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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 07-19-2009, 06:38 PM   #1526
no caste
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Also, orange -

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Old 07-19-2009, 06:58 PM   #1527
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

judykott - Thanks for the beautiful, interesting information about hibiscus. (I tend to 'un-do' local plants.) About the big virus website, again, I think users and gamers - who are actually free labor! - help think out solutions/results for TPTW.
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Old 07-19-2009, 07:35 PM   #1528
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Also, orange -

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Old 07-19-2009, 08:07 PM   #1529
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

12 hours x2 in the day -

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Old 07-19-2009, 08:14 PM   #1530
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

It always comes back to Zero Point

“Know that since God created human beings
and brought them out of nothingness into existence,
they have not stopped being travellers.”
Sufi sage, Ibn al’Arabi

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Old 07-19-2009, 09:25 PM   #1531
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I noticed that on many clock pictures the time is always 10:10.
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Old 07-19-2009, 09:44 PM   #1532
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
I noticed that on many clock pictures the time is always 10:10.
Yes, it's classic ten-past-ten. And the hands hinge on its belly button {vestige: umbilical cord, placenta} in torso
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Old 07-20-2009, 03:17 AM   #1533
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The hummingbird has powerful spiritual significance. In the Occult, the hummingbird is a symbol of resurrection. It seems to die on cold nights, but comes back to life again at sunrise.According to occult teachings,the humming bird brings fire to the world.The humming bird is also attracted to the Hibiscus.The blooms are open for a short period each day, symbolic of the soul's brief time here on earth.
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Old 07-20-2009, 10:52 PM   #1534
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Does anyone think the Chi blast/rapture will happen Wednesday to coincide with the solar eclipse?
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Old 07-20-2009, 11:04 PM   #1535
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Does anyone think the Chi blast/rapture will happen Wednesday to coincide with the solar eclipse?
I think tptw will be active doing rituals to further their plans, and the awake one's should be doing our own energetics to bring in positive energy and evolve as much as possible as well as send that energy to all on Earth.
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Old 07-21-2009, 07:27 AM   #1536
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

My first visit to the Golden Gate Bridge was when I was 5. My family boarded a train in Kansas and made a memorable trip to see my grandparents that lived in San Francisco.

There are memories and images that burn themselves more deeply into ones minds than others, that survive decades while others fade away. The only surviving memory of my grandfather was watching him drop his cigar off of the Golden Gate Bridge and watching that small smoldering spark fall.

The bridge is truly beautiful in design, and I have been lucky enough to get back and see the bridge a few more times. So I was a little surprised when I saw this "map" on a blog and decided to further explore, the message behind the message.

This post is about awareness, of the manipulation of the matrix to keep people trapped in the cube hence the 666, and 222. It is about manipulation of the spirit and instead of the phoenix rising from the ashes, regenerated and reborn, there are other paths that are encouraged through programming.

Sometimes we need to look at things that may be uncomfortable, to see what is behind the programming. A bridge is a means of transition or connection to connect to headlands. The bridge in our mind is the most important bridge of all to awareness, without fear. Watch for the Fibonacci numbers and 11, 22, and 666. We are being served more pi here, in a ritualistic way in the same way the events of other catastrophes are orchestrated.

San Francisco Chronicle, was the first to publish the suicide map

It’s (245 ft) down from the deck of the Golden Gate Bridge to the water below. That drop will kill most people, that’s exactly what it did to over 1,200 people who jumped off the bridge since its opening in 1937.
San Francisco’s most famous landmark, the world’s longest suspension bridge at its opening, has earned the sad distinction of being the world’s most popular suicide spot (others include Aokigahara, the “Sea of Trees” at the foot of Mount Fuji [Japan], Niagara Falls [US/Can], Beachy Head and Clifton Bridge [both in England]).

The first jumper, on Aug. 7, 1937( 10 weeks after opening), was Harold Wobber, a World War I veteran.Wobber turned to a stranger on the walkway -- saying, "This is as far as I go" -- and took his last step.

The number of jumpers from the bridge, spanning the over 2 km (6,700 ft) wide strait at the entrance of San Francisco Bay, has varied greatly throughout the years, never more than around 10 until 1960 (with the exception of the 20 of 1948), then rising dramatically to peak at 40 in 1977 and dropping again to a low of less than 10 in 1990.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

In 2004, 24 people jumped off the Bridge, spiking to 38 in 2007 – an increase many blamed on The Bridge, a documentary about the place’s fatal attraction.
the Bridge is a visual and visceral journey into one of life's gravest taboo's.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
Chief Seattle 1854 CE

In 2008, authorities voted to install a ’safety net’ six metres below the Bridge (although how this should prevent people from jumping from the net is a question that should definitely be covered by the study to be conducted on the net’s impact). Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project agreed on a steel safety net 20 feet below the walkway, a yet-to-be-funded project that will cost three years and $50 million.

In his original plans, chief engineer Joseph Strauss considered the bridge's potential as a suicide site and designed railings 5 1/2 feet high. On May 7, 1936, a year before the opening of the bridge, Strauss boasted to the San Francisco Call-Bulletin that the bridge was "practically suicide-proof."

"The guard rails," he was quoted as saying, "are five feet and six inches high and are so constructed that any persons on the pedestrian walk could not get a handhold to climb over them. The intricate telephone and patrol systems will operate so efficiently that anyone acting suspiciously would be immediately surrounded. Suicide from the bridge is neither possible nor probable." Someone changed his plans the bridge came in under budget, so that was not the reason. They changed the rail height to four feet. I think it was for ritual purposes, as they knew what the result would be.

There are stories that he changed it last minute because he was short, does not sound likely from all of his planning and boasting of it being safe. There are stories that the orders came from elsewhere and for other purposes. The end result has been tragic, and severely under reported as it has been estimated that the figure is at least double, many bodies never found. They no longer publicize the number since there was a flurry of activity leading up to 1,000, as some wanted to mark history as being the 1,000th.


In January 1933, two classmates from a Tokyo school jumped into Mount Mihara, an active volcano on the Japanese island of Oshima. Weeks later, six more leaped into the volcano. Soon tourists were gathering to witness the suicides, which totaled 140 that year, 160 the next. Barriers were erected; it's no longer a suicide destination.

In 1974, sociologist David Phillips gave a new name to suicide contagion. He called it the Werther effect, taking the name from "The Sorrows of Young Werther," an 18th century German novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The story of a young man's suicide by pistol after a failed romance, "Sorrows" inspired a rash of copycat suicides -- many of whom dressed for death in the style of the novel's tragic hero -- until the book was banned in several countries.

This cartogram details the exact locations of the suicides, corresponding them with the 128 light poles that line the Bridge (east to west, even ones on the oceanside, uneven ones on the bayside). For obvious reasons, the areas closest to the edges of the Bridge are less popular (most suicides aim for maximum effect, i.e. longest way down). Remarkably, the bayside is a lot more popular than the oceanside. The hotspot is light pole 69 with – if I counted correctly – 56 recorded suicides.

