What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ? |
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#1401 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 711
![]() ![]() More medicine wheels, lets go on down the tracks , in Winnipeg ![]() I think the tracks look like a thunderbird ![]() We find a yellow brick road leading to the Thunderbird House ![]() ![]() The Circle of Life House Thunderbird House welcomed the community to celebrate its opening in a sunrise-to-sunset day of ceremony, feast, honour and prayer on the vernal equinox, March 21st, 2000. The Whaka Pimadiziiwii Pinaysiiwigamic features four doorways representing all four people of the world by the colors of each doorway. North represents White, East represents Yellow, South represents Black and West represents Red. These are the four people of the world. There are no others. There is a blending of all these people and all are accepted. The wingspan of the thunderbird was described to be twice as long as a Native Indian war canoe. Underneath its wings are lightning snakes which the thunderbird uses as weapons. Lightning is created when the thunderbird throws these lighting snakes or when he blinks his eyes that glow like fire. Sometimes these lightning snakes are depicted in Native American art as having wolf or dog-like heads with serpent tongues. They are occasionally referred to as the thunderbird's dogs. Native American art portrays the thunderbird with a huge curving beak and prominent ears or horns. The Thunderbird as the Phoenix with the lightening ![]() It is one of the most consistent symbols of all aboriginals in North, Central and South America This enormous design below the Hill Fort of Barbury Castle appears to be a direct representation of the 'Aztec Spirit Bird'. The Aztec's most important Gods were represented as Birds, and were right at the top of their pantheon of gods! Quetzalcoatl himself was also a (Bird - god) and is thought to return in 2012. Once again we have another powerful symbol within the fields with ancient connections. ![]() Inside the Thunderbird house we find the focus again a 8 pointed star the same as in the Legislature House. Let's go further down the tracks and back in time again. ![]() ![]() Happyland Park (1906 - 1922?) Happyland was built on 13 hectares of land.I had to put this in just cause I love the name but it was also built by Masons and the construction is filled with the Fibonacci numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, etc. See how many you can find. ![]() I will not go into detail here on the ferris wheel. Here is a link to a post I did earlier, that explains and link to other sites for more information. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...=ferris+wheels http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...=ferris+wheels ![]() The modern day equivalent at the EXPO. Let's journey further down the yellow brick road. ![]() Gold also the same symbol as the sun. The Canadian Mint's original refinery was completed in 1911. It rendered distinguished service to the British Empire throughout the Great War, producing the large quantities of gold bars with which Britain paid its debts to other countries. A new refinery facility, designed to meet any possible demand for many years to come, was built in 1936 to refine gold for mines and central banks throughout the world. Still in operation today, the refinery has produced 9999 fine gold bars since 1969. In 1982, it became the world's first refinery to produce 9999 fine gold bullion coins. Then in 1999, the Mint excelled again by being the first to achieve 99999 fine gold purity. ![]() The Royal Canadian Mint's proud history reached a new peak in 2007 with the Guinness World Records certification of the largest coin in the world: the masterpiece 100 kg, 99.999% pure $1 million gold bullion coin was originally conceived as a unique showpiece to promote the Mint's new line of 99999 pure 1 oz Gold Maple Leaf bullion coins. After several interested buyers came forward, the Mint decided to make a very limited quantity available for sale. To date, five of these majestic gold bullion coins, weighing 3,215 troy ounces each, have been purchased by investors from Canada and abroad. More about the Queen pictured on the coin later and how this all ties together. Further down the path we find another sun symbol, as the central point in this observatory. ![]() The Oodena Circle is a circular shallow bowl measuring 60 metres across and 2.5 metres deep. This stone circle is geometrically aligned to the sunrise and sunset of the fall and spring equinox, and summer and winter solstices. Surrounding the circle are limestone monoliths depicting the solar system, Earth, wind, fire and water. Located at the junction of Red and Assiniboine Rivers, Oodena Celebration Circle represents the rich heritage of Canada. This naturally shallow amphitheater pays tribute to the 6,000 year-old faded past of this place. As this has been a home to aborigines from old times, this center has a lot to offer to cherish the historical past. Ethereal sculptures, a sundial, a naked eye observatory and a ceremonial fire pit are some of the splendors at this circle. ![]() The sculpture at the entrance to the Oodena Celebration Circle at the Forks in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba is just the beginning to the historic past of Canada's heritage. Sculptures, a sundial, an observatory and a ceremonial fire pit are a few of the things to see while visiting this historical circle. ![]() It pays homage to the 60,000 years of Aboriginal peoples in the area. Oodena, Cree for the centre of the city, features ethereal sculptures, a sundial, interpretive signage, a naked eye observatory and a ceremonial fire pit, making it a desirable venue for Aboriginal and cultural celebrations or a place to simply sit and marvel at its beauty. ![]() Around the amphitheater, eight pairs of stone walls are positioned to enable observation of the summer and winter solstices, and vernal and autumnal equinoxes. The sun rises from the space between one pair of walls and sets between another on special days. Furthermore, sculptural armatures were set atop the walls to serve as guideposts for celestial orientation. These are arc-shaped slender steel pipes with rings through which certain constellations can be observed at certain times. Each armature is unique in shape and identifies different sets of stars throughout the year Once the design concept was determined, the landscape office added five astronomers, six surveyors, seven engineers, and specialists in set design, lighting, and acoustics to the design team. The astronomers analyzed the constellations that can be seen by the naked eyes in the city during the hours when people are enjoying the outdoors. In addition, a searchlight that sends a beam from stage to sky becomes a beacon for travelers coming to the city from afar. People can determine the direction to the site by looking to the sky, navigating as their ancestors once did. These waterways were early avenues of transportation not only for Europeans but also for aboriginals. Indeed the name “Winnipeg” comes from the aboriginal word “win,” meaning muddy, and “nipee,” meaning waters. As early as 4000 B.C, people camped at The Forks as a rest stop on seasonal migration routes from the northern forests to the southern plains. Between 1734 and 1760, as European fur traders arrived, The Forks became a fur-trading outpost for First Nations peoples and Europeans. Between 1760 and 1821, the Hudson's Bay Company and North West Company competed for furs. Both fur trading companies used The Forks to store and ship supplies to trappers and furs to traders. By 1821, the competing fur companies had amalgamated into the Hudson's Bay Company. ![]() This is just to show how huge the territory the HBC, Hudson's Bay Company held Back to Celestial Matters ![]() The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the earth, sun, and moon. The moon goes around the earth, on average, in 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes. The sun always illuminates the half of the moon facing the sun (except during lunar eclipses, when the moon passes through the earth's shadow). When the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth, the moon appears "full" to us, a bright, round disk. When the moon is between the earth and the sun, it appears dark, a "new" moon. In between, the moon's illuminated surface appears to grow (wax) to full, then decreases (wanes) to the next new moon ![]() ![]() There is the steady movement of the stars but there is always the unexpected, that would cause fear or dread that the cycle of life through the seasons would be disrupted and bring death and destruction. ![]() ![]() Something could happen once in a blue moon ![]() Rare visibly blue moon with Jupiter and four of it's moons to the left When two full moons occur in any calendar month, the second is called a blue moon. The term (in its modern usage) therefore has nothing to do with the Moon's actually color. A blue moon occurs about once in 2.5 years on average ![]() Visibly blue moon The most literal meaning of blue moon is when the moon (not necessarily a full moon) appears to a casual observer to be unusually bluish, which is a rare event. The effect can be caused by smoke or dust particles in the atmosphere, as has happened after forest fires in Sweden and Canada in 1950 and, notably, after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, which caused the moon to appear blue for nearly two years. ![]() But blue moons, and blue suns in brownish skies, do happen. One of the best-documented occurrences this century happened during September 1950, and caused a storm of flying saucer reports from Canada to England. "The skies took on strange colors; there was an eerie sort of light, followed in some places by almost complete darkness.... Shades varying from pink and orange to yellow and brown were used to describe the sky.... The sun disc when visible appeared blue or purple. As it appeared and disappeared through breaks in the clouds it seemed to be in motion -- hence the basis for the impression of flying saucers." The incident was reported thus in the scientific journal, Weather. An alternative interpretation uses the other old English meaning of "belewe" (which can mean "blue" or "betrayer").The church was responsible for the calendar and used the complex computus to calculate the important date of Easter, which is based on the full moon. Lent falls before Easter starting at the beginning of the Lent moon cycle (late winter moon). The next moon is the egg moon (early spring moon), and Easter usually falls on the first Sunday after the full egg moon. Every one to three years the Lent and egg moons would come too early, so the clergy would have to tell people whether the moon was the Lent moon or a false one, which they may have called a "betrayer moon" Calendar Two full moons in one month * 2009: December 2, December 31 * 2012: August 2, August 31 * 2015: July 2, July 31 ![]() SEASONAL VARIATIONS: Native American tribes in the northern and eastern United States provided a number of names for various full moons. They used them to keep track of the seasons. For instance, the Full Harvest Moon -- occurring this year on September 26 -- is the nearest full moon to the fall equinox, indicating the best time for the harvest. On the Full Beaver Moon, it was time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, ensuring a good supply of pelts for winter furs. Other tribes knew it was time for spring planting during the Full Corn Planting Moon, occurring this year on May 2. ![]() ![]() Aurora Borealis Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights is a luminous phenomenon in the night sky consisting of overlapping curtains of greenish-white light, sometimes fringed with pink, appearing in the ionosphere of high latitudes. It is caused by the emission of light by atoms and molecules that are excited by beams of electrons generated by a complex interaction between the solar wind and the Earth’s atmosphere. ![]() ![]() Hale Bopp comet The auroras which occurred as a result of the "great geomagnetic storm" on both August 28 and September 2, 1859 are thought to be perhaps the most spectacular ever witnessed throughout recent recorded history. The aurora is thought to have been produced by one of the most intense coronal mass ejections in history, very near the maximum intensity that the Sun is thought to be capable of producing. It is also notable for the fact that it is the first time where the phenomena of auroral activity and electricity were unambiguously linked. This insight was made possible not only due to scientific magnetometer measurements of the era but also as a result of a significant portion of the 125,000 miles (201,000 km) of telegraph lines then in service being significantly disrupted for many hours throughout the storm. Some telegraph lines however, seem to have been of the appropriate length and orientation which allowed a current (geomagnetically induced current) to be induced in them (due to Earth's severely fluctuating magnetosphere) and actually used for communication. The following conversation occurred between two operators of the American Telegraph Line between Boston and Portland, Maine, on the night of September 2, 1859 and reported in the Boston Traveler: Boston operator (to Portland operator): "Please cut off your battery [power source] entirely for fifteen minutes." Portland operator: "Will do so. It is now disconnected." Boston: "Mine is disconnected, and we are working with the auroral current. How do you receive my writing?" Portland: "Better than with our batteries on. - Current comes and goes gradually." Boston: "My current is very strong at times, and we can work better without the batteries, as the aurora seems to neutralize and augment our batteries alternately, making current too strong at times for our relay magnets. Suppose we work without batteries while we are affected by this trouble." Portland: "Very well. Shall I go ahead with business?" Boston: "Yes. Go ahead." The conversation was carried on for around two hours using no battery power at all and working solely with the current induced by the aurora, and it was said that this was the first time on record that more than a word or two was transmitted in such manner. Such events led to the general conclusion that The effect of the Aurora on the electric telegraph is generally to increase or diminish the electric current used in working the wires. Sometimes it entirely neutralizes them, so that, in effect, no fluid is discoverable in them . The aurora borealis seems to be composed of a mass of electric matter, resembling in every respect, that generated by the electric galvanic battery. The currents from it change coming on the wires, and then disappear: the mass of the aurora rolls from the horizon to the zenith. If a flare liked that occurred now it would be catastrophic as it would take down most of the grids. These are all spectacular celestial events but not the ones I am looking for. To be continued Last edited by judykott; 06-18-2009 at 01:28 AM. |
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#1402 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 711
I wanted to find out more about what was behind these celestial events in these paintings below. this is the scenic tour to get to what I think are very important points.
