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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 05-11-2009, 08:38 PM   #576
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Wow. terrific summary as well, thanks for leading us through there as active participants and having us think! But I was still in a bit of a muddle until you came out with the summary,. Thank you for the patience and the time spent with all of us exploring this. It is all truly amazing.
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Old 05-11-2009, 08:47 PM   #577
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Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Wow. terrific summary as well, thanks for leading us through there as active participants and having us think! But I was still in a bit of a muddle until you came out with the summary,. Thank you for the patience and the time spent with all of us exploring this. It is all truly amazing.
Unfortunately I am still in the "muddle". But I agree, the summary was good, and thanks, 777, for the patience and the time spent with all of us exploring this.
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Old 05-11-2009, 09:17 PM   #578
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Unfortunately I am still in the "muddle". But I agree, the summary was good, and thanks, 777, for the patience and the time spent with all of us exploring this.
Take a look at the image with the sphinx ,and you will see the star of David or interlaced triangles almost merging from above. The Giza plateau is the home of the sacred feminine above and below ,at the center of the earth. Journey to the center of the earth not the inner core. This is the story of Job -The angels and demons are the stars and planets which are alive.

Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind." Job can now hear God speak directly to him. As the kundalini energy flows unimpeded throughout our chakra system, it can feel like we are in the midst of a whirlwind. Our being is filled to overflowing with insights and knowledge of the universe. We perceive life in a greatly magnified fashion. We are transformed into an Initiate.

"Gird up your loins now, like a valiant man; for I will question you, and you shall answer me." Recall that throughout his dark nights of the soul, Job has been sitting on an ashes heap. Ashes symbolize the negative energy that is slowly purged from our lower bodies during the initiatory process.

God is now asking Job to rise from the ashes heap and dress as a victorious, gallant man. Job, as an Initiate, possesses the capacity to converse one-on-one with God. He is to approach God with a realization of his own courage and power. Job is to recognize his true identity as a child-god.

On the surface, the following chapters read as if God is putting Job in his lowly place by showing him the greatness of creation. Not so. Heretofore, Job had pondered life while being spiritually unconscious and without knowledge. He had not understood fully the reason for his suffering. Now, Job has achieved cosmic consciousness. He knows that he is a valiant man, that he can approach his Father/Mother God with his head held high. As Job's meditative experiences carry him throughout the universe, he is filled with reverence as he beholds the marvels of creation.

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" Job is shown how the world is created. All events are recorded within the universal energies, or Akashic Records, and can be viewed like a movie. To behold creation would be a humbling experience, but one done in great love, not rebuke. Creation entails the establishment of a structure, or universal law, within which all things manifest.

"Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Or have you seen the gates of the shadow of death? Where is the dwelling place of light, and where is the place of darkness?" Death is revealed for what it is, a mirage. Job is traveling through the various dimensions of existence, viewing the planes of light and of darkness. To make a conscious choice to resist the sensuous temptations of the astral plane is a requirement for becoming an Initiate. Job is to choose to rise to the planes of Light, beyond illusion and the darkness of spiritual blindness.

"Who causes a flash of lightening and a clap of thunder? Who causes it to rain on a land where no man is, in the wilderness where there is no inhabitant.. Has the rain a father?" Job comprehends that angelic beings are in charge of the thunder, lightning, rain, and all of creation. Knowledge of these angelic beings reveals how the allegorical Jesus could calm the storm by speaking to it.

So he got up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace, be still.' And the wind quieted down, and there was a great calm." Jesus spoke to the angelic beings in charge of the storm and they obeyed.

An initiate can do the same.Allegorical Jesus taught: "The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father."

"Can you stop the movement of the Pleiades, or have you seen the path of Orion? Can you bring forth Mazzaroth in its season? Or can you stand in the paths of Aldebaran? Do you know the laws of the heavens? Or do you make ordinances for the earth?"

The true significance of the starry skies is revealed to Job. The term Mazzaroth indicates the zodiac with its twelve sign energies. This portion of the Book of Job contains esoteric wisdom that is presently beyond humanity's capacity to comprehend. We can, however, meditate upon the basic outline of the astrological wisdom revealed. The above verses contain clues that inform us that Taurus is the zodiac energy being highlighted.

