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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 05-28-2009, 07:02 PM   #851
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I think the hidden records website might help provide some background in understanding all of this material.


It's a pity I didn't know about this website earlier. maybe i would have been more enlightened....
PS. However in the lower left-hand corner there is the address, I just didn't look....
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Old 05-28-2009, 07:33 PM   #852
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Please don't confuse hidden records with the information i've presented ,just because his images were used.

I speak of an awakening of global proportions thats going to take place on this planet, thats connected with the heavens, not aliens. There are tons of sites and books speaking on this vatican key ,and none of them speak of the fifth element, or the sacred feminine. I could care less about recieving credit, i just don't want you to think we are talking about the same thing , because we are not.
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Old 05-28-2009, 07:55 PM   #853
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Please don't confuse hidden records with the information i've presented ,just because his images were used.

I speak of an awakening of global proportions thats going to take place on this planet, thats connected with the heavens, not aliens. There are tons of sites and books speaking on this vatican key ,and none of them speak of the fifth element, or the sacred feminine. I could care less about recieving credit, i just don't want you to think we are talking about the same thing , because we are not.
I, for example, do not confuse the sources of information. but as NPG said that site gives some background which I , personally, would need to understand certain things. So far, for most part, i've been like child in the fog. i still am as i haven't read the site yet..
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Old 05-28-2009, 08:46 PM   #854
Cymatic Veilbegone
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

888 - from my humble perspective, one of the most significant references for 'a ring' is that of the - you nailed it- the vortex. I listened to Weidner speak in Los Angeles last year -he was talking about how the ancients understood that time was not linear, but Toroid. He then drew a diagram showing how time moved along a Hypersphere.....

and how the 4 (or some say 5) ages moved in a cyclical pattern....the Iron or Lead Age moving through the most dense point in the vortex...the "singularity" ...and then out into the "gold" age (becoming less dense, less density, etc).

In his theory -- the Ancient Alchemical quest to 'turn lead into gold' was actually metaphor for understanding how time moves in this torus vortex...ie from our current age, Lead or Iron, into the Golden Age.

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Old 05-28-2009, 09:04 PM   #855
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

apologies in advance if anyone feels this is , just trying to infuse all pertinent info...here is the link to the above-referenced article:


and I find it quite synchronistic that Dan Winter also describes the exact geometry when explaining that (at timestamp 4:44)"...when waves converge, what happens is that they always form a toroidal or donut shaped magnetic field because in fact that is the ONLY self-organizing wave form..."


ok I'm done (for now)
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Old 05-28-2009, 09:13 PM   #856
Unified Serenity
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Question Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
For the record, i have used some of the hidden records pictures, but not his information.My conclusion is the 5th element is the secret of this alignment, and his is that Aliens came from the Pleaides. I feel that all cultures were honoring the sacred feminine in the stars , not aliens.Thats just my humble take on things, because anything is possible.
Awesome info posted in the last couple of pages. Forgive me if this is off track, but could there by a tie into the casting of the magickal circle? One (High Priestess) calls the quarters (Four elements) and the fifth element is the Divine Spirit. In Hebrew, the Ruach Ha Koddess (Holy Spirit) shines or the Shekinah (Glory of God) and in the Talmud the Shekinah is said to be the Divine Feminine. Thus one could extrapolate that the Fifth element is the Divine Spirit manifested in Glory of the Divine Feminine.
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Old 05-28-2009, 10:22 PM   #857
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Awesome info posted in the last couple of pages. Forgive me if this is off track, but could there by a tie into the casting of the magickal circle? One (High Priestess) calls the quarters (Four elements) and the fifth element is the Divine Spirit. In Hebrew, the Ruach Ha Koddess (Holy Spirit) shines or the Shekinah (Glory of God) and in the Talmud the Shekinah is said to be the Divine Feminine. Thus one could extrapolate that the Fifth element is the Divine Spirit manifested in Glory of the Divine Feminine.
Yes , the quintesence that is extracted by piercing the veil.Orion is pierced in his side, ie site, left with one eye, as the pirate ,seeing beyond duality.This is happening as he stabs the bull Taurus down in the land of Sod-om, and activates the chakras.

