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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 06-26-2009, 07:49 PM   #1451
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

reading UrbanSurvival.com this morning, this was posted: Holy Ark Announcement Due on Friday. What will they announce? another half-baked truth for the sheeple to follow?

I really appreciate the wisdom from these posts. Keep them coming!!
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:12 PM   #1452
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Below is an image of the Ark that houses the pituitary gland.Thanks Iain for createing an image of what we the ancients ,once knew, and are now awakening
from our COMA, to remember these divine Truths.All of the stories in regard to great men seeking for this treasure, are all myths ,created to keep us looking outside ourselves, for a wooden box with angels on it.

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Old 06-28-2009, 01:05 PM   #1453
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Year One (EON - Eon is the US English variant of the traditional aeon, which means "age" or "forever".)
Release date 19-06-2009
Starring Michael Cera and Jack Black or BLACK JACK

This June evolution begins ... Its time to meet our ancestors, its time to re-meet ourselves

Are we ready to transform??

Last edited by iainl140285; 06-28-2009 at 02:29 PM.
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Old 06-28-2009, 08:31 PM   #1454
777 The Great Work
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The man in the mirror,Transforming

The whole story of his life is in the heavens, and in mythology.Its about not being afraid to be transfigured and transformed before the world,letting go of ego ,thats connected with form, and becomming a formless shapeshifter, by removing the mask.His whole life was a designed ritual,down to the little boys,its all Occult esoteric ritual.

I will do a thorough post real soon,just had to get this out there.Its time to Howl at the moon,because his death is leading us to the mountain of transfiguration.His life stands as an Xample, of how we as a collective, refuse to let go of our attachment to form.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 06-28-2009 at 09:10 PM.
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:01 PM   #1455
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

[QUOTE=iainl140285;148574]Year One (EON - Eon is the US English variant of the traditional aeon, which means "age" or "forever".)
Release date 19-06-2009
Starring Michael Cera and Jack Black or BLACK JACK

This June evolution begins ... Its time to meet our ancestors, its time to re-meet ourselves

Are we ready to transform??

Great Post Iain, i noticed the 747 connected witht the 18th tarot card of transformation,its all comming together.
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:19 PM   #1456
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

[QUOTE=777 The Great Work;148694]
Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Year One (EON - Eon is the US English variant of the traditional aeon, which means "age" or "forever".)
Release date 19-06-2009
Starring Michael Cera and Jack Black or BLACK JACK

This June evolution begins ... Its time to meet our ancestors, its time to re-meet ourselves

Are we ready to transform??

Great Post Iain, i noticed the 747 connected witht the 18th tarot card of transformation,its all comming together.
Yes, I was amazed to see the 747
Can you explainmore about that card?
The moon looks a lot like the crop cirles. Is the circle within the circle representing different time periods?

Also, it looks like a domesticated dog and a wolf?
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:25 PM   #1457
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Numbers such as 747, 777, 767, 757 I always associate with Boeing...
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:30 PM   #1458
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
Numbers such as 747, 777, 767, 757 I always associate with Boeing...
Same here!
You know, The founder of boeing was William E. Boeing ... gotta watch out for these Williams
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:39 PM   #1459
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
... gotta watch out for these Williams
absolutely, I will, for sure.....
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:42 PM   #1460
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post

Yes, I was amazed to see the 747
Can you explainmore about that card?
The moon looks a lot like the crop cirles. Is the circle within the circle representing different time periods?

Also, it looks like a domesticated dog and a wolf?

If you look closely,you can see Cancer the crab emerging out of the Picean waters.The initiate is being transformed at the eclipse, or Apoc A clypse going beyond duality,symbolised by the two pillars.The dog is man's best friend aka ,sirius, aka intuition that leads him through the dark night of the soul, at the cross roads of Cancer.The initiate has followed his intuition beyond the point of no return.

