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Old 10-25-2009, 05:21 AM   #1
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Default Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

I will post this in the contactee section. Once, I would have posted it in either 1). Total nut bag lunatic section (do you have one?) or 2). A dream section. However, I have began to realize that much what I have experienced are not exactly dreams. I can't say for sure WHAT they are (exactly), but since I've been waking up physically injured (ie: bruises, marks, scratches, unexplained joint pain such as a recent ankle I couldn't walk on for over a week, etc).. I've come to the conclusion that you don't get that stuff from dreams, and I wont buy that Friday 13th is real. So..

I have a few dreams/visions/experiences I wish to share here because they both involve other entities, other places and even other times. I just want to post them here as food for thought -- in case someone has either 1). Experienced something similar (and then we can discuss) 2). Understand more than I do about such phenomena and might be able to give "me" food for thought.

I have literally thousands of dreams, visions, experienced and happenings. These are just some recent interesting ones.

1). I perceived that a blast was coming through the universe. It was massive - like an ocean wave crashing over one grain of sand (as if the earth was the size of a grain of sand compared to an ocean wave). I don't know how to say how big this wave was, except that it blasted through EVERYTHING. At first, I thought everything was going to be annihilated an d I turned my back to it. Then in an instant, I spread out my arms and protected (or tried to protect) millions of small souls within my grasp. Then I realised that the wave was destroying only matter, but not spirit. This happened while I was lying in bed. I was not yet asleep, I was simply falling asleep. Therefore I class it more as a vision, rather than a dream. I literally felt the wave hit my back and in my minds eye, I saw the universe a whole.

2). This happened months earlier. I perceived that very soon matter and spirit would separate. At that time some spirits became as giants. Actually some realities even became much larger. Some spirits and realities became smaller, and it was all one - all together. It was rather hard to understand, but the gist of it was that not all of reality is the same "size". Some is much larger and the larger spirits belong in the larger areas and the smaller spirits belong in the smaller areas. I mention this, because it relates to the first perception I had in experience 1.

3). I woke up one morning with this memory. I don't know if it was a dream, but it certainly didn't feel like one. I was outside the earths atmosphere. I was obviously inside some sort of craft, except the window of the craft was so large and rounded, that it was as if I were literally floating in space (but I was most certainly aboard "something"). Then I perceived that I was to navigate to another universe. So I did. When I got to that universe, I found that there were diagrams in front of me (kind of holographic) which allow me to choose another universe. So I navigated to another universe. Then I navigated to a third. That was all well and good, but then I was asked to "find my way back". That was much harder, because I didn't pay attention to how I got to where I was. Nor did I know where I was, except that I was light years from earth. I could not find my way back and that's the last thing I remember. I think I failed.

Just posting this to see what others think.
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Old 10-25-2009, 09:55 AM   #2
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the first two visions you had I didn't have the exact same, though if I ve been knowing about a WW3 and the fight against a destructive force since child, but the third I can relate to a vision I had when I did a hypnotic regression to a past life. It was in between this life and the past one, when my "soul" was in the spirit. I was in space above the earth and what I saw was gigantic holographic wheels with diagrams and signs I was able to inderstand somehow; this was at that point I was "planning" my future life (this current one). After that I entered the "gates of forgetness" that I think are actualy the entry of a alien device or place that I wasn't allow to remember. I met somebody who saw the wheels during a lsd trip, the guy was totaly extatic when coming down and all thankful for the vision he had. I still don't know wtf to think about that, hope you can relate to what I saw. When I was in front of the wheels I could tell that It was connected to several different universes and lifeforms. It wasn't like I was supposed to visit something but i just did my life planning according to my experience and dna personnal cocktail. Maybe it's connected with the portal gates but i m just speculating
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Old 10-25-2009, 04:38 PM   #3
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m1, your dream reminds me of the Superwave that is on its way to this solar system from the galactic center. I strongly suspect what you described will happen within the next few years.

