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Old 02-24-2010, 10:52 PM   #1
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Default Thuban Thoughts

I'm beginning a journey through the abraxasinas thread http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18900 ...and I'm having a difficult time getting started. I've been reading bits and pieces...and I've even asked a few questions...but I've found it difficult to spend the many hours necessary to make a proper and fair analysis. So...this thread is intended to make me read the whole thread...and make observations along the way. This is sort of a public journal...and I have absolutely no agenda. I won't be asking abraxasinas direct questions...and I'll probably mostly be engaging in positive reinforcement and attempted understanding...with emphasis on 'attempted'. I won't be expecting comments from anyone...but feel free to comment. Again...this is just a public journal regarding abraxasinas and the Council of Thuban. Don't expect anything earth-shattering or profound to come of this. Here goes!

I've been finding it helpful to listen to some music while reading the Thuban thread. It sort of puts me in the mood...so to speak. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKImiR7a4zw 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UE-Z...om=PL&index=34 (I used to be able to play this one!) 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjqbe...eature=related 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm4kn...eature=related 5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XSH...eature=related 6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLnTm...eature=related

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 02-24-2010 at 10:58 PM.
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Old 02-24-2010, 11:35 PM   #2
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

I'm basically going to try to make one post per 'page'. I will make random thoughts...which will in no way be scholarly or authoritative. Just thinking out loud.

I keep thinking of abraxasinas as being the figure in the avatar (on the Thuban thread) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3A6_blpqpU ...and as being an ancient female human/reptilian hybrid...and as representing the interdimensional reptilian position...in a somewhat complex and evasive manner. Just my initial impression. I'm thinking that I'll have to do a lot of reading between the lines. Is the music I chose representative of the realm I am entering? Are cathedrals and cathedral music really representative of ancient human creativity...or ancient reptilian creativity? Notice especially the gargoyles. I keep thinking of the word 'ancient'.

Anyway...the hellish realm described was somewhat shocking to me. I didn't expect what I read. It was a bit offensive...but it made me curious. Is there really such a realm? Was this a fictional description of something which really exists...or was it pretty much a literal eye-witness description? Should subsequent posts be viewed from this context? This wasn't really a great way to win friends and influence people...was it? Shouldn't one start out with the sugar-coated stuff...and then move into the graphic and hellish stuff later on? Again...I was somewhat shocked. However...are we too hypocritical and prudish? Do we deny reality? Would this sort of a hell actually be fun? Would we admit as much? Would a hellish orgy actually be a turn-on? I think I'd much prefer some fine Nordic companionship! Uff dah! Nuff said!

I keep getting the feeling that both the Human and Reptilian races are wrong. That an original sin led to an equal and opposite sin...or something like that. I'm focusing on the concept of two basic races...Reptilian and Human...in conflict with each other for millions (or billions) of years. I intend no demonization or triumphalism. I just want to try to get a sense of the various components of the mess we all find ourselves in. I don't think that it's a pretty picture. I really wish to be fair and honest. No lasting solution will emerge without fairness and honesty. Unfortunately...I'm quite neurotic, gullible, and helpless. Keep that in mind.

It might be helpful to listen to the Anna Hayes 'Earth History' lecture before proceeding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0sncfZpRok (no longer available - copyright issues - money issues) I think I'll take the time to do so. (guess not) This stuff gets really complex and intricate...and it is pretty much impossible to verify. Is this just a big mind-game...or is this stuff really real? If we embrace all of this...will someone show up in a couple of years...and convince us to go in a completely different direction? Where does all of this confusion and complexity end?

OK...I just finished the first page. Only 53 to go! Whoo Hoo! I do get the feeling that we are under a Draconian Theocracy...and that we are Prisoners of War on a Prison Planet with Grey Guards and a Reptilian Warden. I desire Human Sovereignty...but I also desire an end to all Theocracy (in the dictatorial, master/slave, unquestionable authority sense). 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods' should be the first and last commandment. I feel as though we got our butts kicked by the Reps...and that we probably deserved it...but that now it is time to move on. All of the complexity on this first page seems to obscure the real issues. I suspect that there is a lot more complexity and confusion in my immediate future. Oh Goody!

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 02-25-2010 at 04:42 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:06 AM   #3
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

When I posted my reply: "Ja, lekker dan, zo ken ik er nog wel een paar!" I used a Dutch expression a Google translater can't cope with. Just to see how 'allmighty' abraxasinas would handle that. Well. he didn't. Actually he came up with a 'Google' translation, which doesn't even comes close to my reply. So my conclusion is that Draconians don't speak Dutch.
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Old 02-25-2010, 01:14 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
When I posted my reply: "Ja, lekker dan, zo ken ik er nog wel een paar!" I used a Dutch expression a Google translater can't cope with. Just to see how 'allmighty' abraxasinas would handle that. Well. he didn't. Actually he came up with a 'Google' translation, which doesn't even comes close to my reply. So my conclusion is that Draconians don't speak Dutch.