Notice the card says THE Moon.The- is a code or similie for the Sun.
Mono The ism--- A The ist.The ologianThe aTheist has no idea that his title means he's a believer in God

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 06-28-2009 at 09:45 PM.
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Old 06-28-2009, 10:22 PM   #1461
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

The power of myth and rituals of light and shadow

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Old 06-29-2009, 02:40 AM   #1462
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Good post Ian and 777 looking forward to more great posts on MJ I am sure it will be a Thriller
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Old 06-29-2009, 03:06 AM   #1463
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

When I heard about the Micheal Jackson and Farrah I thought how does 222 fit in? I know how the Halo's fit in they are now wearing them

The Plan is Simple, for your halo apply for a 222 for your Class ll (2)or for your Class lV drugs(22)


What is a DEA Form 222 and what is the process that must be gone thru to get one approved?
There is a schedule II drug that I think I eventually may need to be prescribed that is only available to those with an approved DEA Form 222.

For my potential future purposes and so others will also know, what is the process that is gone thru / the qualifications for having a DEA form 222 approved?

Answer -
In order for narcotics to be shipped to you we must have a copy of your Medical Director’s or your agency’s Federal DEA
Certificate as well as an authorization form signed by your Medical Director. (Please call customer service to obtain this form.)
To purchase Class IV narcotics, a signed authorization form must be on file as well as a current copy of your Medical Director’s or
your agency’s Federal DEA certificate. When purchasing Class IV narcotics, simply phone, fax or e-mail your order. Please be aware
that all narcotics will ship to the address on your DEA Certificate.

With each Class II order, a form 222 must be completed and mailed to Sun Belt Medical/Emergi-Source. Forms 222 are issued by
your local DEA office. If your Medical Director or authorized purchasing agent does not have any of these forms, call your local DEA
office to order the forms.
Please use the following steps when ordering CLASS II Narcotics (Morphine, Demerol, Fentanyl):
1) Name of Supplier: Sun Belt Medical/Emergi-Source
2) Street Address: 20 Capital Drive
3) City and State: Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
4) Date: Date the form is completed
*5) Number of Packages-if product is sold in boxes, indicate the number of boxes needed. If product is sold individually, indicate the
units needed.
6) Size of package: if sold in boxes, indicate units per box. If sold individually, indicate the packaging size per unit.
7) Description of Product.
8) Last Line Completed: write the number of the last line completed. (Only one line should be completed for each type ordered.)
9) Signature: The Medical Director, agent or person authorized by power of attorney must sign the form.
Helpful Hints:
- Forms 222 are for Class II narcotics only. Class IV narcotics can be phoned or faxed in with other pharmaceuticals.
- If an error is made on your form 222, please void the form and begin again with a new form. Any form that has been altered will be returned.
- Sun Belt Medical/Emergi-Source will fill in the Supplier’s DEARegistration Number, NDC and shipping information on the forms 222.
- The form 222 is a triplicate form. Retain copy 3 for your records and forward copies 1&2 to Sun Belt Medical/Emergi-Source
- If a purchase order number is needed on the packing slip, please include a note with your form 222 when mailing to Sun Belt Medical/Emergi-Source.
- Narcotics are non-returnable. Please be very specific with description and quantity needed when placing an order.
- All narcotics will ship to the address printed on the forms 222 and Federal DEAlicense.
This is from a sample form of a dea 222 form.



Notice how they call it a diversion, as in die ver zion and then there website looks like dead i version Where do you send for 222 to the sunbelt of course, to apply for your halo, the plan is simple

Last edited by judykott; 06-29-2009 at 03:46 AM.
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:49 AM   #1464
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Number 5 has occured so many times in this thread. i almost started wondering if we hadn't been bringing something upon...
below there is a fragment from Swerdlow's Q&A page:
Hi Stewart, I just wanted to say that I think there will be one more big death in Hollywood I think so mainly because of the number 5 constantly popping up First Ed McMahon, then Farrah Fawcett, then Michael Jackson. Jackson was 50 died on the 25th was in the Jackson 5. and now Billy Mays dies also at 50 years of age found at 7:45am. So many fives I really think where on track for a 5th celebrity death.
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Old 06-29-2009, 08:51 PM   #1465
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What just occurred today, June 25, 2009, immediately following St. John Baptiste Day, was the death of Michael Jackson. Exactly 6 months before Christmas Day. Michael Jackson was 50 years old. 50 is the number of Sacrifice (5 x 10, or Sacrifice with INTENSITY). The symbolism of his name is more than obvious, with many biblical overtones.

