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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 06-10-2009, 06:52 PM   #1326
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by michaelg View Post
777: A to M - material world - just a guess
That is why we have Madonna as the material girl , the earth bound Madonna they would have you follow.

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Old 06-10-2009, 07:04 PM   #1327
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Originally Posted by judykott View Post
That is why we have Madonna as the material girl , the earth bound Madonna they would have you follow.

Madonna: Mad on An (na) !
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:36 PM   #1328
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Madonna came out of a wedding cake at the VMA as the groom, to the brides Britney and Christina

Now we have Britney with her three ringed Circus singing womanizer. Dressed the same as Madonna at the ritual ceremony they had gone through at the VMAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=692rv...eature=related
Coming out from behind a circle as a shadow atomizer through a ring of fire(nebulizer)

Last edited by judykott; 06-10-2009 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:46 PM   #1329
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

I'm thinking there may be something to the symbolism in what appears to be a unique $20.00 bill.

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Old 06-10-2009, 09:08 PM   #1330
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You guys are just great!
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:38 PM   #1331
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Give in Chi

GIVNCHY = Giving Chi

Giv 7737 or 7773=24 =Ascension

NEO or one or on

On is an anagram for the sun
So the Chi will be released when we press the atomizer...?
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:12 PM   #1332
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First we had the DaVinci Code now we have the Givenchy Code
Givenchy combined Pi with futuristic Neo from Matrix and reached Givenchy's constant: 'to smell well everywhere'!

Neurons that convey odors from the nose to the brain’s olfactory bulb have close connections with the oldest areas of the human brain: the limbic system, the region that includes the amygdala, which governs emotions such as aggression and fear, and the hippocampus, which controls memory acquisition. Thus, odors trigger subconscious emotional responses before arriving at the brain’s outermost section, the cerebral cortex, for conscious assessment. What this means, Lundström explains, is that “a great deal of processing odor is done on a nonconscious basis.”

As for the composition, the olfactive director Francoise Dounche was in charge of this new futuristic composition. He designed this neo-explosive fragrance and combined natural ingredients for the first time: bergamot, mandarin, cedar, patchouli and vanilla with synthesis of three molecules (Toscanol, Safraleine and Cosmone(), which makes a completely different base of the fragrance and contributes to a sensational composition. The result is quite special and can be compared with a new dimension created between time and space.

Givauden Laboratories scientists study each sample to crack nature's codes and recreate the flavor or fragrances for commercial use.

These are manufactured molecules using liquid crystal technology.Cosmone, with a rich and intense musky note gives an elegant touch to all kinds of accords.

Safraleine surprises with its spicy saffron freshness. This new note perfectly fits into the fine fragrance’s increasing demand for spicy smells.

. Among them is a highly attractive ionone-floral scent. As Death Valley (California, USA) experienced a century spring with unusual rich blossom activity, Givaudan conducted a specific ScentTrek® to collect the smell of some rarely flourishing endemic plants
Agave X arizonica

Chirality & Odour Perception (Chi ra lite)
Ionones, Irones, Damascones & Structurally Related Odorants

The new dimension of perfume
Thanks to this innovative capacity, we have been the first to create great multisensorial spectacles, including simultaneous digital video on giant screen, open-air perfume diffusion and contemporary dance.

This was the case of "Quintessence" ( 1 : the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies 2 : the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form) created with the ballet of the Avignon Opera, for the 50th anniversary(Golden Jubilee) of the Avignon Festival in 1996 and projected for the World Congress of Perfumery in 1998 at Cannes.

Our second olfactive ballet "Sunstone", inspired by the poem of Octavio Paz, has been presented in June 1999 at the W.W.W. convention in Paris and for the Perfume Congress Centifolia in Grasse, October 1999.

An olfactory score in seven sequences(7 chakra's) translating the fragrant ambiances evoked by Octavio Paz's poem, and which gradually entertwine like an olfactive melody, thanks to a new technology of rapid, large-scale diffusion, functioning even in open-air.

Octavia Paz
Octave is the interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency. The octave "relationship is a natural phenomenon which has been referred to as the 'basic miracle of music,'" the use of which is "common in most musical systems." Octave stands for 8,the octave is sometimes designated P8(coincidence) Also remember that fragrance has references to notes and tones.The octave is occasionally referred to as a diapason. Paz means Peace in english or spanish but comes from Hebrew Gold

In 2000, we did the odorization of the new Holiday on Ice's (32 Degrees) show: "Colors of Dance" that was presented all over the world during 2000 - 2001.