Notice the grail in this image as the 5th element is being extracted.Also you can see the upside down pi-ramid in the image forming the star of V da.

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Old 05-29-2009, 02:17 AM   #858
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
I 've just found out ,that the second key is at Castel Gandolfo italy.
So what exactly is there? Another statue? Or a literal key, or a clue, or...?
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Old 05-29-2009, 02:40 AM   #859
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
So what exactly is there? Another statue? Or a literal key, or a clue, or...?
Its another huge key, i 'm trying to get an image of it.You can see it on Google Earth.
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Old 05-29-2009, 03:01 AM   #860
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Its another huge key, i 'm trying to get an image of it.You can see it on Google Earth.
I tried google earth but I'm not sure I actually found it. What makes you feel that this is the Chiron key?

How does Chiron being "The Wounded Healer" fit in with all this?
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Old 05-29-2009, 05:10 AM   #861
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Cymatic Veilbegone View Post
888 - from my humble perspective, one of the most significant references for 'a ring' is that of the - you nailed it- the vortex. I listened to Weidner speak in Los Angeles last year -he was talking about how the ancients understood that time was not linear, but Toroid. He then drew a diagram showing how time moved along a Hypersphere.....

and how the 4 (or some say 5) ages moved in a cyclical pattern....the Iron or Lead Age moving through the most dense point in the vortex...the "singularity" ...and then out into the "gold" age (becoming less dense, less density, etc).

In his theory -- the Ancient Alchemical quest to 'turn lead into gold' was actually metaphor for understanding how time moves in this torus vortex...ie from our current age, Lead or Iron, into the Golden Age.

Originally Posted by Cymatic Veilbegone View Post
apologies in advance if anyone feels this is , just trying to infuse all pertinent info...here is the link to the above-referenced article:


and I find it quite synchronistic that Dan Winter also describes the exact geometry when explaining that (at timestamp 4:44)"...when waves converge, what happens is that they always form a toroidal or donut shaped magnetic field because in fact that is the ONLY self-organizing wave form..."


ok I'm done (for now)
Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Awesome info posted in the last couple of pages. Forgive me if this is off track, but could there by a tie into the casting of the magickal circle? One (High Priestess) calls the quarters (Four elements) and the fifth element is the Divine Spirit. In Hebrew, the Ruach Ha Koddess (Holy Spirit) shines or the Shekinah (Glory of God) and in the Talmud the Shekinah is said to be the Divine Feminine. Thus one could extrapolate that the Fifth element is the Divine Spirit manifested in Glory of the Divine Feminine.

You guys are awesome for this!!!
Over the last few weeks and especially the last couple days pieces are really coming out of no where.

OK, long story real short... the biggest producer of negative ions is crashing water, and especially at the breaking waves on the Ocean when the Sun sparks against the saltwater mist. Comparable to Photosynthesis... an event of chaos over time that transmutes atoms into sugar chains within the (green- master color) chlorophyll-ed leaves... plants are made of Sunshine.

Well, Magnetic energy flows out the North pole and flows into the South pole, the Sun's radiation intermixes with the magnetic shield and creates different effects within all the different atoms around us.

So... atoms, molecules are constantly trans mutating from the action-reaction of subtle and catastrophic events and many elements and substances we have are by-products upon by-products.

A dream I had awhile ago just gave me the words of '"Higher Mind" 3 stages 4 cycles,' well the number 7 as we know is the 'Heptagram' representing the 'Whole person;' the physical body and the Divine Soul!!!
Divine three and the Secular four!
'7' links Heaven and Earth.
7 seas, 7 continents, 7 days, 7 colors, etc.