![]() Nuremburg April 14, 1561 by Hans Glazer UFO enthusiasts wish to label everything as one, I know there are craft but I believe most are "our" own. I do think there are inter-dimensional and not of this frequency range to be seen. I think there are many rare phenomenon that are mistaken for other things. ![]() For two hours in the morning of April 20 1535, the skies over the city were filled with white circles and arcs crossing the sky, while additional suns appeared around the sun. The phenomenon quickly resulted in rumours of an omen of God's forthcoming revenge on King Gustav Vasa (1496-1560) for having introduced Protestantism during the 1520s and for being heavy-handed with his enemies allied with the Danish king. Hoping to end speculations, the Chancellor and Lutheran scholar Olaus Petri (1493-1552) ordered a painting to be produced documenting the event. When confronted with the painting, the king, however, interpreted it as a conspiracy - the real sun of course being himself threatened by competing fake suns, one being Olaus Petri and the other the clergyman and scholar Laurentius Andreae (1470-1552), both thus accused of treachery, but eventually escaping capital punishment. The original painting is lost, but a copy from the 1630s survives and still can be seen in the church Storkyrkan in central Stockholm. ![]() From the top Circumzenithal Arc Upper Tangent Arc 22 Degree arc Parhelic circle Parhelia(sundogs) Lower Tangent Arc ![]() So what were these events and how do they happen. * 22 ° halo, at upper right (should be centered on the Sun) * parhelic circle, large white circle (centered on the zenith: appears 'horizontal' in the sky) * parhelia including 2 sundogs, 2 120° parhelia and the anthelion (dots on the parhelic circle, resp. nearest to farthest from the Sun) * upper tangent arc and possible Parry arc (2 crossing arcs just left of the 22° halo (actually 'above' the 22°, in the sky); not realistically shown) * circumzenithal arc, smaller crescent inside the parhelic circle (also centered on the zenith: appears 'horizontal', high in the sky) * infralateral arc (bottom right) Note that the whole sky appears strongly tilted in the image: the upper right corner is actually down in the sky (when looking towards the Sun), the zenith is at the center of the circumzenithal arc and parhelic circle. ![]() ![]() Jan 11,1999 interesting dates on some of these 11:11 999 Shakespeare also appears to mention the phenomenon in his Henry VI, Part 3 when he has Edward say, "Dazzle mine eyes, or do I see three suns? ![]() Diamond Dust ![]() ![]() ![]() Matthew Paris 1233 Greece Aristotle (Meteorology III.2, 372a14) notes that "two mock suns rose with the sun and followed it all through the day until sunset." He says that "mock suns" are always to the side, never above or below, most commonly at sunrise or sunset, more rarely in the middle of the day. Cicero An unusually pronounced sun dog produced by sunlight passing through thin cirrus clouds. The true sun is located outside of the picture to the right. A passage in Cicero's On the Republic (54-51 BC) is one of many by Greek and Roman authors who refer to sun dogs and similar phenomena: ![]() Be it so, said Tubero; and since you invite me to discussion, and present the opportunity, let us first examine, before any one else arrives, what can be the nature of the parhelion, or double sun, which was mentioned in the senate. Those that affirm they witnessed this prodigy are neither few nor unworthy of credit, so that there is more reason for investigation than incredulity. Wars of the Roses The prelude to the Battle of Mortimer's Cross is supposed to have involved the appearance of a complete parhelion with three "suns". The Yorkists took them to represent Edward of York, George of Clarence and Richard of Gloucester and their impending victor Now for how they are made, this is important for later ![]() ![]() 22º radius halos are visible all over the world and throughout the year. Look out for them (eye care!) whenever the sky is wisped or hazed with thin cirrus clouds. These clouds are cold and contain ice crystals in even the hottest climes. The halo is large. Stretch out the fingers of your hand at arms length. The tips of the thumb and little finger then subtend roughly 20°. Place your thumb over the the sun and the halo will be near the little finger tip. The halo is always the same diameter regardless of its position in the sky. Sometimes only parts of the complete circle are visible. When looking for halos always shield both eyes from the sun. Never stare close to it even for a moment. Preferably, hide the sun behind the edge of a building or post. Take care when photographing halos if the unshielded sun is in the field of view. It is dangerous to look at the sun through some camera viewfinders, especially SLRs - do not take risks! ![]() Moon Halo ![]() Millions of ice crystals glint down from 3 to 5 mile high cirrostratus haze to form the 22º halo. The sharp inner edge is red tinged. Beyond, the halo fades gradually away. ![]() The 22º halo extends from 22º out to 50º - a disk with a hole - but it is brightest at the inner edge No light is refracted through smaller angles and so the area inside the halo is dark - a 'hole in the sky'. Red light is refracted less strongly than other colours and so the halo's inner edge is red hued sometimes tapering away through oranges and yellows to blue. All but red are indistinct and washed out because they overlap considerably. ![]() ![]() Rays and crystals forming a 22º halo. Crystals whose prism axes are roughly perpendicular to the direction of sunlight refract its rays through 22º or more. Each crystal sparkles in the sky when it is at this angular distance from the sun. The collective sparkles make the halo. Millions of other unlit crystals are not visible to you but they might be helping to form someone else's halo! ![]() ![]() ![]() Halos are not purely daytime happenings. Look for them whenever a bright moon is veiled by thin cirrus cloud. A full or nearly full moon is best. 22º halos often encircle the moon. More rarely, because the moon is relatively dim, it is possible to see moondogs and other halos. Colours are faint or non existent because their light is barely strong enough to excite the colour sensors of our eyes. ![]() ![]() ![]() Intense upper tangent arc. The gull winged arc always touches the 22º halo at a point directly above the moon. Its wings open and then droop as the moon climbs. Here it was 22º high. ![]() Lower tangent arc and other halos. When the sun is low the horizon hides the lower tangent arc but it can be seen from from hills or mountains when there are clouds or cold air below containing the necessary ice crystals. ![]() The circumscribed halo is typically a brightly coloured oval around the sun. It is tangential to the inner 22º halo directly above and below the sun and it is brightest there. Sometimes local brightenings of the 22º halo are the only sign of it. Its shape depends very much on the solar altitude When the sun is lower than 29º the halo separates into the upper and lower tangent arcs. The same rays and crystals form it. ![]() The circumzenithal arc, CZA, is the most beautiful of all the halos. The first sighting is always a surprise, an ethereal rainbow fled from its watery origins and wrapped improbably about the zenith. It is often described as an "upside down rainbow" by first timers. Someone also charmingly likened it to "a grin in the sky". Look straight up near to the zenith when the sun if fairly low and especially if sundogs are visible. The centre of the bow always sunwards and red is on the outside. ![]() Halos beneath the sky. A subsun, sub parhelia, subparhelic circle and a subcircumzenithal arc shine below the horizon. Continuations of 'ordinary' arcs go beneath the horizon also. Fisheye simulation centered on the horizon, sun 10° high. Imagine a halo display mirrored in a lake. Subhorizon halos are similarly formed except that the mirroring is inside the very crystal making the halo. An extra reflection from a lower horizontal face produces the subhorizon counterpart of an ordinary plate crystal halo. No multiple scattering or reflection by separate crystals is needed # Exodus 13:21-22. By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people. ![]() There are arcs and phenomenon that have never been photographed before, you need special equipment and more important you must be where these incredible events are happening. Just recently the Kern arc was photographed for the first time but it won't let me upload it, you can view it here. http://www.ursa.fi/blogit/haloreport...&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 This is the scenic tour to be continued |
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#1403 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: At the doors of perception
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Thanks Judy for another outstanding and infomative post.This is the meaning of order out of Chaos.In your post you cause heaven and earth to embrace.
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#1404 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Thanks 777
![]() I thought maybe it would apply for this as well Book of Ezekiel Chapter 1:16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. 17 When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went. 18 As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four. 19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. 20 Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. ![]() Today the shear beauty of them still inspires and then of course is used for manipulation ![]() Sun halo wows Ethiopia amid poll Written on Monday, April 14th, 2008 at 4:45 pm by ethioforum BBC Monday, 14 April 2008 — A halo around the sun startled people in Ethiopia during Sunday’s local elections, with many seeing it as a miracle or a sign from God. The ring of light caused by sunlight refracted by ice crystals hung in the sky for almost an hour before it finally faded and disappeared. Some Ethiopians say it last appeared in 1991 before a military regime fell. But the BBC’s Elizabeth Blunt in Addis Ababa says there is little chance it could augur change this time. She says the overwhelming majority of candidates are from the government party. Churchgoers who had flocked to see the visiting Patriarch of Alexandria, Pope Shenouda, acclaimed the phenomenon as a miracle, or at least a sign of a blessing from God. Thank you, God, for revealing a sign Abuna Paulos, Patriarch of Ethiopia Pope Shenouda himself believed it was a signal from above. “We accept any sign from God to encourage us in our way,” he said, “and confirm that we are going right in our way.” Abuna Paulos, the Patriarch of Ethiopia, added his voice to those who believe in signs from God. “If God reveals himself from the sky,” he told a press conference, “we believers do not get surprised. We only rejoice and double our efforts to thank God. Thank you, God, for revealing a sign.” |
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#1405 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Fantastic Judy!
