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Old 05-12-2009, 05:10 AM   #601
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
You are looking at the fusion of polarities. The hexagon is the mark of the adept. The heavens puts its mark upon humanity, and the ptw try to put their mark on the masses. As above so below, a split and shift in concsiousness ,and then the Journey begans. The Hex is the X. X marks the spot.Spot turns into Post.Orion is the cosmic sign post of the heavens . Post cereal = the wheat or spica the house of Anu or heavenly bread.

Kinda like in Ghostbusters when they crossed the streams… be careful what you think when you do… creation through transmutation! Or ion’s; Iron Ore, base metal into Gold.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:12 AM   #602
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Here's windows new operating system, tons of sevens and elevens, and a 32 bit section

Windows XP-Se7en 2009 Build 7000 Basic Bootable DVD for MultiPC and Notebooks

Windows 7 on track for August RTM, October on-sale
Gregg Keizer
11.05.2009 kl 18:57 | IDG News Service

Microsoft is on track to wrap up Windows 7 and ship it to computer makers in August, a company executive said today.

Microsoft is on track to wrap up Windows 7 and ship it to computer makers in August, a company executive said today.

"If the feedback and telemetry on Windows 7 match our expectations, then we will enter the final phases of the RTM process in about 3 months," said Steven Sinofsky, the senior vice president of the Windows engineering group, in a post to a company blog Monday morning.

"If we are successful in that, then we tracking to our shared goal of having PCs with Windows 7 available this holiday season," Sinofsky said, echoing comments made by another executive, Bill Veghte, the senior vice president who runs the Windows Business unit.

Sinofsky's three-month timeline for RTM, which stands for "release to manufacturing," means Windows 7 would be ready to ship to computer manufacturers in August.

Previously, Computerworld had noted that that if Windows 7 followed the development pace of its two predecessors, Windows Vista and Windows XP, Microsoft could start shipping the new operating system anytime between August 28 and Sept. 20.

Assuming Sinofsky's three months means Windows 7 goes RTM around Aug. 11, three months from today, Windows 7 could go on sale and be available on new PCs around Oct. 11 if Microsoft adheres to a schedule identical to XP's. If it uses a trajectory like Vista's, the on-sale date would be near Nov. 4.

Traditionally, the U.S. holiday selling season kicks off on the Friday after Thanksgiving, the so-called "Black Friday." This year, Black Friday is Nov. 27.

Although Sinofsky predicted that Windows 7 would go RTM in August, he cautioned that there was no set date for that to happen. "We do not have a 'deadline' we are aiming to meet," Sinofsky said. "The quality of the product and a smooth finish are the most important criteria."

He also spelled out the type of issues that Microsoft will deal with between RC and RTM, hinting that any could delay delivery of the RTM build. Sinofsky ticked off seven possible problems that could throw a wrench into the Windows 7 works, including installation glitches, security fixes, crashes, device incompatibilities, trouble installing third-party software, issues with Windows Update and finally, potential problems with brand-new hardware that partners are prepping for Windows 7.

"Obviously any vulnerability is a potential for something we would fix," Sinofsky acknowledged, referring to security issues that would drive Microsoft to go back into the Windows 7 code between RC and RTM. "We will use the same criteria to address these issues as we would for any in-market product."

Microsoft has already pushed one Windows 7 patch to users of the English-language, 32-bit edition.

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Old 05-12-2009, 05:25 AM   #603
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Here's windows new operating system, tons of sevens and elevens, and a 32 bit section

Windows XP-Se7en 2009 Build 7000 Basic Bootable DVD for MultiPC and Notebooks

Windows 7 on track for August RTM, October on-sale
Gregg Keizer
11.05.2009 kl 18:57 | IDG News Service

Microsoft is on track to wrap up Windows 7 and ship it to computer makers in August, a company executive said today.

Microsoft is on track to wrap up Windows 7 and ship it to computer makers in August, a company executive said today.

"If the feedback and telemetry on Windows 7 match our expectations, then we will enter the final phases of the RTM process in about 3 months," said Steven Sinofsky, the senior vice president of the Windows engineering group, in a post to a company blog Monday morning.