Iron rusts over time if left unprotected in the environment thats why we have to paint it. Virtually everything we come across in life has some form of protective coating or finish on it, leaves have a wax, trees have bark, eggs have a shell, we have skin, animals have fur, fish have scales, etc. Anyway, there typically is a nucleus or center that elements or substance spin around or rotate in (until acted upon) cycles, circles, orbit, by way of the innate Law of Attraction. A rain drop is formed by moisture around a dust particle and same with a snowflake... always a speck of dust in the center. We are moving from the Iron age to the Golden age, as 'Cymatic' presented above...

Our blood is full of pulsating iron in its own rhythm flipping North and South poles back and forth within the pulse of the heart which creates a resonance or field of attraction... a subtle vortex!

In the movie "IronMan" he built an armor suit of Gold and Titanium alloy that had various powers... but He was the IronMan.

In the pic above from 777, the two stars above and the one in the middle, a 'HEPTAGRAM' below- the two connect and shine down to the ground... this forms the 'Y' which ends on a 'book' with the compass on it...

Iron- base metal, is a center pin, a nucleus of sorts for elements to rotate around in a vortex of time until an 'event' or circumstance occurs to change the molecular structure. Either to entropy or elation depending on the forces acting upon it, build up or tear down.

Raising your hands (not necessarily literally but figuratively being of acceptance and open mindedness) to the Divine Feminine the 5th, the 5 pointed Star symbol, enlightens... illuminates and transforms.

'As above so below' and then 'As within so without'!!!

AU = the chemical symbol for Gold, and
RA = the name given to the Sun.

The 7 colors of our AURA comes from the Prism of Water within you that refracts the Rainbow of brilliance around you.

We are the Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow!

The Golden Sun on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Gold is a by-product that can be produced!!!
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Old 05-29-2009, 06:44 AM   #862
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
I, for example, do not confuse the sources of information. but as NPG said that site gives some background which I , personally, would need to understand certain things. So far, for most part, i've been like child in the fog. i still am as i haven't read the site yet..
Some times to much backround information can spoil what our 'self' is trying to make us aware of.

I like not knowing the backround, I like it alot!
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Old 05-29-2009, 06:53 AM   #863
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
You guys are awesome for this!!!
Over the last few weeks and especially the last couple days pieces are really coming out of no where.

OK, long story real short... the biggest producer of negative ions is crashing water, and especially at the breaking waves on the Ocean when the Sun sparks against the saltwater mist. Comparable to Photosynthesis... an event of chaos over time that transmutes atoms into sugar chains within the (green- master color) chlorophyll-ed leaves... plants are made of Sunshine.

Well, Magnetic energy flows out the North pole and flows into the South pole, the Sun's radiation intermixes with the magnetic shield and creates different effects within all the different atoms around us.

So... atoms, molecules are constantly trans mutating from the action-reaction of subtle and catastrophic events and many elements and substances we have are by-products upon by-products.

A dream I had awhile ago just gave me the words of '"Higher Mind" 3 stages 4 cycles,' well the number 7 as we know is the 'Heptagram' representing the 'Whole person;' the physical body and the Divine Soul!!!
Divine three and the Secular four!
'7' links Heaven and Earth.
7 seas, 7 continents, 7 days, 7 colors, etc.

Iron rusts over time if left unprotected in the environment thats why we have to paint it. Virtually everything we come across in life has some form of protective coating or finish on it, leaves have a wax, trees have bark, eggs have a shell, we have skin, animals have fur, fish have scales, etc. Anyway, there typically is a nucleus or center that elements or substance spin around or rotate in (until acted upon) cycles, circles, orbit, by way of the innate Law of Attraction. A rain drop is formed by moisture around a dust particle and same with a snowflake... always a speck of dust in the center. We are moving from the Iron age to the Golden age, as 'Cymatic' presented above...

Our blood is full of pulsating iron in its own rhythm flipping North and South poles back and forth within the pulse of the heart which creates a resonance or field of attraction... a subtle vortex!