![]() Im blown away, especially by the Halo topic and I'll explain why later when I have re-read. You know in the mainstream, Halo is the single most popular, fastest selling entertainment franchise made ![]() I love it when things come full circle ![]() ![]() |
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#1406 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1407 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Not my Will but your Will
![]() WILL =VI VI VI << Matthew 10 >> King James Bible 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Sword = wordS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ursa major is the restrictive force,who transforms into the liberating force, Ursa minor ,aka draco ,and gives birth to the false Christ, that comes for America ,his bride. The pope is symbolic of Saturn AKA Dagon ![]() ![]() King William V, but when we take the W as two V's with the I's as Roman numerals for one, we have cleverly constructed a esoteric anagram for this same 'Once and Future King': I AM VI VI VI or I AM Six Six Six (666).Will I am also = 55 888 5 ---- giving us two Wills The doorway is open, durring the greatest earthquake, ever known. ![]() Now watch the myth come to life. ![]() ![]() The wheel within the wheel ![]() FERRELL =6 666 666 6666 6666 ![]() ![]() Here is Di ana Soros ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 21 is the day of Fusion for some, and con - fusion for others.In the movie land of the lost- Sol T - Slots , ,Solt ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Di = 91111 ana = 16 = Pi Di = 911 no = 29 = 11 Soros DI or ID --To di ,is to enter a cycle ,on the wheel of fortune. Di is always used in words to Xpress a cycle Will or William is a divine concept , please pay no attention to the persona. ![]() Chaka is the character in the movie that leads the LOST trinity into awareness,Cha-ka =Chakras ---Will decides to stay and become King of the Hive mind in the lower kingdom, and the other will used a Taccion energy machine to open a door way and return home. Land of the lost cast includes - Will Ferrell, Danny McBride and Anna Fri -el. Fri L = Friday at 12 or noon Jorma Taccone played Chaka. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Words are truly double edge Swords that cut left and right ![]() ![]() 21 BABY Lon or Lion ![]() What is a Flint stone - A Flint stone is use to start a fire.Fred labors in the rock Quary, rideing the dinosaur of his base nature , in order to strike up a fire against the Bedrocks of faith.The. whistle blows, and signals the rising of the kundalini, and fred = 28 = 10 ascends out of the quary to go home to Wil Ma.Notice the Femur resurection bones and the arch of procession that peaks at the summer Solstice ![]() Fred and the purple Dragon Ursa minor, aka draco aka Barney the purple Dinosaur ![]() Dino and Bam Bam ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Will and his Robots=Hive mind ![]() Will and his Robot Lost in space -hive mind ![]() Lost in space - birth from the Ipods --Hive mind ![]() Land of the Lost, serpent birth from the Ipods = Hive mind ![]() Will and the hancock Towers ![]() [/SIZE][/I] Will saving the world on In deep n dance day or trance. ![]() ![]() When we follow the white rabbit ,we allow ourselves to be manipulated, simply by the way the tongue touchs in the mouth to form words.The way the tongue touches , changes the vibration and the masses respond to that vibration.We have only been fooled by Double edge Words. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Get Cancer and don't be afraid of loosing your Hare ![]() The fool's Journey starts on april 1st and the tarot closes with the World card # 21 . ![]() ![]() I'm not trying to force my views on anyone.My intent is to show the power of words and myth.Tyrannosaurus REX Tyrrany Soros RX ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() << Mark 13 >> King James Bible 28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: 29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. This movie has been on several days for the last two weeks. ![]() Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 06-18-2009 at 09:58 AM. |
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#1408 |
Avalon Senior Member
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So probably it is also meaningful that the businessman Soros has been a lot in the media coverage lately talking about the crisis....
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#1409 |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1410 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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Halo= 8 +1+12+15= 36 or 360 The game is not the only Halo, a film in the works, and even more interesting projects. the Beyonce song another good example, I have a big post and how it all ties in and the purpose for it. Beyonce 3:44 interesting time and there is a dog in there to make a sundog, Also when she is in the pool they have the lights like two sundogs at her side ![]() http://myplay.com/videos/beyonce/halo |
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#1411 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1412 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Everyday I usually have the word of the day and number of the day. Halo and 22 have been the ones for a week. One of the things that started it was the Halo song.I had not really ever noticed how pervasive it is out there right now. When something is everywhere it is because they wish us to except it. Halo is one of them and here is why I think they are selling it.
First there was the demonstration of some Halos from refraction of light through ice crystals to form the Halos and Sundogs.The mechanics of this is important for later. ![]() ![]() 22º halo ray path through a poorly aligned hexagonal prism crystal. Rays pass through faces inclined at 60° to each other. The poor orientations form the circular halo.More on the implications of this later ******************** Now for other Halos ![]() The game to play on your Xbox 360 Halo=8+1+12+15=36=360 (I left this rather wordy just so you could get the full gist of it) In a desperate attempt to keep a conquering alien race called the Covenant from finding Earth, you--a cybernetically enhanced soldier representing the peak of human military evolution--and a ragtag group of Marines flee to a distant uncharted system where you unexpectedly stumble across Halo, an enormous alien artifact in orbit between a gas giant and its moon. Your objective: Uncover Halo's horrible secret, and destroy mankind's nemesis - the Covenant. [Microsoft] ![]() Halo 3 is the third game in the Halo Trilogy and provides the thrilling conclusion to the events begun in "Halo: Combat Evolved." Halo 3 will pick up where "Halo 2" left off. The Master Chief is returning to Earth to finish the fight. The Covenant occupation of Earth has uncovered a massive and ancient object beneath the African sands - an object who's secrets have yet to be revealed. Earth's forces are battered and beaten. The Master Chief's AI companion Cortana is still trapped in the clutches of the Gravemind - a horrifying Flood intelligence, and a civil war is raging in the heart of the Covenant. This is how the world ends... It has 222 cheats ![]() ![]() ![]() they even have their own Halopedia ![]() http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Halopedia which is an immense site Scientology is running an ad on the site but it won't let me upload the images.It is on the left hand side, Halos abound on the book they are selling as well. http://www.scientology.org/?source=g...FRFWagod_B7Bpg ![]() Toys put out by the company Spawn, just what you want for your spawn ![]() The Movie Many rumors about the movie, it has no official release date. advertisement lot Summary: As the bloody Human-Covenant War rages on Halo, the fate of humankind may rest with one warrior, the lone SPARTAN survivor of another legendary battle... the desperate, take-no-prisoners struggle that led humanity to Halo--the fall of the planet Reach. Now, brought to life for the first time, here is the full story of that glorious, doomed conflict. While the brutal Covenant juggernaut sweeps inexorably through space, intent on wiping out humankind, only one stronghold remains--the planet Reach. Practically on Earth's doorstep, it is the last military fortress to defy the onslaught. But the personnel here have another, higher priority: to prevent the Covenant from discovering the location of Earth. Outnumbered and outgunned, the soldiers seem to have little chance against the Covenant, but Reach holds a closely guarded secret. It is the training ground for the very first "super soldiers." Code-named SPARTANs, these highly advanced warriors, specially bioengineered and technologically augmented, are the best in the universe--quiet, professional, and deadly. ![]() Now, as the ferocious Covenant attack begins, a handful of SPARTANs stand ready to wage ultimate war. They will kill, they will be destroyed, but they will never surrender. And at least one of them--the SPARTAN known as Master Chief--will live to fight another day on a mysterious and ancient, artificial world called Halo... After they crash-land on an artificial ring-world called "Halo", a navy captain, his surviving marines, and a chemically-and-surgically-enhanced super soldier named John-117 "Master Chief" must find out what the Covenant, the genocidal alien race they are at war with, are looking for on the ring. However, Halo holds more secrets than either side imagin After escaping from the Battle of Reach, Captain Jacob Keyes and his crew, aboard the Halcyon-class battlecruiser The Pillar of Autumn(time before death and resurrection), have discovered an ancient ring in an uncharted area of the universe. Soon after their discovery, they are attacked by several Covenant ships that had followed them from Reach. Their only option is to abandon ship, but not without a fight. Keyes orders their secret weapon to be awakened from cryo- sleep(they want to keep you on ice, Master Chief John:Spartan-117 ![]() So we have keys, covenants, Master Chief, Spartan 117, Pillars, cryro sleep the ice sleep they would like to keep you in suspended animation. It is selling to young kids the idea of getting upgraded( chips) just like in the games. Many kids I hear talk about such things how cool it would be to be wired bioengineered and technologically augmented, to be all they can be sell from a young age on the idea. They have successfully implanted that idea that is what advertising is. **************** Other Halo's ![]() HALO :: FREEDOM THROUGH ANNIHILATION HALO. NEW ALBUM COMING 2008. MEANWHILE: FEAR AND HATE AND LIES. PEACE. CONTACT HALO: HERE. http://halo.antisound.net/ they are currently offline but check out the page ******************** ![]() About Project Halo Aristotle, the ancient Greek teacher, scientist and philosopher, had an extraordinary command of all the scientific disciplines of his day, as well as an ability to teach that knowledge to his students in a way they could understand. Today, the sheer volume of knowledge existing in the world precludes a modern-day human Aristotle, but current knowledge systems and technologies may one day fulfill this role. Project Halo is an effort by Vulcan ![]() ![]() *************** Halo Bicycle Wheels ![]() **************** Halo Lights ![]() *************** Give your spawn a Halo ![]() ****************** Halo Trust With Diana ![]() *************** DARK HALO ![]() Artwork showing the approximate extent of the dark matter halo around a large spiral galaxy such as our own. Credit: Jose Wudka The massive outer region of the Milky Way Galaxy that surrounds the disk and stellar halo. The dark halo consists mostly of dark matter, whose form is unknown. Though it emits almost no light, the dark halo outweighs the rest of the Galaxy by a factor of approximately 20 to 1. Similar halos of nonluminous matter appear to surround and envelope other large galaxies. See also galactic halo. ![]() galactic halo dark matter halo A large, relatively dust-free, spherical region surrounding a spiral galaxy, such as our own. The inner, visible part of the halo, which has roughly the same diameter as the galactic disk, is occupied by Population II objects, including globular clusters and old, individual stars. Beyond this is a much larger region, called the dark halo or extended halo, containing large amounts of dark matter, the presence of which is revealed by its gravitational effect on the galaxy's rotation. The nature of galactic dark matter is still undetermined but the most popular theory, supported by some recent observations, is that the dark halo is home to vast numbers of small, unseen bodies known as MACHOs. ![]() MACHO (Massive Astronomical Compact Halo Object) A hypothetical compact object, large numbers of which might account for a significant fraction of the dark matter in the galactic halos of large galaxies, including that of our own. If MACHOs exist they could take the form of black holes, neutron stars, red dwarfs, brown dwarfs, large rogue planets, or some other type of non-luminous body. A signature of these objects would be the occasional amplification of light from more distant sources by microlensing. No conclusions have yet been drawn about the existence or nature of MACHOs; however, various microlensing events detected by search efforts such as OGLE and the MACHO Project support the idea that invisible compact objects do exist in the Galaxy’s halo. ****************** Coronal Mass Ejections and "Halo Events" back to spaceweather.com ![]() Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are gigantic bubbles of electrified gas that billow away from the Sun. They can carry as much as 10 billion tons of solar material and trigger spectacular geomagnetic storms if they hit Earth's magnetosphere. CMEs, which usually travel at speeds between 500 and 1500 km/s, take 2 or 3 days to cross the 150 million km divide separating the Sun and Earth. CMEs aimed at Earth are called "halo events" because of the way they look in coronagraph images. As the expanding cloud of an Earth-directed CME looms larger and larger it appears to envelop the Sun, forming a halo around our star. This animation shows a "full halo" coronal mass ejection recorded by SOHO coronagraphs on July 14, 2000. The many speckles in the latter half of the movie are energetic particles from a related solar flare bombarding SOHO's electronic detectors. More information about coronal mass ejections -- from the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Solar Physics Group *************** ![]() 6Pack™ 6 Port 10/100 Transformer Solution ![]() GR1089 FastJacks ![]() Ethernet Lightning Protection So what are they trying to sell you, to be continued |
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#1413 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 711
What a DINO-MITE post, 777, full of brilliant revelations. Some real eye openers.
