy, but somehow they must sit down and discuss the shape of the future. Join a knight called Sir Cumference, his wife, Lady Di of Ameter, and their son Radius as they use different strategies to solve this quandary.

Can Sir Cumference and Lady Di of Ameter "measure up" to the challenge of building a better table?

This one is loaded what do you see in it?
Sir Cumference and Lady Di of Ameter, and Radius are back in their second Math Adventure! When Sir Cumference drinks a potion which turns him into a dragon, his son Radius searches for the magic number known as pi which will restore him to his former shape. It lies in discovering the magic number that is the same for all circles.

Take apart this one, this is the whole story right here in symbolism. This is a story of why we are here and what the process of what we are to be looking for.

Haiku is a short poem composed of 5 syllables, then 7 syllables and then another 5 syllables. These take two forms, Pi-Ku about the number pi, and mnemonics where the number of characters in each word gives you a digit of pi. The first word has 3 characters, the second wod has 1 character, the third has 4 characters and so on. Each type has its own section below.

Pi-Ku (haiku)

Three point one four one
five nine two six five three five
eight nine seven nine

Unending digits...
Why not keep it simple, like
Twenty-two sevenths?

(Pi-Ku and mnemonic)

Can I know a cycle, (3.1415)
according to nature round, (9265)
and never complete? (358)

(Pi-ku and mnemonic)

For a week I sweat (3.1415)
threshing my field’s wheat and chaff (926535)
Dualists’ nightmare. (89)

More slices of Pi

*1 This is a chart that allows you to compare the total area of a pizza with its diameter. Since A=πr^2, if you double the size of the pizza, you get 4 times the area (and 4 times the food), but it's rarely 4 times the price. Bigger pizzas are usually a better value.

If you can get a square pizza, you’ll get more food too! A round pizza takes up about 78.54% (π/4) of the box. Using the formulæ for the area of a square and the area of a circle, see if you can figure out why.

*3 If a circle has a radius of 1, then it has a circumference of 2π. This is the basis of “radian” angular measurement. There are 2π radians in 360°. Since 2π is about 6.28, 1 radian is about 1/6th of a pizza. (OK, so this poster is only an approximation...)

A good approximation of π is 22/7. This equals 3.14286 and π equals 3.14159. Less than 1/10% difference! SO, if a pizza is 22 pepperoni’s around... (see next poster)

A good approximation of π is 22/7. This equals 3.14286 and π equals 3.14159. Less than 1/10% difference! SO, if a pizza is 22 pepperoni’s around (see previous poster) it’s very close to 7 pepperoni’s across!

How does π relate to a “baker’s dozen”? It has to do with the way circular objects stack. Note that on a standard size baking sheet, the most efficient way to place the cookies is to intermingle the rows by offsetting them by 1/2 of a cookie. How many fit on the cookie sheet? A baker’s dozen, or 13 cookies.

If you have not read some of the pi decoding go to these two pages and read them, or as a refresher


There have been many posts on here for Pi, American Pie and social engineering on this thread, this thread is about empowerment. Instead of me just slicing it up and serving it to you on a pi plate

Let's have some input from everyone as why, pi, now?

What idea are they promoting here, what could be motive? the answer here in this post on social engineering

The answer is also in here on 777 posting, well throughout all of his postings

Let's solve for Pi!

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Old 07-31-2009, 09:26 AM   #1584
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite


Acts2:20 KJV The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
MATRIX - The creative and destructive energy of the divine feminine

HATHOR = Creative Goddess of LOVE
SEKHMET = DESTRUCTIVE and judgement -- Moon In LEO

She is the Goddess of protection, medicine, child birth, destruction, death,
and rebirth. Sekhmet is also associated with war and divine vengeance.

Sekhmet's action is always the right, or 'appropriate action'. When She
destroys it is an appropriate destruction or vengeance. It is never chaotic
or random. It is always what is needed at the time. She removes threats
and punishes those who do wrong against Ma'at.

As a destroying element she plays the part of a power which protects the
good and annihilates the wicked. She is a protector for those who call on
Her for help.

