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Old 09-30-2008, 11:26 AM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2
Default Chem trails in CHINA

Wow them moderators are FAST.....

A couple weeks ago, I witnessed a phenomena of a celebratory scale. What was this you might ask?


Living in a major tier 1 city in China rarely witnesses such fantasy.....

Ok maybe I embellished a bit. it wasnt *completely* clear. there were a few clouds, but otherwise it was over 50% blue.

PLUS the chem trails.

I have seen chem trails being sprayed on multiple occasions in china AND the US. However, one of them was especially note worthy, as it did not dissipate like your typical chemtrail. (Sorry no photos, my mobile phones camera cannot capture enough detail)

Chemtrail #1
Typical chemtrail, sprayed from the back of a high flying jet airliner that looks like something you might see at the airport. the trail starts as a thick white belt, separated in the middle, and slowly fans out into a 'toilet paper' streak across the sky. The chemtrail was longer than I could see, so I assume it had been spraying all across the sky. time was about 940 AM local time.

Chemtrail #2
Also sprayed from the back of a high flyer, but dissipated almost IMMEDIATELY. It dissipated in a circular cylcone fashion rather than the TP streak. the trail was no longer than maybe 3 inches (from my POV) extending from the aft of the aircraft. It was only a thick band for about an 1inch after which it would turn into a cyclone like dissipation on both sides along the midline. As you can guess, time to dissipation was about 1-3 minutes. No TP streak here. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A CHEMTRAIL LIKE THIS. time was also 940 am local time

both these sighting occurred about a month BEFORE the olympics, and I have not seen one since.
NO 'slyphs' in sight for either occurances. (or any other I have seen recently)
I paused to watch for about 10 minutes before I continued on my way to work.

any thoughts? chinese poisoning their people? sounds like business as usual, nothing new here.....
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chemtrails, china, olympics rainmakers, slyphs

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