MICHAEL shall lead them

JACKSON the JACK, or PRINCE of the SUN, the subliminal suggesting the Messiah

However, when breaking the names apart, the suggestion goes even deeper.

JACKSON = KAY (substituting Y for J) and SUN which in turn = KA death SON, or Death of the SUN

Michael Jackson had 50 shows sold out in London, totalling $85 million. Again, 50 is the number of SACRIFICE, and 85 coincides with 1, (the New Age), on the 8th clockface, symbolizing CONTROL.

85 = 8+5 = 13 coinciding with 1 on the 2nd clockface.
13 = 1+3 = 4 the FOURSQUARE FOUNDATION that this whole luciferian bit of lunacy is built upon
Not So Subtle Subliminal

Raised a Jehovah’s Witness, started by Charles Taze Russell, a Freemason, the illusory life of Michael Jackson symbolizes DEATH, and his gradual facial disfigurement was no accident, or unintentional. The luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS will use, and destroy, anything to establish and perpetuate the agenda for TOTAL CONTROL.


Lots of interesting stuff.
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Old 06-29-2009, 09:44 PM   #1466
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

This post is about all the Peter Pans of the World.Michael Jack - Sun was the archetypal Xample used by the unseen hand, to steer the masses in the direction towards, the misuse of the sexual energy.When we realize that all we see in this world are archetypes of divine principles,it is then we began to transcend form.

Where the Rainbow Ends'

In the movie Eyes Wide Shut, the seemingly programmed/tranced girls say they're going to take Tom to (Where the rainbow ends).

This idea similar to another popular one of the time flying to Neverland ,and Peter Pan taking young children on a magic flight to Neverland (Neverland/Wonderland/Oz/Narnia/etc; it's all the same deal, to save their parents, from a dragon of sexual desire.This idea of where the rainbow ends is a story of the rising of kundalini from the sexual root Chakra(Winter solstice) to the crown Chakra of Summer(Summer solstice),in the signs of Cancer and Leo.This is where the Peter pans of sexual desire, die in Never Neverland,refusing to grow up and recycle their sexual energy.

Peter Pan - The original title was Peter and Wendy

In mythology, the god Pan was a fertility god, most often represented as a sexually insatiable, well-hung beast of the forest and woodlands.
Pan is a solar god, and as most ancient cultures see the sun as flying through the sky, or being carried in the sky. Peter Pan's flying comes from this particular aspect of the folk god.

Another aspect of Pan ,is that of the Horned God. In this aspect, Pan was often associated and
identified with the Devil. Like the symbolic carnal nature, Peter Pan is hooved, horned,flies by night, and seduces innocent young girls. As the word Peter is often used as slang for the penis,(Coke) or phallus, it is surmised that the name Peter Pan translates roughly to Phallic God .This is where we get the word Pedophile from, which is a play on words for Peter Phile.This occult knowledge also sheds light on the green witch that rides the broom or phallic through the skies.

Peter pan is an archetype of the carnal nature being dominant in ones life.

Peter Pan is symbolic of grown men who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. Peter Pan refuses to grow up, and Instead he indulges in escapist fantasies and runs wildly with
small boys in secluded caves. Peter Pan runs away from his past (repression and denial) and blames Captain Hook for all the evils in the world (projection). Peter's own crusade against evil (reaction formation) stems from
his superego insecurities. Peter's Shadow represents his paranoiac tendencies and his persecution complex.

The first Sod(soil) -- A in our culture was Coke,Coined-- The Real Thing.This Cok was also called a Sod- A POP ,hence the term pop culture,the culture of the phallic or Penis.
AKA The King of POP = phallic and Rock is the feminine

Below is another xample of Phallic worship, as Pepsi premotes the king of the Soda Pop's 12 inch record.Notice how the name of the artist, is 12 inches long in harmony with the solar record.

