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#1 |
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Children of the New Dream
Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek By Diane Cooper Diane: So Drunvalo...who are these "Children of the New Dream" that you are so excited about? Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the "Super Psychic Children of China." The second are called the "Indigo Children" and the third are called the "Children of AIDS." The first one, the "Super Psychics of China," we talked about in the Flower of Life seminars. If you remember, the first one was discovered in 1984 when a child was found who was psychic beyond belief. Researchers conducted every psychic test you could imagine and he was 100% correct every time. You could turn cards over in another room and that didn't matter. He could perfectly know what was on the card. So Omni magazine went to China and wrote an article on this discovery. They found one child and then another. When they went in 1984 they assumed it was a hoax so they did experiments like putting 100 kids in a room and taking a book and randomly pulling out a page. They would crumple it up and stick it under their arm. These kids could read every word on the page they did test after test, and the response was flawless. The phenomena didn't stop there. These kids are not just in China. They have spread all over the world. I personally have been talking to parents who ask me, ."..what do we do.. I have a kid who knows everything?" I believe Lee Carroll is calling the children being born here in the U.S. "the Indigo Children." I personally think the two groups are coming from the same source, however, I don't know that for sure. There appear to be two separate groups, incredibly psychic and amazing. It is the third group that I am most interested in--the "Children of AIDS." About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born with AIDS. They tested him at birth and at 6 months and he tested positive for AIDS. They tested him a year later and he still tested positive. Then they didn't test him again until he was 6, and what was amazing is that this test showed that he was completely AIDS free! In fact, there was no trace that he ever had AIDS or HIV whatsoever! He was taken to UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed that he didn't have normal human DNA. In the human DNA we have 4 nucleic acids that combine in sets of 3 producing 64 different patterns that are called codons. Human DNA all over the world always has 20 of these codons turned on and the rest of them are turned off, except for 3 which are the stop and start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumed that the ones that were turned off were old programs from our past. I've always seen them like application programs in a computer. Anyway...this boy had 24 codons turned on--4 more than any other human being. Then they tested this kids to see how strong his immune system was. They took a very lethal dose of AIDS in a petri dish and mixed it with some of his cells and his cells remained completely unaffected. They kept raising the lethalness of the composition and finally went up to 3,000 times more than what was necessary to infect a human being and his cells stayed completely disease free. Then they started testing his blood with other things like cancer and discovered that this kid was immune to everything! Then they found another kid with these codons turned on--then another one then another one--then 10,000, then 100,000, then a million of them and at this point, UCLA, by watching world-wide DNA testing, estimates that 1% of the world has this new DNA. That breaks down to approximately 60 million people who are not human by the old criteria. Diane: Is this new codon activation found only in newborn children? Drunvalo: Well, it's mostly children, but now they are finding adults with it too--just like the hundredth monkey theory. Now all kinds of people are being affected by it and it's spreading fast. Remember, it started just 5 years ago with almost no one and now it's spreading--just like a disease. It's like an outbreak and this is only the beginning. The other part of this concerns the new book entitled "Cracking the Bible Code"--which has to do with running the Hebrew Books of the Bible through a specialized computer program. If20you go to page 164 of this book, it shows where these researchers put the word 'AIDS' into the program to see what would happen. when they did, the program translation provided words like "HIV," "in the blood," "the immune system," "death"--all the things you would think you'd see around the word AIDS, but down in the corner was this sentence that they didn't understand and it said--"the end of disease," and that is what I believe is happening here. "Science has stated that there are so many people showing up with this new alien DNA that they now believe that a new human race is being born on the earth today and apparently they can't get sick." Now what is really incredible--they believe that it is a very specific emotional, mental body response--a waveform coming off the body that is causing the DNA to mutate in a certain way. I've sat with Gregg Braden who was one of the first persons to write about this and what we believe is that there are 3 parts to this phenomenon. "The first part is the mind that sees Unity." It sees the Flower of Life. It sees everything interconnected in all ways. It doesn't see anything as separate. And the "second part is being centered in the heart--to be Loving. " And the "third thing is to step out of polarity--to no longer judge the world." As long as we are judging the world as good or bad, then we are inside polarity and remain in the fallen state. I believe these people (with the new DNA) have somehow stepped out of judging and are in a state where they see everything as one and feeling Love. Whatever they are doing within themselves is producing a waveform that when seen on computer screens looks almost identical to the