Thanks Ortho, I will follow it up!

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-25-2010, 01:14 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
When I posted my reply: "Ja, lekker dan, zo ken ik er nog wel een paar!" I used a Dutch expression a Google translater can't cope with. Just to see how 'allmighty' abraxasinas would handle that. Well. he didn't. Actually he came up with a 'Google' translation, which doesn't even comes close to my reply. So my conclusion is that Draconians don't speak Dutch.
If you ain't Dutch...you ain't much! But...Drac is Beautiful! Draconians are more numerical than verbal...aren't they? Do they rely on computers and databases a lot? (Grey Super Computers with an Ancient Human Technology Database?!) I get the feeling that they are quite the fighters...but that their thought processes are more methodical and less spontaneous than ours...and that they follow orders better than we do. Just an initial impression. But I've never met one...that I know of! Then again...what if our souls are Reptilian...or at least the same as Reptilian souls? Somehow...on a mental, emotional, or spiritual level...the Reptilians seem to need us. Or...do they simply want Human bodies...hence all of the horrible genetics experiments? I once heard a pastor say that 'God needs us'. Are the Reptilians our 'God'? I don't mean to trample anyone's faith...and I do have a different kind of faith...complete with eternal life...but it is certainly not traditional Christianity...or even New Age.

I wonder if Courtney Brown has remote viewed the Council of Thuban or Alpha Draconis? Was this the center of power for the Grey Collective which Courtney remote viewed? Did he remote view abraxasinas? Hmmmmm.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 02-25-2010 at 03:12 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 01:46 AM   #6
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

This sounds like DR PHIL I prescribe RIDLAND

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Old 02-25-2010, 02:47 AM   #7
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
This sounds like DR PHIL I prescribe RIDLAND

I take it that you're not a believer?! What caused you to lose your faith?

'Thuban Thoughts' are just my thoughts about abraxasinas, the Council of Thuban, and the Human/Reptilian conflict. I thought about calling the thread the 'Thuban Missile Crisis' with a tie-in to the 'Norway Spiral'...but then I got serious. How would we identify a genuine good-faith attempt by a key Reptilian Being to make peace with the Human Race?? Could this be such an attempt? If so...we wouldn't want Dr. Phil to $crew things up...now would we? RIDLAND? Actually...I think I need a prefrontal lobotomy...followed up with a cocktail of mind-altering drugs...provided by the CIA!!!

By the way...any thoughts about the abraxasinas avatar...in relation to your old avatar?

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 02-25-2010 at 02:54 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:01 AM   #8
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

I just finished page 2. Wow! What a lot of unfamiliar terms, concepts, and information! This is almost like visiting a foreign country...and not being able to understand the language...and trying to figure out what the hell is going on! Is this sort of conversation really necessary or beneficial? Is this the language of the Gods and Goddesses...which only they can understand...so as not to fraternize with the goyim?

I found this abraxasinas comment quite interesting:

"8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others. Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes."

So...no doomsday? No quarantine? We are already sovereign? (abraxasinas indicated to me that Human sovereignty was not a good idea now...maybe later). 'Queen of the Bull' reminds me of Hathor. abraxasinas reminds me of Hathor...but then I've never met Hathor! A person shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes? Does a lightbody imply having no physicality? I don't ever want to not have physicality. I think this would be descension rather than ascension.

TRANCOSO provided an interesting quote:

'We stood before it and began to freeze inside from the exertion. We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to it, prayed to it: We called it mother, called it whore and sl#t, called it our beloved, called it Abraxas...'
(Excerpt from 'DEMIAN' by Hermann Hesse)

This quote, and the avatar, point to the feminine. The energy of abraxasinas seems more feminine than masculine to me. I feel as though I know this energy. It feels familiar...somehow...as if people I have known and listened to...have been instructed by this intelligence. Hmmmmmmm.

The signature is also interesting. The many in one...and one in many. This made me think of 'Legion - for we are many'. Also...'all for one...and one for all'. And 'out of many...one'.

