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Old 10-24-2009, 07:03 AM   #1
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Default Description of the Annunaki

From Bordon and Gordon's online book with the informants. Anyone know how to link a pdf- I'm not computer savvy.

Who Are These People?

Finally, in a recent round of exchanges with several informants, some of them new ones, we asked them the following question. What are we dealing with here? The extant literature mentions humanoids, grays, reptilians and other kinds of life forms. Which of these are the Anunnaki? And what do they look like? Their answers were quite enlightening.
“Let’s start out by saying that we are definitely dealing with biological entities, not altogether more complex than us, except that their cellular electrical capacitance is much higher than ours, which makes them an energetic envelope of much higher bioelectric potential than us. When you are in the presence of one of them, you can feel their presence as if you could cut it with a knife. A very definite force of what could best be described as intention emanates from them” (Eight 2005, 2006). “They are very large, very tall biological specimens, no doubt of that. They can also be best described as looking almost like albinos – white, almost milky white skin, with a sort of sweat or beads of water evident on their skin, like a film – about seven or eight feet in height, very white hair – not gray white, but kind of snow white. Like white wool – yes, kinky white hair, some of them wear it shoulder length, others short, almost close cropped. But you can tell it is kinky. Oh, eyes are red, when you catch them inside in low light and they are not wearing dark, almost black contact-like lenses, but different from ours. They always travel in pairs, so if you see one of them, the other is not too far away. This is true of the kisam. Haven’t had the chance of meeting the others [those who went to the original late ‘70s meeting, ostensibly coming from the home planet] so I can’t tell you what they’re like. [I] Imagine they look the same. But you can tell more about them from their presence” (Eleven 2006). It is interesting to note that C. L. Turnage, author of a series of provocative books on the connection between the Bible, Planet X and the Anunnaki (Turnage 2000, 1997, 1996) had also described an encounter with one of them, in which she described them in nearly identical terms (Turnage, personal communication to the senior author, 1997).3 And an entirely similar description of the Anunnaki can also be found in Patrick Cooke’s controversial but well thought out arguments on his website, HYPERLINK "http://www.bibleufo.com" www.bibleufo.com.
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Old 10-24-2009, 08:26 AM   #2
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

You just post the full link and the http:// turns it into a hot link.


Also look above the space where you type a post - hover your pointer over each icon to see what it is. See the blue globe one? "Insert link"

For youtube videos just copy the whole url from the top of your browser window, paste in the body of your reply and the forum software will do the rest after you click "submit reply"
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:26 AM   #3
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki


Do these Annunaki always come in 7 foot flavours?
Are these the ones whome are supposed to be living amongst us?

I had a friend, very close friend who was pale skined just like they never went out in the sunshine. Dark eyes where the pupil was almost lost in the surounding colour. I have a party picture of this person sat on a bench with 6 other friends, at night in a club. I wont say his or her, but there eyes were the only ones out of all to show up deep orangy red. I do still have the picture but WILL NOT show it. I have done photography for years and know what red eye looks like, this was different.

Ties break with friends over time, and I have not seen or heard from this person in a long time.

Sorry I digressed.
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:31 PM   #4
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Let's see if this works-

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Any ideas on what to do? How to post the file?
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:35 PM   #5
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Ammit- I have no idea (am no expert on Annunaki) That is very very interesting though.

I do have a memory of seeing one (with the eye covers) and I wonder if it traces back to the Nordic biblical type beings who came into our room, paralyzed me and ex husband (who was wide awake) saw......

Also after my first NDE in August 1997 I had an encounter with that type of being (whitish hair- shoulder length) only the eyes were not read or black.

Man I am thinking of was very tall and had short kinky hair, medium to larger build- looked older and had the black eye coverings. Creeps me out to think about it. I got nervous reading this PDF- it made me feel unwell.
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Eleni, give Karen a shout she may be able to help..
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:47 PM   #7
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Originally Posted by Ammit View Post

Do these Annunaki always come in 7 foot flavours?
Are these the ones whome are supposed to be living amongst us?