DNA molecule. So the researchers think that by the very expression of their life that these people are mapping with the DNA--resonating it--and are changing these 4 codons, and in so doing become immune to the disease. What they don't know and this is where a lot of research gets to happen is so maybe they are immune, but is there anything else? They might be immortal, who knows. Maybe there are other characteristics that we haven't even dreamed of. I often wonder if they are all linked together?Is there some form of telepathic connection that goes on? Diane: Have you met any of these people? Are they accessible? Drunvalo: Well, I've known about this for over two years and I have personally followed this path and I think I've moved into what they are doing. I have gone into the merkabah and asked my subconscious mind to change my codons in the same way and ever since I began to do this over two years ago, I haven't been able to get sick. I don't know if I've been able to change them or not. I guess the only way I'd know is with a DNA test. However, I've been exposed to all kinds of things and when someone gets sick I purposely get close to them and try to get it. I've been trying to get sick--and I can't. I feel something come on--it will last maybe an hour and then it's gone. What is interesting is that hardly any of this new DNA is found in the Super Psychic Children of China--almost zero. It is, however, being found in Russia and the U.S. There seem to be pockets of it and if what we are thinking is right--it has to do with a very specific response which is where most people in the New Age are headed for. Diane: Do you think these people are creating the DNA changes unconsciously? Drunvalo: I think someone has made the path--one child did it somewhere.Then he put it into the grids and it is now in the subconscious of the earth and is accessible to anyone. Once that happened I think somehow or another other people have connected to this on a subconscious level in deep meditation and prayer and made the change. A new race is being born and it is one of the most remarkable phenomena to have occurred on the planet! It's incredible that no one seems to know about this until now! Diane: Well, you are the only one I've ever heard speak about this. Drunvalo: Well, I've been tracking this for about 2 years and I've waited to say anything because I wanted to make sure it was real. In the book called "The Indigo Children" there has been extensive research on these children. There are websites you can go to if you're a parent where they begin to interview you about exactly what's going on with your child. Like I said earlier, these kids know exactly what you're feeling and what you're thinking. You can't hide anything from them. It's really amazing! I see it as a phenomenon like the ETs except they aren't coming here in spaceship form--they are coming here in spirit form making it personal by coming into the earth's evolutionary cycle and joining with us. I've often thought that when spirits come in on the right side of the planet--Japan, China, and Tibet for instance, the incarnating being takes on the psychic characteristics (of those people), and if they come in on the western side--the logical side (i.e., physical characteristics)--then the DNA comes in changed. But that's just speculation on my part. I'm just looking at this and trying to understand what is occurring. At the workshops I'm going to do, I'm going to bring everything I've learned together and teach people to actually access this and make the change. I think I know--or I'm very close. Diane: And that has to do with putting yourself in a certain state of consciousness? Drunvalo: Yes, a very specific state of consciousness produces a change in your DNA--and I think it's just the beginning of much more than that. The fact that it could be the end of disease is just a tiny bit of the total picture. Diane: How would this particular kind of work and discovery affect the DNA activation work that seems to be popping up all over? Drunvalo: Well, if you know your light body and you know how psychic energy works and if you understand the connection of the subconscious to all life on this planet, then you can go in and ask your subconscious. "Your subconscious knows exactly which codons those kids have changed and if you ask for those things to happen through your light body and in the presence of God," it should occur. "It also requires dropping polarity--no longer thinking in terms of good or bad but seeing the wholeness and completion and perfection of life." It is a very definite mind, emotional and body response. The body response is the one where your body simply does not acknowledge good or bad but sees that there is a higher purpose behind it all. We all know this stuff--everyone from Jesus to Krishna to Sai Baba has been talking about this for a long time, but this is the first I'm aware of where something actually is changing in the outer environment. People's DNA is really changing. There have been many of us who have talked about this--but none of this had been seen by science. Now it has been seen, and it has been documented. Diane: So, if that's the case, then what significance does that have on our lives today? Drunvalo: I believe that all of us have the choice to follow this particular pattern that the children have set up or not. It is said that "the children will lead the way." If we wish to and we trust these children, as I do, one of the side effects is the immunity to disease. Diane: There are a lot of us who are choosing immortality. However, some people would say that to be immune to disease is also to upset the life/death cycle which has supposedly helped to keep the planet in balance. How would you answer that? Drunvalo: Well, I just don't judge it. This is happening and if it is going to upset the cycle and it probably will in some way--everything that is occurring in life has a reason and purpose for it. Perhaps these people who don't get sick anymore--perhaps they won't even die anymore