What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ? |
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#1376 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1377 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1378 |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() Winnipeg Code ![]() Winnipeg at the geographical center of North America The Manitoba Legislative Building is the meeting place of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, in central Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It was originally named the Manitoba Parliament Building, not Legislative. The neoclassical building was completed in 1920 and stands seventy-seven meters tall (253 ft). It was designed and built by Frank Worthington Simon and Henry Boddington III, along with other Masons and many skilled craftsmen. ![]() The Legislative Building was designed by Frank W. Simon who studied at the École des Beaux-Arts where many of the Masonic ideals in architecture such as the theoretical treatise of Jacques-François Blondel, the affinity for Egyptian architecture, and the strict observance of Vitruvian geometry were taught. With a fascination for sacred architecture, the Freemasons encoded their buildings with secret geometric orders and religious symbols that were hidden in plain view from the uninitiated. ![]() The list of Masonic influences found in Simon's building is lengthy, but a few features are worth noting. The secret and secular society of Freemasons believe that their knowledge originates from ancient Egypt and in particular, Pharaoh Thutmosis III whose name is inconspicuously carved in a hieroglyphic inscription on the Sphinxes flanking the building's north pediment.The Mason believe that Thutmosis started a secret college for initiates in 1489 B.C.E and consider him to be the father of Masonry and the Rosicrucians.The hieroglyph reads "the everlasting Manifestation of the Sun-god Ra, the good god who gives life" The Sphinxes remain hidden from those at ground level. ![]() Frank Simon is noted as the primary architect involved, a man who was heavily influenced by members of a masonic lodge called “Simple Hearts of the Polar Star”, which is underneath the wing of the Grand Orient of France. Simon originally had won a contest offered by the Manitoba government in 1911, but a shadow figure named Septimus Warwick actually has gotten the credit in Europe for working drawings of the building. Simon seems to be the front man for his masonic brothers. In the mind of Simon, execution of geometry in the building would rely on a divine miracle, and although the building was never completed due to financial problems and delays with World War I, having esoteric motifs conflict so intimately with Christian aspects makes for an undeniably transcending and sublime piece of architecture. In regards to why the building was built, Simon was quoted saying “Men and women cannot be happy or good in surroundings that are commonplace, ugly, uninspiring”. Using the “golden section” method which goes back to Vitruvius, Simon and his team achieve some perfection in the geometrical detailing, a certain sense of beauty that is undeniable. ![]() Adhering to the conventions of an ancient temple, the Legislative Building also contains numerous references to Solomon's Temple--the preeminent symbol of Freemasonry. According to Albo, the Masonic Cubit (i.e. 14.4 inches) was employed as the unit of measurement for the Lieutenant-Governor's Reception Suite whose floor plan precisely replicates that of the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple. Comparing the religious functions of the High Priest to the constitutional duties of the Lieutenant-Governor--who ceremoniously reigns over every citizen in Manitoba, except for the Sovereign--the infusion of Freemason affinity for ceremonial duties in a public building in Canada is fascinating, albeit disturbing. ![]() Lady Manitoba the fertility goddess( Isis, Athena, Venus, Astarte, Aphrodite) Winnipeg is a highly masonic city, and is still active in that regard. It has also been described as a place with a high level of psychic energy. Creator of Sherlock Holmes Conan Doyle once said of Winnipeg “I came away with the conclusion that Winnipeg stands very high among the places we have visited for psychic possibilities”. Doyle was in Winnipeg attending a seance at a house where several master masons used to gather to summon the dead. ![]() As viewed from above, the building in the shape of the letter 'H'. (a) 'H' is the 8th letter of the alphabet. (b) 'H' is the first letter of the name of Hermes. The total square footage of the building is 250,000 square feet (23,000 m2), with a total height of 242 feet (74 m) above ground level toped with a bronze statue, gilded with 23.75 k gold leaf, of the Greek God Hermes or the Roman God Mercury. The Legislative grounds cover 30 acres (120,000 m2) of landscaped grounds. Throughout the exterior and interior of the building are examples of Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio and Sacred Geometry. ![]() In 1911, the Manitoba Free Press commented that the architectural competition smacked of a "frame-up with some ulterior object in view." (Dec. 9, 1911) (In fact a scandal over costs and corruption which erupted in 1915 cost the Premier his job and sent the contractor to jail.) the had to delete two obelisks from the plans because of the missing funds, they managed one small one. ![]() Erected in 1996 and commemorates Métis leader Louis Riel, the founder of Manitoba. The original Temple of Solomon was constructed during the 10th century BCE, and was eventually brought to ruins by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. A second temple would be built four hundred years later in the same location as the first, in Jerusalem, on the holy city’s highest point of elevation. It was the center of worship, and generally a meeting place for the Jewish people of Jerusalem. The original was designed by Hiram Abiff who presented the plans to King Solomon. Historically, masons place Solomon’s Temple in very high regard; it’s place in the spiritual hierarchy, and as an initiatory theater of thought. Upon entering the MLB from the front you will enter a great hall which is a perfect square, and each side is 66.6 feet long. According to Albo, the 666 is a reference to the occult work “De Occulta Philosophia” by Cornelius Agrippa. While the number 666 is usually associated with the beast of revelation 13, there are several different possible meanings. Most relevant to the MLB according to the media, its relation to the sun and its power of life; one finds when you add the numbers 1 through 36 together it adds up to 666. The significance of 36 being the number of constellations controlled by the sun. ![]() Temple Ideology 1.Represent human form (vitruvian man) 2.Divine machines and centers of energy(chakra's or sun energy) 3.Macrocosm and Microcosm 4.Triparte 5.Follow the proportions of sacred Geometry They believed that the blueprint of god was exemplified in Nature, vitruvian man, and pentagonal Geometry. Freemasonry believed in Pythagoras view of "All things are number and God is Geometer. ![]() this is going to come in several parts, more later Last edited by judykott; 06-13-2009 at 05:00 AM. |
