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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 05-04-2009, 01:23 PM   #226
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Ephesians chapter 5:29-31

If you want me to explain it I will
What is your interpretation of these verses? I'm surprised you left out verse 32.
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Old 05-04-2009, 01:29 PM   #227
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"... the love of desire will be replaced by the desire to love.
Only when we give up the love of pleaure,will we Xperience the Pleasure of love".

That is beautiful!

"...There is no conspiracy in the way most of us view it. Look at the word. The center of the word is Pi.
Piracy is concealing Pi . Light and shadow,knowledge and ignorance. Both are necessary for growth"

Con = 'with'
Spire = 'breath'
conspire meaning breathing together... the polarites. Many get tripped up by the expression of dualities.

"Because This II will not make it into the kingdom of Heaven.Life springs from X. We do this X all the time unaware. Yet our concsiousness is II"

Very interesting comment as I think I said it somewhere "what of US actually goes Home" once the body & ego dissipate? Are you saying that 'we' are simply not Conscious of this X that we do unawares? Sometimes I Like to say that "we don't really exist" like we think we do.
Is that similar to your meaning? That we are 'not our own' so to speak?
I don't know if I can elaborate, hope you 'get it'.
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Old 05-04-2009, 02:03 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Very interesting comment as I think I said it somewhere "what of US actually goes Home" once the body & ego dissipate? Are you saying that 'we' are simply not Conscious of this X that we do unawares? Sometimes I Like to say that "we don't really exist" like we think we do.
Is that similar to your meaning? That we are 'not our own' so to speak?
I don't know if I can elaborate, hope you 'get it'.
Moxie, have you read "A New Earth", by Eckhart Tolle? Much of the book addresses your "what of US actually goes home" question.

Are you saying that 'we' are simply not Conscious of this X that we do unawares?
I was wondering the same thing.
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Old 05-04-2009, 02:12 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
What is your interpretation of these verses? I'm surprised you left out verse 32.
The explanation will take a bit of time which I will do a bit later. The reason I left out verse 22 is because it is not relevant to the direct issue spoken of in verse 29 - 31. It is a wonderful verse, but not the part that most people miss, especially men who definitely notice vs 32.
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Old 05-04-2009, 03:30 PM   #230
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The "what of US" essentially, sans ego & flesh, is the source/substance of creator, the all that is. This personal identity we think we are, well, is temporal.

And yes, I've read all of Tolle & watched all his videos from yrs ago. Marvellled!

I look forward to this "X that we do unaware".. am marvelled here too!
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Old 05-04-2009, 04:17 PM   #231
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Yes, but this does not explain the specifics of, for example, how the Washington Monument helps the Illuminati accomplish their goals.
I have yet to verify this myself but a friend told me 10 years ago that the Washington Monument was in alignment with the twin tower tuning forks and the center of the Pentagon. If this is true than buildings, and monuments could provide energetic vibrations that could influence the surrounding areas. Obviously certain notes, frequencies, and harmonics effect life.

So was the 'Tower of Babel' a perfect tuner? A tower of Synthetic Telepathy?
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Old 05-04-2009, 05:42 PM   #232
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I really don't see how you can say this.
Things are only hidden if, you are unaware of them. This stuff has been in plain sight, for as long as i can remember. We've just been unaware.

There is a process that we evolve through, where each level of desire becomes empty, and no thing will replace the desire for the higher life.This is spiritual evolution.

When man is following his desires, he will always be prime for deception,so who is to blame.

Most of us was Ok with conspiracy, until we found out that our houses of sand, were going to be taken away.Not caring about the idea that its built on selfishness,just the idea of it falling, and the thought of being left helpless.

If you put down on paper that all man is created equal, and has rights.Thats the moment you have enslaved the masses,because they think this is something given and not natural. A constitution does not Make man free.The birds and beast of the field have no constitution,why do we need one.Its just ignorance,and learning has become like the plague to some,because it means you have to unlearn all the lies you've been taught.

I say no conspiracy ,just ignorance.I'm sure you notice how much i laugh on these post ,and thats because of my own ignorance.I have no one to blame for my lack of knowing. Every thing is a process, and mud is part of that process. Everything has its roots in the Black, and into the black it will return.

Oxford dictionary' definition for Black, is illumination.

As far as the Obelisk,no side of the polarity can exsist without the other.The sun's rays are useless until they touch their counter part,matter.The keys to the kingdom are dual.In order for matter to bend at your will ,polarity and intention must be controlled.