"If we are successful in that, then we tracking to our shared goal of having PCs with Windows 7 available this holiday season," Sinofsky said, echoing comments made by another executive, Bill Veghte, the senior vice president who runs the Windows Business unit.

Sinofsky's three-month timeline for RTM, which stands for "release to manufacturing," means Windows 7 would be ready to ship to computer manufacturers in August.

Previously, Computerworld had noted that that if Windows 7 followed the development pace of its two predecessors, Windows Vista and Windows XP, Microsoft could start shipping the new operating system anytime between August 28 and Sept. 20.

Assuming Sinofsky's three months means Windows 7 goes RTM around Aug. 11, three months from today, Windows 7 could go on sale and be available on new PCs around Oct. 11 if Microsoft adheres to a schedule identical to XP's. If it uses a trajectory like Vista's, the on-sale date would be near Nov. 4.

Traditionally, the U.S. holiday selling season kicks off on the Friday after Thanksgiving, the so-called "Black Friday." This year, Black Friday is Nov. 27.

Although Sinofsky predicted that Windows 7 would go RTM in August, he cautioned that there was no set date for that to happen. "We do not have a 'deadline' we are aiming to meet," Sinofsky said. "The quality of the product and a smooth finish are the most important criteria."

He also spelled out the type of issues that Microsoft will deal with between RC and RTM, hinting that any could delay delivery of the RTM build. Sinofsky ticked off seven possible problems that could throw a wrench into the Windows 7 works, including installation glitches, security fixes, crashes, device incompatibilities, trouble installing third-party software, issues with Windows Update and finally, potential problems with brand-new hardware that partners are prepping for Windows 7.

"Obviously any vulnerability is a potential for something we would fix," Sinofsky acknowledged, referring to security issues that would drive Microsoft to go back into the Windows 7 code between RC and RTM. "We will use the same criteria to address these issues as we would for any in-market product."

Microsoft has already pushed one Windows 7 patch to users of the English-language, 32-bit edition.
They even got the 32 degrees at the end. Friday the 22th is Payday or Pi day as Christos said.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:33 AM   #604
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Black Friday is Nov 27, 2009 Nov is 11 27 =9 so you have 11/9/11 mirrored 9/11
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:38 AM   #605
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Kinda like in Ghostbusters when they crossed the streams… be careful what you think when you do… creation through transmutation! Or ion’s; Iron Ore, base metal into Gold.
Yea, and i was watching the movie sphere the other day, and it was the same scenario. They were all manifesting their fears in a major way.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:44 AM   #606
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Black Friday is Nov 27, 2009 Nov is 11 27 =9 so you have 11/9/11 mirrored 9/11
Your comment reminded me of this image . 322 is May 22,
based on May, being the 3rd month on the hebrew calender.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:57 AM   #607
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

In the Shaw Shank redemption, Andy freed himself from within,the Shank is the thigh of the Bull , the Pleiades.

2 Buck Chuck Prince Charles

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Old 05-12-2009, 05:58 AM   #608
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These are watch escapements, I thought they were fascinating as a demonstration of the swing from light to dark and duality,It has also been a control mechanism for the masses and they have the XP in them as well. Escapement is also the act of escaping, the way. I feel the powers that be are attempting to mess with time. More things to follow in that regard.

gravity escapement

a grasshopper escapement
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Old 05-12-2009, 06:02 AM   #609
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Your comment reminded me of this image . 322 is May 22,
based on May, being the 3rd month on the hebrew calender.

I think there are some Stars that are 'Skull' and 'Bones'!
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Old 05-12-2009, 06:12 AM   #610
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
I think there are some Stars that are 'Skull' and 'Bones'!
Well here's the Xp or skull in bones of the resurection, Eziekiel's dry bones. Denzel Washington played an Ezeikeil character and also was lead actor in the movie, Bone collector .]
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Old 05-12-2009, 06:19 AM   #611
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I always wondered about the 322 of the skull and crossbones, thanks
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Old 05-12-2009, 09:46 AM   #612
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

[QUOTE=judykott;136787]Here's windows new operating system, tons of sevens and elevens

There used to be a chain of supermarkets called 7-11 in USA. I do not know if they are still there....
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Old 05-12-2009, 11:06 AM   #613
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Yes that is correct,but when you count the number of the beast ,or the feminine it unveils a profound mystery, and that mystery is that there is a wheel within the wheel, and the human body is mapped in the heavens.