I keep feeling as though abraxasinas dances around the real issues...in an almost sing-song above-it-all manner. Just a feeling...mind you.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 02-25-2010 at 04:15 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:16 AM   #9
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Believing is not knowing,trusting is not knowing.Truth is pretty simple,deception is complex when we need something outside of ourselves, to believe in. B(lame) makes us lame, and paralyzed in the root chakra. A Fault is a crack in the EARTH and HEART.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:20 AM   #10
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Even after you can put all the datastream together and see the construct he is building or explaining, what will it serve you in terms of increased self-awareness, not just intellectually?

There is infinite creation and infinite non-creation and I suppose I am in the mood for heading back the other way to the Big Zero :-)
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:21 AM   #11
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I think there is a thread of truth which runs through the ancient mythologies...stories of gods, goddesses, and pharaohs...the biblical record, channeled and remotely viewed information, regression hypnosis, etc...but that most of it is pure BS. I think there is something very special about abraxasinas. I've never encountered anyone like this. I've never encountered information like this. This isn't just anybody...I don't think. But who knows...it could be an NSA experiment to see how we might react to this sort of thing. This could conceivably be pulled off by an NSA staffer with a Cray Supercomputer. Damned if I know. All of this Galactic Federation and SaLuSa stuff might be Alphabet Agency generated to prepare the public for the genuine ET generated BS which is coming. How do we really know anything for certain? Anybody can make up anything. I have pulled back from my biblical upbringing because of the complexity and contradictions...not to mention the utter absurdities. I desire simple clarity. Remember the Tower of Babel incident? If you can't convince 'em...confuse 'em. Try to reduce concepts to their most simple forms...and keep them simple. Of course...when I have tried to do this...people pay no attention because they think there's nothing special or spooky going on...and that it's too simple. Go figure. I will continue through the entire Thuban thread...because I think it's significant...regardless of the source. It shouldn't be ignored. It could possibly be a huge part of disclosure. Who knows? If you were a Reptilian/Human hybrid with a 500 IQ and total reincarnational recall...and had been the key mediator between the Reptilian and Human races for thousands of years...and had witnessed unmentionable atrocities throughout the centuries...how might you deal with an Avalon Q & A? It would be hard...wouldn't it? I don't think we have any idea what this might be like...but I do think there is a very real possibility that such an individual exists. Could this individual be abraxasinas? I don't know. I will continue to be somewhat neutral...probing and irreverent...but I will give the Thuban thread some careful consideration...and I will attempt to relate it to the other threads I have been struggling with. This is uncharted territory.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

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Old 02-25-2010, 06:58 AM   #12
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So what!!! He came from the same "Source" you came from. If you retrace and re-establish your recognition of that connection and be the All-that-is how looming and daunting will anyone or any construct appear to you then?

Do I go around specializing in explaining to people the magic or science of how I created universe spirals or "Jewels of Knowledge" or multiple time tracks (variations of torus), or pineal glands that fill our skulls, ad infinitum?!? I could, but how would that serve you by pretending to loom larger than you? It would only be an apparency anyways, thus a lie, not an actuality.

I could say more in the heat of passion, but I'll subside for now :-)
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Old 02-25-2010, 07:45 AM   #13
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Ortho, I wish to acknowledge your tireless questioning of all...well done...

I have always enjoyed reading your thoughts, which you transcribe well into text. You are an honest individual in search of answers. I like your attitude in rergards to openly admitting that you 'dont really know' this is a wise truth of yours.

Ross H, formerly known as jross.
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:05 AM   #14
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

A good idea to starting a thread outside of the Dragon's den Ortho. If I may......This Thuban material is a real stirrer across the board effecting everyone differently, as in profoundly.

What I have concluded is that the laws of attraction have brought it to here, at this forum. Now why is that? Because the potential for it to be realized was already here before it got here. Once the potential threshold was crossed over, it came into manifestation. The parameters for it to cause it to hit the ground running under a Q & A format was also the perfection within it as far as a delivery system. There have been other threads that have done the same thing. Bill Ryan's thread was Q & A. Similar moderation requests applied there as well. We also saw what happened there.

Several things come to mind here. Free speech. As long as it is within the guidelines, it should stand. I might not agree with the agenda behind it because of my own personal issues, but that is no different from many of other threads that have come and gone either. Another thing I do not support are acts of trolling. And I am porbably quilty of it somewhere and that is no excuse on my part. I apologize right here and now if I have done so. Because it can have a disrespectful effect on a thread. More so depending on the serious nature of the thread. If it is one of those threads where the manure is flying, who's going to notice anyway? But on an intense thread, it can cause upheaval, with all the emotional aftermath afterward. Again I learned my lesson and have no future plans of repeating that. When it happens to you, then you will know what I am trying to say here. Trolling can be done with both polarities being used. When that happens you will be compromised either way.

