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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 05-16-2009, 02:53 PM   #726
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
I C mon key or one key business going on. I watched the video a few times, whoa and then looked up the lyrics and twice in a row it BOOM BOOM POWED my computer and it shut down

The design looks like it was done by an Money engraver or counterfeiter is more like it, she is wearing a spider web top on, and the red glove guy is giving the signs of the cross with both hands which is a double cross. there's the Bull Horn as above with the Ka flowing . the mohawk guy doing the as below where in the corner of the design is the only X within the central feature of the corner. Two other X's formed by what look like monkey tails in the lettering at the top and bottom, making 3 X's in the poster. Then there is the monkey with the nimbus around his head as a deity

This is one of the most heavily laden pictures I have seen. Here are some other things that I noticed.

The red gloved guy has a Saturn Pin on his neck
She has her arms crossed in an X how they used to bury people and still do in some parts of the world. X representing not just death but as a symbol of resurrection as well.
She is wearing a ISIS sash is a "genetic crossing" symbol comparable to Osiris crook and the flail

Go to left glove hand to mohawk guys head , go left to her head, her head down to right red glove, up to sunglass guys head, and down to left glove and you have a pentagram.

Also go to corner to corner and make an X and you will see the alignment of the features, now go from the capital A straight down through the B which would be AB which has significance and the go to the other side and at your handy dandy gold markers or pointers go straight across for another alignment.

The capital I in Business looks like a cobra.

The capital S'S do look like numbers 2 or 5 but they also look like 8's

The Capital A is set right in the center the Apex as a pyramid capstone symbol to infer the all seeing eye. The Peak of Heavenly wisdom. the highest wisdom .

The bullhorn being silver and placed up also looks as if it could also represent the female cup, chalice , grail , which is represented as silver.

I mentioned the KA before but did not realize it also represented Assur (Osirius)


Last edited by judykott; 05-16-2009 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:05 PM   #727
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i noticed in the bullhorn something that looks like fluorescent bulb...
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:14 PM   #728
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

There is also V upside down on the handle of the bullhorn.
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:19 PM   #729
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
i noticed in the bullhorn something that looks like fluorescent bulb...
How about the butterfly wings in the tapestry.The 1111 or 33 shown in the red gloves.The guy representing Saturn seem to be casting a spell, with the cryptic spelling of the words.I can't really tell how many fingers the mohawk guy is holding up.I also noticed the K pressing on the A showing the Ka or spirit.

Now we know the meaning of Kia and IKea.It means the Eye of Ka or spirit.Ikea sure do sell some Junk to be representing spirit.Thats just my opinion,sorry Ikea
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:34 PM   #730
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Look at the little triangles or cups all over the picture, behind one of the guy's head, on the collar (the pink one), then in the monkey....
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:49 PM   #731
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Also there are the two feathers, coming off the Ka, Osiris has two feathers on the side of the white helmet he sometimes is depicted with.

Ok now I will admit I am stretching it with this one but mohawk guy looks like it is a piece of pi on his head, Ok so I am pushing it with that one., but it gave me a good chuckle
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Old 05-16-2009, 05:29 PM   #732
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Moray Mclaren - We Got Time Song
The second video is an incredibly interesting video on how it was made. These are well worth watching.

If you like pre-cinema optical toys - kinetoscopes, zoetropes, magic lanterns, and the praxinoscopes, then David Wilson has just made your day in the video for "We Got Time," by Moray Mclaren.

Wilson doesn`t just rely on the charm of the medium though. Using the mechanism of rotation and looping as a starting point, he`s able to create a journey using simple but hypnotic animations that tie into the idea of life/death cycles. In it the tree of life, Tet tower(backbone of Osiris, represented in the 3 cup tower), black sun, acorn to oak, bucks, anubis, symbol/cymbal, sacred geometry, etc. Press play, and begin the adventure.

3:55 minutes

3:55 (Do you think that is a coincidence)
How it was made, incredible

Using both praxinoscopes and the technique of matching up the frame rate of the spinning record to that of the camera, no computer super-imposing was used; what you see is what rolled off the camera. The transitions between each section of animation was created by simply cutting or wiping between the bits of footage.

