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Old 12-25-2009, 10:43 AM   #51
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Hi all,

I have never read Annas books, but out of curiosity i started to listen her earth history serie and found that some things "resonate" in me.

By that i mean that i have somekind of memory flashes of some of the differend times she spoke.

Anyway i wanna qoute Seth here (Jane Roberts)..
" Whatever your understanding in reality is, existence seems to support it"..

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Old 12-25-2009, 11:11 AM   #52
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

14 chakras... you are misguided,. but if you choose to believe an outdated "biblical" text full of disinfo, misinfo, some truths, but mainly metaphors, well, for you to say anna's work is full of lies is completely arrogant.

how do YOU know what TRUTH is???

she was abducted by BOTH negative and POSITIVE ETs

btw: jesus never "died" on the cross, he was assassinated w a knife by the essenes.

what anna hayes offers is a path of self empowerment, knowledge that transcends dogma and manipulation.
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Old 12-26-2009, 09:12 PM   #53
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
she was abducted by BOTH negative and POSITIVE ETs
I find this to be an interesting assumption that the validity of Anna Hayes teachings actually rest on in my opinion.

Do truly benevolent spiritual Beings of high consciousness abduct human beings?

Is that the way the Divine chooses to release the highest, most sublime Truth to humanity?

If Oneness is reality, cannot truly evolved spiritual Beings that are unconditional Love Beings in Oneness with All Life, communicate spiritual Truth within the hearts of humanity. Will the messengers they choose be ones that are abducted and even admit to being mind controlled by shadow government?

Perhaps, although, I do not believe this is the case.

I do believe that spiritual Truth will come through the messengers of the Divine, which are people that choose the path of selflessness, the path of Self realization and come into Oneness with their own Divine Self within. That surrender their human ego for the reality of who they are in Oneness with the infinite and who are the Pure in heart.

As for the comments on Christianity, I can assure you, I do not believe the lies of fundamental Christianity, however, I do believe that Jesus is a very real, very alive ascended Being in Oneness with All Life, and that his message is simple: we are all sons and daughters of God and those who choose to Be, will be.

I believe there is a middle Way, and this is the Way of Oneness.

~ Espavo ~
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Old 12-27-2009, 06:50 AM   #54
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

I still struggle with this material at times. I have read both Voyagers books and I want to read Angelic Realities as well. I found them both to be fascinating reading and I did feel as though I came away with answers to a number of questions that I have been asking. I will say this though... It does seem to me that most of this material is based on fear. After reading both books, I don't feel like I received a very hopeful message for humanity, in the grand scheme of things. I realize that not everything ends with a happy ending in life, but after reading these books, I honestly think I am more fearful about my future than when I started them.

I don't fully understand the Ascension techniques that she is talking about and I got the impression that only a very select few people on this planet would be able to do the work necessary to achieve Ascension in the current Stellar Activation Cycle. Sort of like... only a lucky few that have this information and more importantly understand how to use it, will ascend and experience a better life than what you might be living here on Earth. Sorry but that is the impression that I got from this. It mostly just causes me more anxiety about the future. The other question that came to my mind after reading these books was that if all this information was indeed true and as important as she claims, why would the Guardian Alliance wait all the way up to the last minute (practically) to share this with us (through her). It just seems to me like information this important should have been made available to humanity a long time ago, especially if we are currently in a "fall" timeline as she claims in the updated info on her website. If all of this is true, then we are running out of time very quickly and I just don't see how that many people will even have the time to benefit from this material, should they show an interest in it.

While I haven't agreed for the most part with 14 Chakras comments on this material in the various threads, I think he/she (?) brought up a good point in this thread that I have to admit I considered at one time, perhaps even still. The idea that the ETs that gave her this information might also have their own agenda and what, if anything, might they gain by giving her information that they know is false. It's just something that has been running through my head for a little while and the point that 14 Chakras made just caught my eye is all.