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#1414 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 893
I'm reading the other thread that's talking about the string hex code and dates. I note that the countdown they mention could refer to July 22, 2009. Then I started looking at that date, and noted that Prince William's birthday is June 21. Could there be a possible tie-in here because of the Summer Solstice and Solar Eclipse on July 22nd?
Would the ptw use the Buck Moon of July to maximize masculine energy and some false flag event or possible changing of power? Just thinking..... I wanted to say "EXCELLENT POSTS JUDY!!!!" You give me much to ponder on. Did you get a chance to watch how the domes may be linked to UFO's and the symbolism of the Alexandra Palace in London? That symbolism is all over the stuff you have been posting as well. Looking forward to your comments. That other thread is: http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=14723 Last edited by Unified Serenity; 06-18-2009 at 09:58 PM. |
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#1415 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 711
![]() What else uses the Halo name ![]() ![]() ****************** Another halo they are selling for protection, this is how things are introduced. ![]() ![]() Friday, April 1, 2005 in News Applied Digital announced today that VeriChip Corporation, its wholly-owned subsidiary, has completed the acquisition of eXI Wireless of Vancouver, British Columbia. ![]() As a result of the transaction, VeriChip Corporation will now offer RFID Products for People, through a complete array of implantable and external RFID products for people in the healthcare and security environment. In addition to the VeriChip (implantable microchip), which was cleared by the FDA for its medical applications in October, 2004, VeriChip Corporation will now offer eXI’s premier RFID products: HALO, RoamAlert, and Assetrac. ![]() HALO is the leading system for infant hospital security, helping healthcare facilities prevent infant abductions, accidental baby switching, and medical equipment theft and loss while providing a safe work environment for facility staff. RoamAlert Wander Protection System is the next generation in patient wandering protection, helping assisted living and skilled nursing facilities protect their patients while not restricting the residents’ freedom of mobility. In this CNET News.com article, we offer an update on how successful the idea has been. It turns out that, according to IPO documents, 222 ![]() http://news.cnet.com/Patients,-docto...l?tag=nefd.top Pdf with more info http://www.xmark.com/newsletters/Hal...ct_q2_2006.pdf VeriChip Acquires eXI Wireless ![]() Hexagons are everywhere Notice the eye in the hand September 22, 2009= 11/22/11 *********************** Carbon is the chemical element with symbol C (3)and atomic number 6( the number of protons) Carbon has 6 neutrons, 6, protons, 6 electrons=666 666 is the number of carbon but remember carbon with enough pressure and heat becomes a diamond ![]() Carbon compounds form the basis of all known so far life on Earth, and the carbon-nitrogen cycle provides some of the energy produced by the Sun and other stars.Carbon is the fourth most abundant chemical element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. More to come on this topic but as you can see the hexagon shape is extremely important. Hex shapes and hexagons are being used everywhere The Hexad's principles are "structure-function-order" and "space-power-time' ![]() It's three corner 120-degree joints and packing system is the most efficient of material, time energy and strength, like the honeycomb. The least wax is used to hold the most honey, a mere one and a half ounces holds four pounds of honey. It is because of the strength of the hive and comb that Egyptians chose this to be emblematic and apply it to the structure of their society. It is the power of this structure which the PTW would like to use to contain the many within their paradigm. Remember the chambers are called cells. I want none of their beeswax ![]() ![]() ![]() Several of the many upgrades that Humvees are getting in Iraq to protect against ambush include thicker armor plating and new honeycomb tires which are bullet proof and will keep the humvee rolling when it’s been ambushed in a firefight or even an I.E.D. What’s the secret? It doesn’t use air. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work Exodus 20:9 Some Christians have come out against the device, as there is a Biblical prophecy where all persons must receive the Mark of the Beast "in their right hand or in their foreheads", described in Book of Revelation 13:16-18[15], to participate in economic activity under the government of the Antichrist. This concern is compounded by the fact that, according to a recent ABC News article, there have been reports of other chips being implanted in patients' right hands. However, the chip has also been seen being implanted in the left arm or hand as well as other areas. It is often surmised that the sixteen digits in the chip stand for the last digits of 666, the original Mark of the Beast. ![]() The Greek word Charagma (which stands for 666) describes the piercing bite of a snake, which is akin to using a needle to place the device under your skin. xi-chi-stigma (666) ![]() Stigma looks like a snake More about the chi further down 6699237 patent number for the device ************************** ![]() Again Hexagons in the logo Invisible 'Radio' Tattoos Could Identify Soldiers By Bill Christensen posted: 19 January 2007 05:39 pm ET Somark Innovations announced biocompatible RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) ink, which can be used to tattoo cattle and laboratory rats and can be read through animal hair. It might even be used on humans eventually. This is a passive RFID technology that contains no metals; the tattoos themselves can be colored or invisible. Cows first( that's bull) ![]() The Somark ID System creates a "biocompatible ink tatoo with chipless RFID functionality." ********************** James Bond 007 Casino Royale Subdermal Microchip Propaganda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqCxm...layer_embedded *************** I took Hapkido for 8 years and the place between the thumb and the index finger, was called the Palace of Pain. It is also a healing spot, the axiom what can heal can kill is true. It also measures the 22 degree halo ![]() 4. Joining Valley (hegu) - Large intestine 4 Dispelling and clearing the 5 senses, regulating, unblocking and opening up chi in the meridians, promoting quick and focused labour. Resuscitation point Famous point for energy and pain relief. Large intestine 4acupressure point hegu ![]() Location - On the back of the hand just below the central area of the bone in line with the indexfinger. If you bring the thumb close to the hand a mound of flesh is presented. Li 4 is in thecentre of the mound. Treatment for - Pain in the whole body, toothache, excessive sweat and no sweating, headaches,common cold, deafness, sore throat, eye, ear, nose and mouth disease, hand and wrist pain. You can also drop someone to there knees and depending on how hard the pressure can cause severe damage to a person. There is not a good place to put an implant but this one would have severe effect on the senses and energy chi lines. ![]() Halo sizes The most common is the 22° radius circular halo. It is easily found in the sky. Stretch out your arm and spread your fingers wide. The distance from the thumb to the tip of the little finger is then about 20°. Cover the sun with the thumb and the 22° halo will be near the tip of the small finger. Still a lot further to go along this journey to be continued Last edited by judykott; 06-19-2009 at 08:32 PM. |
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#1416 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Thank you Judy for all the hard work. We all appreciate it tremendously.
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#1417 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Prince William was born through C-section as they wanted him to be born exactly on that day 21 June. he was supposed to be born a few days later...
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#1418 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 711
Let's see what else is in our night skies.