Most folks get confused as to how to get back... if you are out of body, just remember to inhale; if you are in another universe just remember the sun, feel its enegetic frequency and let it guide you back. You appear to have some quantom travel abilities but it is unclear if these are alien enhanced (you really are in one of their space crafts) or on your own as a multidimensional being larking about in the multiverse. If it is alien enhanced.. it's anyone guess as to the reality of the experience and what was needed for you to succeed with your task. If it was the other.. use the sun's frequency as your guide back home.
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Old 10-25-2009, 05:05 PM   #4
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Carol, I'd like to ask you a question. Since you seem to know all about this astral stuff -- which is something I have avoided.

See, even when I am awake, I have heaps of thoughts and visions and feelings and all sorts of things that I am dealing with each day. I (and I know a lot of people believe I am silly for doing so, but..) for the most part, block it all out. I am not a person who necessarily wants to become involved in that sort of thing, even though it is quite obvious that either 1). I have these abilities or 2). Something is communicating things to me.

So, basically, if I go and lie down somewhere (or even if I just relax and close my eyes, actually) it takes only seconds before I am viewing SOMETHING. I don't try to control it. I don't try and work it out. I just let it play and try to think about something else. Nothing good ever come of these viewings / visions / premonitions -- what ever you want to call them, anyway. I don't trust them.

But, and now for my question, I am wondering about one thing. When I go to sleep (or I am TRYING to go to sleep), almost every time I feel something come over my body. It's kind of like a strong numbness. I used to get scared because of this and sit up or fidget or toss and turn around until I couldn't feel it anymore, but I am just so tired of all that, now I just think in my head.. oh here it is again and I just let it pass.

Once it has passed, that is when I start seeing things VERY vividly. I am not quite asleep and not quite awake by that time, but after a short while I will fall asleep if I just lie there. That is when the real IMAX theater kicks in and it's as if I totally enter other worlds or dimensions or what ever.

is this associated with astral travel? Would you say it is a dream? A vision? Remote viewing? All of the above? What do you make of my explanation / description? Do you think it is possible that information could be being "projected" into my head from somewhere? Maybe I am seeing the thoughts of other people? Maybe I am just trippin' right out on something? Too much coffee? I haven't really concluded WHAT'S going on, and I never did pay it too much attention until the things I saw started happening around me and in the world. So for that reason I am intrigued.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:17 PM   #5
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

m1- when did this happen? I would not normally mention this here but here goes since you may have been there too.

I was sent(forward in time) to the superwave in my physical body on August 22.

It was the most profound event of my life. I can describe it in full (if you like) because other people were also there with me in that room(underground facility).

I am hoping to converse with others like myself who were also sent to that event.

I was not in my astral body though.......this was physical. It took me about a week to recover from that event.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:21 PM   #6
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m1- do you hear something as this numbness takes over (I do which is why I ask) after the numbness (this is during abductions) I am then in a *situation*
this past summer I was placed in various *future scenarios* as well as 2 breeding experiments.

Do you hear the noise upon return (I do and it's very loud- so loud that I woke my husband up to ask him if he had also heard it- he had not and I'm thinking how could he have not heard it).

Sometimes when you are taken from astral body you have to find your way back *in* (to your physical body) they don't even drop me off in my bedroom half the time.

You could be projecting, remote viewing, remote viewing as part of a project for them, etc;

Is there a separation of the events you see and the time it takes to go to sleep? Do you understand what I mean by that?
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:24 PM   #7
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No, I don't hear anything during those times.

But other times, I wake up in the night with my room lit up blue. I am stuck to the bed and can't move, and I can hear deep humming sounds LOUD with high pitched oscillating sounds. Every time that happens, I start going nuts trying to move but I can't. Then I simply wake up in the morning.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:28 PM   #8
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Thanks for starting this thread. I believe it will be very valuable to us all. The first dream also reminds me of the superwave...
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:29 PM   #9
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Can you describe the wave more in detail? Did it feel like the strongest magnetic distortion/tear your molecules apart type of thing?

That's how it was for me- prior to the wave - there were worldwide earthqakes.

Then the wave- it came from the right side of where I was standing- it hit me in the brain first (right side) and at that point I thought wow, what is going to happen, there is no way I can survive this- this will tear my molecular structure apart and I will never be the same- then I went blank- completely blank.