The Peter Pan's - World stage Occult formula

1. Abused or rebelious children,, dream about leaving home.(Harry Potter)

2. The children's dreams are answered when a drug dealer arrives (in the guise of a friend)aka Peter and his Pixie dust.

3. The children subsequently become drug addicted and are taken away to live in a new place under the control of the handlers.

4. The children are forced to give sexual favors to the unconcsious adults,in order to gratify the PeterPhilic desires.

5. The children manage to escape and return home after a serious of
mishaps and adventures.

6. The children are glad to be home and vow to behave themselves

The moral in the story was placed to attract adults to purchase the book
and read it to their children. However it is a shallow, false stab at morality, in that the other 99% of the story is comprised of attempts to sexualize the world's children and convert them into mass phallic worship.

Sexual Metaphors used the Peter Pan formula

The plank is a phallic symbol. Wendy and Peter's punishment is to walk the plank, a metaphor for intercourse with Captain Hook. The edge of the
plank is the brink of the Captain's sexual peak. Jumping off the plank is a release, a climax. The prisoner falls into the wet waters far below after the peak is reached.

Sea Nymphs with pixie dust = Nymphomanics of the sexual desire

captain Hook = impotence created by the misuse of the sexual energy.

The Alligator =reincarnation= being swallowed up at the weighing of the scales, as depicted in the Egyptian judgement Prapyrus.

The Islands

Never Never Land consists of a series of small islands, representing the feelings of isolation of all the main characters.

Skull Rock
Skull Rock, that foreboding monolith, is the most powerful representation of death and resurection in the entire story. The characters view it differently: Most fear it
because they are afraid of reprisals for homosexual or promiscuous behavior.


Swords as phallic symbols, figure prominently throughout the story. To Captain Hook, the sword represents his desire to have a longer penis and to conquer the world.
As the sword is a symbolic representation of his penis, Captain Hook repeatedly thrusts the sword into the faces of his friends and enemies a like, representing
his power over them, raping them symbolically. Peter Pan's sword is shorter but more skilled, possibly representing sexual frustration at having a small endowment, but also symbolizing his persistent
goal of acquiring skill with which to use his tool. "Quality not quantity.

The Pirates

The pirates, in their servitude to Captain Hook, are the minions. With their assistance, Hook terrorizes Never Never Land and rapes,pillages and plunders. The pirates spend a lot of time drunk, it can be inferred, although most readers may not have noticed that it is not rum or beer the pirates drink, but actually the blood of kittens and helpless babes which have been sacrificed to their Lord and Master.

The Lost Boys

The shirt says :No girls allowed :

The Lost Boys are delinquents to an even greater extent than Peter Pan.These rebels without a cause follow blindly their Phallic leader. The Lost Boys have all run away from home ( to escape sexual abuse) and now
must sexually satisfy Peter(aka sexual desire). They are continually abused by Peter in that they are forced to give him their sexual favors, they are condemned to live in a damp cave, and they must eat their own cooking. The cave symbolizes the black,dark wombs of their mothers, and despite the abuse, the Lost Boys continually prefer the cave to returning home to face up to their own sexual complexes.

Captain Hook

Captain Hook represents continous misuse of the sexual energy , while Peter represents abuse in early stages of life . Captain Hook's loss of a hand represents his castration anxiety. His hook itself represents the captain's handicapped sexual skills and inability to maintain an erection. Captain Hook's impotence
Due to schizophrenic tendencies, Captain
Hook hears voices and imagines he hears a ticking clock (representing his fear of his own impending death) inside the womb-like belly of the alligator. The clock also is symbolic of the phallus rising as the (Coke) crows with the rising of the large Solar Disc .

This is the symbol of the king of britain and also the TBN logo of channel 21This Gate is a symbol of the masters of the sexual energy.This is the language of Pendar the Penis Dragon.
Notice the seven(hills) Chakras,where the rainbow ends and begans.

Some of us get traped in Neverland,the land of southern comfort.