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#1379 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Also at the same time I got into a closed circle meditation group with 6 regular people, this I found frm a spritual society (church) group... During my first session of mediation I've had what feels like a tingly feeling in my forehead and the book "The opening of the Third Eye" by Douglas Baker is the book whih discusses it... In it he also says the 3rd eye cannot open without the lower chakra being in balance! Hence the media push for turmoil etc in the lower Chakras's which is interesting with all the 'fear' 1st chakra, 'free online porn' 2nd chakra, 'self image issues in both womens and men's magazines' 3rd chakra and 'love' issues 4th chakra... etc
I have found the 3rd eye twin candle mediation creating a third image between them a good mediation ... I've also just bought myself a HUGE palm rock piece of lapiz from ebay from a guy in China! ![]() ![]() As the UK advet for a supermarket says... "Every little helps" ![]() |
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#1380 |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() On north side of the Legislative Building, above the 6 main columns, is the main pediment. In the bottom-left corner of the pediment is the Indolent Man, with a half-kneeling woman, the spirit of progress, beckoning the Indolent Man into the new land of promise. Next is the goddess Europa leading a bull, symbolizing Canada's European heritage and immigration. To the right of Europa, a man, woman and child symbolizing the colonization of a new land. Seated in the centre is Lady Manitoba with the rays of the sun behind her. She closely resembles the fertility goddesses Ishtar and Demeter, both patron deities of agriculture, with Neptune's trident symbolizing the Pacific Ocean, and to the left and to the right are ships wheels symbolizing the Atlantic Ocean. Next to the right of Lady Manitoba are a man and a woman laden with wheat and fruit, products of the soil. Then next is a muscular male figure with a team of powerful horses and a primitive plough tilling the soil. Finally in the bottom right corner are two entwined female figures representing the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. ![]() The dome is 223 feet 7 inches (68.1 m) above the main floor. The height of the central tower without the Golden Boy is 242 feet (74 m). The Golden Boy was sculpted by Georges Gardet and cast in bronze at the Barbidienne foundry in France in 1918. Modelled after the 16th century sculpture of Mercury by Giovanni da Bologna. The true name of the Golden Boy is "Eternal Youth". Originally painted gold, "Eternal Youth" was gilded in 1951 in 23.5-karat gold leaf. He stands 17.2 feet (5.2 m) tall from toe to torch and weighs 1,650 kg (3,640 pounds). He carries a sheaf of golden grain in his left arm, while his right hand holds high a torch. The gold is a symbol of alchemy and those who searched for ways to turn lead into gold. The Golden Boy and the dome are viewed from the north-west side of the building. ![]() Hermes/Mercury/golden boy or Hermes Trismegistus Everything is done for a "good reason" and a "real reason." For this Manitoba building, the two principal resources of Manitoba--the fertile land and the railway system--are represented through Masonic symbols. A black eight-pointed star represents the earth. Hermes, the Greek messenger god represents the railway system, along with Winnipeg's central geographic position of commerce. In Winnipeg, Hermes, the patron of Freemasonry, is the "Golden Boy." ![]() In the 1940s the bronze statue was painted gold, before his first gilding with twenty-four carat gold in 1951. In 1966, the government of the Province of Manitoba had an electric lamp installed into the torch of the statue. The light on his torch was first lit on December 31, 1966 to mark Canada's centennial. In 2002, the statue needed repair due to rust on its iron supports and was lowered to the ground for a complete overhaul and re-gilding. The general contractor of the restoration project, Alpha Masonry, was tasked with the job of bringing the statue down. On February 9, 2002, the Golden Boy returned to the ground in a custom made aluminum cage after having been on top of the Manitoba Legislative Building for almost 83 years. The statue was prepared for the re-gilding by Bristol Aerospace with a custom manufactured paint from Germany. In August 2002, the statue was re-gilded with 23.75 k gold leaf in a climate-controlled enclosure in full view of the public. The Golden Boy was returned to the Manitoba Legislative Building and re-installed on the dome on September 5, 2002, and rededicated by Queen Elizabeth II, as Queen of Canada, during her 2002 Golden Jubilee tour of Canada. The new gilding is expected to last about 25 to 30 years. The company ISIS Canada( ![]() These are close-up views of the four statues surrounding the bottom of the dome. ![]() Each one of the four corners of the copper dome supporting the Golden Boy has a stonework grouping representing the four elements of alchemy, earth, air, fire and water. They are identified as Agriculture, Science, Industry and Art. ![]() fire represented by industry ![]() earth ![]() air ![]() water The six pillars are on the front (north) side of the building. The area between the pillars and the entrance is the portico. The triangular section containing the figures is the pediment. The west-facing sphinx is located to our right of the pediment. The east-facing sphinx (not visible in this image) is located to our left of the pediment. The room where the security desk is located (accessed through the north side door) is known as the vestibule. ![]() The representatives of Manitoba’s population pass legislation in a magnificent building but few realize that it is entirely based on occult and masonic principles. The great amount of details in this recreation of Solomon’s Temple reveal the importance of secret societies and hermetic philosophies in today’s democracies. ![]() hieroglyphics on the sphinx 5, 8, and 13 are members of a set of numbers known as the Fibonacci sequence, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, & continuing on without end. The first 13 Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and 233. [The number 1 occurs twice.] Any number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. The pattern continues without end (377, 610, 987, 1597, ...). 