Note the bridge is made of Twin Towers, the Marin and the San Francisco Tower. Mars the "Red Planet" was named after the roman God of War. Mar also connects it to Marriage and the bridging of the masculine and feminine energy. Each of the towers has 4 openings for earthly elements, added together is 8 for the sacred feminine. This is the Mother Gate, G8, Heaven's gate and the bridge to eternity.

CRISIS Counseling
There is Hope
Make the Call
(415) 923-2220 =555-222

Eighty-seven percent are Bay Area residents -- exploding the myth that people flock from around the world to die here. After a fall of about 4 seconds, a jumper would hit the water at approximately 140 km/h (87 mph) –The jump is fatal 98 percent of the time

Those surviving the actual fall usually succumb to hypothermia, induced by the cold (8°C/47°F) water of the Bay. Over the decades, 26 people are known to have survived the fall and the cold water.

Let's look at the construction of the bridge and the numbers used here. This one was made out of one tootpick

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake 1800 CE

Release the hounds

Golden Gate Bridge= 666 666 666
6 lanes
$6 toll toll =69
4,200 ft span=6
1,200,000 rivets=66
220 feet (67 m) at mean higher high water=22
80,000 in 2 cables
22 lanes for the toll booth
speed limit 55
11 killed while building
19 men belong to the Halfway to Hell Club they survived in nets while they were buiding

International Orange
The color is related to scarlet.
Hex triplet(666) #FF4F00=66 4 666

The Roads that cross it
Red Wood Hwy=22 22 2

This highway leads from the bridge towards Bohemian Grove
Highway 101

Notice the Masonic Arches, they were in existence long before McDonald's. If you take away a few letters from the word McDonald's it spells Mason just like on the Dollar bill. Originally they were going to have the V be the Rotten Ronnie's sign but they decided on M which incorporates the V in the center of the M, the birth place of matter the fourth sign of the Zodiac of the four elements. Cancer being the first water sign.

Cancer is the center of the bridge lightpole 69 the sign of Cancer and marks July 22 the solstice. Aries is the spiritual seed or seed essence, Cancer the earthly represented by the 69 which is the seed germ of the Hebrew letter YOD that corresponds to with I,Y, J, we have arrived at the square, for Cancer is ninety degrees from Aries, tilt the square over in the above picture. A work has been done now we must measure it . Aries and Cancer must Work on the Square, hence the term to get square with someone.

Cancer in the Keystone position
Wheel of the zodiac: 6th century mosaic pavement adapting

Greek-Byzantine elements from a synagogue, Beit Alpha, Israel

Aries (0°)
Taurus (30°)
Gemini (60°)
Cancer (90°)
Leo (120°)
Virgo (150°)
Libra (180°)
Scorpius (210°)
Sagittarius (240°)
Capricorns (270°)
Aquarius (300°)
Pisces (330°)

The tetractys is an equilateral triangle that houses ten "units" - in the image above we see the units represented by yod-heh-vav-heh (the four letter name of God) and at the bottom right we see the Classic "Peg Board" game.

Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on Earth?
Job 38:33

Ruled by the Moon, it governs expansion and contraction. Cancer the Gate of Men , souls descended down from heaven to human bodies. Caught in the net in the salt water, the Mare or Mary of the human body. The Golden Gate is in our minds, in us is the bridge the connection to eternity. In us is the spark of divine.

Sun is Spirit, Matter is the Moon.
Prasna Upanishad

The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started.
T.S. Eliot

my cry of loneliness
was so loud in
my empty heart
that an echo answered
I thought it was you

Slowly mist ascends
Glistening dewdrops drift home
tears as you depart


I wanted the night to linger
but the day asserted its presence
as surely as God's presence
is asserted among the godless

My mind begins
to make obscure truths
of my obsequious needs
on the edge of thought
the mirror reflects as stranger

Life lived in circular thought,
the oblivious sun burns on
like and oracle of Delphi
words born from a silent heart
proclaiming there will be light

the dark truths
dawn on first light
imprisoned in the moment
the emptiness of eternity
burdened by the weight of nothingness
in the weightlessness of time

Centuries pass in the moment
Moments implode into now
Past , present, and future merge
On crystal water, crystal dreams

Vacant attic of memory
the soul is my ark
in the flood of memory

Every season in its cycle
Yet ever changing in its revolution,
the evolution, evolving and involving
change of constants
circle of unbroken changes
come back upon yourself
forever beginning at its end

Transparent shimmer of luminescence
imprisoned part of God
bound by human flesh
humanity's untouched paradise

The spark of divine
ember of eternal
freed only by death
or by love
Of human couplings
locked in embrace
we seek the union of flame
the moment of divine

On butterfly wings
it is a quick death
and eternal union of source

Rise to limitless realms
beyond thought and reason
beyond manmade church and religion
We rise to faith
where faith is not blind
but all knowing all seeing
encompassing all space
between all molecules and neurons
we join the great void
that connects all

Last edited by judykott; 07-22-2009 at 02:17 AM.
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Old 07-21-2009, 08:42 AM   #1537
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

What a fantastic post Judy! Really interesting stuff

Some cool pics in there also

Do you think other bridges are set up around the world in a similar manner? There are 2 very famous bridges where I live that Im going to go and research now
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Old 07-21-2009, 02:51 PM   #1538
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
What a fantastic post Judy! Really interesting stuff

Some cool pics in there also

Do you think other bridges are set up around the world in a similar manner? There are 2 very famous bridges where I live that Im going to go and research now

Thank you iain, I am sure there are other places built for ritual intention. In , ten the number of alpha and omega, so to say it is already done, tion as in zion.

Within this is 10 of the the tetractys is an equilateral triangle ( representing triune nature) that houses ten "units" - in the image above we see the units represented by yod-heh-vav-heh (the four letter name of God) in Hebrew, these are concepts. Just remember that the bridge represents the Golden Gate and sacred principles of birth as well as the sacrilegious, awareness is the key.

There is the term seed of destruction, as well as the seed that brings forth life.

Even with in the word birth is the term bi which means two, rth to resonant earth to where we are born in the material realm of duality. Lack of awareness is to dual with oneself and in the ity or T the T as in a cross to bear.

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Old 07-21-2009, 02:57 PM   #1539
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Wow Judy, fascinating reading.
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Old 07-21-2009, 10:05 PM   #1540
777 The Great Work
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When your xperience and information is given to you through a daily Vaccination. This amounts to you being responsible for building your own imprisonment.Ignorance is a food source.

Ignorance causes disturbances through its random acts of chaos, due to the lack of awareness.By your acts of ignorance,.the dynamics for the energy vampires sustenance, is made ready for them,your havoc is their harmony.

MATTER -- Matter is an envelope that seals the spirit in the flesh into specific levels of awareness.How light manipulates the envelope,determines how the envelope is refined in order to expand, so that the spirit might know itself at higher, and ever higher levels of awareness.