![]() Satellites by Trevor Paglen His shots of 189 secret spy satellites are the subject of a new exhibit -- despite the fact that, officially speaking, the satellites don't exist. The Other Night Sky, on display at the University of California at Berkeley Art Museum through September 14, is only a small selection from the 1,500 astrophotographs Paglen has taken thus far. In taking these photos, Paglen is trying to draw a metaphorical connection between modern government secrecy and the doctrine of the Catholic Church in Galileo's time. We know there are secret ones what about one's we know about, but never really thought about. ![]() Hexagons again WildBlue and Telesat Ka band spot beam satellite internet service North America, USA: United States, 48 US states only + Canada. Direct 2-way satellite speed internet service for home or office.Advanced technology Ka( ![]() ![]() ![]() 22 degree offset ![]() 22 deg offset dish elevation angle set up pointing. The 22 degree offset means that the beam comes off the dish at an offset angle of 22 deg. With the feed at the lower edge, this means that the beam comes off the dish at a 22 deg angle upwards. So if the dish reflector itself is vertical, the beam elevation angle is 22 deg. The figure shows a "22 deg offset type" dish.The offset dish is shown set for 63 deg beam elevation angle by tilting the dish backwards by 41 deg. So if you have an angle measured 3, elevation angle measure 25 you would have 25 -3 =22 so 8:30, 13:35 and so on. ![]() IEEE (9555) satellite systems allow full earth coverage below 70 degrees latitude with ... and are separated by approximately 22 degrees. ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel4/5759/15385/00710110.pdf - Similar ![]() * External antenna for optimal Satellite reception * Installed speaker and microphone for complete Hands-free operation * Charges the GSP-1600 phone battery * Suitable for extreme conditions, operational from -22 degrees to 122 degrees Fahrenheit( ![]() * Data capabilities - Integrated serial port for Satellite and data transmission ![]() SMART ANTENNA APPLICATION FOR SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS WITH SPACE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS hex grid pattern Applying of systems SDMA the most perspective for satellite communications systems for low (till 1500 km) and middle orbits(till 10000 km), when the signals of users achieve the satellite antenna under different angles (±22 degrees for the middle orbits). In this instance, ground level maybe split into the zones of service determined by beam pattern lobes in different directions, as shown on figure1. ![]() Here's our earthy broadcast systems ![]() The patterns and sign are everywhere. These guys are a pain in the butt. That's ok there is a remedy for that. ![]() Ultimate 22 Degree Orthopaedic Coccyx Wedge 41x41x10cm (16x16x4 inches) From ExtraComfort. BRANDNEW ON THE UK MARKET( ![]() ![]() We are getting close to a bullseye on the diamond board. Diamonds lets learn a little more about them. ![]() Did you know they have diamonds in Manitoba? ![]() I sense a road trip coming on let's leave from the Thunderbird House in Winnipeg. ![]() ![]() Thunderbird house with it's 8-pointed star ![]() I find it fascinating there is a 8 pointed star on the bottom of a brilliant,and look at all the other 888888's out the whazoo. Maybe that's why they say diamonds are forever. * The Christ, the resurrection, the baptism. *Symbol of the Redemption. * By its composition, this number is considered as perfect. *It is the number of years of papacy that would cover the prophecy of saint Malachi according to Raoul Auclair: "The oracle spreading on 888 years would distinguish a week of 777 years and 111 years of a nocturnal octave where, in the triumphant Babylone, will bloom the Mystery of iniquity. Finally, the oracle having begun with the second period of 111 years, the Church, before the Kingdom would spread on a duration of 18 times 111 years. That can be written 666 + 666 + 666. That allows also to consider 17 periods 111 years until the arrival the Day of Yahweh". This is just of few of the 888 interpretations. ![]() We have to take a V8, (V=22) since we are leaving from the Thunderbird house let's take a 55 Thunderbird. ![]() ![]() It has to be a red one as well. Let's take Provincial Road 222( ![]() ![]() Gimli,( remember him from Lord of the Rings) an Icelandic word meaning “home of the Gods”. It was the capital of an independent colony of Icelanders who settled along the western shores of Lake Winnipeg, a second wave of Vikings came when 1,200 Icelanders came after Dyngja mountain laid waste to 2,500 sq. miles of land. Outside of Gimli we find a Thunderbird Nest the ceremonial site of the legendary Thunderbird, the guardian spirit. ![]() Traditions among the Elders include accounts of the maymaygwashi, the little people with strong spiritual powers who live in a spirit world behind the rocks. Some Elders speak of experiences when the little people allowed others to follow them into the rock to visit their world. Although these sites have frequently been called rock art sites, a better designation is sacred symbol sites, as they are often located strategically to utilize the forces of nature to enhance them. ![]() ![]() Manitoba Museum’s wax rubbing collection totals some 442 works. Wax rubbings are portrayals of images that were pecked into bedrock and exposed boulders by Native peoples through the ages. The images include a great variety of themes – people, shamans with power lines, warriors, thunderbirds, sacred and non-sacred animals, boats and images that only traditional Native Elders could interpret. These original images, called petroglyphs, are part of a trilogy of physical expressions on the landscape of important ancient events, beliefs and ideas. ![]() ![]() ![]() The Thunderbird is depicted differently by different tribes. ![]() Let's look skyward. ![]() The Great Diamond or Virgin's Diamond/Diamond of Virgo is an asterism. It is composed of the stars Cor Caroli (in Canes Venatici), Denebola (the tail of Leo), Spica (the wheat of Virgo), and Arcturus (in Bootes). It is somewhat larger than the Big Dipper. Lying within the Great Diamond is the set of stars traditionally assigned to Coma Berenices. Many nearby galaxies, including galaxies within the Virgo Cluster, are located within this asterism, and some of these galaxies can easily be observed with amateur telescopes. ![]() In Inuit of Canada astronomy, Arcturus is called the Old Man. Arcturus 1933 World's Fair The star achieved fame when its light was used to open the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. The star was chosen as it was thought that light from Arcturus had started its journey at about the time of the previous Chicago World's Fair in 1893. Technically the star is 36.7 light years away so the light would have started its journey in 1896. Edgar Cayce In a reading in which the 'sleeping prophet' describes philosophical concepts as they relate to religious tenets, Edgar Cayce mentions Arcturus. (Q) The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system dwelling, between earthly lives. It was given through this source that the entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of Arcturus, and then returned to earth. Does this indicate a usual or an unusual step in soul evolution? (A) As indicated, or as has been indicated in other sources besides this as respecting this very problem, - Arcturus is that which may be called the center of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there - that is, in this planetary system, our sun, the earth sun and its planetary system - or to pass on to others. This was an unusual step, and yet a usual one. (5749-14) Occult traditions In the astrology of the Middle Ages, Arcturus was one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars, associated with jasper and the plantain herb. Cornelius Agrippa lists its symbol Image:Agrippa1531 Alchameth.png under the alternate name Alchameth. ![]() White Dwarf Stars: Like a Diamond in the Sky The reason this star, with the obscure designation of BPM 37093 is so special to astronomers is that it has aided them in proving a theory held for decades: that white dwarf stars cool and crystallize into carbon, a giant diamond. Astronomers say the star has a diameter of 2,500 miles and weighs in at an astonishing five million, trillion, trillion pounds. That would make the diamond core ten billion, trillion, trillion carats! The largest gem-quality diamond yet found on Earth was the 3,106-carat "Cullinan" discovered in 1905. The 530-carat "Star of Africa" in the British crown jewels was cut from it. BPM 37093 is the most massive known dwarf star. Because it is so massive, the star is crystallizing on the inside while light and sound continue to pulsate from the surface. "By measuring those pulsations, we were able to study the hidden interior of the white dwarf, just like seismograph measurements of earthquakes allow geologists to study the interior of the Earth. We figured out that the carbon interior of this white dwarf has solidified to form the galaxy's largest diamond," says Metcalfe. ![]() The diamond ring effect is a feature of total solar eclipses. Just before the sun disappears or just after it emerges from behind the moon, the rugged lunar limb topography allows beads of sunlight to shine through. Everything along the way ties in as you will see as we continue on our journey, every element has it's place.to be continued ![]() Last edited by judykott; 06-20-2009 at 02:03 AM. |
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#1419 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 711
![]() ![]() As above, so below ![]() ![]() Diamond Ring Hotel in Dubai ![]() Check out this thread for more interesting architecture that they are building in Dubai http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10970 It's important for us to learn more about the structure of diamonds. Let's see all sorts of diamonds to get the full diamond deal. ![]() ![]() ![]() There's the Diamond Touch cellphone to pick up on all those signals in the air. ![]() ![]() I wouldn't use one I will have to use one of these. ![]() ![]() diamond numerology www.decoz.com/numerology_diamondtext.htm The Diamond is the most complex tool in your numerology chart and requires intuition and logic. It is similar to the I Ching, in that it reveals the interaction between your spiritual and your physical body. Referring to the illustration above, locate age 22 in the top half of the Diamond. You will find that the triangles listing ages 21-24, 14-22 and 18-26 all apply to age 22. The triangle 14-22 has the number 2 directly above it. This means that the lessons inherit to the number 2 have been an issue for at least 8 years. But our friend is leaving this triangle behind. He is almost finished with this age-period. The triangle 18-26 covers a larger period and has the number 1 at the tip. This tells us that the lessons of the number 1 will have to be dealt with during those years. However, most important is the triangle covering the age-period 21-24. It narrows the period down to a few years, with the age we are particularly concerned with in the center. The number 2 is found at the tip, and makes that the Challenge for age 22. ![]() Ocusonic A Diamond Forms Under Pressure, is an anomaly that exists somewhere between experimental film and music video, computer animation/ programming, science and art An improvised electronic soundtrack drives proprietary software, which analyzes the frequency content of the audio and generates a cogent synchronous image in real-time. Frequencies push and pull against each other stabilizing or agitating the central image. An electronic composer based in Dublin, who has lately begun to explore the world of visual music, examining a number or different techniques and process for the creation and manipulation of moving image with a cogent relationship to music. This has led to Ocusonics, the real-time generation of synchronous audio and visual material. All recent compositions are improvised live and coupled with a proprietry visual patch, each visual representation written to exemplify the tonal, timbral and structural characteristics of the piece. ![]() ![]() Manitoba Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Database (Version 3.0) The 11 IM ![]() ![]() ( Remember a diamond is compressed carbon as posted earlier) A diamond is a transparent