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Old 07-09-2009, 01:00 AM   #101
Kre8ive Lady
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Default Re: Welcome Duncan

Hi Duncan! It warms my heart to see you here. A big hug to you, my friend. From one who was also tested (the same year, I believe).
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:05 AM   #102
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Welcome Duncan

Originally Posted by Maialynda View Post
Hi Duncan,

Good to see you here, I have seen you on other forums and I believe that you got some pretty raw treatment. People can be so vicious sometimes.

One thing, your nickname, Finbaar, which is not common in combination with your face is familar to me for some reason. Perhaps you just resemble another with the same nickname, who knows. This just sits at the edge of my mind and is tickling it. Really a bit annoying.

I have watched your interviews. I can see that you were sincere about that which you were speaking about. It didn't look easy for you and I can feel for you on what you went through. It was also a bit triggering.

Throwing a little caution aside.....
I have a history of also being used in similar fashion. My memories are spotty, but they are vivid. Some memories are hellish and some are just difficult to believe (complete with the super abilities stuff). My insides (mentally) were made into pieces parts according to function, which I am attempting to reconcile them and, eventually, integrate them. Since conventional therapy is right out, I am hoping that my next little project will help in this.

Well, eventually may those that run such projects run out of supporting energy and lose their alleged "power". May the rug be pulled right out from under their a**e*. May the light expose all such doings and may it bring all of us the healing and upliftment that we all want and need.

Greetings on all points of the triangle Duncan, Salutem Punctis Trianguli!

FIONNBAR/FINNBAR is a name connected to the FALLOW-RIGHT program run by the NSA ( US Navy involvement too ). A large part of the project involves human cloning. Medical proceedures such as amputation of limbs and reattachment of artificial limbs plays a large part in this. The creation of a 'cyborg' supersoldier is involved. I was told by SAS friend that they wanted a soldier who could jump out of a plane without a parachute, hit the ground running, pick up the backpack, run over forty miles, execute a target and then be extracted.

Another cloning proceedure involves limbs with different DNA to the rest of the body being attached so that ancient artifacts ( braclets and such ) can link up with this new DNA for PSIonic ability.

This goes on in many hospitals in the UK and USA with advanced tech that leaves no scaring. My SAS friend told me about people who discovered they had body parts that didn't belong to them. They had broken a limb in the past, gone to hospital and then the injury had healed extremely quickly. Years later they had broken or injured the same limb, gone back to hospital. Blood tests then revealed the DNA of the limb did not match the rest of the body.

The following data is from my own personal file-

Subj: X4566-2 (casj)

(1) Fifth FALLOW-RIGHT series tests results in Attachment [A]

(2) X4566-2 responds within operational requirements under FALLOW-RIGHT activation.

(3) Suitable for recon and support ops only.

(4) Recommend that X4566-2 be retained as deployed gen. pop. asset.


10 Sep 2001

Last edited by James Casbolt; 07-09-2009 at 09:20 AM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:13 AM   #103
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I went through this proceedure when I broke my arm in a school fight at Denefield School in Reading at age 13. The proceedure took place at this hospital


Last edited by James Casbolt; 07-09-2009 at 09:19 AM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:21 AM   #104
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I hope this helps Duncan
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:23 AM   #105
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Taken from Andy Pero's testimony-
A few days after that Dr. Purrizzo shows up again at my house, tells me to walk with him to the street again. He tells me that "he has been discussing it with this psychologist friend and that my mind functions in such a way in the subconscious THAT HE CAN MAKE ME THE MOST POWERFULL MAN IN THE WORLD". He then tells me to get into his car and he wants to take me to his office to do this for me. I say "REALLY?. OK.. I'll go, but only if my mother comes with me... Can my mother come with me?" He says that this is just between "us men". I tell him to go f*ck himself and start walking towards my house. He starts talking "Your a very smart kid! you had a 50/50 chance! we were going to get drunk and then decide whether to make you the most powerful man in the world or give you a lobotomy." I stop and turn to him and say "do you really think I'm going to believe you when you tell me that YOU are going to make ME the most powerful man in the world? you might do this but ONLY if you could control me, if you could not control me then you would have to destroy me! Do you think I am that stupid? Now get the **** out of here before I call the cops!." He then says "as I said you are one smart kid". He gets in his car and drives away.

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Old 07-09-2009, 09:27 AM   #106
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THE JUMP! by Andy Pero

They wanted me to think ONLY as "the Rhino". They wanted the biggest, badest, meanest motherf*ckering stud on the planet, and if you F*CK with me I will kill you "RHINO."

What I didn't know at the time was that my father, when he was in the Navy, was part of an elite ultra top secret nuclear explosion test that he was hand picked for. The name he chose was also "the Rhino". This must have proved very interesting to them. At this point I discover that they had been taking me from the age of 2 years old. As I was from the very beginning part of a HUGE genetic manipulation project along with my father and along with most of the armed forces in the United States which has been going on sense the 1960's. More about this later.

As the conditioning continued they were particularly interested in "the jump." I remember discussing it with them. They asked me how did I do it? I answered "I don't know, but when I jumped I had no fear, as I was falling I was like a cat, calm and cool, again no fear, focusing like a laser only on the landing, before the impact the 'steel springs'." As a result of this, of course, they start having me "jump" off of things. As you can imagine it, what they did to me was not pleasant. When you jump you are a cat, they told me. You will always land on your feet and you will always be OK no matter how high. You will have no fear. Every jump in your mind is as easy and as safe as jumping off a footstool. When you land, your legs become steel springs and will absorb all impact. The size and strength of the steel springs will automatically adjust to the height of the jump for you. There is no pain, and you have no fear!