13 = 5 plus 8 55 = 21 plus 34 These numbers are found in abundance on Earth and in the universe. For example, the number of petals in a flower is usually one of these numbers. ![]() If we draw horizontal lines through the axils, we can detect obvious stages of development in the plant. The main stem produces branch shoots at the beginning of each stage. Branch shoots rest during their first two stages, then produce new branch shoots at the beginning of each subsequent stage. The same law applies to all branches. Since this pattern of development mirrors the growth of the rabbits in Fibonacci's classic problem, it is not surprising then that the number of branches at any stage of development is a Fibonacci number. Furthermore, the number of leaves in any stage will also be a Fibonacci number. ![]() Then any Fibonacci number is divided by the previous number (this works best with the larger numbers), the answer equals approx. 1.618 144/89 = approx. 1.618 89/55 = approx. 1.618 233/144 = approx. 1.618 -- ------------ This number 1.618 [actually 1.6180399...] occurs so frequently that it has been given a special name, 'the golden number' [a.k.a. the golden ratio, the golden section, the golden mean, the Greek letter phi, and others] It was revered in some societies and given the title, 'the divine proportion'. ![]() Each section of your index finger, from the tip to the base of the wrist, is larger than the preceding one by about the Fibonacci ratio of 1.618, also fitting the Fibonacci numbers 2, 3, 5 and 8. By this scale, your fingernail is 1 unit in length. Curiously enough, you also have 2 hands, each with 5 digits, and your 8 fingers are each comprised of 3 sections. All Fibonacci numbers!Let's look for more Fibonacci numbers in the building. A view from the underside of the portico reveals a 5 -petalled Flower. ![]() This window is located in the portico. The window is 3 sections across and 5 sections in height. Each section consists of 8 panes of glass. There are 13 circles around the perimeter. ![]() This lion's head is situated on the west side of the portico. ![]() This feature is situated to the right (and another to the left) of the north entrance & under the portico. Within the red corners are located 21 vertical concave formations. ![]() There are 13 stones located in the archway. It is between the vestibule (security desk room) and the grand staircase room. -- The red lines have been added for clarification. ![]() The Triparte of a temple would have a Temple entrance, sacrificial or alter room, and the inner sanctum, the holy of holies. ![]() The first part is the Temple entrance. The function of the is to be a cleansing area. In the entrance there are five protecting deities or divine images. The totem of Manitoba is the buffalo ( in place of a bull), Medusa, Athena, Cattle skull, and ram's heads as well as the cosmic power of the sun through the sky light, and the dimensions of the room 66.6 x66.6. the number of the sun in gematria is 666. When you add the numbers 1 through 36 together it adds up to 666. The significance of 36 being the number of constellations controlled by the sun.The stair case is composed of three flights of steps each with 13 steps. Flanking the steps are life size North American bison, made of solid bronze.Legend has it that to install the bison safely without damaging the marble floors, the main entrance was flooded and left to freeze. Both bison were then placed on enormous slabs of ice( ![]() ![]() The grand staircase hall contains the traditional 5 elements of protection that are found in ancient temples. They are present to banish/dispel evil and to 'cleanse' the inhabitants of the building. 2 statues of bulls ![]() Medusa ![]() Athena ![]() heads of lions -- there are 16 in the room (4 per wall) ![]() cattle/ox skulls (bukrania) -- there are 8 in the room Above the south entrance to the legislature lobby is the Medusa's head, and over the north entrance facing Medusa is the bust of Athena, Greek goddess of war, embodiment of democracy and also the protector of cities. Around the perimeter of the room are 14 lion heads and 8 cattle skulls at the edge of the ceiling. Around the second floor balcony, lamps rise from the balustrades, each containing 13 bulbs, 12 around 1 (Twelve Apostles and Jesus). The third floor facing the Grand Staircase is supported by two pairs of columns, reproductions of the caryatids, sculpted female figures serving as an architectural support taking the place of a column or a pillar. Each figure holds a scroll and key. The figures located on the third floor were sculpted by the Piccirilli Brothers of New York, using models prepared by Albert Hodge of London, England. The ceiling is made of a glass atrium to allow natural sunlight to illuminate the room. This skylight is located above the grand staircase. Sunlight, provided by Rea, enters the hall and empowers the 5 elements of protection. The rectangle in the centre is 3 units by 5. ![]() 2 Chronicles 3:17 states "And he (Solomon) reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz." ![]() There are other pairs of pillars in this area of the building. The room equates to the outer chamber of King Solomon's Temple. The room is also known as the Room of Protection. At the top of the grand staircase, 5 circles & groups of 5 knobs appear. ![]() more later |
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#1381 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Wow on reading the thread which I linked to and reading the part about the chakra system in the passport... I was taking a close look at mine. On the page which has the chakra system (mine is a 2000 issued) it is in the inside cover... there is the coat of arms. I was taking a closer look at this
![]() The lion and the unicorn... I've heard the unicorn horn mentioned as our 3rd eye and on the passport it is covered by the leaf from the crown. Similar to the image above and also the unicorn is in bondage with rope. Very interesting indeed! I think this guy Rik Clay was onto something... Is he still around / alive? |
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#1382 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1383 |