This very segement is in that Egyptian prapyrus of Osiris ie orion, stabbing the Bull.

Within the constellation of Taurus, the pathway to illumination is revealed. According to Alice Bailey, Taurus holds the secret of divine purpose for our solar system. Its zodiac symbol is the bull. The eye of the bull is the eye of revelation; for, Taurus veils a divine mystery. Thus, illumination is the theme of Taurus. The Taurean portion of the Mazzaroth reveals that Illumination plays a role in the divine plan for our solar system and for its human inhabitants.

We know this esoteric wisdom relates to the constellation of Taurus because the Pleiades, Orion, and Aldebaran are located therein. A giant, brilliant red star, Aldebaran is known as the eye of the bull of Taurus. The ancient Hebrews referred to Aldebaran as God's Eye.

Humanity's personal eye of the bull, or our 3rd eye chakra, is illumined at the 3rd Initiation.236 It is by means of our illumined 3rd eye chakra that we come to view life through the eyes of God. Aldebaran is the brightest star within the constellation of Taurus and considered, in mythology, as the leader of the Hyades sisters.

The star cluster, Hyades, forms the head of the bull of Taurus. The word Hyades means the rainy ones. 2 The ancients believed the Hyades have the power to bring the spring rains to a thirsty Earth. (ie Purple rain) Aldebaran, the Hyades, and the Pleiades assist in the creation of periodic physical plane transformations, such as floods-often considered by humans to be cataclysmic events. Although land formations may change in the process, the event is transformational for the planet. Likewise, the cataclysmic events in Job's life have led him into his personal transformation, i.e. initiatory process.

The Pleiades follow the Hyades within the bull of Taurus. Within the Pleiades, the brightest star is Alcyone. Taurus' power to attract abundance is centered in Alcyone.

This power of attraction symbolizes the ability of spirit to attract matter. Ancient wisdom states that Alcyone's constant magnetic pull on our solar system's Sun and planets holds Earth in position.

Esoteric astrology presents Alcyone as the star around which our universe revolves.

On the human level, Alcyone could signify the one who is illumined and therefore, knows how to attract matter from the invisible realm of spiritual substance. Alcyone is our central sun. The sun with healing in its wings. Its the sun disc that the Summerians are depicted in their tablets. The star map i showed you is the same one that Sitchin use to explain the annunaki. The 8 pointed star of the PX

There is so much more i'd like to share but i got to get some rest.
Today we brought heaven down to earth, and raised the earth to the heavens. EARTH = HEART

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 05-11-2009 at 09:26 PM.
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Old 05-11-2009, 09:46 PM   #579
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Hello Unified Serenity, i don't see the Elcorona sign in this painting. It appears to me ,he is just pointing, and pointing is the theme in a lot of these old pieces. Pointing is a major component in this discovery. Remember in the earlier post i had an image of the pointer sisters.

The hand holding the staff is pointing down. It may not be as I see it, but they did this sort of hand gestures for a reason and it appears to be pointing down using that symbolism to me.
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Old 05-11-2009, 10:06 PM   #580
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Yes, and Icke does a good job presenting a lot of other evidence, too. So you could say that I, to a degree, believe, in the reptilian theory. Do I know for a fact? Nope!

I would rather "know" than just "believe", but sometimes you take what you can get!
I saw this guy Stefane Cardinaux http://www.goldenmean.info/geobiology/ at a Stars and Stones event I posted here about 3 weeks ago. He can see other dimensions and has some drawings similar to Icke's and others in his book and here. There were reptile and insectasoids (not on this site) which latch onto certain chakras and drain or restrict kundalini flow up past a certain chakra... seems to make sence and the guy was very natural and open to talk to... There was also mention of metals and how they effected your aura. Aluminum and mercury effect the 3rd eye and reduce overall aura (gold and silver enhance it). He also links what he can seen and feel with measurements seen here...

May help some people to links some more dots...

Last edited by Connecting with Sauce; 05-11-2009 at 10:09 PM.
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Old 05-11-2009, 11:05 PM   #581
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Why do so many of the people have large black balls on their heads?

The guy 5 from the right has lost his ball and is looking up. Theres a ball up there too!

And the 12 wheels look more like parasols.
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Old 05-11-2009, 11:54 PM   #582
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Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
The guy 5 from the right has lost his ball and is looking up. Theres a ball up there too!
I don't see his ball unless you mean the small one between the fourth set of parasols (in from the right).