As the old king of pop faded away, another one has surfaced in the minds of unaware children and adults alike.
His Name is not POP but bob aka Sponge bob Square PAN-- TS- Another clever plot to keep the sexual energy trapped down in the Salty Sea, soaked up by the sponge of carnal desire, and trapped in a Water World..

The next post will be on the king of Pop archetypal portrayal of the Under world, Rise of the LYCANS, Aka Peter Wolf.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 06-30-2009 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 06-30-2009, 03:45 AM   #1467
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

There is so much that is hidden in plain sight, thank you for shining a light and revealing it to all of us.
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Old 06-30-2009, 04:13 PM   #1468
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Thanks, 777, for another excellent post. This has caused me to see Michael Jackson in a completely different light.

Here's an interesting article about him which, taken together with your posting, sheds a lot of light on the Michael Jackson phenomenon:

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Old 07-07-2009, 02:26 AM   #1469
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Where is 777 ??? He's been gone for a week now!!!
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Old 07-07-2009, 02:41 AM   #1470
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Dantheman62 View Post
Where is 777 ??? He's been gone for a week now!!!
Maybe he was taken up in the Chi blast/rapture.

"In case of Chi blast this car will be driverless"...
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Old 07-07-2009, 04:31 AM   #1471
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777 is fine, I talked to him today and he will return soon
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Old 07-13-2009, 07:46 PM   #1472
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

I get the Science Daily newsletter, I found this interesting

Look at this article "grain to pixel" they want to digitize so they can keep their fingers on youalso it will allow them to alter(altar) things the way they want in film archives or arc hives,more magic spells from grain (seed) to pixie elementals,elementals of their imagination, a conversion

The first time they used the word pixel was to describe the video images from Space probes to the Moon and Mars(MM)

Pixel Or Pi on a cross( the x on it's side) and el, stands for Pix element, 2 dimensional grid, pix for pictures, el for element(ha), of course each pixel is a triad, also called a picture cell. (do you see el, eye see el) Here's what happens when you digitalize something you surround images with the outline of lightening or 7777's

Always interesting to note the examples they choose to show for things such as this P8=78=15 =6 pi

This is the example to show digital art in Wikipedia

called "The Gunk" by Lucas V. (22)Barbosa.
The vertical slit eye that looks like a human figure, the pyramid shape with the three tentacles, the two towers as teeth, so the man as "pupil" is between the towers. When you look at it you see a reflection of yourself , but also it comes across overall as if you are the gunk the blob of humanity.

Go to the "source" of this article by NWO from Nederland or Netherlands. Notice the "Organogram" logo that's their name for it and they will not allow it to be copied. It is a hexagonal web with DNA. Look to the left and you will see the NWO logo, with N as would be written for a compass direction, the W or 2 V's (22 22)in a cursive like a web, the O as the sun on horizon , with the Saturn ring floating above it.

At the bottom of the page they have schemes(their wording) for "I came, I saw, I conquered" grants


Awarding of 150 million euro for the Veni, Vidi and Vici V V V or 22, 22, 22. grants on a yearly basis.

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) via NWO. vi@nwo.nl (VIA) the NWO Look at the image at the top of the page

Here are some titles of some articles

The virgin Mary strikes back

'We want sex, not AIDS' ( this one is about sex or 10-16 year olds)

Join the tailback, or get round it?

Lifespan of HIV-infected cells shorter than previously anticipated

More news
An end to fear

go to this link to read the article An end of fear, of course chemically induced, and see the image of a draped veil at the top of this page

Each of these articles are quite revealing, and are demonstrations of the master social engineering that is being funded and implemented on society.

Here is the article, I edited some of it full article at this link
Digitization Of Films: From Grain To Pixel

ScienceDaily (July 13, 2009) — Not only video shops are struggling with the digitisation of films. Digitisation is also giving rise to problems in a completely different area.

However, on the other side of the fence, film academics are constantly devising new future scenarios whilst scarcely giving thought to the difficulties faced in everyday practice. Fossati brought the two different parties together. Based on theories about digitisation, she formed several theoretical frameworks that could serve as a new basis for the practice of film archiving. For example, the framework 'Film as art' can help a restorer during the restoration process to decide whether the production or the idea of the filmmaker as an artist should form the focal point.