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#1384 |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() The "main" chamber is for "Protection". In all protection rituals, the 4 elements (fire, water, air and earth) have to be invoked towards the 4 directions [north, south, east, west] (or "watchtowers" to use the Greek "magick ritual" reference). The antechamber at the head of the grand staircase provides a formal approach to the legislative chamber.8 Corinthian columns rise from the floor to the cornice surrounding the base of the dome. Between each pair of columns are busts of Hermes. The floor of the dome rotunda is Tennessee marble bordered with black Vermont and verde antique marble. The height to the eye of the dome is 87 feet (27 m) and the diameter is 54 feet (16 m). Within the dome above are four panels containing 5 gold rosettes. In the centre of the Rotunda is an Italian marble balustrade 13 feet (4.0 m) across surrounding the Pool of the Black Star on the floor of the level below, a representation of the altars of the ancient Greeks. The diameter of the circle above the balustrade is also 13 feet (4.0 m), and both align with the Golden Boy above these. Above the doorway to the Manitoba Assembly is a mural by Frank Brangwyn depicting World War I. In the centre of the painting is a man in tattered rags with his left chest and arm exposed, being helped along by a comrade. Above the men are a faint depiction of The Madonna and child. This circular room, the rotunda, is located to the south [straight ahead) of the top of the grand staircase. The two people in the room help to illustrate the size of the area ![]() When a Masonic candidate is asked, "What are the ornaments in a Lodge?", his response is supposed to be: "The Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star in the centre." The mosaic pavement is the inlay pattern of small black squares or diamonds decorating the floor. The indented tessel is an ornamented border which surrounds the mosaic pavement.The rotunda is equated with the inner chamber of King Solomon's Temple. The circular balustrade, 13 feet in diameter, is found in the centre of the rotunda.The balustrade is the hub, and the whole rotunda floor is a geometric wheel. The balustrade possesses 44 pillars. This Grecian Key [a.k.a. Greek Key] pattern is located on the marble floor of the rotunda This pattern is slightly different from the previous example of the Grecian Key. This image could be interpreted as containing the numeral 21. ![]() This image shows these 21's occur in groups of 13 The above numbers could also be interpreted as either: (a) non-Fibonacci numbers 12, 212, or 121, etc. (b) a series of 1's and 2's. The Black Star [a.k.a. the Blazing Star] is seen while looking down through the balustrade. This object is in the Pool of the Black Star that is located on the main floor of the building. ![]() The Black Star and the balustrade combine together to form the altar of King Solomon's Temple. With a winged hat, this figure in the rotunda is possibly that of Mercury/Hermes.There are 4 such figures in the room. ![]() Directly above the rotunda is the interior of the dome on which the Golden Boy stands. There are flowers and rectangles in groups of 5 in this image. ![]() In the rotunda, the Roman standard lamps each contain 13 bulbs, 12 around 1 (Twelve Apostles and Jesus). ![]() ![]() This is a close-up of the mural above , and it appears to contain an image of the Madonna and Jesus as a child. The mural may be depicting the 'passion of Christ' with the man with the torn shirt (in the previous image) representing Jesus. In the Masonic ritual involving the initiation of an new member to the organization, the person bares a portion of his breast. ![]() Located to the east of the rotunda are the doors that form the entrance to the Lieutenant Governor's Reception Room. There is a cord across the entrance to the room.Note the two pillars in this image. The Lieutenant Governor's Reception Room equates to the Inner Sanctum [a.k.a. the Holy of Holies, the Sanctum Sanctorum] of Solomon's Temple, which was said to house the Ark of the Covenant. The room has the same dimensions as the inner sanctum of the temple as described in the Bible, being 20 cubits square with each cubit being 14.4 inches (a Mason's cubit). Each side of the room is therefore 24 feet in length. ![]() In King Solomon's Temple, a blue curtain/veil covered the Arc of the Covenant. ![]() This is the War Chest that is situated on the roof of the east side of the building. It is directly above the Lieutenant Governor's Reception Room. Moving across the hall to another room known as the lieutenant-governor’s reception room or what would be the holy of hollies in Solomons Temple. More representation of Hermes is found in this room, not only that, but when converted to masonic cubits the dimensions translate to 20 by 20 cubits, the same measurements stated in the first book of kings, in the Bible. Just above this room, on the outside, an Ark of the Covenant replica is sculpted in a central aerial position, in stone, and also in proportion to the biblical Ark of the Covenant which was kept in the temple. A similar Peace Chest, with figures of females, is located on the west side of the structure, the measurements of the Peace chest(not the female chests ![]() ![]() A series of 21's appear on the left side of this image from above the door to the legislative chamber. The numbers on the right may be interpreted as either: (a) non-Fibonacci numbers 15 or 51 or 151, etc. (b) a series of 1's and 5's. On the lamps to the left and right of the entrance to the legislative chamber are these back-to-back faces. The face on the right, looking toward the centre of the room, appears to be that of a male. The other face seems to that of a female. The offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite were half-male and half-female and called Hermaphroditos. Hermes was also the father of Pan, who had a human torso but the legs of a goat. ![]() These 8 petals & groups of 8 'curved rectangles' are located in the skylight in the legislative chamber. ![]() ![]() This mural contains the Tree of Life that was mentioned in Revelations.There are 5 such sections present. Therefore, 55 ovals exist here at the top of the blue curtains .The desks inside the legislative chamber are arranged in the shape of a horseshoe or the letter 'U'. 'U' is the 21st letter of the alphabet. The legislative chamber is 34 feet 6 inches wide. People standing at opposite ends of the chamber may whisper and they will hear one another clearly. The chairs are arranged in 3 rows on each side. There are 2 groups of 3 chairs on either side. Also, there are 2 groups of 8 chairs.There are 3 rows of benches located in the visitors' gallery above the legislative chamber.A statue of MosesAnother interesting symbol is the statue of Moses bearing horns on his forehead. Michelangelo has portrayed Moses in a similar at the Church of S.Pietro causing a great deal of controversy. While the profane are told that the horns were simply a result of a mistranslation of the Bible, their true meaning are revealed to occultists: “So with horns, Michelangelo acclaimed Moses a man of power and station far greater than lawgiver of a local tribe. With horns he saluted him not only as one who had stood in the presence of God, and had realized, had become at-one with, his own divinity, but nobler far, as a man fulfilled who had returned — for some do not. Only the few come back, down the mountain, in order to teach and lead mankind.” -Eloise Hart, Theosophical University Press ![]() Horned Moses represents the man which has obtained divinity by his own means, through mastery of sciences and magic, spiritual attainment and accumulation of knowledge, a