Then I came around and was still standing in same spot- we walked out to a hallway on the right. I passed by a group of 4-5 four to four and a half foot tall grey beings- I was not scared- it all seemed so normal-
then into a room on the left that had partitions- others (humans) were also in there- then I was back in my bed- sitting up- same position I was in when I was *jumped forward*.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:31 PM   #10
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m1- I am confused- you just said you do hear noise- yes, I know the noise-
very familiar with it- I hear it during an abduction (initial stages) and when I am returned.

Edited to add; yes the room becomes lit up- I don't describe it as blue light but my 5 year old son does. The light doesn't always appear for me though.

Strongest light to appear for me was 18 years ago with the Nordic/biblical people. It lit up the entire room and my ex husband witnessed the entire event in full consciousness.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:39 PM   #11
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akopij and m1- do you think that description with the wheel could be some sort of stargate? Maybe it's part of the quarantine placed on planet?
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:40 PM   #12
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I am describing two different things.

1). Is while I am sleeping, I begin to see certain visions and my body goes numb. Then it passes and I can clearly see many visions.

2). I guess is what most people would call an abduction experience. That is accompanied by noises. Low humming and high pitched oscillating frequencies. There is also accompanies vibration of my body (and blacking out).

As far as describing the wave -- that was more along the lines of a strong vision. It came all of the sudden when I was resting, waiting to fall asleep. I perceived a wave heading through the universe towards me. I turned my back to it and the next part is hard to describe. It penetrated absolutely ever atom of matter. However, once it had passed I still had my consciousness. It didn't destroy me. I was JUST falling asleep when I had this vision, and it was accompanied by physical feeling as well. I can't really describe any more, it is hard to describe. But the short of it is I saw a wave of something pass through the universe and it left nothing untouched. It penetrated everything.

edit to response to your edit

The room doesn't always light up for me either.

Regarding the wheel, it was absolutely not a star gate. It was a small navigation aide which was directly in front of me which I used as a map. It was more like a 3d hologram of where I was traveling, much like a 3D holographic map.

Last edited by m1*; 10-25-2009 at 08:44 PM.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:42 PM   #13
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
akopij and m1- do you think that description with the wheel could be some sort of stargate? Maybe it's part of the quarantine placed on planet?
does it look like the 12 wheels on the Egyptian papyrus?
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:48 PM   #14
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m1- it sounds like what you are describing to be abduction encounters- I experience the same .

Yes, I know it's hard to explain in words (the wave) yes, it left nothing untouched- every bit of matter etc;

But you are saying you were in your bed and had this vision? Yet it was physical- so you were lying down?

I know that everyone I was with in that room in the underground facility was standing up-

Afterwards (after I went blank) I was very surprised that I retained mental acuity. I thought I would never be the same.

Since then my psychic abilities have been amplified- but I still need to learn to discern as far as that goes because I get information and the information is just that- there's no filter and I try to interpret it and that's when it get's
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:55 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by eleni View Post
m1- it sounds like what you are describing to be abduction encounters- I experience the same .

Yes, I know it's hard to explain in words (the wave) yes, it left nothing untouched- every bit of matter etc;

But you are saying you were in your bed and had this vision? Yet it was physical- so you were lying down?

I know that everyone I was with in that room in the underground facility was standing up-

Afterwards (after I went blank) I was very surprised that I retained mental acuity. I thought I would never be the same.

Since then my psychic abilities have been amplified- but I still need to learn to discern as far as that goes because I get information and the information is just that- there's no filter and I try to interpret it and that's when it get's
Yes, I believed I was toast. Yes I was lying down. I was beginning to fall asleep. Then in my mind I appeared to be in the universe and I saw a wave coming. I turned my back to it, stretched out my arms to cover a heap of living souls to protect them because I thought everything was going to be toast. However it passed and I was still alive.

This happened some time over a week ago. I don't remember the day. Funnily enough, since that happened I have had stronger visions.

Part of the reason I came and participated in this forum was because I wanted to express a lot of things that I have kept bottled up.

The last few days I have experienced very strong visions. All I have to do is close my eyes, even when I am fully awake and I start seeing things. I don't have any control over what I see. I suspect that I am either being implanted with information or that I am tuned into something else going on somehow, and can see what's happening.