Art and Perfume logo(look familiar)

The body's cables snap,
the soul sails out,
now is the moment we lose our names,
and float along the border-line
between blue and green,
the integrated time when nothing happens
but the event, belonging, communicating.

last paragraph of poem by Octavia Paz the rest can be accessed here http://www.art-et-parfum.com/piersolcad.htm
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:27 PM   #1333
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
First we had the DaVinci Code now we have the Givenchy Code
Givenchy combined Pi with futuristic Neo from Matrix and reached Givenchy's constant: 'to smell well everywhere'!

Neurons that convey odors from the nose to the brain’s olfactory bulb have close connections with the oldest areas of the human brain: the limbic system, the region that includes the amygdala, which governs emotions such as aggression and fear, and the hippocampus, which controls memory acquisition. Thus, odors trigger subconscious emotional responses before arriving at the brain’s outermost section, the cerebral cortex, for conscious assessment. What this means, Lundström explains, is that “a great deal of processing odor is done on a nonconscious basis.”

As for the composition, the olfactive director Francoise Dounche was in charge of this new futuristic composition. He designed this neo-explosive fragrance and combined natural ingredients for the first time: bergamot, mandarin, cedar, patchouli and vanilla with synthesis of three molecules (Toscanol, Safraleine and Cosmone(), which makes a completely different base of the fragrance and contributes to a sensational composition. The result is quite special and can be compared with a new dimension created between time and space.

Givauden Laboratories scientists study each sample to crack nature's codes and recreate the flavor or fragrances for commercial use.

These are manufactured molecules using liquid crystal technology.Cosmone, with a rich and intense musky note gives an elegant touch to all kinds of accords.

Safraleine surprises with its spicy saffron freshness. This new note perfectly fits into the fine fragrance’s increasing demand for spicy smells.

. Among them is a highly attractive ionone-floral scent. As Death Valley (California, USA) experienced a century spring with unusual rich blossom activity, Givaudan conducted a specific ScentTrek® to collect the smell of some rarely flourishing endemic plants
Agave X arizonica

Chirality & Odour Perception (Chi ra lite)
Ionones, Irones, Damascones & Structurally Related Odorants

The new dimension of perfume
Thanks to this innovative capacity, we have been the first to create great multisensorial spectacles, including simultaneous digital video on giant screen, open-air perfume diffusion and contemporary dance.

This was the case of "Quintessence" ( 1 : the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies 2 : the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form) created with the ballet of the Avignon Opera, for the 50th anniversary(Golden Jubilee) of the Avignon Festival in 1996 and projected for the World Congress of Perfumery in 1998 at Cannes.

Our second olfactive ballet "Sunstone", inspired by the poem of Octavio Paz, has been presented in June 1999 at the W.W.W. convention in Paris and for the Perfume Congress Centifolia in Grasse, October 1999.

An olfactory score in seven sequences(7 chakra's) translating the fragrant ambiances evoked by Octavio Paz's poem, and which gradually entertwine like an olfactive melody, thanks to a new technology of rapid, large-scale diffusion, functioning even in open-air.

Octavia Paz
Octave is the interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency. The octave "relationship is a natural phenomenon which has been referred to as the 'basic miracle of music,'" the use of which is "common in most musical systems." Octave stands for 8,the octave is sometimes designated P8(coincidence) Also remember that fragrance has references to notes and tones.The octave is occasionally referred to as a diapason. Paz means Peace in english or spanish but comes from Hebrew Gold

In 2000, we did the odorization of the new Holiday on Ice's (32 Degrees) show: "Colors of Dance" that was presented all over the world during 2000 - 2001.

Art and Perfume logo(look familiar)

The body's cables snap,
the soul sails out,
now is the moment we lose our names,
and float along the border-line
between blue and green,
the integrated time when nothing happens
but the event, belonging, communicating.

last paragraph of poem by Octavia Paz the rest can be accessed here http://www.art-et-parfum.com/piersolcad.htm
Another wonderful post Judy K. We are sleeping no more, the sleeper has awakened.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:49 PM   #1334
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Thats highly possible,because the ptw was know things about the earth that we forgot.The earth has chakras and a pineal gland as we do.
So whre is the earth's pineal gland... and is it calcified like most of its inhabitants? If we clear the earth's gland will it help clear ours?

great post but I said I was going to get an early night!
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:10 PM   #1335
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
So whre is the earth's pineal gland... and is it calcified like most of its inhabitants? If we clear the earth's gland will it help clear ours?

great post but I said I was going to get an early night!