Last edited by judykott; 05-17-2009 at 01:47 AM.
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Old 05-17-2009, 12:36 AM   #733
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

877 = Z
Below is a perfect Xample of how you create a grid of power. It is the patterns that hold the Matrix together. Noticing the woman twice in the red dress is not a glitch,

,its what the Matrix is all about.
The woman in the red dress is the sacred feminine that Xpresses herself through patterns,she revealed what the Matrix truly is.Those who are asleep,
don't recognize the patterns, and start feeling victimEYES.If you wanted to experience life at a lower vibration,you have to leave yourself patterns to awaken from your amnesia.Since you're not operating at Zero point,you need repetition to manifest at this low vibration.

After you've had your fun with the circumstances, you can ascend to your higher vibration.

Its when we don't recognize the patterns, that keep the Matrix in place.The Matrix is the Trix of Matter, the trixster. It doesn't matter who,because the whole thing is the trixster. We get caught up in who, and the trixster keeps playing tricks on us.Its the red dress not, Becky or Sue in the red dress.

The woman in the red dress is about to make her appearance in this matrix, as the 5th element. Actually she's always been here.We miss her by trying to label her as seperate from the flow

Bruce Willis = Willis Towers

Fusion of polarities in the Die Hard Battery(International)

Bruce Almighty recieves the powers of God.


District means, Die Hard --notice the 55 hands as the sun, symbolic of the yellow magic school bus enters Gemini, on canal street,as in birth canal.Utertus =UTaurus=Utterance. Also it was brought to my attenyion By Judy K, the double x scaffolding with the ascending laddder,which brought my attention to the 1111 at the rear of the bus.

A bunch of ones and zeros Xpressed through an alphabet
that in turn ,Xpresses through speech.

You don't set the Dove free, whos already born free, the dove frees you.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 05-17-2009 at 01:35 PM.
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Old 05-17-2009, 12:48 AM   #734
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Moray Mclaren - We Got Time Song
The second video is an incredibly interesting video on how it was made. These are well worth watching.

If you like pre-cinema optical toys - kinetoscopes, zoetropes, magic lanterns, and the praxinoscopes, then David Wilson has just made your day in the video for "We Got Time," by Moray Mclaren.

Wilson doesn`t just rely on the charm of the medium though. Using the mechanism of rotation and looping as a starting point, he`s able to create a journey using simple but hypnotic animations that tie into the idea of life/death cycles. In it the tree of life, Tet tower(backbone of Osiris, represented in the 3 cup tower), black sun, acorn to oak, bucks, anubis, symbol/cymbal, sacred geometry, etc. Press play, and begin the adventure.

3:55 minutes

3:55 (Do you think that is a coincidence)
How it was made, incredible

Using both praxinoscopes and the technique of matching up the frame rate of the spinning record to that of the camera, no computer super-imposing was used; what you see is what rolled off the camera. The transitions between each section of animation was created by simply cutting or wiping between the bits of footage.
This guy must be the son of the clock maker. They are really trying to get the masses to stay stuck in time.
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:09 AM   #735
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

[QUOTE=777 The Great Work;138107]77 = Z
[I][SIZE="2"]Below is a perfect Xample of how you create a grid of power. It is the patterns that hold the Matrix together. Noticing the woman twice in the red dress is not a glitch,

,its what the Matrix is all about.
The woman in the red dress is the sacred feminine that Xpresses herself through patterns,she revealed what the Matrix truly is.Those who are asleep,
don't recognize the patterns, and start feeling victimEYES.If you wanted to experience life at a lower vibration,you have to leave yourself patterns to awaken from your amnesia.Since you're not operating at Zero point,you need repetition to manifest at this low vibration.