concept embraced by the luciferian doctrine. Finally the symbolic depiction of Jesus Christ as a Masonic Initiate reflects the esoteric concept of Christ as the “perfected man”. In other words, occultists believe that each can become his own Christ by going through the spheres of the Mysteries. Finally, the numerous ram heads carved inside and outside the building are quite reminiscent of the horned figure of Baphomet. ![]() ![]() ![]() The Pool of the Black Star is the room below the Rotunda with four entrances and marked by 3 steps forming a circumference of the room. The room is a perfect circle with a radius of 27 feet (8.2 m), and the number 27 is the cube of 3 in geometry. Carved in marble on the floor is an 8 pointed star. Directly above in alignment with the Pool of the Black Star is the dome of the building on which the Golden Boy is mounted. The alignment of the two markers is one degree off the longitudinal centre of Canada (N 49° 46.054 W 096° 48.583). The Black Star is said to represent the underworld of Ishtar and the Golden Boy, Hermes, is the messenger of the Heavens. The design of the building allows sounds and harmonics from all over the building to be caught, distorted, and magnified in the circular room at the star. The design of the Pool is so perfect that when you stand at the centre of the star and speak you can hear your own echo returning to you from all directions equally and if you whistle up to the golden boy a perfect harmonic 5th is created (the sound of Hermes). One is to stand directly on the star to speak into the above alter and hear their voice transformed, a relay of the harmonics in a most amazing and chilling way creating a perfect harmonic 5th. This area of the MLB is also designed in accordance with a sacrificial chamber, one where the gods of the underworld received power through sacrifice, the departed souls, led by Hermes, to the underworld. Apparently the veined marble near the star is meant to be a metaphor for the blood of a sacrificial victim, according to accounts. All of this in a room that’s perfectly centered underneath the upper dome, on top of which the Golden Boy sits and faces northward. ![]() What does the Fertility Goddess represent 1. The great Divine Feminine 2.The Mother Goddess 3.She who descends to the Underworld 4.Patroness of the rites of Initiation 5. The Planet Venus(celestial component) What does Hermes/Goldenboy/ Mercury represent 1. Patron of merchants and travel 2.Guide the souls of the dead 3. God of Wisdom of language and Music 4.God of Magic, alchemy and astrology 5.The Planet Mercury The Pool of the Black Star, Venus is the room below the Rotunda where Mercury the Golden Boy above ![]() This letter 'M' is located above the entrance to the south door. -- 'M' is the 13th letter of the alphabet. ![]() ![]() Doesn't this look like the Matrix hallway ![]() This statue of St. George of England is located on the back of the statue of Queen Victoria that is located on the north side of the building. ![]() "...This Craft…founded by worthy Kings and Princes and many other worshipful men prescribes dedication to the seven liberal arts, particularly geometry. Hermes taught it and he was "the father of Wisemen [who] found out the two pillars of Stone whereon the Sciences were written and taught them forth, and at the making of the Tower of Babylon there the craft of masonry found..." (Margaret Jacobs, The Origins of Freemasonry, pp. 13-14.) I say "Know them by their fruit." Zionism and Communism were organized as Masonic lodges. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, FDR, Churchill and Hitler were all Illuminati, which is the highest rank of Freemasonry. Hitler was created by Theosophy and the Thule Society. G.W. Bush and John Kerry are also Illuminati. The rank and file Freemason is not told any of this. As a final note, the cornerstone of the building was laid on July 3, 1914. On this date, Mercury and Venus were in near perfect alignment. This parallels the perfect alignment of the Black Star and the Golden Boy in the building's centre and serves as an ideal metaphor for the famous Hermetic axiom: "As above, so below." The alignment of symbolism through secretive and double-meanings exists throughout much of the idealized architecture of Freemasonry. In the case of the Manitoba Legislature, the symbolism is in plain view, yet remains hidden. To the ruling elites at the time, and to many Freemasons today, the Legislative Building of Manitoba was a focus of Masonic activity in North America and remains so to this day. |
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#1385 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Judy, I am thoroughly enjoying your work! Keep it coming. I also saw in the pattern where you talk about 21 that it's also 7's all the way around in white stone.
I am not a huge fan of gorilla 199 on youtube, but he does a respectable job at showing the possible meaning of the flower depictions and the dome of the building. The flowers and dome are possibly alluding to ufo's. I know it sound crazy, but you would have to watch his series on the Alexandra palace in London to get the full picture. You can watch the first video here, then find the rest on the right side: Alexandra Palace |
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#1386 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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#1387 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Absolutely wonderful posts JK.
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#1388 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Plenty of various companies logos to choose from if you want to analyze them...
http://images.google.com/images?oe=U..._group&resnum= |
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#1389 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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Thank you, for your thoughts PaL... I've had to deal with the matrix lately... If you thought of frequency.... Then, you thought of me, then YOU are right WHERE I want You... But, we' all need to feel and listen to what we all need right NOW... 20 hertz for our mental abilities... maintenance should be: 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 174 285 It keeps my body stable and aware... Keeps me away from pharamceuticals and, my abilities are very strong this year... Got to stay ON Top of the GAME... It's, like standing on a bowling ball, on one leg... Got to keep yor balance...!!! I also use a Rife machine for balance... Thank you PaL your a PiP..... Trooly, Tango |
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#1390 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Manitoba the "Keystone Province" with Winnipeg at it's heart. The Keystone is emblematic of strength, that being the strongest of the parts. Arches are often composed of 13, the 12 around one, Jesus and his disciples.