A few other people don't have balls, either: The person stabbing the bull, the person down below him, and (what appears to be) a small child in front of that person.

I think that while 777 rests the rest of us should keep studying this picture - he said it contains "the heavenly secret" - which may even be the "secret of secrets"!
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:31 AM   #583
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Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Take a look at the image with the sphinx ,and you will see the star of David or interlaced triangles almost merging from above.
Are you talking about this picture?

I see the great pyramid behind the sphinx, but I do not see any downward-pointing pyramid.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:32 AM   #584
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Lightbulb Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
There were reptile and insectasoids (not on this site) which latch onto certain chakras and drain or restrict kundalini flow up past a certain chakra...There was also mention of metals and how they effected your aura. Aluminum and merc sury effect the 3rd eye and reduce overall aura (gold and silver enhance it). He also links what he can seen and feel with measurements seen here...

May help some people to links some more dots...
I have been able to see other people's spirit bodies and read their energy for over 20 years. These beings as well as humans here put tags on people and hamper them. Some are intentional, and some are just the result of negative interaction and energy between two people. Some are tags caused by people we get involved with sexually, and their tags become our tags. Some are caused by negative events or large groups of people gathered that draws certain entities who then tag a person.

Many people who are aware they are depressed, angry, acting out in odd ways, are unaware they are being manipulated by these tags and/or energy beings. Some people are excellent energy suckers, and they do it without thinking. You get around certain people and you just become drained. You don't have to avoid them, just learn to shield yourself, and by all means send them universal energy, but don't let it eminate from you!

The ptb know how powerful this chi is and they will do what they can to dampen your receiving it. They know how important keeping the chakras open is, and they will seek to block it via these tags and to keep people in low vibration to keep them from receiving the full blessing. Just set your intention now to be open, to remove these tags, and immediately open yourself to divine love to fill those empty places.

Oh, witches have known and used the energy of gold and silver for years. By combining their energy with the use of these metals and certain gems, crystals, and colors they can heighten their workings. So, don't be afraid to look into how to combine crystals, metals, stones, colors and even days of the week to increase this energy, clear energy blockages, and receive the energy that is meant for us all!

Love and light,

Unified Serenity
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:44 AM   #585
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The wheels could be clocks as there are 24 segments, the fifth guy looks like they have a bird decending on them. The wheels could be seasons because there are 12 of them, and it looks like they have people under them and the dark balls may coincide to each months new moon for those with dark circles and those with open circles may be full moons. The one left panel farthest to the right seem to have extra lines coming from their dark circle. The seasons could also be zodiac signs tied to them as well.

There is a lot to consider as the large people tend to depict Annunaki, and the small people depict regular humans, or it could be royals vs. non-royals. The reptiles were sacred and the large reptile has a small one behind them so maybe it's a God depiction behind the messengers, and the smaller reptile is a smaller god? All this is just guesses on my part, as I wish I could read they language which I think would spell it out for us who are ignorant of the language. I will continue to think on this.

Oh, the central spire which was said to represent Sirius could tie into the photon belt wave that we will pass through and gain enlightenment.

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Old 05-12-2009, 01:53 AM   #586
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Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
I have been able to see other people's spirit bodies and read their energy for over 20 years. These beings as well as humans here put tags on people and hamper them. Some are intentional, and some are just the result of negative interaction and energy between two people. Some are tags caused by people we get involved with sexually, and their tags become our tags. Some are caused by negative events or large groups of people gathered that draws certain entities who then tag a person.

Many people who are aware they are depressed, angry, acting out in odd ways, are unaware they are being manipulated by these tags and/or energy beings. Some people are excellent energy suckers, and they do it without thinking. You get around certain people and you just become drained. You don't have to avoid them, just learn to shield yourself, and by all means send them universal energy, but don't let it eminate from you!

The ptb know how powerful this chi is and they will do what they can to dampen your receiving it. They know how important keeping the chakras open is, and they will seek to block it via these tags and to keep people in low vibration to keep them from receiving the full blessing. Just set your intention now to be open, to remove these tags, and immediately open yourself to divine love to fill those empty places.