I don't really know WHAT'S going on with me to be brutally honest. I just don't know. I don't know anything. I'm just trying to explain things as I see them.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:58 PM   #16
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

Mention of a wheel:

Shambhalla is considered to be the source of the Kalacakra, which is the highest and most esoteric branch of Tibetan mysticism. According to the Kalachakra Tantra Prophecy, a line of enlightened kings guard the highest wisdoms for the time when all spiritual values in the outside world are lost in wars and destruction. At that time, a great king will come out of the Shambhalla kingdom to defeat the forces of evil and establish the Golden Age.

The prophecy of Shambhalla gives us a hint of the coming Golden Age. There will be 32 kings, each reigning for a 100 years. As their reigns pass conditions, of the world will deteriorate. Wars will break out in the pursuant of power. Materialism will overcome spiritualism and spread over the world. Then the 'barbarians' who follow this ideology of power and materialism are united under one evil king , assuming there is nothing left to conquer. When this time comes, the mists will then lift to reveal the icy mountains of Shambhala.

Seeing the promised lands of Shambhalla, the barbarians will then attack Shambhalla with a huge army equipped with terrible weapons. The 32nd king of Shambhala, Rudra Cakrin, ‘The Wrathful One with the Wheel’ will rise from his throne and lead a mighty host against the invaders destroying the army of barbarians. After the battle has been won, the rule of Shambhalla will cover the world, bringing in the greatest Age of all times. Food will grow without work, there will be no disease or poverty, hatred and jealousies will be replaced with love and the great saints and sages of the past will return to life to teach true wisdom of the Ages.

Rudka Cakrin is known as ‘the Cakravartin’ or ‘the possessor of the wheel‘. This wheel supposedly is a wheel of iron that falls from the sky to mark the beginning of his reign. Some may see this ‘wheel of iron falling from the sky as a metaphor where others may view this quite literally as an Alien Craft.

In the Kalachakra, one can find the necessary teaching provided for preparation of the prophesized war. We find in it ‘the psychology of invasions’ and detailed instructions on how to build various machines to ward off the invaders. The sacred texts go on to say the Dark Age will last until the year 2424 AD, when a ‘great war’ will begin in India. The human race will be rescued from total destruction by the armies of Shambhalla riding ‘flying horses’ and ‘boats that fly in the air’. Again these could be metaphors, but I lean more to the texts describing UFOs.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:59 PM   #17
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

friend, the more I read your threads and other threads too I am coming to next conclusion;
first of all we are still very ignorant about almost everything surrounding us, here on earth and out in universe. It is not the case that we do not want to know( well at least some of us wish to know) it is just that we are still at the few inches from the starting point of humanity.

We think that we know but reality always prove us wrong.
I think there is a catch where Satan and his hosts are fooling us.
They are showing us glimpses of another life forms or holographic things or something else which we`d call SF.
As we do not have a clue what that really is we wander and roam around and about it. That is often extremely confusing for a human . Imagine a 7 year old child who just started to learn mathematics in elementary and hardly know what is 3+17 and then comes a Harvard math professor and tells the child of some extremely high equation...

Child will be very confused and would n`t understand a word spoken to him/her.

Basically Satan and his crew are spiritual entities and they know a hell of a lot more from us because who knows how old are they are what did they learn in both phases ,in light and now in darkness. So they use that knowledge to lull the people ,to confuse us, to eventually awe us in order to perceive them as "gods" or high beings, or they show a bits and pieces of something to some person and other they just torture so everybody would have then different thinkings about them.
To someone they show as light beings and someone as bad guys and hurting them ...
That is here in order to sow confusion and delusion about truth.

Why do you think God never poured all knowledge on us immediately ?
All should be learned and grasped gradually in order that person can connect all dots and understand all. There is a verse in NT where it is being said that God chose to carefully hide all things in Christ Jesus, meaning that we will always learn from him, more and more until we reach perfection and be as him, as he stated that.

Right now we can not get all that fancy stuff like SF technology and rest simply because our level or awareness, conscience and knowledge is terrible.
We are not far off from people in first century when Jesus came in flesh...