In the movie "IronMan" he built an armor suit of Gold and Titanium alloy that had various powers... but He was the IronMan.

In the pic above from 777, the two stars above and the one in the middle, a 'HEPTAGRAM' below- the two connect and shine down to the ground... this forms the 'Y' which ends on a 'book' with the compass on it...

Iron- base metal, is a center pin, a nucleus of sorts for elements to rotate around in a vortex of time until an 'event' or circumstance occurs to change the molecular structure. Either to entropy or elation depending on the forces acting upon it, build up or tear down.

Raising your hands (not necessarily literally but figuratively being of acceptance and open mindedness) to the Divine Feminine the 5th, the 5 pointed Star symbol, enlightens... illuminates and transforms.

'As above so below' and then 'As within so without'!!!

AU = the chemical symbol for Gold, and
RA = the name given to the Sun.

The 7 colors of our AURA comes from the Prism of Water within you that refracts the Rainbow of brilliance around you.

We are the Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow!

The Golden Sun on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Gold is a by-product that can be produced!!!

YES, YES, YES, So what now?
Dont you just love when ALL the answers are right there but we have no clue what to do right NOW.

I love this thread.
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Old 05-29-2009, 06:56 AM   #864
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Some Y's - ??

Some more Y's which a lot of people wear daily

But they are upside down Y's... IS that significant?
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Old 05-29-2009, 06:58 AM   #865
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Okay, read, re-read, read again, re-read, absorb, ping, read, re-read, read again, absorb, ping-ping, read, re-read, read again......

I am grateful
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Old 05-29-2009, 07:01 AM   #866
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
Some more Y's which a lot of people wear daily

But they are upside down Y's... IS that significant?

who where's jockeys????
hmmm upside down y's. interesting
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Old 05-29-2009, 02:15 PM   #867
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Upside down Y's and rightside up Y's, kinda like jumpin jacks!!

X's and snow angels.
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Old 05-29-2009, 04:59 PM   #868
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Old 05-29-2009, 05:44 PM   #869
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
Some more Y's which a lot of people wear daily

But they are upside down Y's... IS that significant?
With the two energies, one cannot Xsist without the other, so the Joc Key is masculine, and the Y is symbolic of the Y-on-i ,of the feminine.Notice the masculine A that seperates the words key and Jo, going around the Band.You can also see the feminine Yoni in the logo.Thats great observation CWS
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Old 05-29-2009, 06:38 PM   #870
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
You guys are awesome for this!!!
Over the last few weeks and especially the last couple days pieces are really coming out of no where.

OK, long story real short... the biggest producer of negative ions is crashing water, and especially at the breaking waves on the Ocean when the Sun sparks against the saltwater mist. Comparable to Photosynthesis... an event of chaos over time that transmutes atoms into sugar chains within the (green- master color) chlorophyll-ed leaves... plants are made of Sunshine.

Well, Magnetic energy flows out the North pole and flows into the South pole, the Sun's radiation intermixes with the magnetic shield and creates different effects within all the different atoms around us.

So... atoms, molecules are constantly trans mutating from the action-reaction of subtle and catastrophic events and many elements and substances we have are by-products upon by-products.

A dream I had awhile ago just gave me the words of '"Higher Mind" 3 stages 4 cycles,' well the number 7 as we know is the 'Heptagram' representing the 'Whole person;' the physical body and the Divine Soul!!!
Divine three and the Secular four!
'7' links Heaven and Earth.
7 seas, 7 continents, 7 days, 7 colors, etc.

Iron rusts over time if left unprotected in the environment thats why we have to paint it. Virtually everything we come across in life has some form of protective coating or finish on it, leaves have a wax, trees have bark, eggs have a shell, we have skin, animals have fur, fish have scales, etc. Anyway, there typically is a nucleus or center that elements or substance spin around or rotate in (until acted upon) cycles, circles, orbit, by way of the innate Law of Attraction. A rain drop is formed by moisture around a dust particle and same with a snowflake... always a speck of dust in the center. We are moving from the Iron age to the Golden age, as 'Cymatic' presented above...