After you've had your fun with the circumstances, you can ascend to your higher vibration.

very interesting....
does this mean that the woman here is a symbol of patterns which keep you at a lower vibration( I wonder why a woman as such a symbol?)?
So in order to ascend you have to experience lower vibrations to the fullest and then you become immune and they cannot pull you down and you can ascend.
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:36 AM   #736
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
77 = Z
[I][SIZE="2"]Below is a perfect Xample of how you create a grid of power. It is the patterns that hold the Matrix together. Noticing the woman twice in the red dress is not a glitch,

,its what the Matrix is all about.
The woman in the red dress is the sacred feminine that Xpresses herself through patterns,she revealed what the Matrix truly is.Those who are asleep,
don't recognize the patterns, and start feeling victimEYES.If you wanted to experience life at a lower vibration,you have to leave yourself patterns to awaken from your amnesia.Since you're not operating at Zero point,you need repetition to manifest at this low vibration.

After you've had your fun with the circumstances, you can ascend to your higher vibration.

very interesting....
does this mean that the woman here is a symbol of patterns which keep you at a lower vibration( I wonder why a woman as such a symbol?)?
So in order to ascend you have to experience lower vibrations to the fullest and then you become immune and they cannot pull you down and you can ascend.
The Matrix is feminine in nature.Its not that the patterns keep you at a lower vibration.Time is what seperates one event from the next.In order to manifest something in this realm, your intentions must be projected in repetition. The illusion of time makes your manifestation seem future.At zero point every manifestation is instant.

The computer is a perfect Xample of having something at your command.The great mother is the bestower of all life.Everything emanates from her womb,and to the womb all returns.

You should already be noticieng an acceleration of manifestation,so be aware of your thoughts.
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:48 AM   #737
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You should already be noticieng an acceleration of manifestation,so be aware of your thoughts.

i noticed that. i noticed that all my desires, intentions started manifesting several years ago. It used to take years for the desired things to manifest in this reality, then it was 2 years for the desire to take place in this realm, then a year, then months....
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:52 AM   #738
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Tmanifestation seem future.At zero point every manifestation is instant.


Is 2012 a zero point?
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:56 AM   #739
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post

You should already be noticieng an acceleration of manifestation,so be aware of your thoughts.
i noticed that. i noticed that all my desires, intentions started manifesting several years ago. It used to take years for the desired things to manifest in this reality, then it was 2 years for the desire to take place in this realm, then a year, then months....[/QUOTE]

Thats going to get shorter and shorter.I feel based on my small understanding, that we are going to feel 5 waves of zero point.Just like a five speed automobile that shifts until the vibration is so high, it appears to be standing still, like a fast moving wheel.
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Old 05-17-2009, 04:59 PM   #740
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Or are they waves..

Killer waves

Ka Killer sound waves ??

or Kick start

Love light & Clarity

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Also there are the two feathers, coming off the Ka, Osiris has two feathers on the side of the white helmet he sometimes is depicted with.

Ok now I will admit I am stretching it with this one but mohawk guy looks like it is a piece of pi on his head, Ok so I am pushing it with that one., but it gave me a good chuckle
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Old 05-18-2009, 12:35 AM   #741
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post

You should already be noticieng an acceleration of manifestation,so be aware of your thoughts.
i noticed that. i noticed that all my desires, intentions started manifesting several years ago. It used to take years for the desired things to manifest in this reality, then it was 2 years for the desire to take place in this realm, then a year, then months....[/QUOTE]

Thank you Burgundia... I was wondering why so many things are becoming synchronistic and small desires or 'wonderings' manifest relatively quickly amidst the doom and gloom!!!.

Ahhhh there it is, if as 777 explained, 'things' will come into being quicker so mind your thoughts in order to be in the flow of Divine quickening.

But TPTW want as many as possible to be thinking about doom and gloom and their agenda so more people talk about it so that those people manifest TPTW plans by taking advantage of Divine quickening energy bringing it into being on behalf of TPTW. Then they really don't have to work as hard because the people are scaring themselves and in-turn self perpetuating the doom and gloom into manifestation.

So don't think of the 'Stay Puff Marshmallow Man' when crossing the streams.

And the more the Merrier the quicker the change for the better. Then TPTW lose their control because the Divine quickening energy brings to those what they think about most as it is no respecter of persons and everyone gets to participate whether aware of this or not!!!

Our thoughts create the 'blueprint' that Divine Intelligence must flow into!