I had a friend, very close friend who was pale skined just like they never went out in the sunshine. Dark eyes where the pupil was almost lost in the surounding colour. I have a party picture of this person sat on a bench with 6 other friends, at night in a club. I wont say his or her, but there eyes were the only ones out of all to show up deep orangy red. I do still have the picture but WILL NOT show it. I have done photography for years and know what red eye looks like, this was different.

Ties break with friends over time, and I have not seen or heard from this person in a long time.

Sorry I digressed.
maybe albino?
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:49 PM   #8
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Okay - duh- I found another way to do it (just look it us as an html)
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Old 10-24-2009, 10:04 PM   #9
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
From Bordon and Gordon's online book with the informants. Anyone know how to link a pdf- I'm not computer savvy.

Who Are These People?

Finally, in a recent round of exchanges with several informants, some of them new ones, we asked them the following question. What are we dealing with here? The extant literature mentions humanoids, grays, reptilians and other kinds of life forms. Which of these are the Anunnaki? And what do they look like? Their answers were quite enlightening.
“Let’s start out by saying that we are definitely dealing with biological entities, not altogether more complex than us, except that their cellular electrical capacitance is much higher than ours, which makes them an energetic envelope of much higher bioelectric potential than us. When you are in the presence of one of them, you can feel their presence as if you could cut it with a knife. A very definite force of what could best be described as intention emanates from them” (Eight 2005, 2006). “They are very large, very tall biological specimens, no doubt of that. They can also be best described as looking almost like albinos – white, almost milky white skin, with a sort of sweat or beads of water evident on their skin, like a film – about seven or eight feet in height, very white hair – not gray white, but kind of snow white. Like white wool – yes, kinky white hair, some of them wear it shoulder length, others short, almost close cropped. But you can tell it is kinky. Oh, eyes are red, when you catch them inside in low light and they are not wearing dark, almost black contact-like lenses, but different from ours. They always travel in pairs, so if you see one of them, the other is not too far away. This is true of the kisam. Haven’t had the chance of meeting the others [those who went to the original late ‘70s meeting, ostensibly coming from the home planet] so I can’t tell you what they’re like. [I] Imagine they look the same. But you can tell more about them from their presence” (Eleven 2006). It is interesting to note that C. L. Turnage, author of a series of provocative books on the connection between the Bible, Planet X and the Anunnaki (Turnage 2000, 1997, 1996) had also described an encounter with one of them, in which she described them in nearly identical terms (Turnage, personal communication to the senior author, 1997).3 And an entirely similar description of the Anunnaki can also be found in Patrick Cooke’s controversial but well thought out arguments on his website, HYPERLINK "http://www.bibleufo.com" www.bibleufo.com.
This describes these other similar beings seen by the police officer in this thread!!!!


"...A police officer contacted British UFO experts after seeing three aliens examining a freshly made crop circle near Avebury, Wiltshire.

The sergeant, who has not been named, was off-duty when he saw the figures standing in a field near Silbury Hill, and stopped his car to investigate.

However, as he approached the 'men' – all over 6ft tall with blond hair – he heard "the sound of static electricity" and the trio ran away ''faster than any man he had ever seen''.

''The figures were all over 6ft and had blond hair. They seemed to be inspecting the crop. When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity.

''This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently, close to where the noise was.

However, the mysterious beings disappeared when he ''looked away for a second'' and he contacted UFO experts after witnessing other paranormal activity...."

Last edited by Christo888; 10-24-2009 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 10-24-2009, 10:15 PM   #10
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Yes! It does- I remember reading that account! So are the earthbound Annunaki sending out signals in crop circles to incoming planet or are the circles made for us and we are misinterpreting them (as an outward source making them for our benefit)?
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Old 10-24-2009, 10:57 PM   #11
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Yes! It does- I remember reading that account! So are the earthbound Annunaki sending out signals in crop circles to incoming planet or are the circles made for us and we are misinterpreting them (as an outward source making them for our benefit)?
Isn't that the cat's meow... 'they' who are living amongst us are making the crop circles to communicate to those who are 'above' us... and 'we' thought 'they' were talking to us!!!!