These men are not in control,they just have a certain understanding of the use of energy. Right now they are waiting on a specific alignment in the heavens.

The things they do are so simple.Its is we who think that they have no meaning,for example.Take the prefix Sol, and attach it to the light of the world ,the sun.Then attach that same word, to war as in Soldiers ,who are involved in killing.That simple little thing is directing energy to be destructive. You have the worlds energy and the sun amplifying your desire.
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Old 05-04-2009, 06:04 PM   #233
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Oxford dictionary' definition for Black, is illumination.
Can you expand on this a bit please? I have been reading and have a basic understanding of much of what you say but this one threw me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
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Old 05-04-2009, 06:24 PM   #234
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[QUOTE=Malynda;134705]Can you expand on this a bit please? I have been reading and have a basic understanding of much of what you say but this one threw me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! [/QUOTE

Black is the absorber of light,therefore black is illumination.All life has its source in the dark womb of the sacred feminine. You can not see light without darkness.

It is the canopy of the night sky, that allows us to see Gods handy work. Therefore darkness is illumination.Everything goes black when we become enlightened.
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Old 05-04-2009, 06:44 PM   #235
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Thank you, 777, for that response. I can follow that without darkness, there can be no light. I'm still having trouble with the idea of it becoming black when we become enlightened. I think that's a fear thing for me though. Something I'll have to examine and push through. It does make much more sense now though. Thanks again for helping me to understand.
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Old 05-04-2009, 07:12 PM   #236
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Originally Posted by Malynda View Post
Thank you, 777, for that response. I can follow that without darkness, there can be no light. I'm still having trouble with the idea of it becoming black when we become enlightened. I think that's a fear thing for me though. Something I'll have to examine and push through. It does make much more sense now though. Thanks again for helping me to understand.
Here is something to ponder.Intimacy usually takes place in the dark.Inner transformation takes place in the dark. Film is developed in a dark room. A child is devoped in a dark womb.These basic principles,mean that light comes from darkness. It is the rich pitch black soil, that is best for growth.

Have you ever been on a dark country road,where it is so dark you can feel the darkness.This is when intuition takes over ,if you don't go into fear. Every cell in our brain, and bodies will awaken, when we're standing on the edge, in the pitch black womb of birth.
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Old 05-04-2009, 07:47 PM   #237
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And from out of the darkness, I now see the light. That made this concept very clear, 777. Thank you.

I have a fear of the dark because I cannot see and being blind is one of my biggest fears. After reading your previous response to me, I thought about sitting in the dark and letting the fear pass. Your last post confirms, to me, that I should do this. Thank you, 777.
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Old 05-04-2009, 11:44 PM   #238
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Cool Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Here is something to ponder.Intimacy usually takes place in the dark.Inner transformation takes place in the dark. Film is developed in a dark room. A child is devoped in a dark womb.These basic principles,mean that light comes from darkness. It is the rich pitch black soil, that is best for growth.

Have you ever been on a dark country road,where it is so dark you can feel the darkness.This is when intuition takes over ,if you don't go into fear. Every cell in our brain, and bodies will awaken, when we're standing on the edge, in the pitch black womb of birth.
Yes, and it is in the dark night of the soul that the greatest growth of all comes, but we must each be open to realizing "Who I am, both the light and darkness within, and face that desolation to embrace all in love and forgiveness".

This is one reason why those who practice magick use Jet as a stone of great power in overcoming evil. It is carbon that has become stone, hmmm a flesh of stone would seem antithesis to a heart of flesh, but what is it about Jet? This seems a dichotomy.

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Old 05-05-2009, 02:28 AM   #239
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Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
The explanation will take a bit of time which I will do a bit later. The reason I left out verse 22 is because it is not relevant to the direct issue spoken of in verse 29 - 31. It is a wonderful verse, but not the part that most people miss, especially men who definitely notice vs 32.
You might be confusing verses 22 and 32. I didn't write anything about verse 22, and I can't imagine why anyone would think men are more likely to notice verse 32. Verse 32 seems to be directly referring to what was written in the verses immediately preceding it, and that is why I was wondering why you left it out.
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:24 AM   #240
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Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Things are only hidden if, you are unaware of them. This stuff has been in plain sight, for as long as i can remember. We've just been unaware.
How are we supposed to be aware of government plans and activities that end up being classified as "top secret"? Are the details of the planning and execution of the 911 attacks in plain sight? I don't think so. Even if you think some middle eastern terrorists were responsible, the event was hatched as a conspiracy among a group of people who created and executed the plans without the rest of the public being aware.