In order to control the physical ,and spiritual evolutionary advancement of man.One must seal ,and maintain the envelope at the lowest possible state of awareness ,by daily vaccination, of information overload.This overload of information cuts off the signal from the sun, thats telling the DNA to change.


Helix means Sun
HELIOS means SUN--- Stop believing the lies about the SUN.Your sychronicity with it ,is whats going to cause the shift.

Biblical EDOM in the Occult, corresponds to the right lobe of the brain..

Three types of procured methods of Mind-Control at its highest performance utilization are as follows:

1. E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory)

2. E.E.O.M. (Electronic Enhancement of Memory)

3. R.H.I.C. (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control)

RHIC techniques call for the implantation of a micro-sized electronic radio receiver. The implantation most frequently is made by highly trained teams within the Intelligence community. The procedure involves the insertion of the micro-receiver (or transceiver) into the desired areas such as the frontal lobe or temporal lobe of the subject in question. The device acts as a stimulator which can stimulate a muscle, nerve or brain frequency upon receiving the proper signal and will then initiate a desired response. The receiver generates sensory impulses which are then received through afferent nerves. These register as sensations which are the basis for perception.

Under projects such as MK DRACO and HATTER, today's receivers are much smaller than the originals. Several types of "encephalators" are used to implant the devices into brain tissue through the nostril of a sedated subject after hallucinatory programming has commenced. The process is painful and, in some cases, may result in permanent damage to the signal cavity resulting in later ear, nose and throat problems for the subject in question. Another method used by some programs is the use of oral encephalator to insert the transceiver or receiver through the soft palette of the mouth into the brain tissue. This method is also conducted in concert with hallucinatory program cues.

Another type of RHIC technology which is currently being utilized is a more sophisticated manipulation which utilizes a Personal Radio and Electro-Magnetic Frequency Allocation, better known in some intelligence circles as a "Primary" or "Prema". This is obtained by a simple "Scan" involving the acquisition of an individual's actual frequency allocation which are as unique to an individual as RNA/DNA codes. Primary Frequency Scanners are today so advanced that the machinery can fit into a normal sized briefcase.

The scanning or Reading Wand -- easily disguised in the confines of a pen or a room's light fixture -- is placed in the desired location to achieve a "reading".

Once the PRIME FREQUENCY or "PRIME FREAK" is obtained, procedures may be introduced which will affect only the individual in question. This is obtained through direct manipulation of this individual's Primary Frequency Allocation.

Another current RHIC technology in use can achieve manipulation of an individual or large masses of a populace. Without a Primary being established, general manipulation and control is obtained, though not as quickly or completely successfully. This is due to variances in particular geographic locations, certain drugs and food products, ethnicity, and general chemical effect on an individual. This method achieves the desired outcome through radio waves in the 800 MHZ band where the Vital Human Brain Frequency resonation is located. These waves directly affect the subject in the desired way through slow and persistent exposure.

Concerned Special Intelligence Operations personnel should acquaint themselves with PROJECT HIGH TONE and PROJECT XENO. Personnel in OM level Special Projects Operations are already aware of the Human Frequency operations and testing procedures which proved to be a great success on large population base capacities in Los Angeles, Calif. in April 1992.

This Frequency Wave Manipulation can be utilized to the maximum benefits in a population or among select individuals when required. The benefits to CIA, NSA, Aquarius Group Operations and Aqua Tech Operatives are obvious. Through the ignorance of the general population of the World, the Cellular Wave Frequency Communications facilities may be erected and utilized by the Intelligence Community to sedate, excite or initiate a variety of physical effects and ills to implement population control or elimination at the time it is deemed necessary.

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Old 07-21-2009, 10:17 PM   #1541
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how can an ordianary person defend himself/herself from all that technology?
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Old 07-21-2009, 10:27 PM   #1542
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Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
how can an ordianary person defend himself/herself from all that technology?
By raising your awareness and vibration to higher frequencies. The ionosphere is at 8 Hz.They use Harrp to bounce 12 Hz and higher, in order to create a peaceful or savage state of mind.

This memory weapon is also in space.This is what they will use to make us try to forget the shift.It has the ability to make you loose track of time and events. Become aware, so that your concsiousness will over ride this frequency warfare. Start dumping the fear based information.
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Old 07-21-2009, 10:30 PM   #1543
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Again we have the International Orange, of the Golden Gate the 666 resonator, which is stated in it's description that it is related to Scarlet(Red 666).

We have the V V V=22 22 22
in the Vista Vision Vertigo
The main characters are dressed in Black and White of duality.

Swirling 69 of Cancer in it's obsessive state.
This image is evocative of the claws of the crab. There is tenacity to Cancer in its pursuit of goals, it will hang on so tight and obsessively that it will lose a claw rather than let go. Once achieved this tenacity continues by hanging on and holding together what is possessed.

The glyph is also like two spirals moving in opposite directions symbolic of the ascending and descending course of the Sun, or the two and fro movement of the crab from land to water, and back again, which could be likened to a movement from the external world of conscious life to the internal world of the subconscious, back and forth.

Premiering in San Francisco on May 9, 1958=55, it is considered to be
director Alfred Hitchcock's (Al as in alchemy Hitch as in wed (web) and ****(do I really need to explain that one)finest film. (and, according to Hitchcock, his most personal one), this adaptation of the French novel D'entre les morts (The Living and the Dead) weaves an intricate web of obsession and deceit. It was restored in 1996 More pi in our face

San Francisco detective John(A John is someone associated with prostitutes )"Scottie"( cott as in caught on the T or cross) Ferguson(Urge u son) (James Stewart) develops acrophobia (an extreme fear of heights) after a fellow police officer (Fred Graham) falls to his death while trying to save him during a rooftop chase.

His acrophobia causes vertigo. Also notice how close that word in to Virgo or Virgin a vixen who makes your head spin.

He is forced to retire from police work, and is unable even to stand on a step-stool in the apartment of his friend Marjorie "Midge" Wood( MM=22 22 or 8 the sacred feminine) (Barbara Bel Geddes) without being paralyzed by fear and dizziness.

Scottie is then hired as a private detective by an old college acquaintance, Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore), who wants his wife Madeleine (Kim Novak) followed. Elster (El Star or Trickster ) is worried that she appears to have symptoms of a mental illness or "possession" by a spirit. Scottie tails Madeleine, who visits the grave and the painting of a woman named Carlotta ( Scarlet as in the Woman in Red )Valdes(V) who killed herself one hundred years(Jubilee) earlier.

Madeleine( Magdalene as in Mary) wears her hair like Valdes and wanders the city in a trance-like, obsessive state.( the negative aspect of cancer or lunacy as Cancer is governed by the moon) In spite of the detective's former romantic involvement with Midge - they were even engaged for three weeks - Scottie is strongly attracted to Madeleine.

The bridge and Madeleine are Scarlet women, temptresses of the material world, and possesiveness, like Vivien as Scarlet O'Hara (O as represent of the whole or hole and Hara as a Mati Hara another scarlet woman) in Gone with the Wind. This is the woman in red in the Matrix

In another scene Scarlet who stands upon the barren lands after the war and grabs earth in her hands and shakes her fists at heaven and says "I will not go hungry anymore" .