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World!!!!

Easy to trick the masses when they are motivated- focused to find the loot under the big 'W.'

Now where did that MIRROR go?
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:16 PM   #12
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

One would think they have superior means of communication unless they want us to see it too......adds to the psy ops!
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:30 PM   #13
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

True i read that report too it's the same description, there is a video footage as well with the same beings, from far, just on the spot of the crop when it's formed. they look as tall white beings kind of shadowy and floating. The comment of the one shooting this was, fear and a feeling of high power in the air. interesting theory you're developing
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:47 PM   #14
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Originally Posted by akopij View Post
True i read that report too it's the same description, there is a video footage as well with the same beings, from far, just on the spot of the crop when it's formed. they look as tall white beings kind of shadowy and floating. The comment of the one shooting this was, fear and a feeling of high power in the air. interesting theory you're developing
We're getting warmer!!!!

shadowy and floating and tall and white...

And from the first post above!!!

“They are very large, very tall biological specimens, no doubt of that. They can also be best described as looking almost like albinos – white, almost milky white skin, with a sort of sweat or beads of water evident on their skin, like a film
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:51 PM   #15
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

And this from 'Angel in Disguise's" posts!!! Hope you don't mind Angel?

Angel in Disguise
Default Re: David Ickes' Reptilians are Counter Intel Op
I beg to differ... I think I may have seen one... Not sure what it was but it looked EXACTLY like the thing in the movie Predator. And no I'm not any crazier than any of you ... Oh and that is in regards to them not existing... I may have thought I was crazy but my friend sitting next to me saw the exact same thing... How does that work???
Last edited by Angel in Disguise; 10-09-2009 at 08:44 PM.

And also from "Angel in Disguise"
Re: Avalon & Camelot Reptilian Experiencers
I hate typing... Therefore repeating myself... Just look here... http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...=counter+intel... And there was another thread here... http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...highlight=York

Last edited by Christo888; 10-25-2009 at 12:41 AM.
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Old 10-25-2009, 12:02 AM   #16
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Christo- so you are saying the reps and Annunaki are one and the same? I used to think that- but am not so sure now.......but then again I don't discount anything because all possibilities exist within this realm.

One thought that has disturbed me for years.......in 97 I had an NDE- that evening a *Nordic* visited me in my hallway- after my NDE I read heaps of books on NDE's and similar was reported.......I get the creepy feeling these dudes are gatekeepers and work on various levels- in ancient times people misinterpreted them as angels/evolved beings......
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Old 10-25-2009, 12:48 AM   #17
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Christo- so you are saying the reps and Annunaki are one and the same? I used to think that- but am not so sure now.......but then again I don't discount anything because all possibilities exist within this realm.

One thought that has disturbed me for years.......in 97 I had an NDE- that evening a *Nordic* visited me in my hallway- after my NDE I read heaps of books on NDE's and similar was reported.......I get the creepy feeling these dudes are gatekeepers and work on various levels- in ancient times people misinterpreted them as angels/evolved beings......

Scare tactics can also be used to protect something that shouldn't be disturbed yet... In other words keep scientists away from interrupting certain forces and keep ill-will intended beings from learning of the secrets of Divine Intelligence for fear of misuse that may cause undue damage or hardships innocently.

We are probably stuck in a mish-mash of several factions... they may not be one in the same (reps and Annunaki) but descriptions very likely place them in the same category, though they are probably both malevolent and benevolent, such as the story's of savage Indians and peaceful Indians.

For example not all illegal's are gang members!