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 06-11-2009 at 02:04 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:15 PM   #1336
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Perfumery because of the power it has over humans is one of the most ancient art forms, for healing or if repugnant ,repulsion. One of the most common cliches in movies is for someone to roll over in bed and the other person is not there so they smell the pillow. Many myths and legends exist in all countries of spells being cast with scent, part has to do with pheromones.

Fanning honeybee exposes Nasonov gland (white-at tip of abdomen) releasing pheromone to entice swarm into an empty hive

A pheromone (from Greek φέρω phero "to bear" + Hormone from Greek ὁρμή - "impetus") is a chemical signal that triggers a natural response in another member of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. Their use among insects has been particularly well documented. In addition, some vertebrates and plants communicate by using pheromones.

Researchers discovered that women adjust their menstrual cycles when exposed to the scent of a male underarm.McClintock's study showed that women who lived together reported menstrual synchronization, and Russell's study provided a likely mechanism: underarm scent. Another possible interpretation of this study leads to the conclusion that there may be dominant women with regard to menstrual synchrony, a phenomenon observed in many animals.

Egyptian scene depicting the preparation of Lily perfume

Now with liquid crystal technology who knows what could be embedded. Many with small nano particles that can cross the blood brain barrier.The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a metabolic or cellular structure in the central nervous system (CNS) that restricts the passage of various chemical substances and microscopic objects (e.g. bacteria) between the bloodstream and the neural tissue itself, while still allowing the passage of substances essential to metabolic function (e.g. oxygen).

The PTW use anything at there disposal to influence, scent is one of the most powerful ways to evoke emotion. Right now look how they use the food industry to invent chemicals they call "flavorings" or "enhancers" many which are highly addictive and harmful. What we see is the use of symbolism being used extensively to buy another material product, and to send the message that there is something wrong with you or the way you smell. Most perfume is very toxic I would not put them on my skin. I only wear ones I have formulated from natural products. aromatherapy is an ancient healing technique.

Libyan Jasper palette. In the centre, emblem depicting Amenofis I, Pharaoh of the XVIIIth. Dynasty, along with two -urechis-, or serpents, symbol of royalty.

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Old 06-10-2009, 11:46 PM   #1337
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Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Another wonderful post Judy K. We are sleeping no more, the sleeper has awakened.
I'm glad some are waking up, but the "we" does not include everyone here. I still feel stumped by most of the information in this thread.

Do you think watching the TV show "Lost" will help me to understand this thread? I have now watched the first 8 or 10 episodes but I don't know how much further I can go. The story is kind of interesting but it is so dark and scary that I really don't enjoy it. I just watched the former heroin addict get hanged and I didn't enjoy that at all. The X-files and even "Fringe" don't bother me because they at least have some humor to them but "Lost" seems to have no humor at all.
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:55 PM   #1338
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I'm glad some are waking up, but the "we" does not include everyone here. I still feel stumped by most of the information in this thread.

Do you think watching the TV show "Lost" will help me to understand this thread? I have now watched the first 8 or 10 episodes but I don't know how much further I can go. The story is kind of interesting but it is so dark and scary that I really don't enjoy it. I just watched the former heroin addict get hanged and I didn't enjoy that at all. The X-files and even "Fringe" don't bother me because they at least have some humor to them but "Lost" seems to have no humor at all.
LOST is about you, and so are all the other stories.They are all based on the tragedy and triumph of the human soul, regardless of who the characters are ,or their faults.This thread and LOST is about self mpowerment , letting go, and facing your fears.

I thought you understood this thread.
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Old 06-11-2009, 12:53 AM   #1339
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Fragrance products can cross the blood brain barrier because of the strong connection between scent and memory. This means that fragrance chemicals can potentially affect, or maybe even damage, brain tissue.

It is EXTREMELY important to read labels. If "fragrance" is listed as an ingredient, it is safe to assume that the chemical formula contains toxins. But products labeled "unscented" can typically contain fragrances too. If you read the ingredients, you will usually find "masking fragrance" listed - and that masking fragrance most likely contains toxins as well.

Pineal gland damage and calcification
Remember, just because a scent is appealing -- does not mean it won't make you ill. And, lightly scented products can cause as much harm as heavily scented ones.