Then clenching the earth of material realm she says Tara, which is the name of the plantation it is echoed Tara(terra). She then goes in cuts down the green curtains from the parlor window, a veil of illusion, to make a dress to tempt Brett Butler who is held in Prison(cube or cell), the scarlet woman who will use her wiles to get things on the material plane of existence.

There is a scene in Vertigo that echo's that same theme with Judy/Madeleine being bathed in green neon light. When she gives up her identity and is not true to herself.

Scarlet as the scarlet woman, in Gone With the Wind

Fort Point is about to become a character in the story but first we need some background on it. It is a real place in San Francisco on the harbor. All the locations in the movie are actual ones.

The United States sign is Cancer, July 4, whose leaders are behaving in an obsessive, possessive, and lunacy state.


All three containers of the body are used to provide some type of nourishment, while two are intended to biologically equip the female to harbor a safe haven for the growing fetus, and then provide nourishing milk for the growing infant, as well as warmth and comfort.

A Harbor is a safe haven for boats to berth(birth), behind the straits
and through the narrows. It is a watery womb, a safe harbor for berth. Golden Horn was given to the San Francisco Bay by it's first discovers after this harbor.The Golden Horn is a historic inlet of the Bosphorus dividing the city of Istanbul and forming the superb natural harbor that has sheltered Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and other ships for thousands of years. It is a scimitar shaped estuary that joins the Bosphorus just at the point where that strait enters the Sea ofMarmara , thus forming a peninsula the tip of which is "Old Istanbul" (ancient Byzantion and Constantinople).

This is where Madelaine jumps into the harbor, Fort Point being in the position of the fornix guarding the straits, or birth(berth) canal to the harbor (womb).

Welcome to Fort Point National Historic Site!
Fort Point National Historic Site
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, Cali fornia 94123

From its vantage point overlooking the spectacular Golden Gate, Fort Point protected San Francisco harbor from Confederate & foreign attack during & after the U.S. Civil War. Its beautifully arched casemates display the art of the master brick mason from the Civil War period

A bloody period in our country.You want to cervix your country.

Definition of Fornix

Fornix: In anatomy, a vaultlike or arched structure.

For example:

* The fornix in the brain -- a fibrous arching band connecting the two lobes of the cerebrum.

* The fornix of the conjunctivae -- loose arching folds connecting the conjunctival membrane lining the inside of the eyelid with the conjunctival membrane covering the eyeball.

* The fornix of the vagina -- the anterior (front) and posterior (back) recesses into which the upper vagina is divided. These vaultlike recesses are formed by protrusion of the cervix into the vagina.

"Fornix" is the Latin word for "vault or arch." "Fornix" is closely related to "fornication." Kali fornication It seems that prostitutes in ancient Rome used to hang out under the arches of certain public buildings. The act of carrying on an illicit sexual relationship consequently came to be called "going under the arches" or fornication.

lX =is also a medical term for investigation
lX =Roman numeral 9, the months of gestation for humans before the birth through the straits or the canal, the release of the flood of waters of the amniotic fluid which is salt water.

Thefornix (Latin, "vault" or "arch") is a C-shaped bundle of fibres (axons) in the brain, and carries signals from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies and septal nuclei.

I couldn't find any with a Brazilian wax
The fornices of the vagina are the deepest portions of the vagina, extending into the recesses created by the extension of the cervix into the vaginal space. The word 'fornix' is Latin for 'arch' or 'brothel'.

There are three named fornices:

* The posterior fornix is the larger recess, behind the cervix. It is close to the rectouterine pouch.
* There are two smaller recesses in front and at the sides:
o the anterior fornix is close to the vesicouterine pouch.
o the lateral fornix.

I am not just whistling Dixie here!!!

How many served under those Golden Arches of McDonald's

I couldn't resist throwing that picture in, it is not from Vertigo.

When you are under a spell, you have a life sentence. Seeing language and its constructs with its punctuation marks such as the comma, used as a mark of separation in a sentence or a pause. The life sentence of being trapped in the world of material thought and want, filling the quota the proportioned part that keeps us separate. The punctuation is the mark to divide the sentence and quotation marks to indicate a beginning and an end to a quote within a sentence to separate us, my words from your words as if we can own words. Period means to come to a full stop. To punctuate is an act of puncturing, a hole , a wound, or perforation.

Look at a comma's and quotation marks, they are the YOD seed the 69 as used to keep us in the box of the 6 sided cube. A cross to bear really means you remain in a cube, a box. What other things are called boxes?

cross cube of 6 pyramids, this would form a jack in the box that 777 talked about in one of his posts. To emerge and see, emergency. CRISIS, is Isis in the Scarlet mode , emergency.Code Red

The hexation (6)of the word to sacrifice us on the cross of the sacral. To take ones own life is the most sacrilegious thing one can do. It's not crossing the bridge, it is jumping off of it, or burning our bridges, or I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Look at comma, and then coma is a state of profound unconsciousness, a state of mental or physical sluggishness.To pause or separate oneself from others. Comatose. This is how you get put under a Spell, words as sword. Back to the movie Vertigo, now that we know what Fort Point means.

He follows her to Fort Point at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, where she jumps into San Francisco Bay in what appears to be a suicide attempt.

Scottie saves her and brings her to his apartment. When she awakens, she joins him in the living room, but soon leaves.

When Madeleine and Scottie take a trip to see giant sequoias at Muir Woods, she enters into an apparent reverie of what appears to be Carlotta's past.

In a dark, moody, giant redwood forest, in the filtered, impressionistic light of the woods where they have wandered, she speaks about the ancient, towering trees and how they remind her of her own smallness and mortality. She gravely comments on how history continually repeats itself - (there are other repetitive images, colors, and actions throughout the film, i.e., the reincarnations - and linkages between Carlotta, Madeleine, and Judy)

Madeleine: How old?
Scottie: Oh, some 2,000 years or more.
Madeleine: The oldest living things.
Scottie: Yes. You've never been here before?
Madeleine: No.
Scottie: What are you thinking?
Madeleine: Of all the people who've been born and have died while the trees went on living.
Scottie: Their true name is Sequoia sempervirens, 'always green, ever-living.'
Madeleine: I don't like it.
Scottie: Why?
Madeleine: Knowing I have to die.

She tells Scottie she has dreamed of Mission San Juan Bautista, and he takes her there in an effort to conquer her disturbing dreams. At the mission, Madeleine suddenly runs into the bell tower.

Scottie's acrophobia prevents him from following her up the steep staircase. Through a window, Scottie sees Madeleine plummet from the top of the tower to her death.

Scottie suffers a nervous breakdown and flees the scene. At the inquest into Madeleine's death, Scottie is cleared of prosecution but severely criticized by the coroner for negligence, though Elster reassures him, telling him "we both know who really killed Madeleine" (i.e. she was possessed by Carlotta's spirit). Elster tells Scottie he intends to cope with his grief for Madeleine by leaving San Francisco to travel the world.