Right now we are in making ourselves a perfect foundations of our being in order that tomorrow we can make beautiful building of ourselves. God will not simply allow going on the second,third or fourth stage of our development until we complete first and the most difficult stage. Let no one deceive us in that!
Remember how Eve and Adam were deceived? They have been told that they will become as "gods" and will know difference between good and evil...
Guess what is being offered to us today with even more pressure as days are passing by???

People ,throw your silliness and deceits that have been thrown upon you.
Realize that I or someone else on this forum when speak about the Bible , we are not speaking about religion or some denomination or that we are loons and religious fanatics! We are talking about real truth which will set you free,so to quote Jesus. Forget about religion(all that exist),churches,philosophies,a man wisdom all... Who else than the God almighty-creator of all that is , and his son Jesus Christ a crowned king of universe can help you better?
Read his word and ,I will repeat again, whatever is not clear,write it down and ask God to help you understand, read further and compare what you`ve been reading with other parts in Bible. Ask directly God for help. Why would you turn to second hand "helpers "...?
Ask the Creator himself in sincere prayer. A prayer that always has to be genuine from your soul and heart itself or else it would not be answered to you.

We can not fool or trick God but if we need and want help wholeheartedly it will be given to us, always.

Love and blessings,

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Old 10-25-2009, 09:12 PM   #18
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

Originally Posted by m1* View Post
1). Is while I am sleeping, I begin to see certain visions and my body goes numb. Then it passes and I can clearly see many visions.
The numbness is usually normal physical cycles of sleep. A lot of people can panic about sleep paralysis, for instance. Chemicals flush the body - think a kind of epidural - at various stages. As you 'fall' asleep, something like this occurs too. The 'paralysis' occurs in deeper sleep (REM). It may be useful to know what these normal physical experiences too, if you don't already, to separate the uncanny odd painful from usual sleeping processes.

If someone wanted to abduct you (hypothetically), they would know all about this, i.e. when to do it, what frequencies to emit, brain waves, etc.

Information here or wikipedia ('sleep paralysis'):

Originally Posted by m1* View Post
2). I guess is what most people would call an abduction experience. That is accompanied by noises. Low humming and high pitched oscillating frequencies. There is also accompanies vibration of my body (and blacking out).
I didn't want to suggest this at first, but I think you're tuned in to the 'trip chair.' I myself think it's a byproduct of military programs affecting you, due to your own intuition, but it doesn't explain the bruising. Submarines use different low frequency radio signals that you could also be picking up on - and it's all affecting your psyche.

I don't think the military figured that people can not only pick up the signals, through intuition, but also back read on them. So, it's conscious seepage time now. It's come through in artists etc for years. Also, I took a look at some of the underwater google images. The first one looked like a hatch - the 'tracks' were weird too. However, I don't trust google either. There's NSA in its history - they can really do what they want with images. I'm on the fence there.
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Old 10-25-2009, 09:13 PM   #19
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Beren, I could have wrote all those words myself. I agree with you entirely.

Too many people latch onto conclusions and try to make out they know all about everything. I'll be the first to state that i know practically NOTHING. I don't even know what's going on with me. I am in a deep state of confusion. Then along come people with half baked new age philosophies and expect me to believe it, yet a lot of these people do not even believe that there is a creator, They believe they are part of the creator. This is very dangerous. We are the creatED not the creatORS.

I also wholeheartedly agree that as soon as you mention God or Jesus, a great many people throw you straight in the "religious" box and wont hear a word you say thereafter. Don't pass go, don't collect $200. However, what most people fail to understand is that there's a big difference between religion and faith. A true disciple of Jesus Christ will reject ALL religion. Jesus himself couldn't stand religion. He rebuked the Pharisees which were the religious people of that time.

First and foremost, I do believe in God and that Jesus is Lord. I do believe that Satan and his demons are misleading people and also literally running this world through human puppets who have sold their souls; the elite.

The increase in technology is also "given to us" and I do NOT believe for a second that it is from any place off the earth, but is from right here on this earth where these entities reside. They reside here because they cannot leave.