Oh, witches have known and used the energy of gold and silver for years. By combining their energy with the use of these metals and certain gems, crystals, and colors they can heighten their workings. So, don't be afraid to look into how to combine crystals, metals, stones, colors and even days of the week to increase this energy, clear energy blockages, and receive the energy that is meant for us all!
In an earlier post I mentioned a Wiccan herbal center near me where a group of women, who call themselves witches, actually dance around a Maypole in the yard every May 1st. One of the services they offer at this center is "entity removal". Their fees are exorbitant, but maybe they need to use a lot of gold and silver for this so their expenses are high.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:00 AM   #587
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
In an earlier post I mentioned a Wiccan herbal center near me where a group of women, who call themselves witches, actually dance around a Maypole in the yard every May 1st. One of the services they offer at this center is "entity removal". Their fees are exorbitant, but maybe they need to use a lot of gold and silver for this so their expenses are high.
For the trained adept it is not hard to remove entities or tags. It does require great focus and honed skills to do the job right and not leave the person worse off than before. I have done this for years, and yes I have been paid and I have donated my services as well. I see no reason to set a price. I also do not see a problem with them being paid for their service either.

People who have honed this skill have spent years gaining the skills which few people would spend time doing on their own. I do have a problem with a person who has a means to pay expecting it to be done for free. These same people would never go to a doctor and expect them to remove a tumor for free, and it's a lot more involved than most people think.

Manipulating the energy required to remove tags or entities and not get yourself tagged or affected by the energy or entities is both taxing and dangerous to undertake. Many think they can play in this area and find themselves in mental institutions the rest of their lives because they were not prepared.

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Old 05-12-2009, 02:06 AM   #588
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Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
For the trained adept it is not hard to remove entities or tags. It does require great focus and honed skills to do the job right and not leave the person worse off than before. I have done this for years, and yes I have been paid and I have donated my services as well. I see no reason to set a price. I also do not see a problem with them being paid for their service either.

People who have honed this skill have spent years gaining the skills which few people would spend time doing on their own. I do have a problem with a person who has a means to pay expecting it to be done for free. These same people would never go to a doctor and expect them to remove a tumor for free, and it's a lot more involved than most people think.

Manipulating the energy required to remove tags or entities and not get yourself tagged or affected by the energy or entities is both taxing and dangerous to undertake. Many think they can play in this area and find themselves in mental institutions the rest of their lives because they were not prepared.

Unified Serenity
I don't have a problem with them doing anything there or charging whatever they want to as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. I am a firm believer in free markets. I still think their fees are exorbitant, however.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:13 AM   #589
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Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Are you talking about this picture?

I see the great pyramid behind the sphinx, but I do not see any downward-pointing pyramid.

Look 'UP'
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:14 AM   #590
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There are dots on the side of the bull's back - these are probably the Pleiades. I wonder what that thing is above that area? (Above the black ball on the head of the guy behind the bull)
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:24 AM   #591
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Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Look 'UP'
OK, there is a downward pointing pyramid in the picture above the sphinx picture. What are those three stars? What is this a picture of?

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Old 05-12-2009, 03:36 AM   #592
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Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
the fifth guy looks like they have a bird decending on them.
Maybe the bird is the holy spirit and it is able to descend on him because he, unlike the others, has no ball blocking his crown chakra. Maybe the ball represents the earth (worldly concerns, materialism, etc.).
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:36 AM   #593
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I don't have a problem with them doing anything there or charging whatever they want to as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. I am a firm believer in free markets. I still think their fees are exorbitant, however.
Would you mind sharing what their fees are? Exorbitant is subjective. You might not think they are exorbitant if you had personal attacks from entities who you have no idea how to stop, who are causing loss of sleep, health problems, family problems, business problems etc.. You'd probably faint if I told you what I charged on business associate to remove some negative entities sent against her by an unscrupulous energy worker who actually put them on her and her business with the intent to then charge her 50k to remove said entities.

My fee was much less, but the working was extended, and well worth it. I took it upon myself to stop via energetics the unethical psychic who was doing this. Was it right for me to stop this woman? Some would say no as that would imply I had the right to judge her, but I did it nonetheless, and do no feel the least bit guilty for doing what I did.