I will say that there is something about this material that I would consider something like spiritual science. Light encoding is most difficult to translate it into any language. Languages are very crude indeed when trying to describe even simple things. Let alone the complexities of the Universe. That's a reach. Can it be manipulated? Of course it can. For a very few this material makes sense to them. But I guess where I run into a challenge is when I ask how can I figure this out as something to solve for, no one has thus put me where I need to start.

All I can figure out is that one shoe doesn't fit everyone and trust in my own soul for guidance. Because that trust is not going to be found outside of myself as in 100% or as of lately from this forum body in terms of certain individuals that have only betrayed that trust, posing as light but serving the dark. They fall under the double agent category as well. Some have been here way longer than I have been. Don't look to hard, but you have all kinds of predators here that come in all disguises. The reason why some of you are not invited to Goddess parties is because you are not Goddesses. Even though you try to disguise yourself as one. So this place is like any other and you will get all kinds here that will come in some sort of disguise. There are those here that can be as sweet as they can be hiding behind labels of love and light and stab you to death when you turn your back. All because they wanted what shine in light as to what they don't have. Whether that be power, popularity, or whatever they set you up and when the time is right bam! It is no different anywhere you go. also for the record, I am not using this forum for an attack platform. I'm just pointing it out as to what is here. Pinnacus, the cougar within, has growled at old ladies in my space and that freaks me out every time he does that because there is no warning. You would think one old lady is an old lady but appearances are not always what they seem. And this what I am referring to as to the laws of attraction. The ones posing as light serving the dark was what attracted this Thuban thread in my mind. I say that as everything my soul screams out about this is that anything from Alpha Draconis can not be trusted. I could also say that Abrax is a non factor in this as my soul knew this way before he showed up.

If the Alpha Draconians are walking the walk as what Abrax here is trying to convince us with his information, then they need to build a trust first. This place is responsible for so much in this Galaxy, that it would make your head spin off your neck. Someone said something about the 80/20 rule. Where as 80% was good and 20 % were bad. I would buy that with the human soul group and even many of the other alien races. But when I look at Alpha Draconis I see it as 80% bad and 20 % good. And please save me on the polarity lecture that many do not want to acknowledge in it's full light. You really only insult yourself by acting that way and only show the ignorance of that issue. I didn't make these rules up. But they exist and I acknowledge the polarity issue. It goes with the territory. It isn't an opinion. It just is what it is.

If I took the 80/20 rule and applied it to this forum, the the 80% are good and 20% are bad, then that would mean that 1 in 5 members here aren't exactly swimming in the majority's direction. I repeat, 1 in 5. Call it what you will, a different shade of light, good and bad, light and dark, etc. And this a common factoring system to determine averages. The numbers can change either way but they track pretty close to these numbers. As long as it adds up to 100%. This is simple math so don't yell at me for being complicated.

Now maybe by whatever influence of insanity I might be under, but for the sake of argument let's say Abrax here is of the light. I can wrap my head in that direction but what yanks it back is what is behind him who are his owners. My flags just literally want to not just go up but jump out of me. Why is that? Because something within me associates my soul past to their direction. Soul memory doesn't lie. And with all of the spiritual stuff you learn, you are always trying to become whole again as to who you are. Remembering fully who you are. Ask yourself that same question of what you are trying to do with your spiritual quest? What are you trying to achieve? You already know the answer. Wholeness. For every path, there's a solution. For me personally, the Thuban council needs to establish a trust of good faith as a list of a few things I would require before I would "ALLOW" them to even visit here.

And how can someone comment on someone that they haven't even met?
For instance, Jesus Christ and Spirit Matthew. Abrax, you haven't met either one of them and yet you act as though you know more about them then they do. That was what broke the camel's back for me or at least one of the camels. I know for a fact that they would not do that to you or anyone else and to me that is like setting them up for someone behind you, one of your owners to come later and then really blast out the discrediting card. What a ruse just in that little issue. They also know of you. The message to you is that you are being watched with a close eye, Abrax. Tune in on the math for that one.

Part of the reason why these ones don't remember where they came from is because it was a genetic program that was created to have them forget where they came from because some of them had a change of heart when they got dumped here and it was creating a reverse effect as to what the 80% wanted. In other words, what their Royal King had tried to resolve in their home Kingdom and couldn't, found themselves with the same predicament as their King, so they devised a way to cause a genetic amnesia so that they could control the 20% below them. It has taken many years and what was once a whole race dumped here has now since been splintered off through time. We just ended up with the worse of the worse here on this Planet as the wars cause division in numbers. They are now a fragmented race scattered about. The good dragons that could left their cause. I'm not worried about the good Dragons. Just the bad ones. And the good Dragons don't live on Alpha Draconis. The bad Dragon do and that is why I have issues.