and maybe their consciousness is so aligned with the original purpose of earth that ultimately it would mean an earth that is whole and complete and not one that is polluted and deadly and overtaxed. We could easily live with 6 billion people or 20 billion...if...we live differently. There is plenty of space, and it's just that we are using our resources in ways that are killing the planet. If we were to choose to live in different ways, that might change. Maybe through these people the answers might become apparent. For someone to move into a state where they are immune to disease is a very powerful indication that they are definitely in harmony with life somehow. We can equate this process with the mutation of bacteria and viruses. We attack their systems with pollutants such as penicillin for instance, and it kills them all except for a few. Those few get stronger. Now what's happening is that these bacteria are getting to the place where they are immune to the poisons we are giving them. And have we not done the same thing? We are mutating to a point where we are not affected by pollution or viruses or by disease. And you know, there is another thing that happened last year--AIDS dropped something like 47%--the largest drop of a single disease in the history of the world. I believe that it had a lot to do with this very thing we are talking about. Diane: That's exciting! Drunvalo: Yes, it is. I just let the earth prompt me where to go. Of course, it is important to know our light bodies and how to use them, but the children are very carefully saying--come this way--and see where this leads. Diane: So is this what your future workshops will be focused on? Drunvalo: Yes. I will be putting everything I've learned in the last two years from my research and the Earth/Sky work, into a simple response where anyone can move into the place that the children accessed. I'll do my best! Last edited by Luminari; 05-12-2009 at 12:29 PM. |
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#2 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Wow is this a recent interview? I like the fact that he's sat down with Gregg Braden and talked about this, that's cool.
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#3 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Thanks for this interview, Luminari. This information is completely new for me. I would like to pass it along to a couple of other folks, so can you give us the URL?
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#4 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() Um.. no because one of my contacts emailed it to me... but wait let me see.. here you go its been posted on this strange russian website: http://prosvetlenie.start.bg/article.php?aid=3958 |
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#5 |
Avalon Senior Member
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I've seen this interview and I want to think that this stuff is possible. What I have not yet been able to do is make a habit of meditation but I know that I am getting there in terms of eschewing good and bad simply by following my birthsign (Libra...balance) and trying to find the balance in life.
Amazing read though! |
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#6 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Very interesting indeed. Take also a look @ ante's thread posted a month ago on the same subject.
http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12918 |
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#7 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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Thanks Luminari...great read. |
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#8 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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Does anyone have a cross reference for that information? Luminari - thanks for finding and posting this interview. A.. |
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#9 |
Avalon Senior Member
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yes and
this too brilliant ![]() |
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#10 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Very interesting interview, this would be the way to wipe out disease without useing medical breakthroughs which can be withheld from the people and at much less cost in the future, lets hope so.
Audio of transcript http://www.megavideo.com/?v=KK379GFR available after processing Last edited by cway; 05-15-2009 at 02:29 AM. |
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#11 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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I sent this article some friends about 4 months ago, and I got a few "Well then how come we haven't heard anything about this in the news yet?" responses. here are some links I sent to them... http://www.research.ucla.edu/chal/2blvd.htm http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Baby%2...hes-a016842024 http://www.google.co.cr/search?hl=en...G=Search&meta= |
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#12 | |
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Thank you Luminari ![]() Love always mudra Last edited by mudra; 08-23-2009 at 02:39 PM. |
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#13 |
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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![]() Love always mudra Last edited by mudra; 08-23-2009 at 03:30 PM. |
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#14 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Tks Mudra for posting these vids. I am disappointed there is no part 3. I wanted to see the Chinese young person?
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#15 |
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Here are more Waitingthewings. I had seen them a year ago but they were taken away from the internet but synchronistically here they are again in perfect resonance to Luminari's post .
