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Old 11-05-2008, 06:45 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 15
Default beautiful people beautiful ireland

Music has always been the biggest influence in my life love all types, especially black soul, traditional irish, if that doesent get your feet moving nothing will. Anyway I have irish decendants on my mothers side and a good friend of mine has parents from county mayo, rosecommon to be precise, couple of weeks ago my friend and I decided to go to county mayo, flew from east midlands subjected to very rude and power crazed searching procedures ,welcome to the new world order took my roll on deodorant, toothpaste, liquid shoe cleaner, aftershave threw them all in the bin. Arrived at knock airport picked up a hire car very friendly people straightaway felt a connection at once,drove to a place called castlebar, knocked on the first guest house we saw and was wecomed with open arms by a truly friendly man and his wife. Got ready went hunting for irish music to no avail nothing on thursday nights, had a few drops of the old black stuff lovely irish guinness met some great characters one of these guys had the most fantastic name kept asking him to repeat it until he finally wrote it down for me, still cant read or pronounce it. Next day went to westport booked in and drove the atlantic coast road spectacular to say the least arrived at a place called the silver strand right on the coast miles of sand and dunes, walked into very strong head winds to the sea paradise,back to westport its friday night wheres that music.tried a couple of bars people coming up to us and talking dont get it as good as this back home love em.anyway where in this bar that looks like something from a time gone by great atmosphere when in walks these guys with pipes, fiddles, drums the lot.When these guys started to play and sing I thought id ascended to the next level absolutely fabulous,found it.Next day on to charlestown same again everyone spoke and made you feel welcome,met a lovely irish fella told him how proud I was that the irish people had rejected the lisbon treaty, but was concerned that they were being bullied into a second referendun he said jeez they not shift the irish people we said no and we mean no ,and I truly believe him what a spirit those people have got, 800yrs of persecution by the english establishment and still they wont give in I love that I truly feel I belong there that emerald isle, going again to be sure, anyway back to england and boy what a difference in energy everyone down in the dumps, rushing about, me me me im important, dont like it here anymore but got to stand by family and friends for what is surely to come here.OH MITAKUYE OYASIN
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:52 PM   #2
Hound of Culann
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Default Re: beautiful people beautiful ireland

Definitely west is the best ...or WESSHHT as connacht heads will tend to say ..most of my family are from that area...Westport is beautiful..you wouldnt believe though its a high producer of botox...Wicklow is also incredible, garden of ireland and yet silicon is made there...up west most people are very sound ..I think we all get that when up there way more relaxed..Dublin on the other hand is alright but not as friendly.. Castlebar night life has kinda gone to the dumps over the last 4 years.. whats more sad is more visitors get to see more of ireland than well your average irish person, shall make it my plan to finally head to Giants Causeway and Dun aongusa fort in the month , Aye the Lisbon treaty is a disgrace,if it wasnt for the referendum ..it will be brought about again.. the reaction to the NO vote was hey you didnt get it right..you were meant to vote yes " THE IRISH ARE BEING DIFFICULT".worth checking this documentary on it..as our mainstream press havent highlighted anything worth hearing...the irish goverment had no plan B..they assumed it would be a definite yes...well they were wrong to believe we'd fall for it

End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty:

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Old 11-06-2008, 08:28 PM   #3
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Ireland
Posts: 289
Default Re: beautiful people beautiful ireland

Originally Posted by twiceborn View Post
Music has always been the biggest influence in my life love all types, especially black soul, traditional irish, if that doesent get your feet moving nothing will. Anyway I have irish decendants on my mothers side and a good friend of mine has parents from county mayo, rosecommon to be precise, couple of weeks ago my friend and I decided to go to county mayo, flew from east midlands subjected to very rude and power crazed searching procedures ,welcome to the new world order took my roll on deodorant, toothpaste, liquid shoe cleaner, aftershave threw them all in the bin. Arrived at knock airport picked up a hire car very friendly people straightaway felt a connection at once,drove to a place called castlebar, knocked on the first guest house we saw and was wecomed with open arms by a truly friendly man and his wife. Got ready went hunting for irish music to no avail nothing on thursday nights, had a few drops of the old black stuff lovely irish guinness met some great characters one of these guys had the most fantastic name kept asking him to repeat it until he finally wrote it down for me, still cant read or pronounce it. Next day went to westport booked in and drove the atlantic coast road spectacular to say the least arrived at a place called the silver strand right on the coast miles of sand and dunes, walked into very strong head winds to the sea paradise,back to westport its friday night wheres that music.tried a couple of bars people coming up to us and talking dont get it as good as this back home love em.anyway where in this bar that looks like something from a time gone by great atmosphere when in walks these guys with pipes, fiddles, drums the lot.When these guys started to play and sing I thought id ascended to the next level absolutely fabulous,found it.Next day on to charlestown same again everyone spoke and made you feel welcome,met a lovely irish fella told him how proud I was that the irish people had rejected the lisbon treaty, but was concerned that they were being bullied into a second referendun he said jeez they not shift the irish people we said no and we mean no ,and I truly believe him what a spirit those people have got, 800yrs of persecution by the english establishment and still they wont give in I love that I truly feel I belong there that emerald isle, going again to be sure, anyway back to england and boy what a difference in energy everyone down in the dumps, rushing about, me me me im important, dont like it here anymore but got to stand by family and friends for what is surely to come here.OH MITAKUYE OYASIN
Now you know why I moved here
I tell the Irish I moved here for the people as they're all so nice, but they don't believe me hehe.
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