Last edited by Christo888; 10-25-2009 at 12:53 AM.
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Old 10-25-2009, 01:45 AM   #18
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Isn't that the cat's meow... 'they' who are living amongst us are making the crop circles to communicate to those who are 'above' us... and 'we' thought 'they' were talking to us!!!!

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World!!!!

Easy to trick the masses when they are motivated- focused to find the loot under the big 'W.'

Now where did that MIRROR go?
Perhaps the Dudes in the Deep Underground Military Bases are creating the crop circles from within the Earth...to call for Pluto Dude reinforcements.

Perhaps our loot is under the Big Pyramid...under the Giza Plateau...in a huge Deep Underground Military Base.

That's probably my favorite movie! It describes the human condition pretty accurately...doesn't it? We must look like real idiots to any truly enlightened beings in the universe. In fact...I think we're raving lunatics! Were the Dracs hired to reign us in? I doubt it very much...but one never really knows!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-25-2009 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:35 PM   #19
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Orthodoxy- did you read the Bordon and Gordon PDF I posted- that gives some insight into the issue though not enough for me to really makes heads or tails of what is really going on.
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Old 10-25-2009, 10:45 PM   #20
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Well Oxy... a bin of looney's we are!!!

Probably what Universal Studios really is for... too showcase the Earth for all the Universe to watch!

Imagine sitting down one day and watching your own Akashic records... it was right in front of me the whole time!
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Old 11-05-2009, 09:17 PM   #21
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

It has always been my understanding through a number of different things I have read in the past, that the Annunaki are comprised of a number of different species, not one in particular. Based on those readings, I came away with the feeling that "Annunaki" was simply a name for the group or organization of multiple beings/species. Obviously this is only speculation on my part and the multiple readings that I have done could be completely false. It might also be noteworthy to mention that I also came away with the feeling that the Annunaki are comprised of Fallen Beings, or in other words negative entities, service to self beings, etc. Again, take it with a grain of salt because as we all know too well, nothing has been proven yet.
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Old 11-06-2009, 06:33 PM   #22
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TG I also have read that they are made up of a number of different species, but I have read that there are two factions one being against us “Enlil”, and one for us “Enki”.

There is some good info about them on another forum, would it go against forum rules to link to it (mind you the other forum can be very negative so maybe not a good idea), maybe I should ask the OP’s if I could paste and copy their content?
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:04 PM   #23
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

So much information, but what do you trust? What info do you believe? Especially when no one grants you proof.

For instance, in some ancient African/Egyptian text (that’s currently in the hands of elder Africans) the Annunaki were defined as being a dark skinned race (dark greenish/bluish) that lived on Earth for millions of years. They were believed to be like plants and took their energy/sustenance from the sun and air, they didn’t eat. They used flames of fire as their language to talk to God, this is possibly why tribes today appear to worship what looks to be camp fires, and they dance and chant to communicate to the divine. (Ancient Ethiopians and modern day Hebrews also use fire as their language.

It has been said that the Annunaki became bored (or sick) and didn’t want to mine the gold or build anymore, so they created other beings to basically be slaves (not sure if it was voluntary or not). The new races (mainly the Caucasians) were said to be the recessive man, a cancer born out of sickness to create destruction to itself and the world. So the Annunaki left, to either go on a spiritual quest, seek healing, or simply explore the universe for about 2000 years.

The anomaly seen behind the sun is said to be the EYE of light that sits on top of the Pyramid (not Nibiru). It is manipulating the sun (on its way back to Earth) sending specific energy waves/rays to the planet. These waves are purposely destroying the Ozone layer of the Earth so the melanin in the skin of man can absorb these energies unlocking the DNA. The ancient African/Egyptians claim that the dark matter is melanin, and once the DNA is activated the melanin and dark matter becomes one, therefore controlling your environments in astonishing ways. They say the Caucasians lack of melanin in the skin not only hinders their spirituality and rhythm with the universe but will also reflect the light energies instead of absorbing it. It’s also been said that many Caucasians are being abducted by false aliens, so they can perform experiments in hopes of fixing their DNA structure. Some Africans believe that the chemical spraying and HAARP is trying to restore the ozone layer but it’s failing to do so.