![]() Keystone also alludes to the summer solstice, the key of the zodiacal arch. Where anciently was located in the constellation of Leo also typical of strength. ![]() Sometimes a circle is inscribed on a Masonic keystone to denote the sun in the solstice, Xalted to the summit. ![]() The Letters around the sun symbol or gold have almost as many meanings as their are lodges. Here are some various interpretations He That Was Slain Soared To Kindred Spirits Safely Keep This Sacred Secret Within Thy Heart Hidden Things We solemnly Swear to Keep Secret There Were Seven Steps to King Solomon's House Knight's Templars Should Sacredly Watch the Holy Sepulcher ![]() All legends of Freemasonry relating to the finding of that which is lost, refer to euresis, or discovery, by finding the sun-god, whose death formed the story of the ceremony of the initiation into the mysteries.the Keystone after leaving the summit of the Royal arch , is slain and his body lost among the wintry signs and ice(32 degrees) Waiting to discover(de-cover), be resurrected be born again ,2 be or not 2 be, or b being 2 and e silent 22:22 or 1111:1111 ![]() ![]() ![]() Tracing board with another resurrection theme ![]() Man being lifted beyond the confines of the duality represented by checkerboard floor, notice the red ladder on the left. The seven steps leading to the floor(chakra's) RED is very key, the Legislature building in Winnipeg is on the Red River. Black , White and Red figure into every religions symbology. The sign of circle with dot on the keystone to mark or designate the stone as pertaining to him. ![]() the red bindi mark of the Hindu's ![]() Then we have our Mason Jars too, with a Keystone to put the Keystone Peaches in ![]() ![]() A window or a door(portal) can use this macro to build masonry arch in 3D from graphisoft software, the macro and the micro ![]() ![]() Holy Royal Arch Tracing Board The Holy Royal Arch has been practiced since at least 1738 in England and at least 1753 in America. Some of the earliest Masonic records date the origins of the Royal Arch Degree to Ireland, in the late 17th century. American Lodge records show that the Royal Arch Degree was conferred at the Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 on the 22nd of December, 1753. This is the same Virginian lodge that George Washington was "raised" on the August 4th of the same year. We know that the Royal Arch was an extremely important degree to the "Antients." Its validity and importance was part of the struggle between the United Grand Lodge of England and the "Antients." This dispute was resolved in 1818 with a compromise which reads: "Pure Ancient Freemasonry consists of but three degrees, viz. that of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch." ![]() Apron of the Holy Royal Arch The Holy Royal Arch Degree is a "York Rite" degree of Freemasonry. The York Rite degrees are not numbered, like the more widely publicized Scottish Rite Degrees, but sequentially the Holy Royal Arch would be the 7th York Rite Degree. This Degree marks the half-way point to the culmination of the York Rite, Order of the Temple Degree or Knights Templar Degree. ![]() The name of the Holy Royal Arch Degree has been often debated. Certainly a central part of the symbolism of the Chapter is the "keystone arch" as shown in the drawing to the left. But this may be just part of the story. In his excellent Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbolitry (sic) Bromwell makes excellent arguments on this topic. These arguments run both etymologically and in terms of symbolism, and indicate that it wasn't the "arch" in the old woodcut to the left, but probably the "ark" which is the central focus of this degree. The true origins of this degree are lost to history. But one of these symbols seems to fit the description of "Holy, Royal and ARK" more than the other. ![]() The Blue, Craft or Symbolic Lodge uses the color blue for its accoutrements. This usage seems to date back at least to the establishment of the United Grand Lodge of England. (UGLE) The Holy Royal Arch has traditionally used the color red. In the picture Brother George wears the red apron of a Royal Arch Mason. He also wears the triangular jewel which is specific to this degree. Due to a strict lack or records, we can not be certain that Brother George was in fact a Royal Arch Mason. But the Alexandria Lodge, of which he was a member, seems to have been the first American lodge to confer the Royal Arch Degree. In addition, Brother Washington did have among his personal possessions several Royal Arch artifacts. ![]() The motto of the Holy Royal Arch is "Holiness To The Lord." This is a phrase found often in the old testament. First on the graven plate on Aaron's forehead in Exodus, then in Zechariah, and then often throughout the old testament. In the picture to the left, the phrase "Kodes La Adonia" adorns the coat of arms of the "Antients." This translates from the Hebrew as "Holiness to God." Notice the "Four Living Creatures" in the center of this old painting. ![]() The "Four Living Creatures" play a prominent role in the ritual of the Royal Arch. These are said to represent the Four Principal tribes of Israel: Dan, Reuben, Ephraim and Judah. These same living creatures have been present throughout the bible, old and new testaments alike. These are the creatures of Ezekiel's vision, and the same creatures are mentioned in Revelations. These same "Four Living Creatures" most likely belong to an older esoteric tradition. A similar grouping of "creatures" is carved into the Egyptian Temples at Karnack and Memphis. They can also be found as four constellations in our night sky. The image above is from "The Book Of Kells," and Irish illuminated manuscript of the New Testament completed circa 800 AD. In this case the creatures are assigned to the four evangelists. There are strictly no references to the New Testament in the Royal Arch Chapter, as the historical context is the re-construction of the Temple in roughly 515 B.C. ![]() At the top where you see the cross with the snakes you can see how it looks like an anchor, which is why it is a Masonic symbol. It is also representing the kundalini.You can see a Keystone is a pyramid missing it's capstone upside down. Lux or light is the key, there is the 2B or not to 2B, the 11:11, the seven steps or chakra's, arch or ark, this is Union with source, triangles represent unity or 3 or 111 or three as one the triparte ARK=1 18 11 1+18=19=10 10 11 =111 ARCH= 1+18+3+8=30=3 or 111 UNION=21+14+9+15+14=73 73=10=1 ![]() Union Station The railway played a major role in the development of Winnipeg and this terminal was the first glimpse of the city many immigrants saw. The majestic, large rotunda has greeted travellers through the years and remains as impressive today as it was in 1911( adds to 3 or 111) when the station was built. The grand, beaux-arts style railway station was designed by the same architects behind New York City’s Grand Central Station. It is built with Manitoba limestone and embellished with a copper dome roof and decorative ironwork canopies. there are the 11:11 pillars 11 rectangles above the pillars train tracks are an 11 we travel on hence on track ![]() Fibonacci numbers out the wazzo Arch and Keystone and we have Union ![]() What happens when you view a railway track, it merges into one with perspective ![]() ![]() VIA looks like mirrored or reversed V's with a / mark lets go with that and you get 22/22 or 1111/1111 Well if you think they are mirrored A's let's go with that 1/1 Wait have to have something RED here it is BIG RED ![]() 95259=30 or 3 or 111/111 on Big Red BIG RED 2 9 7 18 5 4 18=666 999 so we have 69 coming down the track ![]() The Big Red Train Ride (Picador Books): Eric Newby: Amazon.co.uk ... 7 of 11 people found the following review helpful: 3.0 out of 5 stars The Big Red Train Ride, 24 Jan 2005. By, Rich Milligan (Thatcham, Berkshire) { Look at the numbers in the ad from Pick a Door Books ![]() Are we getting railroaded, or what? Still not at the destination yet more later. Last edited by judykott; 06-14-2009 at 02:03 AM. |
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#1391 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Another Big Red
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#1392 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Big Red Ride
http://www.redcross.org.uk/events_page.asp?id=92764 Look at the picture below with London Eye, bikers going as if into houses of different colours. Bikers look like their own shadows... Last edited by burgundia; 06-14-2009 at 12:42 PM. |
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#1393 |
Avalon Senior Member
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JK -
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#1394 |
Avalon Senior Member
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examples of symbolism...concise version...easy to remember... There are more on that page worth watching.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5fS...eature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXUT4...eature=related Last edited by burgundia; 06-16-2009 at 11:01 AM. |
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#1395 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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This is really great stuff 777, 888, and judykott.