Overall, I am still quite fearful about my future and this material didn't help me to overcome those fears in any way. If anything, it intensified them. I just wonder if we (humanity) will ever know the complete truth about all these topics when we are here on 3D Earth? I mean really understand these things as truths without the slightest possibility of disinfo. Or, will we have to die before we will get the entire "big" picture, so to speak?
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Old 12-27-2009, 08:58 AM   #55
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
btw: jesus never "died" on the cross,
he was assassinated w a knife by the essenes.
i do NOT see a record of essenes, killing jesus ???

why do you think, they would do that ???
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Old 12-27-2009, 09:01 AM   #56
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

post # 45 - why all the google key words etc.,

krist krysta christ christos blah/blah/blah etc., ???

she sure goes overboard with labelling things

and, also with spelling things differently ...

is that a marketing ploy ???


i do believe-some of her work is outstanding

however ~ can i ask,

what it costs to do it ???


does she teach ???
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Old 12-27-2009, 01:00 PM   #57
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

No ofence to anyone but the only way you will be able to assess whether this material is true or not is by studiying the 10 years of work that has been put forward by Ashayana

It is impossible to answer in a nut shell the magnitude of the drama that has happened here in the last 10 years...but reading the free summaries in her website may help

And yes, it is not easy to accept that our reality is being manipulated by ETs but not all of them are bad

Indeed we are all ETs cos the theory of evolution has never been proved to be correct

We are being told by many sources that we are being mind controlled, that ET's have been here for a long time, from Sacharia Sitchin to Alex Collier...Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, Willian Cooper, the wistleblowers on Project Camelot etc

I can see that you don't like Anna Hayes, cool, don't study her what is the big deal....?

You want to ascend? maybe there are other ways....personally for me the Freedom Teachings have worked thus far and I will continue with this research until I slide (ascend) or find something better

To listen to the truth of our past and realize that we have been duped isn't easy, nor is the realization that the planet has been lost and it is not going to ascend and we will have to make our way individually...to know that we are where we are because we created it is really shocking for us, cos we are used to play the victim/victimizer game non stop and blame everyone for what we have misscreated

No one said ascension was going to be easy...we let others persuade us that was the case (fallen angelics new age movement) cos they want to eat our quantum to sustain their black hole systems... it is still a personal choice to believe cos no one can say for certain that the information that we are being given is true (and that includes all the holy books, new age books, history books, science books etc) until we get direct personal experience of the inner worlds...and can travel personally to the ecashic records...see the whole thing inside out and outside in...it is trully fascinating

Still, there are three choices, one can do nothing and be eaten by the black holes, or do the step back and return (information about this will come with the new Asha's book this summer, it appear to be a easier option but involves start over again rather than mastery) or we can slide into the new earth and that means getting onself together and raise one's light quantum to more than 75 pct...

It is tough but not too late yet

For me the Guardian Alliance teachings are the rolls royce of spiritual developme but that is my personal opinion

I think the options have been given and it is up to every person to decide what they do

I am not here to persuade anyone

Still, thank you for the interesting debate it helped clear many points!

Unconditional love to all

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Old 12-27-2009, 01:40 PM   #58
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

By the way, I don't know who this man is but he is talking about Anna's books in a lecture with Alex Collier


Don't know where he got some of his conclussions they not all come from Anna's teachings

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Old 12-27-2009, 01:51 PM   #59
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Again I have not studied his books and his conclussions are not 100 pct accurated but worth watching



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Old 12-27-2009, 02:05 PM   #60
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

By the way the Amenti project failed and here there is a link that explained what happened after 2003


Also Tara was invaded in 2005 and it is no longer a viable way up that is the reason why we have to slide

In other words, originally, we were supposed to do stargate passage needing only the activation of the 4 strand and the subharmonics of the 5ft

Now we basically need 9 to 10 strands of DNA activated, hence so much material to clear the mutations in a progressible and safe way

Needless to say that the dark ones have activated many facilities to keep us here and hamper our ability to ascend, all that information can be found in the workshops as well as the current state of affairs and what may or may not happen in 2012

Hope this helps you have a broader perspective of why the Guardian Alliance is doing what is doing and why we are being push to learn so much in such a short time

The only universal stargate viable in the whole of the Milky Way today is here on Earth that is USG3

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Old 12-27-2009, 10:15 PM   #61
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
By the way the Amenti project failed and here there is a link that explained what happened after 2003


Also Tara was invaded in 2005 and it is no longer a viable way up that is the reason why we have to slide
Thanks for the link. I actually found that link a couple of weeks ago and read through it.