I have a LOT of things going on with me. I have a LOT of visions and a lot of feelings and intuitions. I have been affected severely all my life, and I do believe that a GREAT deal of what I have experienced has been demonic. However, I do also believe that I have had visions and experienced which came from God. I also believe that I am picking stuff up from somewhere else - maybe people, maybe technology.. there's more that people don't understand. I don't understand it. All I know is that I am seeing things that others can't see. I don't know what more to say about that.

Last edited by m1*; 10-25-2009 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 10-25-2009, 09:17 PM   #20
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
The numbness is usually normal physical cycles of sleep. A lot of people can panic about sleep paralysis, for instance. Chemicals flush the body - think a kind of epidural - at various stages. As you 'fall' asleep, something like this occurs too. The 'paralysis' occurs in deeper sleep (REM). It may be useful to know what these normal physical experiences too, if you don't already, to separate the uncanny odd painful from usual sleeping processes.

If someone wanted to abduct you (hypothetically), they would know all about this, i.e. when to do it, what frequencies to emit, brain waves, etc.

Information here or wikipedia ('sleep paralysis'):

I didn't want to suggest this at first, but I think you're tuned in to the 'trip chair.' I myself think it's a byproduct of military programs affecting you, due to your own intuition, but it doesn't explain the bruising. Submarines use different low frequency radio signals that you could also be picking up on - and it's all affecting your psyche.

I don't think the military figured that people can not only pick up the signals, through intuition, but also back read on them. So, it's conscious seepage time now. It's come through in artists etc for years. Also, I took a look at some of the underwater google images. The first one looked like a hatch - the 'tracks' were weird too. However, I don't trust google either. There's NSA in its history - they can really do what they want with images. I'm on the fence there.
I have learned about sleep paralysis. All I can do is insist that what I am experiencing is NOT sleep paralysis. I'll just leave that there.

This is the third time someone has mentioned "trip chair" in my posts. What on earth is a trip chair? At first I thought whoever posted it was being sarcastic so I ignored it. I thought they were implying that I was "tripping" or something, lol.

Well, i am most assuredly picking up SOMETHING. What I am seeing in my minds eye, my dreams and my visions are NOT just random thought process or dreams. I am "viewing" SOMETHING. I don't know what.
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Old 10-25-2009, 09:26 PM   #21
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

m1 and Beren- have you read the Hidden Hand interview?
It is someone pretending to be from Agrathi/Hollow earth passing himself off as an elite Creator God and perpetuating/creating/justifying evil for the *benefit* of mankind and their own species (creator gods) so they move on to another *realm* (one of negativity). I don't believe it's right for others (elite) to impose their will (which they have) on the populace- we are not the one's who want war, poverty, murder, destruction of earth, human experiments with secret technology etc;

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Old 10-25-2009, 09:30 PM   #22
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

m1- a trip chair was first used at Montauk- numerous people were used- specifically those with high psi abilities.

It's a time travel interface device- now they use jumprooms and they use it to collect information about future events.

If you are interested I can pass along some info but be warned- it's a Pandora's box.

I also want to mention that it's common amongst some abductees to be brought to other bases in the world- I know I was in Australia this past summer on one occasion- maybe 2. Again along with other humans (some from Oz as I could tell- don't ask me how- I just knew).

They use railcars (super fast ) and jumprooms to transport some of us .I assmue craft as well though with myself it's been the former most of the time.
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Old 10-25-2009, 09:38 PM   #23
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
m1- a trip chair was first used at Montauk- numerous people were used- specifically those with high psi abilities.

It's a time travel interface device- now they use jumprooms and they use it to collect information about future events.

If you are interested I can pass along some info but be warned- it's a Pandora's box.

I also want to mention that it's common amongst some abductees to be brought to other bases in the world- I know I was in Australia this past summer on one occasion- maybe 2. Again along with other humans (some from Oz as I could tell- don't ask me how- I just knew).

They use railcars (super fast ) and jumprooms to transport some of us .I assmue craft as well though with myself it's been the former most of the time.
Recently, I had a dream (or was it a dream?) that I was in some place that was under the ground. However, it wasn't like a cave or dark or dingy, It was actually quite open looking, as if it was one big artificial environment. Yet is was most assuredly under ground.