She is generally depicted in the form of a woman with the head of a lioness
which is surmounted by the solar disk encircled by an uraeus, but sometimes
the disk is omitted, and a uraeus only is seen upon her head.

There is a story that has the God Ra sending forth Sekhmet to punish mankind
for disrespecting Him and repeatedly breaking the laws of the Goddess Ma'at.
Sekhmet is sent because there is no other Goddess or God that can right
the wrong of mankind against Ra and Ma‘at..( Balance) Sekhmet's punishment of mankind
becomes lethal and she goes on a feeding frenzy of blood. She is devouring

Sekhmet is a Sun Goddess shown as a woman with the face of a Lioness. She
is the Eye of Ra. She is a Sun Goddess as well as the Goddess of
destruction, rebirth, and healing. She is called the Lady of the place of
the beginning of time. One who was before the Gods were. She holds an Ankh
in one hand and a Lotus Wand in the other; She wears a red dress.She is The sacred feminine
who swings the Ax both ways and becomes Hathor, Aka Isis Goddess of Love.

The heliacal rise of Sirius just before dawn was an extremely important
event for the Ancient Egyptians. The heliacal rise of Sirius, which is now
August 1st --Also known as MID SUMMER), coincided with the flooding of the Nile, the inundation, which
fertilized the land. The occasion was seen as the start of the Egyptian
solar calendar.

The birthday of the gods were celebrated the last 5 days of the solar year
before the new year started.

The Ancient Egyptians had both a solar and lunar calendar. The first new
moon after the heliacal rising was the beginning of the lunar year.


On an Occult Level, Sekhmet represents the power of the Female Menstrual cycle.It is through the Blood of the Feminine, that we are saved and redeemed, Not JESUS.

The woman has been taught to hate her Menstrual cycle,because it is the time when the Feminine Psychic energy and Kundalini is at its Highest and the blood is filled with its life giving properties. The woman's Urine is also very powerful ,and was highly respected in the ancient mystery schools.

The Black Magicians of the World call the sacred feminine's blood essence, STARFIRE and the younger the betterbecause when it is ingested ,it opens up the Nuero pathways within the brain.

These are the things that they don't won't you to know, not freakin Aliens.

Hail to the Goddes and the Return of the Sacred feminine ,and female energy in general.Blessed is your dark womb that gives birth to Gods, and your nurturing Breast that provides nourishment for all your children. WE HONOR YOU, as you return to your throne, in the hearts and minds of MN.

The Gestation cycle is 28 DAYS
Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Aquarius on August 5th, 2009 .



The First STATE of the Union was DEL AWARE

The first State of the Divine Union is AWARENESS

They traveled back in time to get those RED dresses.

Before NEO Fully AWakened,he was distracted by the woman in RED. These are archetypes and the persona is not my focus,for it is an illusion. AWARENESS

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Old 07-31-2009, 10:07 AM   #1585
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

When what is ingested now???

That pic with the Red Lion - the i looks like the moons orbit around Earth.

So what about the film, The hunt for Red October? Is this just to confuse?

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Old 07-31-2009, 10:10 AM   #1586
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
When what is ingested now???

That pic with the Red Lion - the i looks like the moons orbit around Earth.

So what about the film, The hunt for Red October? Is this just to confuse?

True wisdom is dark. and remember OCT means 8
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Old 07-31-2009, 10:16 AM   #1587
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
True wisdom is dark. and remember OCT means 8
Doh! Of course it does

Enlightenment is black - strange, but very true
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Old 07-31-2009, 10:23 AM   #1588
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

That pic with the Red Lion - the i looks like the moons orbit around Earth.

Its the RED EYE, or ICE creations.

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Old 07-31-2009, 10:41 AM   #1589
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
That pic with the Red Lion - the i looks like the moons orbit around Earth.