An Important Fact about Fragrance: The Food and Drug Administration oversees fragrances under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act. Although the FDA has jurisdiction, they actually administer almost no control over fragrance products, allowing the fragrance industry to police itself. As a result, only about 16% of cosmetic products on the market have been tested for toxicity.

Six hundred or more chemical ingredients may be used in a single scent, and ninety-five percent of chemicals used in scents are derived from petroleum. Many chemicals used in scents (many designated as hazardous waste disposal chemicals) cause allergies and irritation, as well as cancer, nerve damage, and birth defects. Petroleum chemicals in perfumes are less expensive than the natural ingredients, so guess which one you get?Fragrances are now used in almost every cleaning, laundry, and personal-care product on the market.

In 1989, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health recognized 884 poisonous substances (many synthetically derived from petrochemicals) from a list of 2,983 chemicals used in the fragrance industry capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders, allergic respiratory reactions, skin and eye irritations. According to the National Institute of Health, in view of the escalating incidence of cancer, as well as a 58% increase in asthma over the past decade, this information is crucial.

Did you know that benzaldehyde, a chemical known to cause kidney damage in humans is used in fragrances, and that benzyl acetate used in fragrances is linked to a cause of pancreatic cancer? That ethyl acetate is on the EPA Hazardous Waste list known as a carcinogenic, causing kidney and liver failure and it is used in fragrances?

This is one of the major suppliers to the perfume and food industry many of the chemicals they sell have to use the solvents of toluene, acetone, or chloroform.

The pineal gland is one of several areas not behind the blood brain barrier so it is very vulnerable to chemical substances.Pineal gland calcification and defective sense of direction. Homing Pidgeon with calcification on Pineal gland

Fragrance formulas are considered trade secrets, which means the companies do not have to tell anyone, including the FDA what is in those formulas. Only about 1,300 of the more than 5,000 materials for use in fragrances have been tested, and the testing did not include respiratory, neurological, or systemic effects. Are you getting the picture here? At last count in 1996, there were at least 40 million chemically injured people in the U.S. and medical records of a majority of those chemically injured were devoid of any respiratory problems or other health-related concerns. They had a steady work history and a solid psychological profile. These are people from all walks of life and who once had lucrative careers; Air Force pilots, teachers, professors, doctors, psychologists, nurses, chemists, government workers and legal secretaries, among others.

Perfume is composed of many of the same toxic chemicals found on the EPA’s and CERCLA’s hazardous waste lists, and one or all of which in combination with one another, cause when inhaled: “ventral nervous system disorders, dizziness, nausea, lack of coordination, slurred speech, drowsiness, irritation to the mouth, throat, eyes, skin, lungs and GI tract, kidney damage, headache, respiratory failure, ataxia, and fatigue, among other symptoms and illnesses,” Material Safety Data Sheets on each chemical confirm these findings. Many of the chemicals in perfumes have been shown to cause serious health problems and death in animals

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Old 06-11-2009, 01:18 AM   #1340
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Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
This thread and LOST is about self mpowerment , letting go, and facing your fears.

I thought you understood this thread.[/SIZE][/I]
I guess I understand the generalities, but the specifics often go over my head.

I just found out that the doctor was able to revive the drug addict guy which encouraged me to keep watching. Maybe I just like a happy ending.

My sense of "Lost" is that the island is a place where people can work out their karma issues on a sort of intense, accelerated basis.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:41 AM   #1341
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Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Fragrance products can cross the blood brain barrier because of the strong connection between scent and memory. This means that fragrance chemicals can potentially affect, or maybe even damage, brain tissue.

It is EXTREMELY important to read labels. If "fragrance" is listed as an ingredient, it is safe to assume that the chemical formula contains toxins.
Judy, have you heard of a book called "Beauty to Die For" by Judi Vance?

It is an excellent expose of the toxic compounds in all kinds of personal care products, and the shocking lack of regulation thereof. It goes through various categories of these products and gives lists of specific chemicals to avoid. I'd recommend it to everyone, along with a thorough examination of everything you are using, from toothpastes to shampoos, perfumes deodorants, soaps, and everything else, too.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:49 AM   #1342
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Judy, have you heard of a book called "Beauty to Die For" by Judi Vance?