Top of the Mark
Scottie “No, Acrophobia isn’t a crippling thing. It just means I can’t climb steep stairs or go to high places, like the bar at the Top of the Mark.”
To come up short of the Mark is an esoteric term.

Scottie's depression worsens and he is placed in a mental hospital,(Lunacy) where he descends into catatonic passivity and suffers from terrifying nightmares. Midge tries to console him but realizes that he is still in love with Madeleine. Much later, Scottie, still brooding, begins to haunt the places where he had been with Madeleine.

All of the spots are real places in San Francisco that are in the movie and they all have significance as you will see, here are some of the places he visited interspersed in the next few paragraphs.

Lombard Street, as seen from Coit Tower runs through Cow Hollow, with switch backs designed in 1922
8 sharp turns and is this section is known as the windiest street in the world. Part of it is Hwy 101, at street reduces to 16 degree incline(sweet sixteen)
Madeleine's apartment building is "The Brocklebank" at 1000 Mason Street,

Coit Tower was built in Pioneer Park atop Telegraph Hill in 1933 at the bequest of Lillie Hitchcock Coit Lillie has sexual meaning for it's shape of it's blossom and I think you can figure out the rest of it by the phallic nature of the tower.) It does not appear as if she was a relative of Hitchcock. To beautify the City of San Francisco; Lillie bequeathed one-third of her estate to the City of San Francisco "to be expended in an appropriate manner for the purpose of adding to the beauty of the city which I have always loved"

Phoenix and Fasci, no doubt about it being Masonic

Nice Mirror work here

On one visit, he encounters a woman, Judy Barton, who bears a striking resemblance to Madeleine, although she seems more "ordinary," even a bit vulgar, in comparison with Madeleine's refined beauty. Scottie follows Judy to her hotel room, where he hears her story. She is a simple girl from Salina, Kansas,( Most of Hitchcock's women are icy blonds from Kansas as did Dorothy in the Wizard ) making a life for herself in San Francisco after a series of bad relationships.

Palace of Fine Arts
Dome with water, female principle

However, after Scottie leaves, the truth is revealed: Judy writes him a letter in which she reveals (in flashback) that she was in fact Madeleine: Elster hired her to act as a mentally unstable false "Madeleine". The woman who fell from the tower was Elster's real wife, hurled, already dead, from the tower by her husband. Elster had hired Scottie to follow the false Madeleine simply to have someone reputable to corroborate his claims of his wife's suicidal tendencies. With no witnesses and Scottie's testimony supporting Madeleine's "insanity",Lunacy Elster got away with murder by correctly calculating that Scottie's vertigo would prevent him from following 'Madeleine' up the tower to see the truth.

The lone Cypress, a symbol of the city , as seen from 17 Mile Drive

Having written the letter, Judy, who has fallen in love with Scottie and feels guilty for the pain she has caused him, destroys the letter almost as soon as she has written it. Scottie becomes obsessed with Judy, but any romantic possibility between them is thwarted by his memory of Madeleine. Scottie insists that Judy dress like Madeleine; despite her protests, she eventually gives in. When Judy is completely made over as Madeleine, she goes back to her apartment, where Scottie is waiting. She deliberately tries to retain some hint of her own personality by not wearing her hair in Madeleine's style, but finally he persuades her to change even this small detail. She goes into the bathroom and emerges, just as Madeleine emerged from his bedroom — the film echoes the earlier scene — and as Scottie embraces her the past swirls about them and their relationship seems finally to be consummated, his obsession cured.

Argosy book store on East 59th Street

Scottie becomes suspicious of Judy when he sees her wearing a red(Scarlet), jeweled pendant that he remembers Madeleine claiming to have inherited. He takes her to Mission San Juan Bautista and forces her to go up the tower once more, telling her that he wants to re-enact the scene in which he failed to save Madeleine. He forces her to confess the truth and they inch up to the top, where Scottie rages at her.

Scottie suddenly realizes that his vertigo is not affecting him and he has made it to the top. For a moment, he forgets about the questioning and gloats to himself: "I made it. I made it." Climbing higher into the tower through the trap door to the actual "scene of the crime" in the belfry, he drags her up as her feet go limp and unresistant. With powerful intensity, he questions her about the betrayal and she cowers from him.

Using two key words from earlier - freedom and power - he bitterly explains how he learned of the deception as the story of her collusion and sinister relationship with Elster is revealed (as a mistress and accomplice in another denial of her own identity).

Experiencing intense feelings of both repulsion (hate) and attraction (love), he softens when she insists that she loves him and falls into his arms for a passionate embrace and kiss - they renew their twisted love. Then, suddenly the footsteps of a black-clad figure in the shadows startle Judy. (In Judy's mind, the words "bringing her back" are fulfilled.) Judy backs away from Scottie gasping: "Oh, no!" The dark, shadowy figure says: "I hear voices."

Terrified, thinking and believing she is seeing the ghost of the murdered Madeleine (or the reincarnation of the ghostly doomed mother Carlotta Valdes), Judy recoils, steps and falls backward through an opening in the tower and plummets to her own death (off-screen) in an emotionally-shattering climax. The figure, actually a nun from the mission, crosses herself and murmurs the last words of the film: "God have mercy."

The nun (a Mother Superior , virginal Sister of Mary, or perhaps expressing "habit" for what she is wearing) pulls the bell rope and rings the mission bell. As the bell tolls Scottie, cured of his vertigo, emerges from the arched window of the tower onto the belfry ledge. He stares down in horror at her body far below - stunned, open-mouthed, shocked and glassy-eyed with his arms slightly away from his body. He is cured of his vertigo, but totally destroyed by his other delusions and burgeoning sorrow. Tragically loving and losing the same woman twice, repeating the pattern he had intended to break, the scene fades to black.

This is the story of missing the mark, of possession and obsession on the material realm, it is the story of the bridge who can be the Scarlet woman, or the Mary who brings forth life into this realm and of the balance of Yin Yang and awareness.

They toiled and built a thousand years
In love's all powerful might;
And so the Milky Way was made
A starry bridge of light.
Zacharias Topelius 1890 CE

Last edited by judykott; 07-22-2009 at 03:45 AM.
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Old 07-22-2009, 03:57 AM   #1544
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

I ain't no physicist but I knows what matters.
Popeye the Sailor

Great post, I hadn't heard of some of those projects yet, thanks.

Speaking of Hatters, did you see these.

Johnny Depp

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Old 07-22-2009, 05:13 AM   #1545
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Mirror rituals of the Black Magicians.

Revelation 12:7: 7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time..

On the grounds of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, there stands a large sculpture of Michael the Archangel slaying the Dragon. As the photos of the above and below pictures reveal. At the base of the sculpture, under the Dragon which is being slain by the Archangel, there are two other strange figures, one of the Sun-god and the other, a Crab. Your average sightseer would not recognize the Zodiacal sign of Cancer, which is the Crab, or appreciate its occult meaning. However, the esoteric message of this dramatic scene is one which the occult underground understands very well. It is that of a long-awaited moment of the unveiling.