Thanks Ortho. I hope I didn't embarrass you with my take on things.

Last edited by Lionhawk; 02-25-2010 at 10:31 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:55 AM   #15
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post

And how can someone comment on someone that they haven't even met?
For instance, Jesus Christ and Spirit Matthew. Abrax, you haven't met either one of them and yet you act as though you know more about them then they do. That was what broke the camel's back for me or at least one of the camels. I know for a fact that they would not do that to you or anyone else and to me that is like setting them up for someone behind you, one of your owners to come later and then really blast out the discrediting card. What a ruse just in that little issue. They also know of you. The message to you is that you are being watched with a close eye, Abrax. Tune in on the math for that one.

Yep Spot on Lionhawk...

I would just like to add that that thread is really turning into a joke...And I am surprised it has gone on this far... Buy hey not my boat...!!

I would also like to add...

To put it in simple terms...

Do you not think that it is turning into a 'Cult'?? We have all sorts of threads popping up everywhere about it!!

Surely if he wishes to carry on then he can start a Q& A session on his own Web site ... I am sure all his followers will be more than happy to visit his site!! They can start his own 'Cult' ...

But in my opinion this is not the place here!!

Are we all forgetting why we are here...

Certainly not to support any type of 'Cult' gathering

quote... By Bill and Kerry ... Our goals:

• To provide important information and resources to enable individuals and communities to function optimally in what may be troubled times ahead.

• To support aware individuals in networking and forming groups as they wish.

Our philosophy:

• As stated by George Green in the Project Camelot interview Messages for the Ground Crew, there exist individuals and groups, all over the world, who have an important responsibility and role to play in the preservation of civilization regardless which scenarios may play out.

• These possible scenarios - which include planned financial collapse, war, and population reduction by covert means - can be prevented and changed by the united intention of many concerned individuals. Many of us are working to prepare and awaken others. We know that our efforts to create a new tomorrow will not be in vain. We acknowledge the Ground Crew all over the globe - including (we are confident) ethical and principled individuals within military and intelligence circles worldwide.

• We believe it's prudent to make contingency plans. This site is created to help you do that.

A new religeon or following that does not exist anywhere except in the mind of Abrax ... Do you not think that strange ???

There is no information about the Thuban Council anywhere except here on Avalon. Doesn't that say something to you?

A 'Cult' in the making...

It will be interesting to see how Gaia thread turns out...At the moment we have majority that they thank ita a load of balloney!!! We shall see...

My two cents...

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Old 02-25-2010, 11:12 AM   #16
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

The ideas and concepts hides a dangerous roads on the Thuban thread. Behind complexity of a lot of false and true scientific data, a lure is working to catch the attention and ultimately, entangle it to a false belief system.

The Thuban material has all the aspect of a cult religion and a dangerous one. I am still surprised how so many people do not see it yet. Probably, because these people already had bits of beliefs of this kind in their own consciousness.

The thuban material are not freeing, but overwhelming. Truth is simple, lies are complexes.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-25-2010, 11:24 AM   #17
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts


That was very elegantly put. Thanks you for posting this message.

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
A good idea to starting a thread outside of the Dragon's den Ortho. If I may......This Thuban material is a real stirrer across the board effecting everyone differently, as in profoundly.

You are 100 correct.

What I have concluded is that the laws of attraction have brought it to here, at this forum.

Yes indeed.

Several things come to mind here. Free speech. As long as it is within the guidelines, it should stand. I might not agree with the agenda behind it because of my own personal issues, but that is no different from many of other threads that have come and gone either.

Thank you Lionhawk as this very issue is so important for the internet community. We cannot attempt to control thought or it is all over... for all of us.

Another thing I do not support are acts of trolling. And I am porbably quilty of it somewhere and that is no excuse on my part. I apologize right here and now if I have done so. Because it can have a disrespectful effect on a thread.

Correct again and it does cause conflicts as the 'thought' direction is intentionally changed by those who have no interest in it to begin with. Almost a form of censorship if you will.

I will say that there is something about this material that I would consider something like spiritual science. Light encoding is most difficult to translate it into any language. Languages are very crude indeed when trying to describe even simple things. Let alone the complexities of the Universe.

Thank you for saying this for any complex material can be difficult to explain and to grasp.