Its the RED EYE, or ICE creations.
VISINE looks like SWINE
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Old 07-31-2009, 10:46 AM   #1590
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
VISINE looks like SWINE
It is swine ,because 2+3 = V and 23 = W

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Old 07-31-2009, 10:59 AM   #1591
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
It is swine ,because 2=3 = V and 23 = W
Swine and red eye :


"Speaking with Stabroek News on Thursday last at his Brickdam office hours before his ministry was destroyed by fire he said that persons with the H1N1 flu do not have different symptoms from those suffering from the common flu. However, he noted that experiences in other countries have pointed to the swine flu being accompanied by conjunctivitis.

The normal flu is not accompanied by conjunctivitis (red eyes), Ramsammy noted, but he cautioned that the presence of conjunctivitis is not a necessary confirmation of H1N1.

“We only had two confirmed cases, but the experience in other countries point to a high percentage of persons who flu seems to be accompanied by conjunctivitis… therefore if someone has flu and they seem to have conjunctivitis it is very suspicious,” he said."

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Old 07-31-2009, 11:04 AM   #1592
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Swine and red eye :


"Speaking with Stabroek News on Thursday last at his Brickdam office hours before his ministry was destroyed by fire he said that persons with the H1N1 flu do not have different symptoms from those suffering from the common flu. However, he noted that experiences in other countries have pointed to the swine flu being accompanied by conjunctivitis.

The normal flu is not accompanied by conjunctivitis (red eyes), Ramsammy= Mars and Aries the RAM noted, but he cautioned that the presence of conjunctivitis is not a necessary confirmation of H1N1.

“We only had two confirmed cases, but the experience in other countries point to a high percentage of persons who flu seems to be accompanied by conjunctivitis… therefore if someone has flu and they seem to have conjunctivitis it is very suspicious,” he said."

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Old 07-31-2009, 07:56 PM   #1593
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
When what is ingested now???

That pic with the Red Lion - the i looks like the moons orbit around Earth.

So what about the film, The hunt for Red October? Is this just to confuse?

There is a good reason they are showing the moon around the earth for several reasons, one being it represents the feminine. Red also represents the sacred. October, Octo represents 8 for the sacred feminine
B=2 which is the number of Isis

ER= RE = RA the ancient Egyptian sun god

Isis besides being the goddess of motherhood and fertility, is also the goddess of nature and magic. Magic is casting of spells with words(swords), numbers and ritual. that is why they say they are casting a movie. Hunt for Red October was about hunting for a submarine, the subconscious. Also within submarine is Mars the red planet of war, war on your mind. If you are not aware it is a war, drop silent e

October as in 8, but it is the 10 month, alpha and omega=end of cycle. Alpha and omega sum to 801in Hebrew gematria, which is a mirror of the number 108.

Let's figure out more of this puzzle.

If you take the 10 and the 8, you have one 108, remember a zero does not alter the vibration of a number. 108 is one of the most powerful numbers, it reduces to 9

*The number 9 represents wholeness and 108 when added together equals 9. 1+0+8 = 9. Interestingly, if you multiply 9 times ANY number, the answer is always 9 when you add the numbers together. Try it! 1x9=9. 2x9=18. 1+8=9. 285x9=2565 2+5+6+5=18 1+8=9. 8543x9=76887 7+6+8+8+7=36 3+6=9 The logic behind this is that 9 represents wholeness or God and God times anything is always God since God is all there is. Although 8 represents the sacred feminine, in has nine built within her.

Please bear with me on this rather long list of the significance of 108, I trimmed it there are many more examples. I just want you to get an idea that in every religion and culture this was very sacred and important number and then I will show how it is being used on us now.

* The 9 planets travelling through the 12 signs constitutes the whole of existence. 9 x 12 = 108

* The 27 nakshatras or lunar constellations each have 4 padas or parts. The 27 nakshatras are also spread over the 4 elements - fire, earth, air, water. This also constitutes the whole of existence. 27 x 4 = 108

* Consider the powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power = 1; 2 to 2nd power = 4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power = 27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27 = 108. The logic behind this is that 1 represents 1 dimensional reality, 2 represents 2 dimensional reality, 3 represents 3 dimensional reality. When you mulitply their powers together then you encompass the whole of existence.

* The universe is made up of 108 elements according to ancient texts. The current periodic table claims a few more than 108.