Giovanna Fossati could carry out this theoretical research from the perspective of everyday practice thanks to the Replacement Subsidy in the Humanities, funded by NWO. With this grant, NWO offers researchers outside of research institutes an opportunity to complete an important scientific publication in the form of a book or a PhD thesis. The employer can use the grant to cover the costs of the secondment. 'From Grain to Pixel. The Archival Life of Film in Transition' shall be published in July by Amsterdam University Press.
Adapted from materials provided by NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)
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Old 07-13-2009, 09:00 PM   #1473
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Here's is the social engineering aspect, to turn humanity into pixels, and be a good little socialist of hive mentality. In mass games

Here we have the VV or 22 22

Here we have girls with their sun ray tiara's and dressed in yellow and orange

Mass games or mass gymnastics are a form of performing arts or gymnastics in which large numbers of performers take part in a highly regimented performance that emphasizes group dynamics rather than individual prowess.

Because of the vast scale of the performance, with often tens of thousands of performers, mass games are performed in stadia, often accompanied by a background of card-turners occupying the seats on the opposite side from the viewers.

here we have an arch of triumph and the 11:11

Mass games are typically used to emphasize themes of political propaganda. They developed alongside 19th century nationalist movements, particularly the Czech Sokol movement, as they embodied youth, strength, militarism, and unity.

The post-World War II mass games were developed in other countries under Marxist-Leninism, notably in Romania and Yugoslavia.

Have to have a bullhorn, but this one is only allowed the bull**** of state to be yelled

Today, mass games are regularly performed only in North Korea, where they take place to celebrate national holidays such as the birthdays of rulers Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il. In recent years, they have been the main attraction of the Arirang Festival in Pyongyang. The 2004 film A State of Mind details the training of two young girls from Pyongyang who perform in the mass games


lots of symbolism in the film and a 55

Here is the 55 in 815=5 and the star is 5

Just a different style of the red, white and blue, same agenda this one is just progressed more towards the ultimate goal of pixelating the population and indoctrination of youth brigades. Card carrying and card turning there little pixel of color as part of the group (hive) mind.
It is a beautiful spectacle to behold but it comes down to very much so , A State of Mind

Part 1
TV Broadcast of the entire "Ever-victorious Workers' Party of Korea" held at the May Day Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea on September 4, 2001.

Certainly the TV broadcast wouldn't do justice to actually being there and witnessing over 100,000 performers
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKGjF...eature=related Part 2 of 7 the rest you can find on the page, but as you will see from them the symbolism is the same everywhere.

Last edited by judykott; 07-13-2009 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 07-13-2009, 09:09 PM   #1474
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Wow judy Thank you. It will take me some time to read and digest all of it.
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Old 07-14-2009, 07:55 PM   #1475
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Wedding Invitation
Here Comes The Bride Groom--LIGHT and Shadow

AMERICAN PI 722=3.14

To "WED" means to "join two halves together", typically referring to male and female. Another occult secret of the word wed is the simple reverse of the letter d, gives us Web,which is also the joining of polarities.
To Wed becomes a Web of Earthly attachment.

If we simply reverse the word WED, we create the word DEW. In the word
(ROOT CHAKRA) what we view is "conceptual point" whereupon "Geb" as Earth meets "Nut" as Sky. "Dew" is the physical representation of conceptual joining of these "two halves".

Turning Concepts Outsideinsideout

In order to better grasp the Occult signature, or code, in the word WEDDING, it is be beneficial to understand the concept of turning objects inside out.
This concept is key to fabrication of Letters which are set against mathematical summations.

This patterns is KEY to understanding the Occult signature embed into the word WEDDING.

The Occult Secret to Weddings and Wednesday

Notice the doves,peacocks and the Kundalini serpents.
When analyzing words, you can nearly bank on the philosophical co-relation of words which share similar roots. Roots from an Occult perception, are consonants. Hence in the word WED, the root letters are W and D.