(Michael Jackson)

During this epic event , Archangel Michael destroys the Dragon(lower nature)in the sign of Cancer. The Sun-god and Crab positioned underneath the Archangel mean, in astrological terms, the Sun in Cancer. The powers that was, appear to be making an attempt to reverse the process ,through ritual and the use of world focus, and intention on the Sun king's death.The deception is getting more intense by the moment.
The Michael JAK = 22 SUN Heart Chakra ,Ritual in Cancer.(died of Cardiac Arrest)

ARCH -- Angel Michael ruler of the 4th Heaven(Heart Chakra) and the Sun. His zodiac sign - Leo - ruler of Sunday

Michael Jackson was born under sign of Virgo
Died when Saturn was in Virgo-- Virgo is known as the divine Androgynine.
Michael is the 7th child
Michael died at age 50 in the sign of cancer
On a spiritual level Michael jack son is 1 year old.
He is 7 x 7 = 49 and 50 makes a full cycle of Sirius
50 is the number of the jubilee and this is the year of Jubilee.

Saturn's day is the 7th day
Archangel Michael Kabbalistically corresponds to the 8th Sephira HOD on the tree of life. Hod = intellect and logic,and structure.

In the beginning was the word

The beginning of your illusion is based upon the construct of language, or how a language is used or misused,or our ignorance of how a language is used.In our awakening we can use language to unlock the doors, that keep us in light code lock down.

Your Havoc is their harmony, ignorance is a food source.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 07-22-2009 at 05:20 AM.
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Old 07-22-2009, 05:31 AM   #1546
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post


Again we have the International Orange, of the Golden Gate the 666 resonator, which is stated in it's description that it is related to Scarlet(Red 666).

We have the V V V=22 22 22
in the Vista Vision Vertigo
The main characters are dressed in Black and White of duality.

Swirling 69 of Cancer in it's obsessive state.
This image is evocative of the claws of the crab. There is tenacity to Cancer in its pursuit of goals, it will hang on so tight and obsessively that it will lose a claw rather than let go. Once achieved this tenacity continues by hanging on and holding together what is possessed.

The glyph is also like two spirals moving in opposite directions symbolic of the ascending and descending course of the Sun, or the two and fro movement of the crab from land to water, and back again, which could be likened to a movement from the external world of conscious life to the internal world of the subconscious, back and forth.

Premiering in San Francisco on May 9, 1958=55, it is considered to be
director Alfred Hitchcock's (Al as in alchemy Hitch as in wed (web) and ****(do I really need to explain that one)finest film. (and, according to Hitchcock, his most personal one), this adaptation of the French novel D'entre les morts (The Living and the Dead) weaves an intricate web of obsession and deceit. It was restored in 1996 More pi in our face

San Francisco detective John(A John is someone associated with prostitutes )"Scottie"( cott as in caught on the T or cross) Ferguson(Urge u son) (James Stewart) develops acrophobia (an extreme fear of heights) after a fellow police officer (Fred Graham) falls to his death while trying to save him during a rooftop chase.

His acrophobia causes vertigo. Also notice how close that word in to Virgo or Virgin a vixen who makes your head spin.

He is forced to retire from police work, and is unable even to stand on a step-stool in the apartment of his friend Marjorie "Midge" Wood( MM=22 22 or 8 the sacred feminine) (Barbara Bel Geddes) without being paralyzed by fear and dizziness.

Scottie is then hired as a private detective by an old college acquaintance, Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore), who wants his wife Madeleine (Kim Novak) followed. Elster (El Star or Trickster ) is worried that she appears to have symptoms of a mental illness or "possession" by a spirit. Scottie tails Madeleine, who visits the grave and the painting of a woman named Carlotta ( Scarlet as in the Woman in Red )Valdes(V) who killed herself one hundred years(Jubilee) earlier.

Madeleine( Magdalene as in Mary) wears her hair like Valdes and wanders the city in a trance-like, obsessive state.( the negative aspect of cancer or lunacy as Cancer is governed by the moon) In spite of the detective's former romantic involvement with Midge - they were even engaged for three weeks - Scottie is strongly attracted to Madeleine.

The bridge and Madeleine are Scarlet women, temptresses of the material world, and possesiveness, like Vivien as Scarlet O'Hara (O as represent of the whole or hole and Hara as a Mati Hara another scarlet woman) in Gone with the Wind. This is the woman in red in the Matrix

In another scene Scarlet who stands upon the barren lands after the war and grabs earth in her hands and shakes her fists at heaven and says "I will not go hungry anymore" .

Then clenching the earth of material realm she says Tara, which is the name of the plantation it is echoed Tara(terra). She then goes in cuts down the green curtains from the parlor window, a veil of illusion, to make a dress to tempt Brett Butler who is held in Prison(cube or cell), the scarlet woman who will use her wiles to get things on the material plane of existence.

There is a scene in Vertigo that echo's that same theme with Judy/Madeleine being bathed in green neon light. When she gives up her identity and is not true to herself.

Scarlet as the scarlet woman, in Gone With the Wind

Fort Point is about to become a character in the story but first we need some background on it. It is a real place in San Francisco on the harbor. All the locations in the movie are actual ones.

The United States sign is Cancer, July 4, whose leaders are behaving in an obsessive, possessive, and lunacy state.


All three containers of the body are used to provide some type of nourishment, while two are intended to biologically equip the female to harbor a safe haven for the growing fetus, and then provide nourishing milk for the growing infant, as well as warmth and comfort.

A Harbor is a safe haven for boats to berth(birth), behind the straits
and through the narrows. It is a watery womb, a safe harbor for berth. Golden Horn was given to the San Francisco Bay by it's first discovers after this harbor.The Golden Horn is a historic inlet of the Bosphorus dividing the city of Istanbul and forming the superb natural harbor that has sheltered Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and other ships for thousands of years. It is a scimitar shaped estuary that joins the Bosphorus just at the point where that strait enters the Sea ofMarmara , thus forming a peninsula the tip of which is "Old Istanbul" (ancient Byzantion and Constantinople).

This is where Madelaine jumps into the harbor, Fort Point being in the position of the fornix guarding the straits, or birth(berth) canal to the harbor (womb).

Welcome to Fort Point National Historic Site!
Fort Point National Historic Site
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, Cali fornia 94123

From its vantage point overlooking the spectacular Golden Gate, Fort Point protected San Francisco harbor from Confederate & foreign attack during & after the U.S. Civil War. Its beautifully arched casemates display the art of the master brick mason from the Civil War period

A bloody period in our country.You want to cervix your country.

Definition of Fornix

Fornix: In anatomy, a vaultlike or arched structure.

For example:

* The fornix in the brain -- a fibrous arching band connecting the two lobes of the cerebrum.