All I can figure out is that one shoe doesn't fit everyone and trust in my own soul for guidance. Because that trust is not going to be found outside of myself as in 100% or as of lately from this forum body in terms of certain individuals that have only betrayed that trust, posing as light but serving the dark.

As a microcosm of the real world Avalon has the good, the bad and the ugly as well.

If the Alpha Draconians are walking the walk as what Abrax here is trying to convince us with his information, then they need to build a trust first. This place is responsible for so much in this Galaxy, that it would make your head spin off your neck.

I know that you come from a different experiential background and this material bothers you because of your knowledge and I respect that. However I do not have that same knowledge base and the experiences that I have had in my life has not directed me to 'run' from this material because it is dangerous. I can understand why it may cause fear in some but that is not my issue to deal with.

Now maybe by whatever influence of insanity I might be under, but for the sake of argument let's say Abrax here is of the light. I can wrap my head in that direction but what yanks it back is what is behind him who are his owners.

Can you share who they may be so we also may see the ruse?

For me personally, the Thuban council needs to establish a trust of good faith as a list of a few things I would require before I would "ALLOW" them to even visit here.

Hmmm... he comes the censorship thing again that you opposed at the beginning of your comment. Why must someone be 'allowed' to read something Lionhawk? Who is the final arbiter... you? Bill Ryan? Abraxas? Me? Do you see how senseless censorship is?

For instance, Jesus Christ and Spirit Matthew. Abrax, you haven't met either one of them and yet you act as though you know more about them then they do.

Can you explain the knowledge you posses that gives you the authority to make this claim?

Part of the reason why these ones don't remember where they came from is because it was a genetic program that was created to have them forget where they came from because some of them had a change of heart when they got dumped here...

And why should I believe this anymore than I would believe what Abraxas speaks about?

I'm not worried about the good Dragons. Just the bad ones. And the good Dragons don't live on Alpha Draconis. The bad Dragon do and that is why I have issues.

Can you point me to any credible information that would support this statement, I would love to read it?

Thanks Ortho. I hope I didn't embarrass you with my take on things.

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Old 02-25-2010, 12:24 PM   #18
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

Originally Posted by bigmo View Post

That was very elegantly put. Thanks you for posting this message.
Hello Bigmo. Dear you should question Abraxas information and claims, just the way you are doing with Lionhawks.

Also, I think the thread has to be respected and stay free, as our opinion in disagreement with the OP without being tagged as troll. We should be free to express our opinion with respect and avoid condescendant behavior.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 02-25-2010 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:18 PM   #19
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If the Alpha Draconians are walking the walk as what Abrax here is trying to convince us with his information, then they need to build a trust first. This place is responsible for so much in this Galaxy, that it would make your head spin off your neck.

I know that you come from a different experiential background and this material bothers you because of your knowledge and I respect that. However I do not have that same knowledge base and the experiences that I have had in my life has not directed me to 'run' from this material because it is dangerous. I can understand why it may cause fear in some but that is not my issue to deal with.

What bothers me is what I have seen. The knowledge is just the bait. What is being presented is basically an invite and that is in reference to "ALLOWANCE". What you allow in. You thereby give it permission to enter your space and share it with you. Depending of that intent of what you have invited in will also determine the outcome in your space. You are not in control of your space any longer and will be subjected to the will of what you invited in. By doing that you have also relinquished your free will. Now you must ask yourself if the info is worth the exchange of your soul because that is the trick that is played upon you without you even realizing what you are doing. Most just see it as information but it is also the bait to attract you. If you do a scan on that thread, what you will find is something compared to a blob of tissue that is black which is morphing tentacles out towards you and trying to grab hold of you. Do the scan! It is always moving to a suspected possible piece of fish. The fish being you. We have ocean creatures that do something similar. This thing in the back ground is like a parasite. This forum is a portal. Just like the Ouija board but high tech but it works the same way. There is an energy transference between you and your screen and whatever portal you have accessed. That portal being the thread you are in. This is 4D at work here but is being done now through 3D equipment. Before all this equipment came out, much of the dark's agenda was transmitted through 2D. The crystals of the Planet. This is also how the dark were able to hijack the 3D and never get caught doing it because they were transmitting their programs from the 4D to the 2D and the crystals would then transmit it into the 3D. You can say it was their back door approach. It was also stealthy as no one caught onto that. I probably created more questions than answers with this but maybe you get the idea now. The Ouija board is beckoning you to ask the question. What's the difference as compared to a forum? You might also find one of those energy signatures of a coin operated fortune teller in the scan of that thread. All I can say is that many have experienced attacks from various portals on the Internet and one must be somewhat shielded when you come to these places. Some of us tried to warn people back last fall and for the most part people made assumptions like I am already protected and so forth. Well, the ones here that have shined their light brightly have been attacked, the ones who became complacent. Some who you would think would qualify to be attacked weren't because in reality their light isn't as great as they think. They pose no threat to the darkside. If you have been attacked, then you now know you pose a threat because now they have ramped it up like I mentioned back then and have been pursuing higher profile targets. It is also everyone's responsibility to shield themselves. Don't give it the opportunity. Also what I despise about all this is that it makes me look like a paranoid loon. I'm not but it has been ramped up and I have been busy with all kinds of issues related to this. I'd rather go fishing.