Then, two people came to me. I was waiting outside for them. They put me in a small car and then it took off down a tunnel at great speed. man it was fast, maybe hundreds of miles per hour, maybe faster. It was MOVING. It was all lit up in the tunnel and I could see the round lights going past so fast until it looked like one constant light.

Then, I wound up at another place, much like the first. I got out and it was explained to me that the people in that area were not allowed to leave. There was a rather morbid feeling in that area, from all the other people. It was like a community. They were just standing around and talking and doing various things, just as if I were in a park somewhere. But there was an over looming sense of dread. It was not a nice place.

The whole memory is rather patchy, but that's most of it. That's the gist of things. There was more to it. I was tested on something. I was allowed to walk around. I spoke to two people there. I can't really remember what I said. But all in all, this place felt very real. I only recall ever being there once. Maybe I have been there before, but I can't remember. It didn't seem familiar and I don't like the place. It's very high tech, but very morbid and sad.
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Old 10-25-2009, 09:45 PM   #24
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

I'm sorry- reading that is hard for me- brings up feelings/memories.
That's the human aspect I have mentioned in regards to all this (the greys don't scare me- it's the humans that do).
The underground places with the trains can be frightening- I was more afraid as a child- yes, very morbid feeling/dread. Odd.

You seem to be good at accessing memories- can you remember any people?
Are they dressed in uniform?

Montauk/trip chair info

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Old 10-25-2009, 09:45 PM   #25
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Default Re: Contactee - Dream Experiences, Communication and Visions

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
m1 and Beren- have you read the Hidden Hand interview?
It is someone pretending to be from Agrathi/Hollow earth passing himself off as an elite Creator God and perpetuating/creating/justifying evil for the *benefit* of mankind and their own species (creator gods) so they move on to another *realm* (one of negativity). I don't believe it's right for others (elite) to impose their will (which they have) on the populace- we are not the one's who want war, poverty, murder, destruction of earth, human experiments with secret technology etc;

Eleni, I did read that the other day when you provide the lik and I am sorry for not thanking you for that!

Anyways I could say that his talk is very intelligent, very profound, very complicated, very academic but all over pure evil.
Why I think so?

First of all notice that he exalts him self over others. That is a huge problem. Why?
When did Jesus exalted him over others???
In fact he stated that pupil can not be over his teacher and slave can not be over his master-BUT one day they can be as same as their teachers or
No where the stinking sound of being over proud or egoistic.
Also justifying evil deeds?!?
He was like:"sorry guys but we got to kill you -oh sorry NOT we personally ,but nevertheless you have to die in "harvest" in order that WE can pick up our reward in that blessed realm of 7th something!"
And he stated that with a sincere thinking and almost I felt his smile there when typing!
Pardon me all her but WTF! Who the hell he you are to tell me this !!! I need to die so you can reap bliss!!!

Oh wait but we do not die because we are part of creator...:-) It is not funny. But if we are part of creator in his own analogy also he is a part of creator too an WHY he would like us to die??? Why don` t he die first ,you know just to show us??? Also this stinks in a way like this: what sort of "creator" he claims that he and we are part of , what sort of "creator" has a idiotic wish to hurt him self in order to feel bliss??? What, he will kill part of him(meaning us) and another part of him would then be blissful ?!?!?

Give me a break...

The problem wit hi is that he is intelligent but not smart to actually see how he was fooled and deceived from his masters who serve their own master Lucifer AKA Satan AKA Devil...

Never underestimate Satan`s ability to lie and deceive.
Especially he likes to mix truth with lies to sound more convincing.
Parts of his interview did have large portions of truth, you can feel that, but when he was pointing and finishing his thoughts, he always moved to his side of things...

One more piece of deception. Satan is using all imaginable ways to deceive all people . We should not forget about that.
One of the greatest swindles he did is to convince people that he does not exist. Then how can you fight against works of a person that does not exist???

But luckily for us we have the true light to show us lies and lead us through this dark and that is our king Jesus Christ.
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