Love always mudra Last edited by mudra; 08-23-2009 at 03:40 PM. |
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#16 |
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Friends I have opened a thread about the Bronnikov method that teaches one into these abilities.
http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=16147 Love always mudra |
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#17 |
Avalon Senior Member
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i see we cross posted, perhaps the mods van remove this post?
one of the children is here: Last edited by Vidya Moksha; 08-23-2009 at 04:06 PM. |
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#18 |
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Spirit of Ma'at
Volume 1 Oct 2000 Super Psychics and the Inner TV Screen by Drunvalo Melchizedek This is a story that needs to be recorded for future researchers of the new children. I have found a hidden experience of some of the Super Psychic Children, and I think it could change the nature of research with these children once it is known and understood. I cannot document this story because of it’s nature, but I feel, nevertheless, that it is important. For if it is true, research will have to follow. This story begins about six years ago when I was introduced to an extremely unusual woman who lives in the East near the Great Lakes in the United States. I am going to leave out her name so that she is not hassled by people wanting to know more. She was in her 50s and was completely and legally blind, and yet she could ''see'' just like you and me. There was no doubt about her physical blindness, but as she maneuvered around her space in her everyday life, you would never know that she could not see through her eyes. She seemed to function normally. She claimed that what she ''saw'' in her inner vision was deep space, and that she was usually moving somewhere through our solar system. Because she was so unusual, NASA contacted her and wanted to research her, and she agreed. They said to her something like, ''If you really are floating through space, then prove it.'' And they asked her to move alongside a specific satellite, and to give a specific reading of this satellite. She agreed. When she gave them her reading, it convinced them immediately that she was real. This is what she told me. And for a few months, about once a week, this woman would call me, and we would have long conversations about spiritual subjects. She was incredibly psychic, and she knew so much information about me that no one knew but me. After a couple of months of talking, we had become good friends, and one day she asked me a question. ''Would you," she said, ''like to see through my eyes, to see how I see?'' Of course, I said yes. She told me to lie down on my bed and to prop up the telephone so that I didn’t need my hands. Then she told me to close my eyes and to look deep into the darkness. I did so, but nothing happened for a few minutes. Then, suddenly, something appeared in my inner vision that I had never experienced before. It was a television screen, and it filled about 80 percent of my view. All around the outer edge of the large TV screen were smaller screens. There were about seven or eight on each side and about ten along the top and the bottom. Each of these smaller screens contained images moving at very high speed. Each image only stayed on the screen for a split second. She told me to look at the top righthand corner of the primary screen. There I saw a little screen with rapidly moving images. These, she said, told her what was in the immediate area, where her body was located. Images such as a dog, a square, a tree, a triangle, a house, a cloud, etc., would appear in rapid sequence. These images told her everything about her 3-D world. She then told me to look at the bottom lefthand area of the primary screen. There I saw changing images of ETs, beings from other places in space/time/dimension. This area, she told me, showed communication from and to these beings. She never told me what the rest of the screens were, except that they gave her any information that she wanted to know about any subject whatsoever, and primarily in reference to the large central screen. I remember looking into the primary screen and seeing deep space, blackness, and stars. She and I together turned toward the right, and there, just a few meters away was a huge asteroid. It was extremely bright, and I could see every detail. Do you remember the 21 asteroids that hit the surface of Jupiter? This was one of them. We turned around and faced the other direction, and there was our sun, so close to us, and yet I could feel no heat. The asteroids were at their closest point to the sun. as they were about to come back around and head for their final encounter with Jupiter. This ''psychic'' experience was very unusual for me because of its clarity of vision. It really seemed real. This was, however, the only time that I experienced her way of seeing. For weeks after that she would call me and speak in ''images'' like the small screens. I would write them down, and somehow they made sense. That was over six years ago, and I never expected to see this phenomenon again. But as I was researching Inge Bardor, the Super Psychic Child from Mexico, I asked her about her inner experience of what she actually saw when she was seeing with her hands or feet. She was a little reluctant to tell me -- I guess because she though it was so weird -- but she finally did. Her explanation of her inner vision was almost