Last edited by Christo888; 05-18-2009 at 12:46 AM.
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Old 05-18-2009, 07:30 AM   #742
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Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Our thoughts create the 'blueprint' that Divine Intelligence must flow into!
I am very aware of my thoughts, Christo ( What goes around, comes around). Anyway, my thoughts or rather my focus , has always been positive. However what has changed now, is what I am focusing upon, or rather what i am feeling inside. Still 5 years ago i would be more preocupied with money, material things. And gradually the value and importance of those things started to change...The only thing that i want in my life is love....nothing else matters...
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Old 05-18-2009, 05:47 PM   #743
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"The location of the interdimensional portal,
the gateway to ascension
The alchemical fifth element, which is spirit
Alchemical gold—light, the sun as center of the solar system and as spiritual illumination
The heart chakra
Christ love, unconditional love, unity consciousness—the capstone of the pyramid
A place of perfect balance of Being
The center of the universe, the Great Central Sun
The heart center of Earth, which is Shamballa
The heart of human existence"

-From Metatron's Wheel, Portal to the 5th dimension

- Dont ask me to explain this, I just felt compelled to put this together, not 100% sure why. Thanks 777 for the 5th element spark. Lots of 5's thats for sure.
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Old 05-18-2009, 06:37 PM   #744
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This is interesting,because even your book has 55 on it, with the name of the author being pointed at--MIYA. MOTO I-YAM or MAY II feel that we've all been lied to about the Myan calender,and we're about to Xperience total recall real soon.

Our first contact will be with the divine,not aliens,and this is what the men in black is going try to make the masses forget. Thats just my feeling.

I recently saw an advertisement on tv that said,there is a secret comming soon, and all are unaware.Maya means Illusion ,and the month of may was named after Maya. The People who created that Calender don't even call themselves Mayan, and never have.

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Old 05-18-2009, 06:50 PM   #745
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Talking about number 5...
I spoke to my sister today and she told me that number five was repeated many times on her airline ticket: the actual ticket number, then the time of departures and arrivals.. I do not know if this is significant of anything or not...
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:38 PM   #746
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
I feel that we've all been lied to about the Myan calender...

Well I cant say that I would be surprised about THAT.

Our first contact will be with the divine,not aliens,and this is what the men in black is going try to make the masses forget. Thats just my feeling.
I dont neccessarily disagree with this either.

Maya means Illusion ,and the month of may was named after Maya. The People who created that Calender don't even call themselves Mayan, and never have.

However, there are some interesting undeniable facts about the "Mayan" Calendar, not the least of which that it is one of the most precise calendars in existence, much more than the Gregorian.

Also, it appears to work in a fractal pattern, each cycle fitting neatly into a portion of the previous...suggesting the idea of acceleration, which you were talking about earlier...quicker and quicker manifestation of thought/intentions. So it seems to support your views.

I will be the first to agree that there is a real possibility that we are being mislead by half truths surrounding the calendar, but for me, the accuracy and perfect geometric nature of it resonates with the natural cycle of things...
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:50 PM   #747
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sorry, just wanted to finish this thought ...

it appears to me that the PTBs modus operandi is not to create, but to hijack and coopt existing truths...then contort and distort the information to support their intention.
That way, anyone looking into the history of a thing would see no conspiracy straight from the onset, or would see the origination of a thing based in truth.

sounds quite parasitic, doesnt it?

Anyway, if this were the case with the Mayan calendar, then it would stand to reason that there would be a large degree of truth hidden in perhaps as many lies.

OK Im done. I promise.
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Old 05-18-2009, 09:25 PM   #748
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Cymatic Veilbegone View Post

it appears to me that the PTBs modus operandi is not to create, but to hijack and coopt existing truths...then contort and distort the information to support their intention.
That way, anyone looking into the history of a thing would see no conspiracy straight from the onset, or would see the origination of a thing based in truth.

sounds quite parasitic, doesnt it?