Our blood is full of pulsating iron in its own rhythm flipping North and South poles back and forth within the pulse of the heart which creates a resonance or field of attraction... a subtle vortex!

In the movie "IronMan" he built an armor suit of Gold and Titanium alloy that had various powers... but He was the IronMan.

In the pic above from 777, the two stars above and the one in the middle, a 'HEPTAGRAM' below- the two connect and shine down to the ground... this forms the 'Y' which ends on a 'book' with the compass on it...

Iron- base metal, is a center pin, a nucleus of sorts for elements to rotate around in a vortex of time until an 'event' or circumstance occurs to change the molecular structure. Either to entropy or elation depending on the forces acting upon it, build up or tear down.

Raising your hands (not necessarily literally but figuratively being of acceptance and open mindedness) to the Divine Feminine the 5th, the 5 pointed Star symbol, enlightens... illuminates and transforms.

'As above so below' and then 'As within so without'!!!

AU = the chemical symbol for Gold, and
RA = the name given to the Sun.

The 7 colors of our AURA comes from the Prism of Water within you that refracts the Rainbow of brilliance around you.

We are the Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow!

The Golden Sun on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Gold is a by-product that can be produced!!!
This is a wonderful post and timeless
The Greek word for heaven is Ouranos.

The ruling planet of this Aquarian age is Uranus, and Uranus is the Green planet.
The mythology is that Uranus was married to the planet earth, Gaea. They were separated by Chronos , Saturn, or Satan.In other words the cycles of time.

<< Revelation 21 >>
King James Bible

15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. 16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. 17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. 18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. 19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; 20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. 21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass

Now Uranus is returning in Aquarius to reclaim his bride.
This is also connected with the Emerald tablets, and the raising of the Kundalini, the long lost Atlantis.

St Pi's tricks-Master of the Kundalini Serpents

Earth Water Air and Fire





POLARITY out of balance

To hell with the wizard

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Old 05-30-2009, 06:50 AM   #871
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

This thread has become so subtle ... beauty (wow - I just hope I'm still getting it)

Christo888 - I bet you could take two ‘K’s’ and put them back to back

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Old 05-30-2009, 03:59 PM   #872
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
This thread has become so subtle ... beauty (wow - I just hope I'm still getting it)

Christo888 - I bet you could take two ‘K’s’ and put them back to back

I guess we'll all meet halfway at the 'OK Corral.'
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Old 05-30-2009, 04:32 PM   #873
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

23 + 23 = 46

Two rivers going together====> 'restate' coming together to make One flow...

Both rivers combining their energy to make.... A ladder [Jakes Ladder].
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Old 05-30-2009, 07:27 PM   #874
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
I guess we'll all meet halfway at the 'OK Corral.'
Speaking of "OK", there is a reason the astrological symbol for Chiron looks like an "O" and a "K" put together...

When Chiron was first discovered, it was called "Object Kowal", after Charles Kowal, who discovered it.
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Old 05-30-2009, 11:41 PM   #875
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Tango View Post
23 + 23 = 46

Two rivers going together====> 'restate' coming together to make One flow...

Both rivers combining their energy to make.... A ladder [Jakes Ladder].
Tango... you bring up an interesting point!

If our DNA has 23 pairs of chromosomes and two rivers come together as one to make a 46 combo, then our we really missing an entire strand as some would have us believe?

Or is just a pair of chromosomes unplugged in the sequence for a 24, to give us a 48.... 'The two missing Tribes'!!!!!

The wheels of the hieroglyphs is 48 (the pic a few pages back the one with the giants and globes/sun/ on their heads)!

Is the ladder just missing a few rungs so it can't continue the climb???

Timestamp 4:44, 3 Stages of 4 Cycles!

Last edited by Christo888; 05-30-2009 at 11:44 PM.
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