This is kind of what I meant in my post above. Every time I read something new and updated, it is always bad news, so to speak. There is never any good news. No matter what was intended by the Guardian Alliance for good purposes, it always seems to fail and the Fallen ones always seem to get their way, whether it's how they originally planned or through some other nefarious plan they came up with when their original perhaps didn't succeed. This is why I always seem to get fear from this. Because it never seems like the "good guys" ever win anything. That's a really elementary way of putting it, but I couldn't think of another way to say it.

The other thing that I don't understand is... if the Fallen ones can have such influence/control over us throughout the years, then why is it that the Guardian Alliance are so hesitant to come forward with this information? It's kinda like they respect our Free Will but the Fallen ones do not. Anna even states in Voyagers I more than once that the GA wouldn't allow her to release this information until the late '90s. With the seriousness of our situation, I just don't understand that at all either.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that we have done a lot of damage to Earth and to each other. But, it's certainly worth noting that we have had a lot of help from the Fallen ones, influencing us for many thousands of years, even through mind control as was stated above. So, while I may not be looking for anyone to "save" me per se, it would be nice if the GA would even the playing field a little more with their presence since human beings haven't ever really been able to get rid of the Fallen ones, even those of us that have wanted to.
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Old 12-28-2009, 12:10 PM   #62
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Dear Tempestgarden

I know what you mean and it is not easy. What is happening here now has been on the making for billions of years.

We may not remember now but if we are here in this point of time we are either Guardians (as in human angelics or indigos) or part of the fallen races

Over millenia humanity took decisions that has take it to this place...it is what it is, there are no victims, we are in a equal interchange of energy universe

The problem really started in an adjecent universe and now this is the time of the final conflict drama

Before coming here in the inner planes many of us hoped that the whole thing will turn around to be the redemption by peaceful means of the fallen ones but they have chosen other avenue; as it is easy to deduct from the state of current violence, wars, inequality, lies, withholding vital information etc

The good news is that it is not all lost as it has happened before in other black hole falls and the krystiac peoples and fallen angelic (except metratonic) are been given regenesis contracts in 2012 if they choose to have them called the silver seed awakening

The Krystiac peoples together with up to a 3rd of the planet grids an life can ascend of slide after that date

Another third will be given the choice of entering regenesis contracts

One third will do black hole metatronic fall it can not be stopped now

This is so much better than in other systems!!! Sometimes I want to sing and dance non stop!

Let us hope that together we will be able to hold these probabilities

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Old 12-30-2009, 02:47 AM   #63
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I read all of Anna Hayes books years ago from a friend who supported her moneywise when she was first starting out and before she changed her name to Ashayana.

He couldn't read the books as they were too difficult for him. Well I did...I plowed thru them. There were lot's of words that were quite new in my world, however when I finished I learned one major thing about her "billion" or was it "trillion" years history of planets "Gaia", "Terra" and "Earth". (AND I can't remember if there was another name).


There were also names and pictures of many different kinds of ET's which is why I was interested in her writing. Because she is quite "wordy" it takes some commitment to read her stuff.

A lot of our "light messengers" out there are "wordy" and each of them fulfills a purpose for different sections of our human population. ie: David Icke, David Wilcock, Drunvolo, Neale Walsch,...and so on.

I found that if something isn't easy to read and simple to understand then I would go elsewhere to find the info I wanted.

If you are drawn to Anna Hayes then I strongly suggest you follow your gut feelings...cuz that is where you should be going.