* The fornix of the conjunctivae -- loose arching folds connecting the conjunctival membrane lining the inside of the eyelid with the conjunctival membrane covering the eyeball.

* The fornix of the vagina -- the anterior (front) and posterior (back) recesses into which the upper vagina is divided. These vaultlike recesses are formed by protrusion of the cervix into the vagina.

"Fornix" is the Latin word for "vault or arch." "Fornix" is closely related to "fornication." Kali fornication It seems that prostitutes in ancient Rome used to hang out under the arches of certain public buildings. The act of carrying on an illicit sexual relationship consequently came to be called "going under the arches" or fornication.

lX =is also a medical term for investigation
lX =Roman numeral 9, the months of gestation for humans before the birth through the straits or the canal, the release of the flood of waters of the amniotic fluid which is salt water.

Thefornix (Latin, "vault" or "arch") is a C-shaped bundle of fibres (axons) in the brain, and carries signals from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies and septal nuclei.

I couldn't find any with a Brazilian wax
The fornices of the vagina are the deepest portions of the vagina, extending into the recesses created by the extension of the cervix into the vaginal space. The word 'fornix' is Latin for 'arch' or 'brothel'.

There are three named fornices:

* The posterior fornix is the larger recess, behind the cervix. It is close to the rectouterine pouch.
* There are two smaller recesses in front and at the sides:
o the anterior fornix is close to the vesicouterine pouch.
o the lateral fornix.

I am not just whistling Dixie here!!!

How many served under those Golden Arches of McDonald's

I couldn't resist throwing that picture in, it is not from Vertigo.

When you are under a spell, you have a life sentence. Seeing language and its constructs with its punctuation marks such as the comma, used as a mark of separation in a sentence or a pause. The life sentence of being trapped in the world of material thought and want, filling the quota the proportioned part that keeps us separate. The punctuation is the mark to divide the sentence and quotation marks to indicate a beginning and an end to a quote within a sentence to separate us, my words from your words as if we can own words. Period means to come to a full stop. To punctuate is an act of puncturing, a hole , a wound, or perforation.

Look at a comma's and quotation marks, they are the YOD seed the 69 as used to keep us in the box of the 6 sided cube. A cross to bear really means you remain in a cube, a box. What other things are called boxes?

cross cube of 6 pyramids, this would form a jack in the box that 777 talked about in one of his posts. To emerge and see, emergency. CRISIS, is Isis in the Scarlet mode , emergency.Code Red

The hexation (6)of the word to sacrifice us on the cross of the sacral. To take ones own life is the most sacrilegious thing one can do. It's not crossing the bridge, it is jumping off of it, or burning our bridges, or I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Look at comma, and then coma is a state of profound unconsciousness, a state of mental or physical sluggishness.To pause or separate oneself from others. Comatose. This is how you get put under a Spell, words as sword. Back to the movie Vertigo, now that we know what Fort Point means.

He follows her to Fort Point at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, where she jumps into San Francisco Bay in what appears to be a suicide attempt.

Scottie saves her and brings her to his apartment. When she awakens, she joins him in the living room, but soon leaves.

When Madeleine and Scottie take a trip to see giant sequoias at Muir Woods, she enters into an apparent reverie of what appears to be Carlotta's past.

In a dark, moody, giant redwood forest, in the filtered, impressionistic light of the woods where they have wandered, she speaks about the ancient, towering trees and how they remind her of her own smallness and mortality. She gravely comments on how history continually repeats itself - (there are other repetitive images, colors, and actions throughout the film, i.e., the reincarnations - and linkages between Carlotta, Madeleine, and Judy)

Madeleine: How old?
Scottie: Oh, some 2,000 years or more.
Madeleine: The oldest living things.
Scottie: Yes. You've never been here before?
Madeleine: No.
Scottie: What are you thinking?
Madeleine: Of all the people who've been born and have died while the trees went on living.
Scottie: Their true name is Sequoia sempervirens, 'always green, ever-living.'
Madeleine: I don't like it.
Scottie: Why?
Madeleine: Knowing I have to die.

She tells Scottie she has dreamed of Mission San Juan Bautista, and he takes her there in an effort to conquer her disturbing dreams. At the mission, Madeleine suddenly runs into the bell tower.

Scottie's acrophobia prevents him from following her up the steep staircase. Through a window, Scottie sees Madeleine plummet from the top of the tower to her death.

Scottie suffers a nervous breakdown and flees the scene. At the inquest into Madeleine's death, Scottie is cleared of prosecution but severely criticized by the coroner for negligence, though Elster reassures him, telling him "we both know who really killed Madeleine" (i.e. she was possessed by Carlotta's spirit). Elster tells Scottie he intends to cope with his grief for Madeleine by leaving San Francisco to travel the world.

Top of the Mark
Scottie “No, Acrophobia isn’t a crippling thing. It just means I can’t climb steep stairs or go to high places, like the bar at the Top of the Mark.”
To come up short of the Mark is an esoteric term.

Scottie's depression worsens and he is placed in a mental hospital,(Lunacy) where he descends into catatonic passivity and suffers from terrifying nightmares. Midge tries to console him but realizes that he is still in love with Madeleine. Much later, Scottie, still brooding, begins to haunt the places where he had been with Madeleine.

All of the spots are real places in San Francisco that are in the movie and they all have significance as you will see, here are some of the places he visited interspersed in the next few paragraphs.

Lombard Street, as seen from Coit Tower runs through Cow Hollow, with switch backs designed in 1922
8 sharp turns and is this section is known as the windiest street in the world. Part of it is Hwy 101, at street reduces to 16 degree incline(sweet sixteen)
Madeleine's apartment building is "The Brocklebank" at 1000 Mason Street,

Coit Tower was built in Pioneer Park atop Telegraph Hill in 1933 at the bequest of Lillie Hitchcock Coit Lillie has sexual meaning for it's shape of it's blossom and I think you can figure out the rest of it by the phallic nature of the tower.) It does not appear as if she was a relative of Hitchcock. To beautify the City of San Francisco; Lillie bequeathed one-third of her estate to the City of San Francisco "to be expended in an appropriate manner for the purpose of adding to the beauty of the city which I have always loved"

Phoenix and Fasci, no doubt about it being Masonic

Nice Mirror work here

On one visit, he encounters a woman, Judy Barton, who bears a striking resemblance to Madeleine, although she seems more "ordinary," even a bit vulgar, in comparison with Madeleine's refined beauty. Scottie follows Judy to her hotel room, where he hears her story. She is a simple girl from Salina, Kansas,( Most of Hitchcock's women are icy blonds from Kansas as did Dorothy in the Wizard ) making a life for herself in San Francisco after a series of bad relationships.

Palace of Fine Arts
Dome with water, female principle

However, after Scottie leaves, the truth is revealed: Judy writes him a letter in which she reveals (in flashback) that she was in fact Madeleine: Elster hired her to act as a mentally unstable false "Madeleine". The woman who fell from the tower was Elster's real wife, hurled, already dead, from the tower by her husband. Elster had hired Scottie to follow the false Madeleine simply to have someone reputable to corroborate his claims of his wife's suicidal tendencies. With no witnesses and Scottie's testimony supporting Madeleine's "insanity",Lunacy Elster got away with murder by correctly calculating that Scottie's vertigo would prevent him from following 'Madeleine' up the tower to see the truth.

