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Old 09-14-2008, 05:14 PM   #1
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Default Ireland

As a very concerned human I have over the past 4/5 years become extremely interested in global politics and world affairs

Without going into too much detail straight away, I do have a great belief in something extremely significant happening in my generation and my future generations lifetime.

The world will end but not as we know it, we can survive if we choose to not be misguided by external powers but have belief in our own human way of life and prepare for a new beginning.

As an Irishman from the North i have become disillusioned in the Irish government and have lost much of my fight and belief in working towards a united Ireland. There is much more at stake i belief than Nationalism, culture and pride.

In terms of a new beginning etc I do have a very strong conviction that we can make a big difference here in Ireland in surviving. Does anyone else have similiar strong convictions?
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:28 PM   #2
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Belfast. Ireland
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Default Re: Ireland

Hi abe22,
Welcome to the group. I agree with a lot of what you said, but as far as this group is concerned, I would classify myself as someone born in Ireland, but I think it is parochial to think of myself as an Irishman,Ulsterman,Belfastman or whatever.
Contained thinking like nationalism or religion has the world in the state it's in.
The 'my dad's bigger than your dad' attitude. I'd be satisfied being called a nice fella, end of story.
Well you should get out of this forum, a lot of satisfaction from the fact that you're not the only header in Ireland. There's plenty about, it's just a matter of getting them to talk with honesty and a bit of 'balls', (sorry ladies, but it's an apt term).
Anyway, i hope your not a passing stranger and don't forget to post plenty and open up plenty of topics. Fáilte.
By the way, that goes for the rest of the group, as it has been a disappointing weekend as far as ideas and discussions were concerned. If we can't find time at the w/e, then .....?
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Old 10-07-2008, 01:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: Ireland

Dont give up hope in a United Ireland Read the good friday agreement it gives me a little hope and after reading bits of it myself i believe we will see a united Ireland within 2 generations whatever the majority of the population want up there thats what they get , on your other point i also think that Ireland has a huge roll to play in world events although i dont really know what that is because no one really knows whats going to happen 2012 and after but i believe us Irish are a rare breed and will roll with the times and adapt to nearly any situations
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Old 10-22-2008, 03:56 PM   #4
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Location: Uisneach, Ireland
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Default Re: Ireland

Originally Posted by abe22 View Post
As a very concerned human I have over the past 4/5 years become extremely interested in global politics and world affairs

...more at stake i belief than Nationalism, culture and pride.

In terms of a new beginning etc I do have a very strong conviction that we can make a big difference here in Ireland in surviving. Does anyone else have similiar strong convictions?
"Ireland without her people means nothing to me." James Connolly

The days of nationalism are over, but we have learned to resist oppression over the past millennium so we should be well equipped with the skills to get through this. We lost half our population in the famine 160 years ago and we are still here, so bring it on
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Old 10-22-2008, 06:09 PM   #5
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Default Re: Ireland

We need a united world, but one united in freedom. Freedom from rampant consumerism, war, politicans (puppets), parroting media and the current monetary system.
It would have to be something quite radical, completely different from capitalism,communism or any other "ism" that simply replaces dictatorship with something that sounds better.
People talk of a small initial number to get this started (eg David Icke) but I fear that this "small initial number" is not so small....
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Old 10-23-2008, 10:12 PM   #6
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Default Re: Ireland

Howya abe22, welcome to the group.
As Tom says you should find what you feel is missing from the regular political and social melee here on this site and the many others you'll get pointed towards from here.
the fact that you found this place means its for you the way I see it.
You lads are right, Ireland will be united in ways that the stuffed suits in all the power corridors couldn't imagine.
I'm from the south but lived in Belfast for 5 years and now work abroad with people from the Shankill, Sandy Row, New Lodge, Cork, Dublin etc, And we all get on fine and all can see the stupid senselessness of the ***** that went on in the North, and the whole country, when we are essentially the same anyway.

Hopefully it won't come to pass but we may all be united on the tops of a few mountains when (if) the waters start to rise!
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