* The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth (give or take a few miles).

* The average distance from the earth to the Sun is equivalent to 108 Sun's in a row (give or take a few miles).

* The average distance from the earth to the Moon is equivalent to 108 Moon's in a row (give or take a few miles).

*9 times 12: Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108.

*Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108

*Harshad number: 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")

*Desires: There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.

*Lies: There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.

*Delusions: There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.

*Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

*Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

*Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.

*Upanishads: Some say there are 108 Upanishads, texts of the wisdom of the ancient sages.

*Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

*Pentagon: The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals 108 degrees.

*Marmas: Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.

*Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.

*8 extra beads: In doing a practice of counting the number of repetitions of the mala, 100 are counted as completed. The remaining are said to cover errors or omissions. The 8 are also said to be an offering to God and Guru.

*Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.

*River Ganga: The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.

*Goddess names: There are said to be 108 Indian goddess names.

*1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

*Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.

*Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.

*Silver and the moon: In astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.

*Meditations: Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.

*Breath: Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are solar energy, and 10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by 100 is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.

*Paths to God: Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God.

*Hinduism: 108 is said to refer to the number of Hindu deities. Some say that each of the deities has 108 names.

*Islam: The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God.

*Jain: In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.

*Sikh: The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads.

*Buddhism: Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year. There are said to be 108 virtues to cultivate and 108 defilements to avoid.

*Chinese: The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each. Chinese astrology says that there are 108 sacred stars.

*Stages of the soul: Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey.

*Meru: This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala.

*Dance: There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions.

*Praiseworthy souls: There are 108 qualities of praiseworthy souls.

The list goes on and on let's get back to now and how they use it

It also rises to 1080. Zero's do not effect the vibration of a number they are place holders. Look where we see 1080.

1080p is the shorthand name for a category of HDTV video modes. The number "1080" represents 1,080 lines of vertical resolution (1080 horizontal scan lines), while the letter p stands for progressive scan (meaning the image is not interlaced). 1080p can be referred to as full HD or full high definition although 1080i is also "Full HD" (1920x1080 pixels).

1080p is sometimes referred to in marketing materials as "Complete High-Definition". However, 2K/4K (2-11)( 4-11) =22 22 22digital cinema technology is commercially available, and ultra-high definition video is in the research phase.

The field rate is 60 hz, at 30 frames per second X 60 seconds is 1080 frames per minute.

1080 is the radius of the moon (goddess) 108 is the atomic number of silver and when you burn silver you get blue, the color of the ancient goddesses and you get blue ray

Notice the B=Isis or 2 and it looks like a moon eclipsed

The length of the month in Plato's Great Year is twice 1080 years, 2,160 years is the time it takes for the sun to pass through one sign of the zodiac

1080 Camera video capture (ka=spirit)
Words and devices to capture, to put a spell on your mind
with the messages, meant to keep you trapped in material world thinking, reptilian thinking. To alieninate you from your divine potential the Neo cortex and beyond, and to keep you in your lower chakra's

Sony (Sun) Bravia
Ra=son god
Via =V (22) through the sacred feminine

108, or 1080,or 10,800 relates to the alchemical process of mercury(quicksilver), its the eastern force of yin, it is lunar, receptive, spiritual, it is Wisdom or Sophia,and it is used for magic to cast spells.

The number that is masculine, yang intellect, physical, solar, alchemical sulphur is 666 of the solar magic square.

"A solar deity" adds up to 666 as does "I am god on earth", in Hebrew gematria. The earth orbits the sun at 66,600 miles per hour.

Carbon the material basis of all living things on earth is 6 protons, six electrons, six neutrons.

The King's coffer in the Great Pyramid is 6 ft and 6.6 inches and the geometry of the great Pyramid construction is 66,600 sq ft on it's side. This is just scratching the surface more on the pyramid in another post.

You bury someone 6 Feet Under

The girl in the red hair, the sacred feminine, and HBO in red, whose nickname is Home Box Orifice for the kind of programming it has

Six inches is approximately the size of a woman's box, and 6 is also the approximately the average size of a man's phallic. Which is why six and sex sound so much alike.