They also claim that this is the real reason why they put Obama into office, so that he can arrange peace with the Annunaki and the new people, the spirals in the skies and the Nobel peace prize is connected. This story is very very deep and detailed with names, places, and events I hardly remember and think may be disconcerting to certain races of people. I just wanted to add another accusation to the thread of what these beings might be; I hope it isn’t taking out of context to promote any negative conduct, but to be analyzed along with the rest, separating the wheat from the chaff. If I can get my hands on some of these scriptures (unfortunately most of it was destroyed) I would gladly share it. I find so much HIS- Story everywhere that I sometimes find it hard to believe anything. Sure hope that whatever transition occurs…it will be smooth and peaceful for all of us.

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Old 12-14-2009, 08:22 PM   #24
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

Peace- do you have a link for that info- sounds very interesting.....
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Old 12-14-2009, 09:25 PM   #25
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Default Re: Description of the Annunaki

The info I just shared was told to me by elderly Africans, and some translated text. I also find it interesting but remain skeptic about all info presented to me without immediate logical physical proof.

Below is something I took from another thread on another website. There’s a lot of information out there stating the same thing…a good google search should bring you upon some of this stuff. I hesitate to show or discuss much of it for various reasons, just wanted to give another perspective to the mysterious specie.


Among The Anunnaqi THE ANUNNAQI ELOHEEM are those beings who were sent down to the Planet Qi (Earth), known to you as angels. The word Anunnaqi means "those who ANU sent from heaven to Earth." They are called NETERU, meaning "guardians" by the Egyptians. The Anunnaqi Eloheem are the "mighty ones." In Ashuric/Syraic (Arabic) the "mighty ones" are referred to as Jabbariyns. In Aramic (Hebrew) the "mighty ones" are referred to as Gibboreem.The very elite among the Anunnaqi are called the DINNEER, or the DINGIR, meaning "the righteous, or divine ones of the rocket ship," or ILU, meaning "the lofty ones" in Akkadian.The Anunnaqi, Eloheem, were acting as intermediaries between Earth and NIBIRU. They came to the planet Earth in order to find gold and other resources, to take back to their planet which is the 8th planet—Rizq, of the 19th galaxy called Illyuwn meaning "on high," which was on its way to destruction due to constant rays from the three suns UTU, APSU, and SHAMASH.


They were supposed to deliver the processed gold to spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of the moon called (Kingu or Shesqi), and Lahmu (Mars). This is where they constructed and loaded the 30 mile long cylinder shaped crafts. They used Lahmu (Mars) to assemble crafts to launch. The Anunnaqi arrived on the planet Qi by way of passenger crafts called shams. Their planet-sized ship Nibiru, which means "planet which crosses the skies, or planet of the crossing" travels at 1,008,600,272 feet per second, the speed of light. Nibiru is about 2½ to 3 times the size of the planet Earth. Nibiru has a crystal dome giving it the ability to break down light, it has solar panels that are the size of pin's heads or less than that and can generate millions and millions of watts of energy. Nibiru was set up for holographic inter dimensional transport and manned over 144,000 crew members headed by 24 elite beings called YAHWEHANS, 12 agreeable and 12 disagreeable. Nibiru is also called Merkabah meaning "the movable throne. These extra-terra-astral (extraterrestrial) are aboard the mother ship Nibiru.
The Anunnaqi's descriptions are dark-greenish brown skinned olive toned beings, with supreme 9 ether hair texture or what you'd call "kinky" or "kingly" hair. They look like humans with a few exceptions, such as their eyes. Some of the Anunnaqi's eyes are exceptionally larger than that of humans. They are of such and advanced state that if you confronted one of them with a weapon, they would let you shoot them rather than hurt you.


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