The lone Cypress, a symbol of the city , as seen from 17 Mile Drive

Having written the letter, Judy, who has fallen in love with Scottie and feels guilty for the pain she has caused him, destroys the letter almost as soon as she has written it. Scottie becomes obsessed with Judy, but any romantic possibility between them is thwarted by his memory of Madeleine. Scottie insists that Judy dress like Madeleine; despite her protests, she eventually gives in. When Judy is completely made over as Madeleine, she goes back to her apartment, where Scottie is waiting. She deliberately tries to retain some hint of her own personality by not wearing her hair in Madeleine's style, but finally he persuades her to change even this small detail. She goes into the bathroom and emerges, just as Madeleine emerged from his bedroom — the film echoes the earlier scene — and as Scottie embraces her the past swirls about them and their relationship seems finally to be consummated, his obsession cured.

Argosy book store on East 59th Street

Scottie becomes suspicious of Judy when he sees her wearing a red(Scarlet), jeweled pendant that he remembers Madeleine claiming to have inherited. He takes her to Mission San Juan Bautista and forces her to go up the tower once more, telling her that he wants to re-enact the scene in which he failed to save Madeleine. He forces her to confess the truth and they inch up to the top, where Scottie rages at her.

Scottie suddenly realizes that his vertigo is not affecting him and he has made it to the top. For a moment, he forgets about the questioning and gloats to himself: "I made it. I made it." Climbing higher into the tower through the trap door to the actual "scene of the crime" in the belfry, he drags her up as her feet go limp and unresistant. With powerful intensity, he questions her about the betrayal and she cowers from him.

Using two key words from earlier - freedom and power - he bitterly explains how he learned of the deception as the story of her collusion and sinister relationship with Elster is revealed (as a mistress and accomplice in another denial of her own identity).

Experiencing intense feelings of both repulsion (hate) and attraction (love), he softens when she insists that she loves him and falls into his arms for a passionate embrace and kiss - they renew their twisted love. Then, suddenly the footsteps of a black-clad figure in the shadows startle Judy. (In Judy's mind, the words "bringing her back" are fulfilled.) Judy backs away from Scottie gasping: "Oh, no!" The dark, shadowy figure says: "I hear voices."

Terrified, thinking and believing she is seeing the ghost of the murdered Madeleine (or the reincarnation of the ghostly doomed mother Carlotta Valdes), Judy recoils, steps and falls backward through an opening in the tower and plummets to her own death (off-screen) in an emotionally-shattering climax. The figure, actually a nun from the mission, crosses herself and murmurs the last words of the film: "God have mercy."

The nun (a Mother Superior , virginal Sister of Mary, or perhaps expressing "habit" for what she is wearing) pulls the bell rope and rings the mission bell. As the bell tolls Scottie, cured of his vertigo, emerges from the arched window of the tower onto the belfry ledge. He stares down in horror at her body far below - stunned, open-mouthed, shocked and glassy-eyed with his arms slightly away from his body. He is cured of his vertigo, but totally destroyed by his other delusions and burgeoning sorrow. Tragically loving and losing the same woman twice, repeating the pattern he had intended to break, the scene fades to black.

This is the story of missing the mark, of possession and obsession on the material realm, it is the story of the bridge who can be the Scarlet woman, or the Mary who brings forth life into this realm and of the balance of Yin Yang and awareness.

They toiled and built a thousand years
In love's all powerful might;
And so the Milky Way was made
A starry bridge of light.
Zacharias Topelius 1890 CE

Thanks JK for a truly superb post of information, that will aid in our awakening from this Coma. .B y the way, Virgo is in the Comma constellation ,aka sleeping beauty.
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Old 07-22-2009, 08:20 AM   #1547
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Thank you Judy and 777 for excellent posts. I just wish I could see the whole picture the way you do, but for the time being I'll have to rely on you to connect all the dots...
PS. I am still saying that for a non-native speaker of English it is much harder and i bet that other non-native speakers would agree with me.
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Old 07-22-2009, 12:56 PM   #1548
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

I will have to look up Virgo, to check out Sleeping Beauty in that constellation. Thanks! All of the fairy tales, myths, and nursery rhymes have a hidden message if we look. The constellations are a map of the human body and spirit, named and plotted by ancient ones who knew the secrets. The search or Odyssey undertaken are veiled tales of the search in an exoteric way of the journey within ourselves to reunite the lower nature with our higher spiritual nature the esoteric, a search for the truth and a lot of anatomy,.

777 what a good find!!! That place sure has a lot of weird stuff going.

Yikes, the Brooklyn Bridge

Twin Towers

“Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
She has become a home for demons
and a haunt for every evil spirit,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

-Book of Revelation 18

New York Stock Exchange

“The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out:
” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city,
dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet,
and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’

- Book of Revelation, 18

If I ever need my bicycle blessed I will know where to go!

I never did finish that post I was working on why New York was the Whore of Babylon.

Last edited by judykott; 07-22-2009 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 07-22-2009, 01:23 PM   #1549
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post

I will have to look up Virgo, to check out Sleeping Beauty in that constellation. Thanks! All of the fairy tales, myths, and nursery rhymes have a hidden message if we look. The constellations are a map of the human body and spirit, named and plotted by ancient ones who knew the secrets. The search or Odyssey undertaken are veiled tales of the search in an exoteric way of the journey within ourselves to reunite the lower nature with our higher spiritual nature the esoteric, a search for the truth and a lot of anatomy,.

777 what a good find!!! That place sure has a lot of weird stuff going.

Yikes, the Brooklyn Bridge

Twin Towers

“Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
She has become a home for demons
and a haunt for every evil spirit,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

-Book of Revelation 18

New York Stock Exchange

“The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out:
” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city,
dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet,
and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’

- Book of Revelation, 18

If I ever need my bicycle blessed I will know where to go!

I never did finish that post I was working on why New York was the Whore of Babylon.

Wow! That carving of New York has the buildings all angled like they are falling. Also the waves overhead. Is NY returning to the sea? We shall see.

Also, the carving of the bridge with the hole in it. Can anyone advise if these carvings depict actuall physical predictions or is more imagary, i.e. the destruction of the stock exchange/financial old school systems?
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Old 07-22-2009, 02:49 PM   #1550
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Wow! That carving of New York has the buildings all angled like they are falling. Also the waves overhead. Is NY returning to the sea? We shall see.

Also, the carving of the bridge with the hole in it. Can anyone advise if these carvings depict actuall physical predictions or is more imagary, i.e. the destruction of the stock exchange/financial old school systems?
There are several movies ,that show this bridge destroyed.I am legend,I Robot and i think Die hard three to name a few.There are several others, i just don't remember them right now,
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