Now maybe by whatever influence of insanity I might be under, but for the sake of argument let's say Abrax here is of the light. I can wrap my head in that direction but what yanks it back is what is behind him who are his owners.

Can you share who they may be so we also may see the ruse?

They are literally Reptilian type creatures. Flesh and bone. No ruse there.
I wouldn't send out an invite either. They are also on the Planet already. A few of us at this forum have actually have had a real life experience in the physical with some of them. I am one of them. Trust me when I say that I also didn't want to tell you that.

For me personally, the Thuban council needs to establish a trust of good faith as a list of a few things I would require before I would "ALLOW" them to even visit here.

Hmmm... he comes the censorship thing again that you opposed at the beginning of your comment. Why must someone be 'allowed' to read something Lionhawk? Who is the final arbiter... you? Bill Ryan? Abraxas? Me? Do you see how senseless censorship is?

I think you are confusing what I said and maybe I wasn't clear enough here on what you addressed. Let me rephrase this to give you a clearer picture. There is no way, that I would just invite these things here from their world to this one without some conditions. They would have to meet these conditions first to show some kind of trust with their intentions. I wouldn't say, Hey, come on down boys for a chicken barbecue and just give them free reign over the Planet. Are you nuts? Would you just let anyone come to your home even though you have never met and said make yourself at home? Mind they are coming by ship and I'm sure they have their security protocols in place. To me it is not a censorship issue as more of a common sense issue. I am not trying to censor how many kids they can take for their dinners. You tell me who is deciding that? If I had anything to do with that, it would not even be a censorship issue. Not to take you out of context but show you the real context as to what I was saying. Just make sure that while you are watching the right hand while you read the information, the left hand doesn't come up behind you and doesn't bitch slap you upside the head is all I am trying to say.

For instance, Jesus Christ and Spirit Matthew. Abrax, you haven't met either one of them and yet you act as though you know more about them then they do.

Can you explain the knowledge you posses that gives you the authority to make this claim?

It is the very same knowledge that is within you. Let's just say when you make that connection in oneness, things within don't work the same as they did before you got there. If I told you that both Jesus and Matthew told me in essence what I claimed, would that really matter? Many think it's impossible to have such a connection. If you see with the eyes of a child, all kinds of things can happen. It is no special authority. These higher beings are accessible. You just have to ask them for yourself. In the first hand. I can only say what they tell me are their words. I just passed them along and that is it. If it is a question of Authority then I guess you could say it was theirs. It wasn't mine. I just delivered a message. (it just hit me Susan ie discussion the other day as to what you said) In all of the years as to that connection, I have only delivered a few of their messages to others. It just so happens to be one of my chores that I do not do as often as I should. Most of the time the messages are very short, to the point. It is never like some long spiel. If I say anything further you will have me committed on this topic.

Part of the reason why these ones don't remember where they came from is because it was a genetic program that was created to have them forget where they came from because some of them had a change of heart when they got dumped here...

And why should I believe this anymore than I would believe what Abraxas speaks about?

I don't want you to believe anything. The effects of what I have mentioned here can be traced if you spend the time to find it. It is also something you will have to go hunting for since Abrax won't tell you about that. He might be able to find something on that but that is going to create some probs for him there because of the sensitivity of that information being controlled by his handlers. But there are other sources but you are going to have to go to places to root that out. Like a lot of this stuff is hard to reach. What you are missing I think and also this council is missing is that 5%. The whole Galaxy is missing it. But I bet my life someone knows and is just keeping it away in safe keeping. Matter of fact, and I have to watch how I write this because previous attempts have vanished off my screen here because it is highly sensitive in nature and a certain party that only a small handful of individuals have come into contact with don't want everyone to know about all this because they are their gatekeepers. Their, being the Alpha Draconis population. TPTB.

I'm not worried about the good Dragons. Just the bad ones. And the good Dragons don't live on Alpha Draconis. The bad Dragon do and that is why I have issues.