However, I do understand the point you are making in regard to the Illuminati's symbolism, etc. being in plain sight.

There is a process that we evolve through, where each level of desire becomes empty, and no thing will replace the desire for the higher life.This is spiritual evolution.

When man is following his desires, he will always be prime for deception,so who is to blame.
Is it really possible to live in a physical human body and not have at least some desires? If one is hungry, is it wrong or in some way detrimental to desire a meal?
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:33 AM   #241
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
I have yet to verify this myself but a friend told me 10 years ago that the Washington Monument was in alignment with the twin tower tuning forks and the center of the Pentagon. If this is true than buildings, and monuments could provide energetic vibrations that could influence the surrounding areas. Obviously certain notes, frequencies, and harmonics effect life.

So was the 'Tower of Babel' a perfect tuner? A tower of Synthetic Telepathy?
Thanks, 888. This is the kind of discussion I would like to see about these obelisks, etc. I want to understand how they work! This could be practical, useful knowledge. For example, maybe you could set up an obelisk in the back yard and thereby make your vegetable garden grow better. Especially phallic veggies like cukes and carrots! Or perhaps a pyramid worn on the head might help to concentrate Chi and lead to increased intelligence or maybe even enlightenment. The possibilities are endless.

One thing I have heard (but do not know if it is true) is that phallic obelisks are usually paired with a dome (similar to the capitol building in Washington DC). The dome supposedly represents the feminine, though I am not sure if it is supposed to be a boob or a womb. Or maybe even something like a cervical cap!
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:54 AM   #242
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
How are we supposed to be aware of government plans and activities that end up being classified as "top secret"? Are the details of the planning and execution of the 911 attacks in plain sight? I don't think so. Even if you think some middle eastern terrorists were responsible, the event was hatched as a conspiracy among a group of people who created and executed the plans without the rest of the public being aware.

However, I do understand the point you are making in regard to the Illuminati's symbolism, etc. being in plain sight.

Is it really possible to live in a physical human body and not have at least some desires? If one is hungry, is it wrong or in some way detrimental to desire a meal?
I think 911 has been the emergency number for maybe 50 years. There are the pillars of duality in the bible that Sampson tore down.

There are twin towers all over the world. We do not ask questions.

Tower records

The Tower inferno

The tower of babel

Taliban is a constellation- its everywhere,we need to look

Before 911 happened, movies and cartoons were out that dropped the twin towers.We do not pay attention.

The bible says that the towers will fall before the day of judgement.We do not read.

Its all around us, all the time.Mayhem Maypalm was used in Vietnam May day Mya Myan calender.Its everywhere

As far as desire , remember i said that there is a process where eventually all desires will become empty, and man will only desire his creator ,and nothing can fill that void but the void. Desire leads to attachment and suffering.
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:57 AM   #243
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I forgot ,dome is the human skull.

Dooms day, is also Domes day.Electrical storms in the dome of the Rock.
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Old 05-05-2009, 04:40 AM   #244
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By the way, did you notice that this forum is powered by V - BULL- etin ?
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Old 05-05-2009, 05:07 AM   #245
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howdy folks

washington monument.555 feet tall +10 percent.=666ft=18=9



Jesus will never forsake you
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Old 05-05-2009, 05:18 AM   #246
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
Thanks, 888. This is the kind of discussion I would like to see about these obelisks, etc. I want to understand how they work! This could be practical, useful knowledge. For example, maybe you could set up an obelisk in the back yard and thereby make your vegetable garden grow better. Especially phallic veggies like cukes and carrots! Or perhaps a pyramid worn on the head might help to concentrate Chi and lead to increased intelligence or maybe even enlightenment. The possibilities are endless.

One thing I have heard (but do not know if it is true) is that phallic obelisks are usually paired with a dome (similar to the capitol building in Washington DC). The dome supposedly represents the feminine, though I am not sure if it is supposed to be a boob or a womb. Or maybe even something like a cervical cap!

OK, I will jump in with both feet on this with you... Yes the Capital building typically a boob to represent Mothers Milk... 'milking the land.'

Other similar domed buildings can also be used for focusing energy or acoustics into a pattern underneath the dome inside it to act like a miniature illumination pod, or womb, if one were to stand underneath it long enough. A way of harnessing the nurturing and supportive energy of the feminine in order to bring to fruition that which is desired overtime.