identical to that of my blind friend. She saw an inner TV screen with little TV screens all around the outer edge. The little screens gave her all the detailed information of whatever she was focusing on. She even told me that when her psychic teacher, Memo, trained a new child, the first thing the child had to accomplish was the ''inner seeing'' of the TV screen. If the child could not do this, he or she could not continue with the rest of the training. Inge said that there were over a thousand children from this one teacher in Mexico that she knew of who could see this TV screen. Later, when I was talking with Paul Dong, the author of China’s Super Psychics, I asked him the question: ''What do the Chinese Super Psychic Children see in their inner vision?'' He also began to talk about the inner TV screen. I was amazed. And just to add this note, I have not found one Indigo Child who sees in this way. It only seems to be the Super Psychic Children who do this, and along with this phenomenon is their amazing ability to see with certain body parts other than their eyes. And now for something really weird. Even as we speak, Sony is developing a special educational TV program for children. I learned about this from some of the people involved. It is a program that takes a normal TV screen and shrinks the viewing area, then ''installs'' many little TV screens around the outer edge. This TV program is thus an educational system directed at the New Children. My question, of course, is: Does Sony know about how the Super Psychic Children are able to ''see'' without eyes? I realize that this story may seem strange, and it is, by normal standards. But normal standards may be, at this very moment -- because of these New Children -- on their way to extinction, along with the dinosaurs. If you are a researcher of these New Children, especially the Super Psychic Children, I request that you explore this phenomenon of the inner TV screen. It may be the connection that we need to know about, in order to see through their eyes, so that we can truly understand who they are and why they have come to Earth. One more very important point concerns the relationship of these Super Psychic Children to ''darkness.'' The blind psychic woman with whom we began this story was obviously in total darkness. And it is also true with the Super Psychic Children -- at least the ones that I have seen -- that they cover their eyes in order to ''see'' with other parts of their body. Absolute darkness is important. In the study of the Kogi in Columbia, a tribe whose members also can ''see'' without their eyes, it becomes clear that this use of darkness is ancient in origins. The Kogi are pre-Columbian, and are one of the oldest tribes in the Americas, north or south, and the only tribe that was not conquered by the foreigners that came from Europe. When a baby is born whom this tribe considers to be a ''Mama'' -- a Holy One -- they take this baby and put it into a totally dark space, usually a cave. The baby receives only enough food to keep it alive, and only enough light to keep it from going blind. The baby remains in the cave for nine years. During this time, the baby is taught to ''see'' without its eyes. I believe that the human species is about to remember something that is so old, it has fallen away from our normal existence. For hidden in darkness is a way of seeing without our eyes, and a way of communicating without words. On this last point we will have much to say . . . at the right time. Love always mudra Last edited by mudra; 08-24-2009 at 06:28 PM. |
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#19 |
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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![]() ![]() When my mother was giving birth to me, she was in a great deal of pain. So much pain that the doctors sent her to have an ultrasound to find out why she was hurting so much. In the room with the ultrasound was an Indian girl who looked at my mother and said, ''This is not an ordinary baby. She is more curious than normal. But she doesn't want to be born.'' So my mom has known since I was born to expect a child that was different somehow. When I was just a baby in my cradle, I used to float my stuffed animals to the other side of the room with my thoughts. Or I would ''grab'' my toys with my eyes, and throw them. When she saw this, my mother knew it was true that I was not an ordinary baby. And so, from the very beginning, she began to protect me. I remember how my father loved to smoke cigars, and I used to tease him when I was little by making his cigar box lift up from the table to a vertical position. It was so much fun. When I was older, my mother would tie my hair in braids, because she liked it that way. But I didn't like my hair in braids, so the moment she was done, my hair would dramatically spring back to the way it was before. She could hardly believe it when she saw this happen. No matter how firmly she tied them, my braids would always come undone immediately. I wasn't trying to do it on purpose -- but I knew that I was doing it. Sometimes when I would get sad, or even depressed, I used to play with my psychic abilities in various ways. Doing this would cheer me up and make me feel happy and secure and full of joy. Read full story here : http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/oct1/inge.htm Love always mudra |
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#20 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Interesting info Mudra, I will read more on this story.