She has a part of the story.

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Old 12-30-2009, 06:30 AM   #64
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I suggest the part of the story she has it the part that is completely b.s.
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Old 12-30-2009, 12:50 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
I suggest the part of the story she has it the part that is completely b.s.

After careful consideration and much time researching, I have to agree with 14Chakras because (a) Masters don't charge large sums of money to help you ascend and (b) it ain't that difficult!!. The spiritual path is truly simple. Cultivate a relationship with the Divine and see where it leads you.


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Old 12-30-2009, 02:02 PM   #66
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Kriya, I respect your opinion but nothing is free in this planet...even the regular churches demand hefty donations....

Other new age workshops are much more expensive and not such a good value for money. The DVDs of the freedom techniques are not more expensive than others new age or regular ones, if you take into consideration the amount of hours of lecture and written material that you get, additionally:

In case you don't know there are many, many techniques that are give for free by azurite press


just press the underlined blue headings instead of the product codes

Also, if you are interested you can join the free group of keylontic sciences in yahoo and additionaly there is a sponsorship program that can be found in the egroup for people that can not afford the materials.

The outreach program http://www.krystalspiral.com/UK_index.html offers too a lot of free material and there are study groups that only charge running costs

There is also the keylontic dictionary http://www.keylonticdictionary.org/ that one can join for free

The teachings are not that difficult when you get the hang of it and perhaps it is better to start with the introductions in the website http://www.azuritepress.com/New%20Co...eo_welcome.htm

Of course, I am not trying to convince you but to show posibilities and options

Best wishes

Last edited by Stardustaquarion; 12-30-2009 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 12-30-2009, 04:26 PM   #67
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Kriya, I respect your opinion but nothing is free in this planet...even the regular churches demand hefty donations....

Other new age workshops are much more expensive and not such a good value for money. The DVDs of the freedom techniques are not more expensive than others new age or regular ones, if you take into consideration the amount of hours of lecture and written material that you get, additionally:

In case you don't know there are many, many techniques that are give for free by azurite press


just press the underlined blue headings instead of the product codes

Also, if you are interested you can join the free group of keylontic sciences in yahoo and additionaly there is a sponsorship program that can be found in the egroup for people that can not afford the materials.

The outreach program http://www.krystalspiral.com/UK_index.html offers too a lot of free material and there are study groups that only charge running costs

There is also the keylontic dictionary http://www.keylonticdictionary.org/ that one can join for free

The teachings are not that difficult when you get the hang of it and perhaps it is better to start with the introductions in the website http://www.azuritepress.com/New%20Co...eo_welcome.htm

Of course, I am not trying to convince you but to show posibilities and options

Best wishes
Hi Stardustaquarion,

Thank you for your very thoughtful response, it is very much appreciated. I shall check out some of these links that you recommend. This information is extremely intriguing, however, I already follow my own path. I am a student of Paramahansa Yogananda and the Self-Realization Fellowship and practice a meditation technique called Kriya Yoga.

IMO, it's important to stick to a path otherwise one cannot see the wood for the trees so to speak.

I wish you well in your practice and hope it affords you the same blessings that I have received in mine.


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Old 02-27-2010, 08:07 PM   #68
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by NorthernSanctuary View Post
Huge picture of our soul/spirit history with our religious/ ET/ connections to the present situation:


Very interesting.

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by APMCEO Inc..

I am glad i viewed all those vids in one day I should have download uggg.
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Old 02-28-2010, 12:14 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
My rather harsh review, I call it constructive criticism

First video ~ starts out with some nice generalization's that everyone can agree with.

~ finishes with a hook on the ego, while since you agree with these nice generalizations and you are watching this, you are very special, you are very high up and ready for all of this.

Ok, now ego is activated, I'm special, I'm chosen, I'm watching these videos.

Then it is like: YOU want to know truth right? Well then this is for you.

Second video ~ launches into names, numbers, very confusing speaking that literally NO ONE IN THE WORLD will really understand what is being said exactly.