Taken further, if we simply write the word WED, how would really know if we are referring to (Wednesday) or the verb (WED), as in They were wed last weekend?

From an Occult perception, at the core, WED as it applies to Wednesday or a Wedding, shows no real philosophical core difference. Each word used in its context means "the joining of two halves." Wednesday is, after all, also referred to as (Hump Day), with the archetypes rapidly and easily blurring between what becomes a wedding evening and a Wednesday day.

In our Western construct, we give honor to the Sun. We do not take off Saturn's day. So our Occult traditional day of rest is on the Sun's day, or Sunday. Further, the days of the week are crafted around Occult traditional formulations, with Monday said to be referring to the Moon, while Wednesday is Wotan's day.Wotan is the leader of the violently insane Hunt.
Notice the OCT agnal crossroads sign behind Wedsenday's head.

Thursday is Thor's day as in Thors Hammer.

However, the word WED NES DAY has a very simple code.


The Wedding of the Sun Day.

In other words, the "joining of the two halves".

Sun Mon Tues = First Half
WED NES DAY = Joining of the Two Halves
Thur Fri Sat = Second Half.

But why WD day?


Remember. It all goes back to Occult Ciphers.

Their are 26 weeks to each half of the year. The Alphabet is 26 Letters, representing each of these two halves. The Alphabet must be understood to be "joined" at "two halves", or to at minimum, continue on in an unbroken string from A-Z-A-Z and so forth.

And then, of course, there are additional ciphers created from such a conceptual process. But for this demonstration, lets simply join the Alphabet at (ZA).


Well, because we can encode our philosophy and hide it all in plain site.

By focusing even deeper, we understand that Wednesday is a correlational hump day", meaning that we can set the week into a Pi Proportion by considering 1 week to be 1 circle, and hence WD would be the Center, but REPRESENTED BY THE OUTER FORMS OF THE FORMULA.

The Letters W and D become the outer formula of the inner representation (day) through the "joining of the two halves" at ZA.
7 6 5 4 3 2 11 2 3 4 5 6 7

Then again...we do go back to ISIS and Osiris.

Isis is WED to Osiris and Osiris is said to have been killed by Seth. Brides marry Grooms. If we reverse the word GROOM, we arrive at MOORG - a place where the dead (Osiris) is awakened and raised up by the lion's Paw aka LEO.
Notice that Morgue is spelt with a U, because U has a numerical value of 21 and = a 21 Gun Salute. The awakened soul or Osiris is said to travel in a U boat ,ie the Uterus of the great Mother
When a boat moves through the waters of life it leaves behind a V shape WAKE.(Wake as in Funeral Wake)[/URL] V= 22,the master of the twin horizons.
HUMPTYDUMP TY had a great fall on Wedsenday July 22,when the sun is raised to full strenghth and began to loose its power ,as it descends into the Fall season.
HUMTY DUMPTY meets Alice on that golden afternoon ,seeking to confuse her with his Occult use of words.

This divine Philosophy goes from Macrocosmic to Microcosmic.

We are all seeking to transcend duality and raise our Kundalini over the HUMP, and beyond this Cycle of time and space.

Here is Di ana Soros Big Will was born at the summer solstice on the day of a Saros Eclipse, followed by a Lunar Eclipse.

7-22 is the next Soros solar Eclipse. The solar Eclipse is 1080 magnitude. Those who own a plasma (blood) TV are Familar with 1080 PI

Dawn of the Dinosaurs=Diana is the moon and Soros is the Sun.

Ice age = 32 degrees freezing, the temperature when ice floats. The same 32 degrees ascending the spinal column.


Weddings bells Ring,ding, ping

This event is also known as Xmas (7-22) in July and American Pi day 722= 3.14 722 +722= 1444 The mountain dew is the brain Grey Matter of Transformation.
Wedsenday is ruled by Mercury.][/URL]A Ford is the shallow place in a river ie Jordan the spinal column. Lincoln was Assasinated in the ford theatre.
Baptisim by Fire in the Jordan

The Bible - Matthew 25

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 07-18-2009 at 06:38 AM.
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