The 7 sisters are the 7 chakras that are activated in the sign of Taurus. Taurus's eye is the Pineal gland and Orion is the triune aspect of the deity.

The body above ,will awaken the human body below naturally. Creation is an eye watching itself unfold, above and below.

Did you guys notice the px in the heavens. the Chi above will awaken the chi below. this happens at the opening of the 7 seals not 2012. The ancients who were probaly us
place the sphinx there as a reminder for a particular moment in time that man would awaken from his slumber. The high 5 above, will clap hands with the 5 below, ie thunder. Maya the illusion will be revealed to all, and then the bull will cause chaos for those who can't let go. 55 saves Lives

So, the human body is reflected in the stars and constellations.

The Earth is a giant reflection of the stars (Pi ramids, etc) but is also has the same structure and energy lines as the human body. The piramids and structures were left to help us discover who we are and where we came from?

Now, if we are smaller reflections of the earth, and earth is a reflection of the heavens (AS ARE WE), and our heavens are a reflection of the galaxy (other galaxies out there) ... when the shift comes, are we looking at an upgrade for each stage? Not just humans, but the Earth and constellations?

The saying As Above So Below takes on a much bigger meaning!

How do you know when the 7 seals will be opened?

Last edited by iainl140285; 05-12-2009 at 11:32 AM.
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:32 PM   #614
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

this goes along with the escapement workings that I posted

John Taylor's Time Eater

A unique public clock built as a tribute to John Harrison's grasshopper escapement, the Corpus Clock, was unveiled at Corpus Christi College, (Body of Christ)Cambridge University, in Cambridge, England on September 19, 2008. Industrialist John Taylor spent £1 million building the mechanical clock. Feeling that Harrison's escapement was not well enough known, the clock's grasshopper escapement is exposed on the top of the clock, built in the form of a demonic grasshopper called the "Chronophage" or "time eater", which rhythmically opens and closes its jaws, representing time being devoured.

The clock's face is a rippling 24-carat gold-plated stainless steel disc, about 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) in diameter. It has no hands or numbers, but displays the time by opening individual slits in the clock face backlit with blue LEDs; these slits are arranged in three concentric rings displaying hours, minutes, and seconds.

The arrangement of slots in each disk, along with the rotation of the foremost disk of each pair, creates a Vernier effect, producing the illusion of lights rotating at various speeds about three concentric circumferences on the clock's face.

The pendulum speeds up, slows down, and sometimes stops, but returns to the correct time every five minutes.

A CAMBRIDGE clock which cost £1 million has broken down three times since it was unveiled last month. It took seven years to build.

Engineers spent yesterday morning getting the gold-encrusted timepiece going again, after it stopped the previous evening.

The latest glitch occurred when safety checks by an internal computer picked up a fault in a temperature sensor. The clock automatically came to a halt, at 5.35pm on Monday, and due to a "communication error" this was not reported to engineers until yesterday (Tuesday, 14 October).

Inventor and sponsor Dr John Taylor said it was the third stoppage since Professor Stephen Hawking revealed the device, on the corner of Trumpington Street and Bene't Street, on September 18.

Taylor said he also hopes the clock will remind people of their own mortality.

Rather than having it toll the hour by a bell or a cuckoo, the clock relies on the clanking of a chain that falls into a coffin, which then loudly bangs closed.

"I'm in my early 70s and I realize that time is a destroyer," Taylor said in a telephone interview. "When you're a young person you think there is plenty of time.

a four minute incredible video to really get a sense of it
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:48 PM   #615
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Well here's the Xp or skull in bones of the resurection, Eziekiel's dry bones. Denzel Washington played an Ezeikeil character and also was lead actor in the movie, Bone collector .]