Anyway, if this were the case with the Mayan calendar, then it would stand to reason that there would be a large degree of truth hidden in perhaps as many lies.

trying to separate the wheat from the chaff in those matters can give you a headache...
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Old 05-18-2009, 09:33 PM   #749
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Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
trying to separate the wheat from the chaff in those matters can give you a headache...
In my recent kindergarten class we learned that since we ARE all one, that even those little ones who are hell bent on burning ants with magnifying glasses are part of us, to to love them, to identify that place within them that desires to love and be loved, and to say,

"I love you,
I'm sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you"

This has been cathartic to walk in total love even for that part of me that is most undeserving, hurtful, and closed off. Each soul is me, and each soul is beautiful, may they know they are loved.

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Old 05-20-2009, 09:26 PM   #750
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Shofar = Rams horn or memory, that Drives Miss Day Z

Driving Miss Day- Z - ero
The allegorical Last Supper takes place on the 14th of Nisan on a Thursday, The ego suffers and dies on Friday, and the christ is resurected from the dead on Sunday.

The 13, 8 Hamburgers At The last supper
The 57th meeting of representatives from Western European and North American countries known as Bilderberg Group will be held next week at a five-star hot-el in Greece, reports Daniel Estulin, an investigative author who has written a defining book on the secret-ive annual gathering.

Estulin says his sources in Greece have confirmed the meeting will be held at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hot-el in Vouliagmeni from May 14-17.

The Bilderberg Group is an E-lite invitation-only conference of influential members of the business, media and political community. Past attendees have included Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, former Secret-ary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Tony Blair.

While the group claims its purpose is to facilitate discussion amongst western powers, many see the group as a means toward globalization.

E= Fifth element

The sign is held up by the number 11

7 stars= pleaides

3= orion

3= Sirius

Last Supper
Build a burger Menu = Mn=3.14 U

Meat= Taurus

Season= Spring

Meat in Grease

Cook county = Chi cago

Fry = Friday Heinz 57= foot long HEINZ= H= 8 N=14 877 = 22

Hein Zight= 20 20 or 22

Hind sight = the left thigh of Taurus = Pleaides

Z= ero point and the Eye in the storm

Meeting from May 14 to May 17 = 877 =22 = Zero point

There are 8 cranial bones in the human face

There are 14 in the skull

877=22= The Crossed Skull & bones = resurection

2 Femur or fema bones for resurection

322 May 22 - 3rd month on the Hebrew Calender

Companies in the Red=Bail out=Bell Out charging Bull= Charge cardsWe are talking about a stock thats below, and draws its powers from above.Stock of greedy flying pigs and beef. The Newyork Stock X change closes with the bell ,and so does the heavenly stock market.Taurus is the Mark in the fourhead.

This is where we X change our earthly stock ,for treasure in heaven.
The initiates of old said that when the kundalini ascends the spine,there is the sound of a whirlwind ,and bells ringing, as the two energies wed in celebr8tion, ie wedding bells.= Bull's eye,=sacrifice, Bullets ,Bulletins Bull sh.. and Bullies.Out of School out of Skull

Bull's Eye Taurus sees Red=

Zion = Eye on Z ero Point= I'm a Zionist

EU Ropa rides the Bull

EU Ropa means Eyes wide Open

The stubborn Bull Nature Is miss DAY Z
Standing in the Bull's EYE of Royal T, with his mask or ego in his hand, without a ....... clue with EYES Wide SHUT

Password is Fidaleo= Fi =87=Z Day Leo ,as in Sphinx or Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. There is no second password for the house of Gemini the Twins.

lmfao: The JESUS=The Purple PaZion

IF = Doubt
So Mark it ZERO

Coke or Coc. is the real thing, the Phallic or resurection backed by faith, the key in the Lock.

Sister act= Pleiades-6 and one hidden, with the Dog star Sirius Black.

W =55 hoo as in Isis the owl Pi = 360 degrees of perception. The Golden Bird Horus = the Color purple ethers.


Revelation 9
9: And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

ZEIT Geist
IT-Z- =77- 911 =Zit on your face

Gist= 7 is T or light

Clear a Seal in 3 days
11 55

Demeter AKA Virgo

Z it -G-is-t

Zeit Geist Addendum = Dum Add N = 77 = Z

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 05-21-2009 at 04:26 AM.
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