If you add up the first 144 numbers ofpi it sums to 666.


The button on Lost resets at 108, they want you to be lost

The numbers sum to 108

More on this later, in a post on Cygnus.

There is a Rush to Pixelate your brain, hive mind

North Koreans as Pixels with their red, white and blue

Isaiah45:18 says" God himself that formed the earth and made it", that phrase sums to 1080 in Hebrew gematria.

They wish you to be stuck in the box, a tv box, an x-box, or other box

H= 8 divine feminine
D = 4 material plane
D on it's side is the horizon or 180 degrees

It's not the blue rays from the box that is changing the DNA, that is the material trap, more on the divine rays in the Cygnus post I am working on

Ignorance is the fruit of evil or sin, wisdom Sophia is to live (evil reversed)

The Kill Zone HDNA, they tell you
It's the programming and ritual to keep you asleep, and unaware.
The PTW wish to rule and lord over you as gods on earth, be aware is the tool. More on all of this in the Jason and the Argonauts post I am working on.

Habakkuk 2:20 "The Lord is in his temple; let all the earth keep silent before him," sums to 1080 in Hebrew.

Last edited by judykott; 07-31-2009 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:06 PM   #1594
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
There is a good reason they are showing the moon around the earth for several reasons, one being it represents the feminine. Red also represents the sacred. October, Octo represents 8 for the sacred feminine
B=2 which is the number of Isis

ER=RA the ancient Egyptian sun god

Isis besides being the goddess of motherhood and fertility, is also the goddess of nature and magic. Magic is casting of spells with words(swords), numbers and ritual. that is why they say they are casting a movie. Hunt for Red October was about hunting for a submarine, the subconscious. Also within submarine is Mars the red planet of war, war on your mind. If you are not aware it is a war, drop silent e

October as in 8, but it is the 10 month, alpha and omega=end of cycle. Alpha and omega sum to 801 in Hebrew gematria.

Let's figure out more of this puzzle.

If take the 10 and the 8, you have one 108, remember a zero does not alter the vibration of a number. 108 is one of the most powerful numbers, it reduces to 9

*The number 9 represents wholeness and 108 when added together equals 9. 1+0+8 = 9. Interestingly, if you multiply 9 times ANY number, the answer is always 9 when you add the numbers together. Try it! 1x9=9. 2x9=18. 1+8=9. 285x9=2565 2+5+6+5=18 1+8=9. 8543x9=76887 7+6+8+8+7=36 3+6=9 The logic behind this is that 9 represents wholeness or God and God times anything is always God since God is all there is. Although 8 represents the sacred feminine, in has nine built within her.

Please bear with me on this rather long list of the significance of 108, I trimmed it there are many more examples. I just want you to get an idea that in every religion and culture this was very sacred and important number and then I will show how it is being used on us now.

* The 9 planets travelling through the 12 signs constitutes the whole of existence. 9 x 12 = 108

* The 27 nakshatras or lunar constellations each have 4 padas or parts. The 27 nakshatras are also spread over the 4 elements - fire, earth, air, water. This also constitutes the whole of existence. 27 x 4 = 108

* Consider the powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power = 1; 2 to 2nd power = 4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power = 27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27 = 108. The logic behind this is that 1 represents 1 dimensional reality, 2 represents 2 dimensional reality, 3 represents 3 dimensional reality. When you mulitply their powers together then you encompass the whole of existence.

* The universe is made up of 108 elements according to ancient texts. The current periodic table claims a few more than 108.

* The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth (give or take a few miles).

* The average distance from the earth to the Sun is equivalent to 108 Sun's in a row (give or take a few miles).

* The average distance from the earth to the Moon is equivalent to 108 Moon's in a row (give or take a few miles).

*9 times 12: Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108.

*Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108

*Harshad number: 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")

*Desires: There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.

*Lies: There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.

*Delusions: There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.

*Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

*Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

*Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.

*Upanishads: Some say there are 108 Upanishads, texts of the wisdom of the ancient sages.

*Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

*Pentagon: The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals 108 degrees.