And same with many others in this thread. I feel I am being taught stuff in 7 days that took you all 7 years to learn so to speak... I truly appreciate it. ![]() |
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#1396 |
Posts: n/a
judykott - thank you for this Winnipeg Legislature exposition! It is fascinating. I must say this Medusa is the most 'bound' as any I have ever seen - with her hair all tied neatly, like Heidi.
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#1397 |
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#1398 | |
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Originally Posted by Cymatic Veilbegone View Post
http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...=13498&page=52 888 - from my humble perspective, one of the most significant references for 'a ring' is that of the - you nailed it- the vortex. I listened to Weidner speak in Los Angeles last year -he was talking about how the ancients understood that time was not linear, but Toroid. He then drew a diagram showing how time moved along a Hypersphere.... ![]() .... Quote:
Now I may have to rethink my solar eclipse avatar. ![]() |
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#1399 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Let's check out the inside of Union Station, this is the dome.
![]() It is another representation of the sun, aligned with the four corners of the earth ![]() In this Masonic piece there is representation of the sun as well in many ways. The magic square that looks like a tic tac toe board on the right side. Often you see an empty one in their works but this one has the numbers filled. The number all add to 15 and then reduce to 6 leaving 666 all around the number of the sun. There are 40 stars which are significant for a number of reasons. Listed below a few of them. The 40 days of fast of Jesus in the desert. (Mt 4,2) Forty days separate the Ascension of Jesus of his Resurrection. (Act 1,3) The Flood of Noah lasted 40 days. (Gn 7,4) Elijah walked 40 days and 40 nights before to reach the Horeb mount. He fasted during 40 days before to begin his public ministry and he remained 40 days on the Carmel mount. (1 K 19,8) ![]() The 1234 on the top right of the Masonic piece refers to the right hand set of 10 stacked balls of the above Sumerian glyphs. Whichever way you count starting from any point it is 1234 balls. On the Sumerian glyphs note the glyph for the star and woman as well. Many of the Masonic symbols are very ancient symbols from many cultures. There is a pentagram and an the Star of Solomon in the book. The pentagram is used as a Christian symbol for the five senses, and if the letters S, A, L, V, and S are inscribed in the points, it can be taken as a symbol of health (from Latin salus). Medieval Christians believed it to symbolise the five wounds of Christ. The pentagram was believed to protect against witches and demons. The pentagram figured in a heavily symbolic Arthurian romance it appears on the shield of Sir Gawain in the 14th century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.(More on this topic later) As the poet explains, the five points of the star each have five meanings: they represent the five senses, the five fingers, the five wounds of Christ, the five joys that Mary had of Jesus (the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Resurrection, the Ascension, and the Assumption), and the five virtues of knighthood which Gawain hopes to embody: noble generosity, fellowship, purity, courtesy, and compassion. ![]() In the Babylonian context, the edges of the pentagram were orientations: forward, backward, left, right, and "above". These directions also had an astrological meaning, representing the five planets Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn, and Venus as the "Queen of Heaven" (Ishtar) above. Pythagorean theorem, states that every right triangle has side lengths satisfying the formula a2 + b2 = c2; thus, Pythagorean triples describe the three integer side lengths of a right triangle. There are 16 primitive Pythagorean triples with c ≤ 100:these are the first two ( 3, 4, 5) ( 5, 12, 13) the triangle it makes in the center has very important properties that I will get into later. ![]() ![]() It also looks like another kind of wheel in the center, most things that are symbols are of ancient origin and common around the world no matter what culture. I hope to show that as I go along taking a lot of detours through history. ![]() Red River Metis Cart Usage started in 1801 here is a review in 1878 Harper's Magazine carried a description of the red river cart, written by reporters who visited the territory and left a legacy of interesting information and sketches: It is simply a light box with a pair of shafts, mounted on an axle connecting two enormous wheels. There is no concession made to the aversion of the human frame to sudden violent changes of level; there is no weakness of luxury about this vehicle. The wheels are broad in the felloes (rims), so as not to cut through the prairie sod. They are long in the spokes, so as to pass safely through fords and mud holes. They are very much dished so that they can be strapped together and rawhide stretched over them to make a boat. The whole cart is made of wood; there is not a bit of metal about it, so that, if anything breaks, the material to repair it is easily found. The axles are never greased and they furnish an incessant answer to the old conundrum: "What makes more noise than a pig in a poke?" Each wheel was said to have its own peculiar shriek, announcing the coming of a train from a great distance. (Grease or oil would have only mixed with the dust, wearing down the axles.) As it was, a cart often used four or five axles on the trip to St. Paul from the Red River settlement. Harness was made from a buffalo hide, often in one piece. Carts moved single file, except when in danger from Indians, when they traveled several abreast. Each driver controlled five or six carts strung out behind him, each ox tied to the cart ahead. ![]() ![]() ![]() On the Medicine Wheel the Buffalo