crystal of tetrahedrally bonded carbon atoms that crystallizes into the diamond lattice which is a variation of the face centered cubic structure. Diamonds have been adapted for many uses because of the material's exceptional physical characteristics. Most notable are its extreme hardness and thermal conductivity (900–2,320 W/(m·K)), as well as wide bandgap and high optical dispersion. ![]() At left is the diamond structure in a different orientation showing the tetrahedral structure a bit more clearly. As above, carbon atoms at the corners of the tetrahedra are dark gray, those in the middle are light gray. ![]() Manmade Diamonds: Paving the Way for the Next Technological Revolution Before humans got in the game, it would take the earth a billion years to pressurize carbon into a diamond. Now laboratories at Apollo Diamond in Boston, Massachusetts can produce nearly flawless 1-carat diamonds in less than a month. ![]() Robert Linares is responsible for inventing a diamond-growing technique known as “chemical vapor deposition” (CVD). According to an article in USA Today, CVD “uses a combination of carbon gases, temperature (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) and pressure that…re-creates conditions present at the beginning of the universe. Atoms from the vapor land on a tiny diamond chip placed in the chamber. Then the vapor particles take on the structure of that diamond — growing the diamond, atom by atom, into a much bigger diamond.” Impressive. The mass-production of lab-produced diamonds is predicted to bring with it the most significant influence on technology and how we live since the age of steel. According to SmithsonianMag.com, engineers “hope to make everything from higher-powered lasers to more durable power grids. They foresee razor-thin computers, wristwatch-size cellphones and digital recording devices that would let you hold thousands of movies in the palm of your hand.” Lets have a look at how diamonds are already re-shaping the world of technology and ultimately our everyday lives. ![]() Quantum Cryptography For as long as there have been codes there have been those who can crack them. Scientists have been experimenting with quantum cryptography for the last few years as a means for ultra-fast, ultra-secure, communication. They’ve discovered that the ultimate method to protect information would be to send it using the basic unit of light known as the photon. According to the laws of quantum physics, which dictates that by observing a quantum state you alter its behaviour, by sending info along this single particle of light, it would be impossible for anyone to stop it, copy it, or even read it without being its state being altered, and therefore detected. The only problem is that identifying, measuring and monitoring a single photon has never been possible, let alone aiming one from earth to a satellite for data transmission purposes. Until now ![]() Researchers have discovered that diamonds possess the ability to process and measure one photon at a time, a discovery which is revolutionizing quantum cryptography and the transmission of secret information. Millions of dollars are being invested in science labs around the world to produce nanodiamonds, super-tiny (a thousandth the diameter of a human hair, tiny) imperfect diamonds which when hit by the beam of a laser give off, yes you guessed it, a single photon. Once a code is encrypted within the elemental particle, cracking it without detection will be impossible. And with photon communication underway, photon torpedoes can’t be too far behind. Chemotherapy Diamonds have proven to be particularly useful for helping cancer patients on the road to recovery. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments have been very successful at destroying the quick-to-multiply cancer cells, but the drugs and radiation’s broad range of effectiveness along with their inability to distinguish good cells from bad ones, often leave patients crippled with painful and debilitating side-effects. ![]() Tiny patches of flexible microfilm laced with nanodiamonds are in development, patches which would be placed on the malignant tumour or cancerous area. The tiny particles of diamond dust gradually release the chemotherapy drugs directly into the cancer, without affecting the surrounding area. This would drastically reduce the horrible side effects endured by chemotherapy patients who are overly exposed to toxic drugs. Diamonds are compatible with human body tissues as they are “highly ordered structures, which cells like. If they didn’t, cells would become inflamed,” and they are eventually disposed of in human waste. Lasers For close to two decades now scientists around the world have been trying to harness the diamond’s ability to transmit heat and light in order to create an even more amazing super-laser. Leading his research team at Macquarie University, Richard Mildren has helped create the world’s first diamond laser. When light hits a diamond, the photons either gain or lose energy inside and create a secondary light. Employing a technique known as Raman scattering, Mildren’s team then amplifies this secondary light by reflecting it and by injecting high amounts of energy into the system, which in turn emits a laser beam. Future applications of this new diamond laser include terahertz threat detection (eg. torso scanning devices in airports), super high precision laser surgery, and of course, laser weapons. ![]() Data Storage Wants to hold a TB (1000 Giga Bytes) on a single disc? Single crystal diamond spheres are key to the next wave in data storage. To increase the storage capacity of a disk you need to decrease the wavelengths of the readout laser while increasing the numerical aperture (NA) of the focusing lens. In order to do this you need a transparent lens with a high refractive index. Diamonds are perfect as they happen to have the largest refractive index of any transparent material in the blue and ultraviolet region of the spectrum. These solid-immersion lenses or SILs will drastically increase the amount of storage available in today’s CDs and DVDs. Diamond lenses are also used in x-ray machines and vacuum chambers. ![]() Communication Before our ability to mass produce diamonds existed, harnessing their properties to improve sophisticated electronic devices was far a too expensive and impractical endeavour. But now, armed with the ability to produce diamond films in a matter of hours, companies are beginning to experiment with diamond coated cell phone components. Diamond films will hyper-accelerate the speed with which signals can transmit from one set of circuitry to another, allowing for super-fast, crystal-clear communication, literally. Tools Thanks to their virtual indestructibility, diamonds make for excellent cutting, drilling and polishing tools. In fact, only 20% of the diamonds mined today are set in jewellery, while the rest are put to work in industry. As with anything good there is equally bad possibility's. Technology Today Volumn 3 Issue 1 File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML phaser weapons and photon torpedoes that protected the ship; the large sensor array ...... development of commercial military space satellite communications. Raytheon is the ...... President of Engineering, Paul Diamond ...( ![]() http://www.raytheon.com/technology_t...004_Issue1.pdf Maybe diamonds are not a girl's best friend after all ![]() ![]() The Thunderbirds ![]() HALO/HAHO are acronyms that describe methods of delivering personnel, equipment, and supplies from a transport aircraft at a high altitude via free-fall parachute insertion. HALO (High Altitude-Low Opening) and HAHO (High Altitude-High Opening) are also known as Military Free Falls (MFF). ![]() Military freefall parachute badge HALO techniques date back to 1960 when the U.S. Air Force was conducting experiments that followed earlier work by Colonel John Stapp in the late 1940s through early 1950s on survivability factors for high-flying pilots needing to eject at high altitudes. In recent years, the HALO technique has been practiced by civilians as a form of skydiving. Let's see if they can land in this field. ![]() ![]() It's enough to make your head spin. This is pretty trippy to watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_fTB-ER_dY The 'diamond' crop circle run through the Swirlies software. ![]() Diamond Pyramid that makes me think of other kinds of Pyramids. time to take the thunderbird to the airport. ![]() ![]() ![]() Glory The scattering of sunlight by spherical drops of water causes a surprising variety of complicated optical effects, such as this phenomenon called a glory. Glories are always directly opposite the sun, centered at the antisolar point and therefore below the horizon except at sunrise and sunset. Look for them whenever mist or cloud is beneath you and the sun breaks through to shine on it. to be continued |
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#1420 |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() Satellite=22 Degree=22/22 Thunderbird=222 Diamond=222 ![]() ![]() |
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#1421 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
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22 out the whazoo
![]() A Glory Look for Glories whenever mist or cloud is beneath you and the sun breaks through to shine on it..... or if you are in the Twilight Zone. This plane is great because it is one of the rare ones that has internet access to plug into after you reach 10,000 feet I had some questions I wanted to research to pass the time. I was pondering the diamond ring, Thunderbirds, Halo jumpers and wondering what they were using to sky write with. ![]() They use Titanium named after the Titans, and it's atomic number is 22. ![]() ![]() Notice the crystal hexagonal structure The two most useful properties of the metal form are corrosion resistance and the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal, just like a honeycomb built with the hexagonal structure.About 95% of titanium ore extracted from the Earth is destined for refinement into titanium dioxide (TiO2), an intensely white permanent pigment used in paints, paper, toothpaste, and plastics. ![]() 22 electrons More info here if you're interested http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/periodic/Ti.html The first use of skywriting for advertising purposes was in 1922. ![]() The Wicked Witch of the West skywrites "SURRENDER DOROTHY" in The Wizard of Oz. ![]() In the movie the sky writing was a special effects sequence done by Jack McMaster. He said "I had a glass tank six foot square, the bottom of the tank was glass. The sides were wood. The tank was only three inches deep; and the bottom was covered with an inch and a half of water mixed with calla oil. That was supposed to be the sky. The camera was beneath the tank, shooting up. The water and oil mixture was opaque, so it hid me." ![]() "The miniature Witch who did the skywriting was three eighths of an inch high, and the broom she was riding was a hypodermic needle. I wrote SURRENDER DOROTHY OR DIE upside down and backward in the fluid in the tank, using the needle in place of a pen. I practiced for two months before I did it," Jack McMaster The company that does the most skywriting is Geico, the lizard company ![]() ![]() Thunderbirds The Twilight Zone is a term used by Air Force pilots to describe the moment when a plane loses sight on the horizon while landing. More later about the Twilight Zone ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ************* Other 22's Windows 7 installs in 22 minutes Written by Fuad Abazovic Thursday, 22 January 2009 16:18 Windows 7 launch date Oct. 22, 2009 ![]() ***************** ![]() This hour has 22 Minutes is a parody of This Hour Has Seven Days, a CBC newsmagazine from the 1960s; the "22 Minutes" refers to the fact that a half-hour television program is typically 22 minutes long with 8 minutes of commercials.22 episodes a year We are being bombarded right now with Halo and 22, with enticements of free 22 minutes of Watchmen, 22 free minutes of Games, ad nauseum. ************* ![]() PAULMCCARTNEY January 07, 2009 Official Video for '222' by Marco Sandeman. '222' was a bonus track on the special edition versions of 'Memory Almost Full'. Category: Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sDyS_jf-fI ![]() http://www.musicouch.com/Genres/Rock...ve-Away.667779 The 22 Songs the Beatles Gave