Luminari, I am curious after reading on Don Croft's stuff if he feels the D. Melchizedek is a disinfo guy today. I like DM's stuff, and am looking forward to more Mayan information. I have to say, the Harmonic convergence stuff is enticing, and I can see how it would be disinfo stuff to get us to cooperate with the "plan". I'd like to hear your input as well as others in this regard. Thanks |
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#21 | |
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I got the distinct impression Miriam Delicado was referring to Drunvalo on her recent Project Camelot radio interview when she was claiming a prominent person who has strong connections with indigenous tribes.. who every body sees as a wonderful wise loving person... Miriam claims this person is practicing black magic and has made death threats towards her. (listen to the radio interview - this is extremely disturbing that Miriam would make these serious allegations WHY is she doing that????) p.s. Miriam comes across as not very knowledgeable about anything and more of a pawn being manipulated by her 'nordic' ET friends. (I can only go on what comes out of your own mouth Miriam please prove me wrong, I'd love to know more) I wanted to buy her book several times but my inner guidance kept telling me I would not gain any new understanding from reading it and it would be a waste of time, I am still very curious to read it, I guess I will anyway... can anyone who has read 'Blue Star' tell me what they thought of it please? Anyway back to Drunvalo, who I think is a wonderful person and is doing a fantastic job at awakening people in a loving and enlightened fashion... But the real bone of contention here is THOTH thats right THOTH. Drunvalo works for/with, is guided by and speaks to this entity THOTH, who according to Ashayana Deane has his own STS agenda and has left the EMERALD COVENANT several thousand years ago and is currently aligned with INTRUDER forces who have a CONTROL AGENDA. Also she (indirectly) calls Drunvalo an 'ALPHA OMEGA MELCHIZEDEK' which he also alludes to in his own words. There are many different strains of Melchizedeks... the Alpha Omega's have their own agenda and lineage (templar anunnaki) .. (read Voyagers 2 - The Secrets of Amenti) This is too big a topic for me to explain here and I'm not an expert, just giving you some puzzle pieces to work with here. Basically if a lovely guy like DM is not a 'good person' than who on this rotten technosphere is?? But I wanted you to know about these other views so you can work out your own truth. I think obviously Drunvalo is great, but is he being used or tricked by THOTH for some unknown end the way Miriam seems to be used by her 'Tall Blonds' and Billy Meier is being manipulated by the Plejaren.. they tell him what suits their version of history but is it warped through the lens of perception?? More questions than answers here. I am working towards multi-dimensional universal co-operation so I embrace all of everything dark and light within myself to transmute back into one united field. I relentlessly strive toward greater understanding. Can we understand what is happening on super-galactic multi-dimensional levels? Can a human penetrate the mind of a god? or the god of that god? If you were immortal (well we all are) and had unbroken cognition for millions of years what would be your long term agenda for humanity and why? Last edited by Luminari; 08-25-2009 at 12:48 AM. |
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#22 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 227
Thank you Luminari, I think you have touched on a subject that I have been increasingly focused on....
we are currently immersed in a reality of information overload. For every individual that has a message, there are another 5 that emerge to discredit them. In a time when there is literally information that supports ANY belief or perspective, it is becoming imperative that we hone another latent but rarely used skill: intuition. In the Hopi elders' address, they cautioned; "...do not look outside yourself for the leader...this could be a good time!" I think this is part of our initiation into the new age....to resist our archaic urge to frantically run towards the latest security blanket with few attempts to actually be still for a moment and feel what is true. I can easily say this because I am guilty of this as well. But you know what? I like Drunvalo. I like his demeanor, I like his attitude. He makes me smile. He's not selling me anything. So thats going to be my reality , regardless of any other celebrities' opinion of him. This is a really tough thing....a very fine line...this balance between learning the shocking truth vs getting sucked into a fear spiral. But there is a balance point, Heres to hoping we all find it. |
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#23 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 893
I'm in the middle of reading this four page thread at the Unhived Mind.
http://z13.invisionfree.com/THE_UNHI...howtopic=14331 It's rather interesting, but as with everything I will withhold judgment so as to read it with as open a mind as I can. I do find Orgone interesting, and would like some first hand testimony from any here who I may know so as to see your experience with it. Thanks |
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#24 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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Last edited by THE eXchanger; 09-14-2009 at 03:19 PM. |
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#25 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
Posts: 4,915
Last edited by THE eXchanger; 09-14-2009 at 03:19 PM. |
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children, dna, drunvalo melchizedek |
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