How about 'Stars' in the heavens named or referred to as 'Skull' and 'Bones'?
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:51 PM   #616
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
We've been pointing a long time look at this image closely and you will see the heavenly secret
What is the meaning of 12 wheels here (8+4)?
What is the meaning of those people and animals at the bottom?
What is the meaning of those spheres on their heads?
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Old 05-12-2009, 04:05 PM   #617
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
What is the meaning of 12 wheels here (8+4)?
What is the meaning of those people and animals at the bottom?
What is the meaning of those spheres on their heads?
The hippo represents birth .He's there to cut the chord after the birth of the new concsiousness. The people below are the gods of the pantheon. They are the attributes of the one holding the spear with Orion, aiding in stabbing the bull. The one below is the soul going through the process of rebirth. The 12 wheels represent time or a cycle being broken.

The orbs are illumination from the process. Some don't have orbs because this is a very old scene in the tomb of Sentemut of Egypt,so some of the image is destorted.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:06 PM   #618
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
this goes along with the escapement workings that I posted

John Taylor's Time Eater

A unique public clock built as a tribute to John Harrison's grasshopper escapement, the Corpus Clock, was unveiled at Corpus Christi College, (Body of Christ)Cambridge University, in Cambridge, England on September 19, 2008. Industrialist John Taylor spent £1 million building the mechanical clock. Feeling that Harrison's escapement was not well enough known, the clock's grasshopper escapement is exposed on the top of the clock, built in the form of a demonic grasshopper called the "Chronophage" or "time eater", which rhythmically opens and closes its jaws, representing time being devoured.

The clock's face is a rippling 24-carat gold-plated stainless steel disc, about 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) in diameter. It has no hands or numbers, but displays the time by opening individual slits in the clock face backlit with blue LEDs; these slits are arranged in three concentric rings displaying hours, minutes, and seconds.

The arrangement of slots in each disk, along with the rotation of the foremost disk of each pair, creates a Vernier effect, producing the illusion of lights rotating at various speeds about three concentric circumferences on the clock's face.

The pendulum speeds up, slows down, and sometimes stops, but returns to the correct time every five minutes.

A CAMBRIDGE clock which cost £1 million has broken down three times since it was unveiled last month. It took seven years to build.

Engineers spent yesterday morning getting the gold-encrusted timepiece going again, after it stopped the previous evening.

The latest glitch occurred when safety checks by an internal computer picked up a fault in a temperature sensor. The clock automatically came to a halt, at 5.35pm on Monday, and due to a "communication error" this was not reported to engineers until yesterday (Tuesday, 14 October).

Inventor and sponsor Dr John Taylor said it was the third stoppage since Professor Stephen Hawking revealed the device, on the corner of Trumpington Street and Bene't Street, on September 18.

Taylor said he also hopes the clock will remind people of their own mortality.

Rather than having it toll the hour by a bell or a cuckoo, the clock relies on the clanking of a chain that falls into a coffin, which then loudly bangs closed.

"I'm in my early 70s and I realize that time is a destroyer," Taylor said in a telephone interview. "When you're a young person you think there is plenty of time.

a four minute incredible video to really get a sense of it
So now we have a Saturn 32 grasshopper time eater, going into the sign of Gem in Eye. Gemini is like the grasshopper, Gemini hops from idea to idea, from word to word,from thought to thought.
When Saturn acts on Gemini things accelerate as far as world development, communication and production is concern.

Gemini's lower vibration is the liar, con artist, and the thief. Watergate, Vietnam war ended, World War I, World War II, and the war all happened while Saturn was in Gemini.

It sounds like the very thing you said Judy. It appears that they are trying to manipulate time some how. If you show the grass hopper slowly eating time, when the nature of a grasshopper is to hop from place to place,then you are seeking to manipulate time.Thats just my two cents.This is really getting deep.

The grasshopper and the cricket symbolises the ego,so it appears that they are trying to keep the ego on the throne , because ego is dieing with time. So if we focus on our mortality like the clock maker said,we are keeping the ego alive. (Can you say Pinocchio)
Well here is the Gem in Eye Cricket and the dam Clock maker. Wake up people, it s the simple things that trap us.