Can you point me to any credible information that would support this statement, I would love to read it?

Start with some Alex Collier. Barbara Hand CLow. Also David Icke even though he hasn't, and I could be wrong, seen one of these things yet. He's been lucky. There's a lot out there if you're into the second hand stuff.Trust your soul to guide you. I hope that took care of your concerns.

I will also say a little message here to someone on this forum and see if you pick up on it, is that what you witnessed was not something that was created in a lab, even though you were in that type of environment. The evil that you sensed is not something that can be created in a test tube. Just letting you know I caught that. So now you know I am not spreading lies. God Bless you for trying to bring the truth out.

Thanks Ortho. I hope I didn't embarrass you with my take on things.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:19 PM   #20
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Abraxas has put it out there for all to see. You be your own judge of his material. If you dislike what he has to say then either leave quietly and ignore his message or point out the error for all to see.

Since the accuser sits in the seat of judgment of the accused, then the weight is upon him to make and to defend his allegations against the accused.

Not the other way around.

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Old 02-25-2010, 03:24 PM   #21
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

Originally Posted by Ross H View Post
Ortho, I wish to acknowledge your tireless questioning of all...well done...
Orthodoxy is one my favorite posters on here, simply because he always asks the right questions.
And never claims to know the absolute truth
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:52 PM   #22
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Thanks you very much for your reply. I have read it thoroughly and believe that you are sincere and make some very valid points. On the other hand there are some things that you state that I just do not accept. Having said that let me say this...

It may be that I am naive and uneducated about the workings of multidimensional creatures and their intent upon the human race. But really most anything I see, hear, touch, smell or read on a daily basis could have the influences you refer to and how would I know? I find it really hard to choke that one down.

I don't know why these creatures would be interested in me but if they are, then let me have a go at it! You will know in short order (if I end up missing from this forum) whether I was successful or failed in my defense. That's the risk I am willing to take.

However I do trust my creator for one thing: to at least make sure that the fight is fair!

Peace and love from 1st source to you Lionhawk!

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Old 02-25-2010, 04:32 PM   #23
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Thanks Bigmo!

I have no problems with you choosing what you think you need to do. Not to sound condescending, it all comes down to the free will choices you choose. As I have said before everyone's soul experience is different and that is basically it. If your getting to this stage in the game then it might just be a blessing as far as timing. The truth isn't for everyone and if I hadn't seen what I have seen with my own eyes I would be doing what most people do. That hasn't been the case however. Yet my life has received many blessings. I have seen so many things. Again I am only here to share what that has been to the degree I choose to. If I could be more forthcoming I would. But the persecution card that gets played is an old game that I find no joy in. Ask anyone with this kind of life style what they endure and it will make perfect sense why I am not as forthcoming as I wish I could be.

Again, I don't want anyone to believe. But if you really want to know this stuff as in knowing, you will also have to do some experiencing. You can't play piano if you only study the theory. You have to strike the keys at some point.

Just be fearless and have some extra clothes packed just in case you need them. And if you run into one that is eating a chicken dinner, be glad he is eating a chicken dinner.

Good luck where your soul takes you on your journey.

Thanks again and Namaste'
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:39 PM   #24
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Reposted with my expressed permission:

I have stayed out of this since the beginning. I saw Abrax starting to post offering some dialog of "truth"

Ask a question...Get an answer

Like these at the carnival

I was upset at Richard\GaiaLove for laughing at the folks who were posting questions....Laughing at the folks in line with coin in hand.

I went back and read the answer to my question and went WTF!!

And Like Celine...Way over my head but then I went back and thought about it.

Doesn't make sense logically....The card spit out of the machine was in Latin

Man...wasted my coin

I walked away ...threw my card on the ground and said..."Dummy...Hoped you learned something"

I did.....truth is my own

NO ONE can give it to me

Not for a coin or the ink of a written word

I never looked back until I started seeing posts about running a certain person that starts with an "A" out of town on a rail

Yelling the machine was spitting out profanities

Cussing at the folks that were walking away to the carnival

The question is not : What to do with the Machine?

The question IS : Why are folks standing in line?

When the folks standing in line are saying..."This is groovy...it really resonates with me"

What resonates with you??

Truth is inside of you....not on a card from a silly carnival machine

Peace Y'all
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:53 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
A good idea to starting a thread outside of the Dragon's den Ortho. If I may......This Thuban material is a real stirrer across the board effecting everyone differently, as in profoundly.

Thanks Ortho. I hope I didn't embarrass you with my take on things.

Great post Brother....Glad you're Back!!!
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