However, ego is activated, we are special, this material is for special people. This is for people like me that want the truth right? Well then, fake it til u make it. We're confused but it sounds important, so we just feel instead it's great, she's wonderful etc. etc.

Mind control works exactly this way from my understanding. You state a commonly known fact, activate the ego with a compliment, then implant bizarre information in a confusing way.


What is the take home message? Keep learning more in this endless circle of nothingness.

By the time we are done absorbing Anna Hayes materials we will most likely believe:

>You must evacuate the earth.
>ETs hold the highest spiritual truth.
>Humanities protector Archangel Michael is your enemy, connect to the ETs.
>Your personal ascension is determined by which ETs have access to stargates.
>You are lower than the ETs.
>Jesus was real, but he ran away from the cross in order to 'save his life' and another dude died on the cross for him.
>You can "activate DNA" to be more loving, rather than being more loving to be more loving!
>If only you keep reading these books over and over, buying the next one etc. you will finally 'get it'

And the take home lie: Truth is mental not spiritual. The power is outside of you, not inside of you and you have no hope of saving your planet, so leave when you get a chance.

To me this is up is down, black is white, spin us around, empty our pockets then set us out to the world to preach the message.
This is the same feel I received from her work -- especially the empty the pocketbook part. Her truth is expensive.
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Old 03-01-2010, 07:04 PM   #70
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by HORIZONS View Post
This is the same feel I received from her work -- especially the empty the pocketbook part. Her truth is expensive.
There is a lot of free material in her website I have found, more than anyone elses in the New Age movement

There is two summaries which ammount to a book of 70 pages about what may happen in 2012 and why, and many more pages of free information and free techniques. Virtually ALL the newcomers material that will make anyone busy for a significant amount of time is FREE

That is without considering the free Keylontic dictionary or the Krystal Spiral that does meetings at cost so there is plenty to see much cheaper than the mayority out there

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Old 03-25-2010, 09:56 PM   #71
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
If at this stage in the game, this is where we are guided to be, and we are most definitely becoming more loving to our neighbors, becoming more consicous of our energy and creations, surrendering our own darkness and ego, and we are connecting to our own Divine spark within our hearts, then it really doesn't matter what materials were reading, because we're on the path of Oneness, the path of moving beyond the ego and into the reality of who we are as a Co-Creator with the infinite rather than a victim here in the matrix.

My personal discernment is very strong on this one, while I'm not suggesting Anna Hayes is herself a liar, I am suggesting that the ET's that abducted her and taught her this information have their own agenda's and illusions and that what is being taught is full of many untruths.

I am suggesting that this material is designed to in part trap us in the mental realm with a bunch of numbers, facts and figures that are not truth, and for many will hinder us from connecting to inner truth rather than helping us. That's my discernment.
I totally agree with you 14 Chakras, and believe that material like this is just a huge distraction for people which ends up being a trap.

I don't see the value of any of the following and I'm sorry to say - I think it is either the product of an overactive imagination at best or an attempt at using an unwitting person to further trap and enslave those who get sucked up in it:

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
It says that she was trained by the Melchizedek Cloister Priest of Ur.

She was trained by The Guardian Alliance which main task was to increase security in our Time Matrix when the Annu-Elohim fallen Angelic Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphin-Angelic Human lineage and reaces of the Emerald Covenant. Specializes in propagation of the Emerald Covenant and serves as the governing body of over 10 million Emerald Covenant Star League Nations within the 4 Densities of matter in our Time Matrix

The GA represents a smaller, specialized group, and primary task force, within a greater Guardian Organization called the Inter-dimensional Associations of Free Worlds IAFW created 568 million years ago after the Angelic Wars

All the Guardian races on Earth are considered Amenti races.

Some other members of the GA include:

The regal Lyran-Sirian Whites,
The Aethien
The Rhanthunkeana (Rhantia)
The Breneau - advance beings from the highest dimensional worlds
The Queventelliur
The Turaneusiams
Plus many others.
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