Unified Serenity

(Oh, and I did not mean to make that a personal comment to you npg regarding what some think of prices and charging vs. not charging for ones skills.)
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:51 AM   #594
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
OK, there is a downward pointing pyramid in the picture above the sphinx picture. What are those three stars? What is this a picture of?

This our sun to the left with Sirius in the middle, with the pleiades on the right, with our second Sun Alcyone.Look at the 1st degree tracing board ,with the key on the stairway, and you will see this same format.
The three stars on the left of this image below is Orion pointing towards the pleiades. The Plow is symbolic of Taurus. The grail cup at the top of the stairs is symbolic of Orion filled with wisdom from Sirius.
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:53 AM   #595
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Maybe the bird is the holy spirit and it is able to descend on him because he, unlike the others, has no ball blocking his crown chakra. Maybe the ball represents the earth (worldly concerns, materialism, etc.).
Hmmm, that's an interesting take. Maybe the one without the ball is open to "Truth" and is not sold on a religious system, but knows there is more to us than just this existence hence he is looking up! He is also not avoiding interaction in the world, but is part of the whole, and simply is not closed to "truth".
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:54 AM   #596
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Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Would you mind sharing what their fees are?
No, not at all, but I can't remember the fee for that particular service.

You might not think they are exorbitant if you had personal attacks from entities who you have no idea how to stop, who are causing loss of sleep, health problems, family problems, business problems etc..
I agree - if someone is suffering severe problems and a practitioner (of any kind) is able to remedy the problems, then that is undoubtedly worth a whole lot to the patient.

I am somewhat skeptical of this center in general. I get their catalogs, I have bought herbs there, and several years ago I even took several classes there. But deep down inside I just don't feel right about the place. The people involved with it all seem to have big egos - like they are so important and knowledgeable and they are doing you a favor for imparting their special knowledge/services etc. on you. And they are really silly when they dance around the maypole.
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Old 05-12-2009, 04:02 AM   #597
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
No, not at all, but I can't remember the fee for that particular service.

I agree - if someone is suffering severe problems and a practitioner (of any kind) is able to remedy the problems, then that is undoubtedly worth a whole lot to the patient.

I am somewhat skeptical of this center in general. I get their catalogs, I have bought herbs there, and several years ago I even took several classes there. But deep down inside I just don't feel right about the place. The people involved with it all seem to have big egos - like they are so important and knowledgeable and they are doing you a favor for imparting their special knowledge/services etc. on you. And they are really silly when they dance around the maypole.
You know, I find that same problem. I go to coop food groups that have a lot of those "granola vegan" types and I generally don't like their energy or attitude. It's has nothing to do with all granola vegan types, just the people who seem to gravitate to employment there. Down the strip there is also a new age store and while I enjoy buying some things there, I don't like their energy either. I get the supplies I want, and leave. I've been going there for years, and the energy is always the same.

While I agree with walking in love for all, I don't have to hang out with everyone, and I found out a long time ago that when I searched for a new place to fellowship that if I was not meant to be there, the people would not send me warm fuzzy energy. I look at not as judgment on them as was my first reaction years ago when I encountered the less than warm n fuzzy people, but my higher self telling me to move along.

Thanks for sharing.

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Old 05-12-2009, 04:16 AM   #598
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OK, so the great pyramid points upward, and the three stars (our sun, Alcyone, and Sirius) form a downward pointing triangle. Together, the two triangles create a six pointed star, or merkaba. What is the significance of all this?
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Old 05-12-2009, 04:29 AM   #599
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
OK, so the great pyramid points upward, and the three stars (our sun, Alcyone, and Sirius) form a downward pointing triangle. Together, the two triangles create a six pointed star, or merkaba. What is the significance of all this?
You are looking at the fusion of polarities. The hexagon is the mark of the adept. The heavens puts its mark upon humanity, and the ptw try to put their mark on the masses. As above so below, a split and shift in concsiousness ,and then the Journey begans. The Hex is the X. X marks the spot.Spot turns into Post.Orion is the cosmic sign post of the heavens . Post cereal = the wheat or spica the house of Anu or heavenly bread.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 05-12-2009 at 05:31 AM.
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:07 AM   #600
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

In the Shaw Shank redemption, Andy freed himself from within,the Shank is the thigh of the Bull , the Pleiades.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 05-12-2009 at 11:09 AM.
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