represents the North - Wisdom, Renewal and Knowledge. ![]() A Buffalo Skull is considered to be great medicine and symbolizes the message power of the Buffalo. Skulls are used in almost every culture as symbolism the only thing that changes is the interpretation of them. ![]() ![]() This also looks like the top of the sun dome The Sun Dance * When a young man came of age, he would take part in a ceremony which involved fasting, self-harm, going into a trance and seeing an animal that was a spirit friend. * One of these ceremonies - the Sun Dance - featured a structure with a central pole signifying the sun, from which the young men hung themselves by their nipples. * Native Americans believed that spirits caused the harsh weather of the Plains, as well as illness. They thought that 'medicine men' could speak to these spirits, and ask for their help. * They performed the Mandan Buffalo Dance, which they thought would bring buffalo to them. The young man or woman would stand before the medicine man, between his thumb and forefinger a fold of the loose skin of the breast—and then ran a very narrow-bladed or sharp knife through the skin—a stronger skewer of bone, about the size of a carpenter's pencil was inserted. This was tied to a long skin rope fastened, at its other extremity, to the top of the sun-pole in the center of the arena. The whole object of the devotee is to break loose from these fetters. To liberate himself he must tear the skewers through the skin, a horrible task that even with the most resolute may require many hours of torture. ![]() In fact, the object of being pierced is to sacrifice one's self to the Great Spirit, and to pray while connected to the Tree of Life, a direct connection to the Great Spirit. Breaking from the piercing is done in one moment, as the man runs backwards from the tree at a time specified by the leader of the dance. A common explanation, in context with the intent of the dancer, is that a flesh offering, or piercing, is given as part of prayer Women do not pierce their skin in the same manner as men. A woman's piercing is in her upper arm, and an eagle feather is attached until the piercing is removed. They may pierce if they desire to. A Sundancer must commit to dancing for four years, for the four compass directions. ![]() The Sun Dance, is more of a religious ceremony or festival, rather than a dance by itself like the name suggests. Also known as the "thirsting dance", the Plains people show how much pain they can take, and how much bravery they have. The women would dance for as long as the festival lasted (even up to four days) without stopping for rest, drink or food. ![]() Mason Initiation this is one of the blood oaths they must swear. ![]() ![]() ![]() According to Marcus Manilius (1st century AD) in his epic poem (8000 verses) Astronomica, the signs of the zodiac preside over the parts of the body as follows: * Aries -- the head * Taurus -- the neck and throat * Gemini -- the lungs, arms, and shoulders * Cancer -- the chest, breasts, and stomach * Leo -- the heart and upper back * Virgo -- the abdomen and digestive system * Libra -- the kidneys and lumbar region * Scorpio -- the genitals * Sagittarius -- the hips and thighs * Capricorn -- the knees and bones * Aquarius -- the calves, shins, and ankles * Pisces -- the feet ![]() The above arch illustrates this, starting at the vernal equinox arching through to the autumnal equinox , divided into three parts is typical of the first three degrees of masonry. The first 60 degrees of the arch is Aries and Taurus representing the unskilled laborer and the preparations of the material of the temple. The next 60 degrees further and we reach and include Cancer. These two signs represent the second degree. sixty degrees more takes to Virgo , typical of completion. The first three degrees are said to represent Taurus, Cancer and Virgo hence the punishments as you see the chart corresponds to those areas and explains fuller the meaning of the above arch. ![]() Each part of the tipi – the poles, the cover, the pins, and the pegs – plays an important role to ensure that the structure holds together and functions as it should. Each element of the tipi symbolizes a moral principle of First Nations society. By respecting and following these principles in family settings, First Nations society is held together and lives in harmony. This is based on the numbers they hold sacred or have meaning to their particular tribe. ![]() The Poles Represent: 1. Obedience 6. Faith 10. Sharing 2. Respect 7. Kinship 11. Strength 3. Humility 8. Cleanliness 12. Good Child Rearing 4. Happiness 9. Thankfulness 13. Hope 5. Love ![]() TIPI Teepee This was a typical shelter that the Plains Cree used on the prairies years ago. They were able to assemble it in a day, as they used to follow the bison herds on the prairies. Much of their food, shelter, clothing and tools all came from the Bison. So when the herd moved, so did they. Many of their daily rituals revolved around nature. For example; The Tipi was made using 13 poles. The 13 poles in the tipi represents the 13 full moons we have in a given year....When you enter a tipi you go to the left and circle around in a clockwise direction. This represents the way of the sun...The door of the tipi always faces East, to meet the rising sun. The Plains Cree relied on the land to survive. It was sacred and they recognized that every living thing was of importance. Plus they only used what they needed. Things never went to waste. A good lesson we should all be following today. ![]() For any culture the elements and the cardinal point had significance. Each tribe had slightly different meanings, as with any symbol you cannot say this is absolutely what it means because a few miles a way the interpretation may be slightly different . ![]() to be continued |
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#1400 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Wow Judy. You do not post very often, but when you do, it is obvious you did your homework...
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