Away by Alistair Briggs, Apr 24, 2009 John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote the vast majority of the Beatles songs, but what is less well known is that they both wrote a good number of songs for other artists also. Lennon/McCartney penned and gave away to other artists. This does not include cover versions by other bands, only songs that were truly given to other artists (although in some cases the Beatles did record their own version of it, but not for general release at the time). *********************** SAVE US.222 By SpudY2K The SAVE_US.222 video slowed down to 1 frame per second to help people http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x32c9x_saveus222 ********************* ![]() Now we know what the V he always flashes us is, 22 ![]() Notice VW behind him 22 22 22 *Jay Z the King of 22 *40/40 club=22/22 *Jay Z=22/22 *JayZ Reasonable Doubt Concert 44 Live=22/22 *Song Twenty two's* *Twenty Two too's in the first verse *Send "22 Twos" Ringtone to Cell *people clapping* Yo whassup everybody this is Mariah Davis Mad Wednesday's we here tonight to have a good time ("Yo! Start the show! Start the show!") Wait a minute; I see my man over there Jay Z Jay Z Dam Deass let me hear that lil' tape of yours and it's fat Why don't you come up here and kick a lil' freestyle Put that champagne down and kick a lil' freestyle for me tonight ![]() [Jay Z] Yeah yeah yeah yeah Can I kick it? (Yes you can!) *repeat 3X* Y'all mother****ers musta hear that Tribe Called Quest, let's do it again Can I kick it? (Yes you can!) *repeat 3X* Well I'm gone... check this out Too much West coast dick-lickin, and too many niggaz on a mission Doin your best Jay-Z rendition Too many rough mother****ers, I got my suspicions that you're just a fish in a pool of sharks nigga, listen Too many bitches wanna be ladies, so if you a hoe I'ma call you a hoe, too many bitches are shady Too many ladies give these niggaz too many chances Too many brothers wannabe lovers don't know what romance is Too many bitches stuck up from too many sexual advances No question; Jay-Z got too many answers I been around this block, too many times Rocked, too many rhymes, cocked, too many nines, too To all my brothers it ain't too late to come together Cause too much black and too much love, equal forever I don't follow any guidelines cause too many niggaz ride mine so I change styles every two rhymes, hah, what the **** That's 22 too's for y'all mother****ers out there, yaknahmean? Shall I continue? Check it out, what? Can I kick it? (Yes you can!) *repeat 3X* Well I'm gone... yo, yo, yo Copped to reach my quota, push rock, roll up smooth like on (The repeat 3 times is putting power on it as in a spell or ritual that we all unconsciously participate in) ![]() Be Aware ************* ![]() Even back in Winnipeg in 2002, Manitoba Local 334 also merged with Local 222. Local 222 is proud to represent over 600 members in the trades of Plastering, Fireproofing and Cement Masonry throughout its region. ![]() ![]() Synchronicity It was a principle that Jung felt gave conclusive evidence for his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlies the whole of human experience and history—social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Events that happen which appear at first to be coincidence but are later found to be causally related are termed as "incoincident". ![]() Jung believed that many experiences that are coincidences due to chance in terms of causality suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances in terms of meaning, reflecting this governing dynamic. I thought synchronicity was in play with the amount of 22, halo, etc. but the occurrence is not synchronicity, it is everywhere because it has been placed there with purpose. Everything is connected in more bizarre ways than we can even imagine. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees. ![]() One of Jung's favourite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards." Numerology *There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet * There are 22 chapters of the Revelation of John in the Bible * In the Kabbalah, there are 22 paths between the sephiroth * Psalm 22 (22nd in the Book of Psalm in the King James Bible), described by the New American Standard Bible as the "A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise", is the Psalm to which the crucified and dying Jesus makes reference, citing its first verse in Aramaic (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34 *22 divided by 7 approximates the number pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The Egyptians were aware of this. *Represents the movement, the infinity. *Symbol of the manifestation of the being in its diversity and its history. *Represent the creation, which is the manifestation of the 21, according to R. Allendy. It is amongst other things the sigificance of the "principle of differentiation, 2, being added to the initial differentiation of the Cosmos 20 to subdivide the parts and to generate, by this means, the complex mechanism of the nature - 2 + 2 = 4. (...) With 22, we see the play of the opposite particular initiative - 22 = 11 x 2 -, to balance in the natural mechanism". *Symbolizes the end of a cycle, and for the man, the end of the obligatory reincarnations on the earth. *The 22 cards of the Tarot - 22 mysteries major. *The head of the man is constituted of 22 bones: 8 for the cranium and 14 for the face. ![]() Season 2 , "Twenty Two" ![]() The opening narration of each episode explained the meaning of the Twilight Zone with the following summary: "There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone." ![]() "Twenty Two" is an episode of the American television series The Twilight Zone.(1961) ![]() While in a hospital, recuperating from stress, Liz Powell, whom her agent, Barney, describes as "the best little stripper-dancer that ever came down the pike", has a strange nightmare. Every night, she awakens at midnight. She turns and breaks a drinking glass full of water, and then hears strange footsteps outside her door. It is always the same person: a nurse who beckons Liz to follow her. When Liz does, she goes down into an elevator and nervously approaches room 22. ![]() The strange nurse then emerges from the dark shadows of the room and, smiling wickedly, gives a message: "Room for one more, honey." Liz screams and runs back to her room, where she falls back to sleep. Her doctor claims that the dream is impossible, as there is no nurse who resembles the woman in the dream working in the hospital. The doctor then suggests that Liz change her actions in the dream, such as not to reach for the glass of water. Liz does this that night, and is happy to hear no footsteps, but when she turns to sleep, her blanket shatters the glass. The dream goes on in the same way, but this time Liz realizes that the room is a morgue. ![]() *Note the pyramid on her back with the capstone missing *There are two round windows/portals (360) * The number 22 as a keystone *Morgue=7 22/7 = pi ![]() *Little rectangles on the doors make an 11 The next morning, the doctor is shocked: Liz has never been downstairs to the morgue, and yet she described it with remarkable accuracy. Discharged from the hospital, Liz is at the airport, preparing to go home. She begins fearing the worst after hearing her flight announced as "Flight 22", leaving immediately. While nervously twitching in the terminal, she bumps into a woman carrying a vase. It falls, making the same noise as the drinking glass in the dream. In a long, slow shot, Liz walks up the runway, climbs the stairs, and approaches the plane.... and a stewardess who looks just like the dream-nurse appears, intoning her same terrifying message: "Room for one more, honey". ![]() Screaming, Liz runs back down the stairs and into the airport, falling to the ground. A moment later, as the concerned airport staff rush towards the hysterical Liz, the plane explodes immediately after takeoff, killing everyone aboard. Liz's dream has warned her of her impending death, thus saving her life. ![]() Closing narration "Miss Elizabeth Powell, profession: Dancer. Hospital diagnosis: Acute anxiety brought on by overwork and fatigue. Prognosis: With rest and care, she'll probably recover. But the cure to some nightmares is not to be found in known medical journals. You look for it under 'potions for bad dreams', to be found in the Twilight Zone" ![]() Widespread 'Twilight Zone' Detected Around Clouds Because clouds change so quickly and come in so many types and sizes, they play a complicated role in Earth´s climate. The influence of cloud fields is now even more complex due to the discovery of previously undetected particles in and around them. Credit: NASA GSFC, MODIS Atmosphere Science Team. There seems to be something new under the sun -- in the sky, specifically -- that could complicate scientists' efforts to get a fix on how much the world will warm in the future. Greenhouse gases are not the only things in the air that influence the temperature of our atmosphere. Clouds and small airborne particles called aerosols also play an important and complicated role. And now a new ingredient has been discovered: an extensive and previously unseen “twilight zone” of particles that represents a gradual transition from cloud droplets to dry particles. Atmospheric scientists have been aware of an indistinct “halo” ![]() more here http://www.physorg.com/news97504813.html ![]() Lost the 66th(222222) episode was Catch 22 ![]() Catch-22 This is what the PTW wish to create using the Master number 22 they wish to be master over you. They are constructing your environment with everything you hear, see, taste, smell, touch, and other concepts of 22 they are using as an illusion of Catch -22. Catch-22 is a term coined by Joseph Heller in his novel Catch-22, describing a set of rules, regulations or procedures, or situation which presents the illusion of choice while preventing any real choice. In probability theory, it refers to a situation in which multiple probabilistic events exist, and the desirable outcome results from the confluence of these events, but there is zero probability of this happening, as they are mutually exclusive. Catch-22 ![]() This is the catch the PTW are after The World and the catch-22 of you being unaware. To trump us with their stacked deck of cards. This card is numbered 21 but it is the 22nd card in the deck. It is complete, it is neither male or female but union. It's being on top of the world at it's summit. According to Place, Sophia (the dancing woman in the center) is spirit or the sacred center. The four figures in the corners of the card are also referenced in the Book of Revelation, 4:7, "And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." Together with the central figure enclosed by a wreath, they make up the five elements. ![]() The Lion is Leo, a fire sign; the Bull or calf is Taurus, an earth sign; the Man is Aquarius, an air sign; and the Eagle is Scorpio, a water sign. The early cards were sometimes depicted as Christ or Hermes as the centered figure. M for Mary V for Virgin Within the M there are three V's, two upside down and one in the middle, 22 22 22 In the Twilight Zone when we have reached our summit a ghostly figure towers out from the mist, its head sheathed in shimmering rings. ![]() When a low sun is behind a climber who is looking downwards into mist from the summit or peak, the shadow figure can be quite enormous. The "spectre" is the shadowy figure - the glow and rings are of course a glory centered directly opposite the sun at the antisolar point. But how is the ghostly figure produced? It is no more than the shadow of the climber projected forward through the mist. All shadows converge towards the antisolar point where the glory also shines. We must recognize ourselves in the shadow and see ourselves for the Glory we are. ![]() The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. (Psalm 19:1-4 NKJV) to be continued Last edited by judykott; 06-21-2009 at 09:33 AM. |
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#1422 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() Quote:
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#1423 |
Avalon Senior Member
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judy but please explain to us what it all means, what the implications for ordinary people are, what we should or shouldn't do, how we should act,what to to, etc....