Milking the land with structures is everywhere... of course why can't we build these structures for our benefit and not the 'states' benefit? Exactly!!!!!

So how does an obelisk transfer energy and what kind of energy is being transferred?

Why is anyone paying for energy? Because we have all become lazy and passive and used to convenience so we have not built our own individual geometric buildings and structures within our own domain on our own property.

Of course the bigger the structure the bigger the results in some cases.

Tell ya what let's start with something simple... 2 tuning forks in a room, ping one and the other one in time will also start vibrating without touching it... Resonance. Find the right frequency for the job and build something to recreate that frequency on a larger scale.

DNA is repaired at 528mhz in a lab... play alot of 528mhz all around you and eventually your DNA will get tuned up.

Sorry though, one drawback here is that in order for you to be able to handle using a cell phone what frequency do you think is being used in order to find attenuation between you and the wireless system, look it up yourself.

What is the frequency of illumination or enlightenment?

The 100th monkey theory is not a theory... the group revelation becomes a habit or a ritual within that group and then overtime that resonates elsewhere and it is 'picked up,' an insight, a thought out of knowwhere, by an unsuspecting person or group.

Masculine energy is positive and Feminine energy is negative.

What pattern does electricity create when it travels through a wire?

What field is created in the spine when one sits in the yoga position?

A Rod, Staff, magic wand; a device to transfer or convert polarity of energy depending on if the situation calls for 'like attracts like' or 'opposites attract' situation.

And what does time have to do with it?
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Old 05-05-2009, 05:32 AM   #247
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
I think 911 has been the emergency number for maybe 50 years.
The emergency number has only been 911 since about the mid-1980s, at least publicly. I remember distinctly because I had to call for the police and ambulance at that time as a child. I instinctively dialed 0 for operator because that is how I had been trained. I recall my grandmother telling me, while I was holding for connection to the police department, to call 911. Don't know how that fits in but it's something I remember well.
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Old 05-05-2009, 05:36 AM   #248
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Originally Posted by Malynda View Post
The emergency number has only been 911 since about the mid-1980s, at least publicly. I remember distinctly because I had to call for the police and ambulance at that time as a child. I instinctively dialed 0 for operator because that is how I had been trained. I recall my grandmother telling me, while I was holding for connection to the police department, to call 911. Don't know how that fits in but it's something I remember well.
Ok i was Xagerating, but i knew it had been a while. i think the 911 porche was out in the 70s
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Old 05-05-2009, 05:53 AM   #249
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Here is something to ponder.Intimacy usually takes place in the dark.Inner transformation takes place in the dark. Film is developed in a dark room. A child is devoped in a dark womb.These basic principles,mean that light comes from darkness. It is the rich pitch black soil, that is best for growth.

Have you ever been on a dark country road,where it is so dark you can feel the darkness.This is when intuition takes over ,if you don't go into fear. Every cell in our brain, and bodies will awaken, when we're standing on the edge, in the pitch black womb of birth.
Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Yes, and it is in the dark night of the soul that the greatest growth of all comes, but we must each be open to realizing "Who I am, both the light and darkness within, and face that desolation to embrace all in love and forgiveness".

This is one reason why those who practice magick use Jet as a stone of great power in overcoming evil. It is carbon that has become stone, hmmm a flesh of stone would seem antithesis to a heart of flesh, but what is it about Jet? This seems a dichotomy.

Unified Serenity
Thank you both for this information. Very interesting information on Jet. I have been very intrigued by the stone for a while. I now see it with new eyes.

I find it interesting that I have had some electrical issues in my home. Being tight on money and a someone lacking a good understanding of how electricity works (I am learning though! ), I asked friends for help. We collectively had little knowledge on the subject so I was procrastinating calling an electrician.

Lo and behold, out of the darkness came light. The lights in one section of my home were out since very early Saturday morning. Suddenly, I notice out of the corner of my eye a flicker of light. My lights had turned on of their own accord and brought me out of the darkness.

Although I have asked everyone who knew about it, no one had fixed it. No one had sent anyone to fix it. Nothing had been disturbed near the breaker and only I have been in my home. I can't find a logical explanation. There may be a perfectly "normal" explanation but I haven't found one. I call it synchronicity and a minor miracle. Just found this experience interesting and had to share.
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Old 05-05-2009, 06:26 AM   #250
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Question Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Masculine energy is positive and Feminine energy is negative.
Please explain why you believe male energy is positive and female energy is negative.
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