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Old 02-23-2010, 11:47 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 16
Default Interventionists

Hello, I'd like to ask if anyone of you here have heard of, or eventually from, a group of extraterrestrials who are calling themselves the Interventionists.

They seem to be a "political" party rather than a race, though they appeared to me in communication like tall robed beings, initially with masks that looked a bit like the masks of the Kachina figures, then, when they took them down, they seemed to be humanoid with bright yellow-white halos radiating from their faces.

The agenda of this "party" is as follows: Since humanity has shown repeatedly that they would take a long time on their own to evolve, even evolve with the normal contact/mentoring procedures, an intervention is in order, motivated by the mercy of the interventionists towards the currently living generation; that is, to ensure that the world change happens soon.

The method is to give out positively charged energy in very abundant quantities to all the people on Earth, which will result in forced changes for the better... or in chaos within those who will be, as unprepared, rejecting those changes, since the impulses will be strong and no one will be able to ignore them.

They seem to know that some will suffer, but accept that this is a necessity; they also seem to already have this intervention given a "green light" by the rest of the guys out there.

They associate with the brow chakra and predominantly seem to interact with/dwell in the sixth density, or dimension.
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Old 02-24-2010, 12:18 AM   #2
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Posts: 362
Thumbs up Re: Interventionists

Arcturians - Have been on occasion known as Angelics - Definately 6th Dimensional with some 7th Dimensional Aspects in Assistance, and all of Them CC Beings.

Yes. We got the green light last year - Earth's Linear Time. Hold on to Your hats as Humans say...

Remember though - We get what We focus on...

Mercuriel is offline   Reply With Quote

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