So since every thing accelertes, you attach the Cricket to communications. They used grasshopper so we wouldn't put pi and pi together.Man these guys are slick,but not slick enough when it comes to intuition.

Thanks Judy for another wonderful disclosure another wonderful find.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:10 PM   #619
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Do you see at all where I am leading with the time thing? There were interesting numbers in the articles, locusts, body of christ , eating time, time stoppage, going ahead of time, mortality, interesting XP symbols in the workings. Also with the bulls in Astana as timepieces, the clock tower their with its bulleye clock tower at the train station on tracks. then look at these sites.

Look at the logo in the left corner with the phoenix head and the seven Pleiades's then on the right have the key and the belt of Orion, 3 stars.

there's the rotating Alien looking head with four antennae , or 11 11,

the Red Event March 18 2009 Raptors Foundation for Children
collections of
C1 Chronograph
C! Big Date
C1 Tourbillon Gravity
C1 World Timer
C1 Retrograde
C1 Biretrograde
Waterproff to 5 ATM
Dials set to the 28th of Month
Many have 44 hour power reserve
etc etc

Look how it loads the letters like decoding
the C1 the three in one the see, one one that sees

Chronos was imagined as an incorporeal god. Serpentine in form, with three heads—that of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world-egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky.(the four elements)

Here more reference to man, bull, lion, there's is the phoenix and the key, the belt of Orion, and the Pleiades's

the connection with the Vatican with the Swiss Guard, Cern is brought in with its experiments. Cern brings in Atlas which relates back to the Pleiades's , etc

He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the Zodiac Wheel. Often the figure is named Aeon (Eternal Time), a common alternate name for the god.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:14 PM   #620
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
I feel the powers that be are attempting to mess with time.
I think they are succeeding. Personally I feel that things are moving more quickly every year and that I have less and less time to do things.

the clock's grasshopper escapement is exposed on the top of the clock, built in the form of a demonic grasshopper called the "Chronophage" or "time eater", which rhythmically opens and closes its jaws, representing time being devoured.
I guess they have not stolen enough from us so now they must steal time, as well?
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:24 PM   #621
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It is necessary to go to some of the sites to get the full impact and layout , look how everything is loaded as codes, look at the background on the board the numbers and the symbols, look at all the different watches and again there are patterns that emerge, even down to the eerie music in the background.

This also ties in with the new Star Trek as well. I will not spoil the Star Trek but the color red comes in and time as well and black holes.

There are a few more things that I will post that have to do with red, bulleyes, time, bulls, ritual, and disCERNment.

Also this all ties in with some work that the Nazi's were working on in, that went into black projects later, that I will bring up as well as some peculiar elements, other than the basic ones and what they are being used for, to alter time.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:44 PM   #622
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I took a look and they are in sync with trying to control Chi. All the watches start off with the number 32 ,which is perfectly in sync with the big gold Cricket or locust Clock.

C LOCK or Chi lock the holy See or C

The locust in the book of Revelations, are the thoughts of the masses, that fly low to the ground.They are really trying all the tricks in the book to keep this reality in place.Times up
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:49 PM   #623
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Judykot, you and 777 are a great team!!!
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:51 PM   #624
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
I took a look and they are in sync with trying to control Chi. All the watches start off with the number 32 ,which is perfectly in sync with the big gold Cricket or locust Clock.

C LOCK or Chi lock the holy See or C

The locust in the book of Revelations, are the thoughts of the masses, that fly low to the ground.They are really trying all the tricks in the book to keep this reality in place.Times up
What can we, ordinary people do to upset their applecart?
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Old 05-12-2009, 06:07 PM   #625
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
What can we, ordinary people do to upset their applecart?
Don't focus on things getting better, thats all time based.Embrace all Xperience ,and things will continue to speed up. As long as we have hope, we stay stuck in ego and time.

They will emerge once again preaching hope. See this is cleverly thought out, because the grasshoper hops from place to place, as the masses hope from thought to thought. Faith is the key that unlocks the door, not hope. Obama stands in the key hole offering hope, How clever
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