*Marmas: Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.

*Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.

*8 extra beads: In doing a practice of counting the number of repetitions of the mala, 100 are counted as completed. The remaining are said to cover errors or omissions. The 8 are also said to be an offering to God and Guru.

*Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.

*River Ganga: The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.

*Goddess names: There are said to be 108 Indian goddess names.

*1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

*Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.

*Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.

*Silver and the moon: In astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.

*Meditations: Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.

*Breath: Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are solar energy, and 10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by 100 is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.

*Paths to God: Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God.

*Hinduism: 108 is said to refer to the number of Hindu deities. Some say that each of the deities has 108 names.

*Islam: The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God.

*Jain: In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.

*Sikh: The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads.

*Buddhism: Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year. There are said to be 108 virtues to cultivate and 108 defilements to avoid.

*Chinese: The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each. Chinese astrology says that there are 108 sacred stars.

*Stages of the soul: Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey.

*Meru: This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala.

*Dance: There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions.

*Praiseworthy souls: There are 108 qualities of praiseworthy souls.

The list goes on and on let's get back to now and how they use it

It also rises to 1080. Zero's do not effect the vibration of a number they are place holders. Look where we see 1080.

1080p is the shorthand name for a category of HDTV video modes. The number "1080" represents 1,080 lines of vertical resolution (1080 horizontal scan lines), while the letter p stands for progressive scan (meaning the image is not interlaced). 1080p can be referred to as full HD or full high definition although 1080i is also "Full HD" (1920x1080 pixels).

1080p is sometimes referred to in marketing materials as "Complete High-Definition". However, 2K/4K (2-11)( 4-11) =22 22 22digital cinema technology is commercially available, and ultra-high definition video is in the research phase.

The field rate is 60 hz, at 30 frames per second X 60 seconds in 1080 frames per minute.

1080 is the radius of the moon(goddess) 108 is the atomic number of silver and when you burn silver you get blue, the color of the ancient goddesses and you get blue ray

Notice the B=Isis or 2 and it looks like a moon eclipsed

The length of the month in Plato's Great Year is twice 1080 years, 2,160 years is the time it takes for the sun to pass through one sign of the zodiac

Camera video capture (ka=spirit)
Words and devices to capture, to put a spell on your mind
with the messages, meant to keep you trapped in material world thinking, reptilian thinking. To alieninate you from your divine potential the Neo cortex and beyond

Sony Bravia
Ra=son god
Via =V (22) through the sacred feminine

108, or 1080,or 10,800 relates to the alchemical process of mercury(quicksilver), its the eastern force of yin, it is lunar, receptive, spiritual, it is Wisdom or Sophia,and it is used for magic to cast spells.

The number that is masculine, yang intellect, physical, solar, alchemical sulphur is 666 of the solar magic square.

"A solar deity" adds up to 666 as does "I am god on earth", in Hebrew gematria. The earth orbits the sun at 66,600 miles per hour.

Carbon the material basis of all living things on earth is 6 protons, six electrons, six neutrons.

The King's coffer in the Great Pyramid is 6 ft and 6.6 inches and the geometry of the great Pyramid construction is 66,600 sq ft on it's side. This is just scratching the surface more on pyramid in another post.

You bury someone 6 Feet Under

The girl in the red hair, the sacred feminine, and HBO in red, whose nickname is Home Box Orifice for the kind of programming it has

Six inches is approximately the size of a woman's box, and 6 is also the approximately the average size of a man's phallic. Which is why six and sex sound so much alike.

If you add up the first 144 numbers ofpi it sums to 666.


The button on Lost resets at 108, they want you to be lost

The numbers sum to 108

More on this later in a post on Cygnus

There is a Rush to Pixelate your brain, hive mind

North Koreans as Pixels with their red, white and blue

Isaiah45:18 says" God himself that formed the earth and made it", that phrase sums to 1080 in Hebrew gematria.