It is an excellent expose of the toxic compounds in all kinds of personal care products, and the shocking lack of regulation thereof. It goes through various categories of these products and gives lists of specific chemicals to avoid. I'd recommend it to everyone, along with a thorough examination of everything you are using, from toothpastes to shampoos, perfumes deodorants, soaps, and everything else, too.
No I haven't read it, it sounds like a great book, thanks. I make a lot of my own products that I use, then I know what is in them.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:55 AM   #1343
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Originally Posted by judykott View Post
No I haven't read it, it sounds like a great book, thanks. I make a lot of my own products that I use, then I know what is in them.
I do, too! The book recommends natural alternatives to just about everything, and includes recipes.
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:14 AM   #1344
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I do, too! The book recommends natural alternatives to just about everything, and includes recipes.
In the same category I include this book: "The cure for all cancers" by Hulda Clark, informative and very well written.
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:26 AM   #1345
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Bye-bye, Betelgeuse?

The nearby, well-known and very bright star may soon explode in a supernova, according to data released by U.C. Berkeley researchers Tuesday.

The red giant Betelgeuse, once so large it would reach out to Jupiter's orbit if placed in our own solar system, has shrunk by 15 percent over the past decade in a half, although it's just as bright as it's ever been.

Betelgeuse, a star so large its shape can be seen through the Hubble Space Telescope.
"To see this change is very striking," said retired Berkeley physics professor Charles Townes, who won the 1964 Nobel Prize for inventing the laser. "We will be watching it carefully over the next few years to see if it will keep contracting or will go back up in size."
Betelgeuse, whose name derives from Arabic, is easily visible in the constellation Orion. It gave Michael Keaton's character his name in the movie "Beetlejuice" and was the home system of Galactic President Zaphod Beeblebrox in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

Red giant stars are thought to have short, complicated and violent lifespans. Lasting at most a few million years, they quickly burn out their hydrogen fuel and then switch to helium, carbon and other elements in a series of partial collapses, refuelings and restarts.

Betelgeuse, which is thought to be reaching the end of its lifespan, may be experiencing one of those collapses as it switches from one element to another as nuclear-fusion fuel.

"We do not know why the star is shrinking," said Townes' Berkeley colleague Edward Wishnow. "Considering all that we know about galaxies and the distant universe, there are still lots of things we don't know about stars, including what happens as red giants near the ends of their lives."

Eventually, the huge star may become a nesting doll of elements, with a mixed iron-nickel core surrounded by onion-like layers of silicon, oxygen, neon, carbon, helium and hydrogen.

As the iron fuel runs out, it may explode into a supernova, blasting newly created elements out into the universe and leaving behind a small, incredibly dense neutron star.

All the heavier elements in the universe — including all the oxygen, carbon and iron in your own body — were created in such a way.

It's possible we're observing the beginning of Betelgeuse's final collapse now.

If so, the star, which is 600 light-years away, will already have exploded — and we'll soon be in for a spectacular, and perfectly safe, interstellar fireworks show.
More info on these sites

Last edited by judykott; 06-11-2009 at 02:35 AM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:38 AM   #1346
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Do you still have 5 dollar foot long subs?

I'd like a turkey on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, mayo, and swiss cheese please! Thanks! LOL

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Old 06-11-2009, 04:16 AM   #1347
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Originally Posted by Dantheman62 View Post
Do you still have 5 dollar foot long subs?
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:20 AM   #1348
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:24 AM   #1349
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Christos this is for you and your back to back Ks ,at Zero point.
Hey... thanks for the Special K post.

and Judyk... WoW! Good smelling positive ions that destroy the life giving negative ions in the nose.

Last edited by Christo888; 06-11-2009 at 04:48 AM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:21 AM   #1350
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More details about Pi neo
The scent was inspired by The Matrix film, which starred Keanu Reeves as a character called Neo. Accordingly, the fragrance concept is modern, hi-tech and futuristic. It aims to represent another dimension of the person who wears it, and open a door to the world of imagination, cyber-travel and dreams, according to Givenchy.

Pi Neo is described as a bright, “neo-woody” juice, opening on notes of bergamot and mandarin oranges. Its heart features elements of cedar and patchouli; vanilla aspects characterise the base.

Importantly, the scent’s structure (or matrix) is composed of three patented “captives”: Toscanol, Safraleine and Cosmone. These three synthetic notes are said to offer new sensations – and to change the sensorial perception of the scent.

The fragrance flacon is a futuristic, pyramidal shape, topped with a silvery chrome cap. The outer carton features an optical illusion 3-D effect: from a distance it appears to be navy blue; closer inspection reveals it to be pixellated with dots, for a sci-fi graphics effect.

The advertising visual, shot by Sølve Sundsbø, features a male model emerging from a well of white light.
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