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#1424 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Don't wait two weeks
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Great are the symbols of being. ![]() ![]() But that which is symbolized is greater. Know thyself ,and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and the Universe. ![]() ![]() ![]() The more diversified the knowledge, the more ‘clues’ we are being given. So here is the importance of an open mind and heart, and being willing to learn from every source that presents itself to us. I feel that the Bible holds some of the most esoteric secrets , not when it is read in a literal sense , but when it is read from a sense of searching out the clues and finding the hidden truths thats veiled beneath the leaves ,just as the fig tree hides it fruit,beneath the summer leaves. The Bible vibrates on three different levels – the human level, where the literal reading will give us physical interpretation. The Spiritual level where ywe will recognize the hidden symbolic meaning, and finally the Divine Level - which gives us the highest understanding of the whole story. Through experience, we have found that wisdom do not hand us her secrets on a plate. She gives us the hints, or clues, and then we must do the groundwork. We have been given the intelligence and reasoning and intuitive powers, so in other words, its time to USE them! The Arc of the Covenant ![]() ![]() In Diana J- ons First there is the Tent that Moses built to house the Arc of the Covenant, also 1 Kings, chapter 6 describing the Temple that Solomon built to later give the Arc a permanent home. Great detail is given of the layout, dimensions, furnishings, etc , and hidden underneath the veil of the desription, lies the true ark. 1First clue is the outer covering of the Tent has 3 layers; Solomon’s Temple has a 3 -storied annex on the sides and back. Did you know the human brain has 3 protective coverings. ![]() ![]() 2 The temple wall on each floor was thinner than on the floor below so that the rooms could rest on the wall without having the beams built into.Here we have a desription of the cranial bones , for all the cranial bones lock into each other, supported by the sphenoid bone on the cranial floor. ![]() The descriptions of the curtains in the Tent: ‘fine linen woven in blue, purple and red, embroidered with figures of winged creatures. this is a description of the pituitary gland, suspended in the saddle-shaped bone, the sella turcica – part of the sphenoid bone at the very base of the skull. In both the descriptions of the Tent and the Temple the Holy of Holies that housed the Arc was built at the rear of the structures. ![]() Exodus describes that the altar in the Holy of Holies has square proportions – as does the dorsum sellae in the sphenoid bone configuration. (from Grays Anatomy) – ‘there is a cube-like bone in the brain in the formation of the sphenoid which lies in a central position between the ethmoid and occipital bones’ The sphenoid is called the keystone of the cranial floor, for it locks everything into place , the Initiate (ourself), and the Kundalini Initiation, which involves the transformation of the human to the Divine. In both Exodus and 1 Kings it describes two winged creatures that were placed above the covenant box – ‘Each had two wings. Two of their outstretched wings touched each other in the middle of the room and the other two wings touched the walls. The sphenoid bone is bat-shaped, and looking at it face on it appears to have two pairs of wings.’ ![]() The pituitary is housed within the sphenoid structure and is suspended above the cube-shaped bone – just as the winged creatures are placed over the square altar. ![]() ![]() ![]() With reference to the many winged creatures featured in the decoration of both the Tent and the Temple – when you see the formations of the cranial bones there are the shapes of the bat ![]() So now, with the help of the exquisite detail of Gray’s Anatomy,let’s explore the Temple and the Tent as described in the Bible. The walls of the Temple had (1) openings in them (2) narrower on the outside than on the inside . (1) Several openings in the lesser wings of the sphenoid transmit the third nerve; the fourth; the three branches of the ophthalmic division of the fifth; and the sixth nerve – plus several other branches. (2) The superior ( higher) surface of each of the lesser wings is smooth, flat, and broader internally than externally . There is great detail about 1. The table in the Tent. 2. The lamp. 1. The table is set in front of the covenant box. In front of the spine the circumference of the great wings of the sphenoid presents a serrated edge bevelled at the expense of the inner table below. 2. The lampstand had three branches each side. Each of the branches to have three flowers shaped like almond blossoms with buds and petals. The shaft has four decorative flowers the same. One bud below each of the three pairs of branches. Make seven lamps for the stand. (In 1st Kings the instruction is to make ten branches). This is an occcult description of the optic nerves of the retina. ![]() ![]() It was the job of the candlestick to provide light in the Tabernacle.Exodus 25:37; ‘And thou shalt make seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.’In the Scriptures it also states that the light of the body is the eye;Luke 11:34‘The light of the body is the eye’ Exodus 25:33-34; ‘Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flowerin one branch… so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick. And inthe candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers.’Almonds in the Scripture picture ‘to watch or awaken’. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The lesser wing is connected to the side of the body by two roots. Near its junction with the body, a small tubercle for the attachment of the common tendon of origin of three of the muscles of the eye. Between the two roots is the optic foramen, for the transmission of the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery. So, with two sets of three branches (one set to each eye) plus the ‘shaft’ – the foramen – we have the shape of the lampstand. Another part of the Temple description is (1). a double door of (2) ![]() Behind the optic groove is a small eminence (2) olive-shaped, the olivary process; and still more posteriorly (behind), a deep depression, the pituitary fossa, or sellar turcica, which lodges the pituitary body. It is bounded in front by (1) two small eminences, one on either side, called the middle clinoid processes, which are sometimes connected by a spiculum of bone to the anterior (front) clinoid processes, and behind by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sella. These processes deepen the pituitary fossa, and serve for the attachment of prolongations from the (3) tentorium cerebelli. The tentorium of the cerebellum is the tent-like portion of the dura mater, the outermost of the three membranous connective tissue coverings of the brain, which forms a protective partition between the cerebellum and the occipital lobes of the cerebrum. It also lines the inside of the skull. The membranes below the dura mater are the arachnoid and the pia mater. The arachnoid, its outer portion, is separated from the pia mater at numerous places called subarachnoid spaces, which contain cerebrospinal fluid. A photograph of the tentorium ,is a view into the rear of the skull, (remember, the Most Holy Place was built in the rear of the Tent/Temple) where the two hemispheres of the cerebellum are located in their protective tent. The tip of the tentorium reaches up into the falx cerebri. Its side walls are beside the occipital lobe. We are also learning that the middle layer of the brain coverings, called the arachnoid web ![]() ![]() ![]() In the movie Apocalypto, the ignorant masses were totally unaware of the eclipse, but the priest hood knew, as they smirked , while the masses were in turmoil. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The En-trance To Solomon's Temple The entrance room to Solomon’s Temple is linked to the midbrain. The constricted portion of the brain which connects the pons varolii ![]() ![]() ![]() It is developed from the third ventrical, the cavity of which becomes the aqueduct of Sylvius – which shows us the position of the ‘wash basin between the Tent and the altar filled with water’. (Exodus). ![]() In 1 Kings, For the entrance to the main room a (rectangular) doorframe of olive wood. There were double folding doors for the temple posts made of fir. One of the main regions in the posterior portion of the midbrain is called the tectum (roof) and contains four rounded elevations, (the double doors) the corpora quadrigemina. ![]() The two superior (higher) elevations (mounds) serve as reflex centres for movements of the eyes, head and neck in response to visual and other stimuli. The two inferior (lower) elevations are reflex centres for movements of the head and trunk in response to auditory stimuli. Exodus describes a second altar for sacrifices situated in the main Tent, all covered in gold. This is an discription of the pineal gland. The pineal is cone-shaped, hence the clue of doors made from fir. The pineal protrudes from the dorsal midline of the third ventricle (the wash basin!). It secretes melatonin and is an endocrine gland. It contributes to setting the timing of the body’s biological clock. In today's world, the pineal has been demoted from ‘the seat of the soul’ to an organ that secretes melatonin , a chemical associated with darkness and the induction of sleep: an important regulator of sleep and wakefulness. The Spiritual activation of the pineal brings the body out of its unaware sleep to aware wakefulness. It activates a new chemical that sweeps through the body systems awakening new life therein, and bringing the physicality to a new Divine level of health. The brain also springs into new levels of activation – which also affects the whole body – bringing it to a much higher, finer level of vibration, giving it new, different abilities. As the terminology states – you are made anew and the body comes into its full potential. Exodus 40:9 Then dedicate the Tent and all its equipment by anointing it with the sacred oil and it will be holy. Next, dedicate the altar and all its equipment by anointing it, and it will be completely holy. Also dedicate the wash basin and its base in the same way. What can this mean? The mystery schools teach that ‘with the awakening of Kundalini ,an amazing activity commences in the whole nervous system, from the crown of the head to the toes. The body is now transformed into a miniature laboratory, working at high speed day and night. The nerves, whose existence is never felt by the normal consciousness, are now forced by some invisible power to a new type of activity, which either immediately or gradually becomes perceptible to the subject. Through all their innumerable endings THEY BEGIN TO EXTRACT A NECTAR-LIKE ESSENCE from the surrounding tissues, which, travelling in two distinct forms, one as radiation, and the other as a subtle essence – streams into the spinal cord. They also teach, that when the kundalini connects with the pineal it reverses the aging process. One last interesting things about the midbrain – it is the only part of the foetal brain that does not alter in the formation of the baby, and it is the oldest and most primitive region of the brain in evolutionary terms. We have learned that the original cell from which our body is fashioned is held there waiting to take on its higher role once WE start to develop and awaken Spiritually. The midbrain works with the rest of the brain stem as a relay station for pain signals coming from the body to the brain. SO NOW WE REALIZE THAT THIS IS THE ENTRANCE TO THE TEMPLE (the cranial area) thus making the pituitary our Covenant Box placed in the area of the Holy of Holies (the sphenoid bone) at the rear of the Temple. We all know the major role the heart plays in keeping our body functioning, but few of us realise that the heart also secretes a powerful peptide hormone (ANF) which affects various regions of the brain including the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, which plays a critical role in the release of growth hormones to the body and the control of metabolic function. In esoteric traditions, the pituitary gland also enjoys special spiritual significance: “That which is termed the pituitary is the Seventh Seal, it is Holy and Divine. It passes within Itself that which is termed a hormone structure that, through desire, opens Itself and lets the hormones flow through the brain and the mouth of the pineal, which is the Sixth Seal, the door to the Seventh. In the flowing of these hormones, it activates another part of that which is termed the divine receiver, the brain, to allocate itself to accept a higher thought frequency called unlimitedness. The higher thought emerges upon the brain and, in the specified area, through the door of that which is termed the divine Seventh, and fills the entire brain cavity with a different electrical frequency circuit. The acorn-sized pituitary, a two-lobed gland at the base of the brain is multitalented. It generates hormones that stimulate the activity of other endocrine glands. ![]() It produces a growth hormone, somatotropin, which provokes the cells of the body to multiply. It also increases the rate at which we metabolise carbohydrates. It makes the hormone that encourages production of melanin – the chemical that gives skin colour It produces the hormone that maintains milk in nursing mothers, and also oxytocin for uterine contractions in labour. It also produces an antidiuretic hormone that influences fluids in the body, plus a few others for moderating the blood. The acorn is associated, esoterically, with the Tree of Jupiter, which is about New beginnings. Expansiveness Broad horizons Philosophy Higher concsiousness So when the Seventh Seal is broken – or the curtain in the Tent is rended – to access the Covenant Box these new qualities come into play, affecting the whole body. It is interesting to note in Ex 26:33 it says ‘the veil will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. The Covenant Box held two tablets ![]() DO YOU SEE NOW! ![]() ARE YOU AWAKE NEO ![]() ![]() The ark of the covenant is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow set of chakras.7 steps leading to the holy of Holies,of Sol Om On's TEMPLE. ![]() ![]() This knowledge is akin to eating garlic. ![]() Garlic is hard to swallow but it will expel worms absolutely positively (the stronger the better) ![]() ![]() << Mark 15 >> King James Bible 33 And when the sixth hour ![]() ![]() ![]() 34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 35 And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias. 36 And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. 37 And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. 38 And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. 3 Out of this 3 hours of darkness ,will leap forth a Great Light. Today is June 21st F athers Day,but to the Occult ,it FEathers. ![]() I almost forgot about this image in land of the LOST movie of a Teradactyl. ![]() ![]() The wings over the ark, are called Pterygoid. ![]() ![]() ![]() Recognition of eternal unity will save Man from the idea that he needs saving, because it will reconcile him to his place and mission in the Plan the Great Necessity. It will reveal to him his true kinship to the causeless cause, the beginningless beginning, and he will know that he is an attribute of universal energy from which all forms, thoughts, motions, sounds, colors, and so-called "good and evil," proceed. In the full light of this wisdom, man will not search for personal saviors.Only the spiritually blind look for the "coming" of a hero Truth, or Life, the Christ who is ever present, or for the "coming" of a kingdom which is already at hand. "When ye pray for a thing know that ye have it now." So much for the old world belief, that the Scriptures (writings) are records of men and women and places, geographical, historical, etc. ![]() These wonderful images,symbols,and statements are fables, parables, alle- gories, dealing with the chemical, physiological, anatom- ical and astrological operations of the HUMAN BODY, "Fearfully and wonderfully made." "Great are the symbols of Being, But that which is symboled is greater |
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#1425 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 711
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I look for a lot of the bible quotes online, because I haven't studied the bible as you have, so I type in some words that I remember parts of or would like to reference and quotes pop up so I can more easily find the one I am after. I like the physicality of books and I wanted to get the context of a quote I ran across online, so I got out my Bible. There was a little strip of paper as a bookmark, a bookmark that had not been accessed or viewed for 40 years and it was marking the page I was seeking! ![]() Each post you do is such a learning experience, revelation, and inspiration. Thank you ![]() ![]() |
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