They wish you to be stuck in the box

H= 8 divine feminine
D = 4 material plane
D on it's side is the horizon or 180 degrees

It's not the blue rays from the box that is changing the DNA, that is the material trap, more on the divine rays in the Cygnus post I am working on

Ignorance is the fruit of evil or sin, wisdom Sophia is to live (evil reversed)

The Kill Zone HDNA, they tell you
It's the programming to keep you asleep, and unaware
The PTW wish to rule and lord over you as gods on earth, be aware is the tool. More on all of this in the Jason and the Argonauts post I am working on.

Habakkuk 2:20 "The Lord is in his temple; let all the earth keep silent before him," sums to 1080 in Hebrew.

They said when you recognize the patterns within the matrix,that there's a glitch. No , you are awakening from the slumber of Death.

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Old 07-31-2009, 10:10 PM   #1595
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
The Black Magicians of the World call the sacred feminine's blood essence, STARFIRE because when it is ingested ,it opens up the Nuero pathways within the brain.
Obviously drinking menstrual blood will not be an acceptable method for most people reading here. Are there any other ways to open up these pathways? Or perhaps they will open up on their own during the Chi blast?
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Old 07-31-2009, 10:18 PM   #1596
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
I have now watched all five seasons of "Lost" and am still trying to make sense out of much of the series.

Interesting that you should post a picture of this... When these symbols appeared on the display I found it to be one of the scariest and creepiest moments in the entire series. Do you have any idea of what they mean, or of their significance?
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Old 07-31-2009, 10:39 PM   #1597
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

I can't thank you enough for these posts JK and 777.
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Old 07-31-2009, 11:26 PM   #1598
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I have now watched all five seasons of "Lost" and am still trying to make sense out of much of the series.

Interesting that you should post a picture of this... When these symbols appeared on the display I found it to be one of the scariest and creepiest moments in the entire series. Do you have any idea of what they mean, or of their significance?

That was from the 23rd episode and the 2 hour season finale of Season 2 on Lost(22 for 2 hour and 2 season)

The episode was called "Live Together, Die Alone". The symbols are a folded cloth, curl, fire drill , vulture, and a stick, which are all funerary tools, the hieroglyphs mean Die or Underworld. I will be talking more on these things when I do a post on Cygnus, which is after my Jason and the Argonauts., it all is connected.

I have not seen the 5th season yet so please no spoilers, I am renting it this weekend

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Old 08-01-2009, 01:40 AM   #1599
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
The symbols are a folded cloth, curl, fire drill , vulture, and a stick, which are all funerary tools, the hieroglyphs mean Die or Underworld.
Well, I guess "die or underworld" makes sense given that these symbols come up when the full fury of the underground magnetic forces is "let loose" and anyone in the area could very well die at that time! The red and black colors are sort of scary too, and make me think of hell or death. I still do not understand why the Dharma initiative and the "others" left the important task of entering the numbers to frail humans who were not even part of their groups. Odd. Why not just automate such an important task?

I will be talking more on these things when I do a post on Cygnus, which is after my Jason and the Argonauts., it all is connected.
The quantity and quality of information you are posting lately is just unbelievable! It must be flooding into your brain the way it does with 777. I wish I could say I understand it but 90% or more just goes over my head, I'm afraid.

I have not seen the 5th season yet so please no spoilers, I am renting it this weekend
No spoilers here, but you should know that the episodes are all available on the internet if you want to save some money.
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Old 08-01-2009, 03:57 AM   #1600
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Obviously drinking menstrual blood will not be an acceptable method for most people reading here. Are there any other ways to open up these pathways? Or perhaps they will open up on their own during the Chi blast?
Hey NPG... funny you should ask.

7-2001, looks like Mother Nature had her cycle at that time! I guess if you don't want to drink it then just go outside and soak in it.

And if you don't want to wait for the next 'period' then do your own rain dance... a little music to get you in the mood!

And you can always stimulate the feminine inside your head- stare at the light inside your mind (White Pearl), and watch the red fireworks/tubule torus/'the Red Sea over me' explode.

Now there's a way to neutralize the ol Swine... just when tptb had it all figured out, silly rabbit.

Last edited by Christo888; 08-01-2009 at 05:26 AM.
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