They started me off with small jumps to begin with (off a six foot step ladder). I remember this because they wanted me to stand on the fold out tray that clearly says "this is not a step" and I didn't want to because it clearly said "this is not a step" so I ended up going to the top step (it was no big deal in terms of height, but it was in my mind a big deal in terms of things you should do and things you should not do). So I specifically remember that. Next it was up a ladder to a platform they had in the "Big Lab", maybe 25-30 feet. Then it was off the side of the big lab outside (the top of the building). We would then progress to jump off objects that were higher and higher.

What they would do is bring me to a certain spot (whether it was a bridge or a cliff) and simply say "Jump", we will meet you at the bottom. And I would simply say "OK" walk to the railing and jump over. I wouldn't look first and then back up and then jump. I would just, jump, RIGHT OVER. I would land like a cat, bounce in the air from the release of the stored energy in the compacted steel springs that were my legs, do a shoulder roll as I landed the second time from the "bounce", stand up, and wait for them. It was just like jumping off a footstool and it was just as easy.

The next day or so, I would find my self wandering back to the same spot during school hours, what ever it was (a bridge, a cliff, what ever) and as I retraced my steps, when I got to the jumping point I would look over the edge AND MY HEART WOULD DROP INTO MY STOMACH. I remember saying to myself "this is wrong, it was not this high" because to me the night before the jump was nothing "like a footstool" now I'm looking at it and saying "NO F*CKING WAY IS THIS RIGHT, NO F*CKING WAY". These things are not physically possible. I became very scared, and I became even more confused.

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Old 07-09-2009, 09:57 AM   #107
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I was in contact with two men recently. Lawrence Dean O Brien and Sean McGann aka Michael Vatican.

Kind of risky going public with this but both former hitmen for George Bush Snr. Lawrence has been seriously screwed up by all this and is alchoholic like many ex-subjects. He proudly identifies himself as "George Bush Snr's favourite hitman!"

Further research into this reveals the fact that they may be the illigitimate sons of GBS. GBS has MANY illigitimate children all over the world in various NSA 'breeding programs'. The 'O' above names such names as Cathy O Brien, Duncan O Finioan, Lawrence O Brien comes from the 'Sun-Blood' bloodline. In ancient Egypt the O was placed above the name to signify this.

A tribe of great warriors that came through the middle-east, into Greece, France and then Scotland, Ireland, England and America. Generations of sorcerors, story tellers and poets as well.
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:00 AM   #108
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I don't have to spell it for everyone but certain brothers in ancient Egypt killed each other and body parts were cut off.

Duncan was sent to kill George jnr at one point. Is everyone fighting for Daddy's affection?
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:10 AM   #109
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Lone Wolf at night,

The Black, the Hawk,

Enemies baulk when the White Tiger walks,

Whoever takes oaths when the lines are drawn,

Souls take flight when the air is bourne,

All terrain, the mask, the shawl,

Spear by the side when in the Great Hall,

The Eagle sets his sights on the longest haul,

Soldiers line up for the Devil's Ball,

On the tube, the blinds are down,

Swallowed by the underworld in Park Lane or Reading Town,

What guides the pack? Is it eyes or scent,

I am retired or is my life for rent?,

Who controls the five or the forty two?,

Rented out to SEAL or Delta Crew.

Commander Michael Prince

Last edited by James Casbolt; 07-09-2009 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:10 AM   #110
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Duncan O'Finioan

Project Camelot Witness

Last Activity: 12-07-2008 04:08 PM

In case anyone has been mislead, I just checked his last activity date. Not on all that recently I am afraid.
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Old 07-10-2009, 12:44 PM   #111
James Casbolt
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Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Duncan O'Finioan

Project Camelot Witness

Last Activity: 12-07-2008 04:08 PM

In case anyone has been mislead, I just checked his last activity date. Not on all that recently I am afraid.
Thank you the information. This will be my last post here then.

The following data is relevant. I volunteered my body and mind to science when I was thirteen years old. I signed a contract with a positive faction of the US Government ( US intelligence officers connected to Delta Force ) at the following military base in Reading-


The ethical issues of whether I was too young to make such a decision are not worth going to into now. Suffice to say we are dealing with a group of people that have deep metaphysical belief systems which include past lives. I also go along with this line of thinking and believe certain children are 'original' or 'old' souls.

As I've said before, two factions opposing factions in the intelligence have fought for control over me since before I was thirteen years old.

Because of the issues covered here, I believe a race of cyborgs now lives amongst mankind. Protean beings that are the first of their kind. Again these lifeforms appear to be divided into two classes-

[ 1 ]- AMT ( Ascended Machine Technology ) or androids with souls. Half flesh, half machine that exist to serve, protect and assist mankind.

[ 2 ]- DMT ( Descended Machine Technology )- androids with no souls that exist to do the opposite the AMT.

This data is connected wth a statement Barry King made in the past- namely that an Artificial Intelligence based computer from the AL/499 facility was/is contacting programmed clones by telephone in the UK and activating them for tasks utilising scalar tones and triggers directed into craniel implants. AMT beings do not much possess much free will. Theirs is a life of service. DMT beings possess no free will at all. Benevolent extra-terrestrial lifeforms working closely with positive faction in the intelligence commuinity control the AMT lifeforms. Some type of alien based supercomputer controls the DMT beings and has taken over various military on the planet and is somehow manufacturing cyborg alien lifeforms and cyborg human clones at these places and on travelling craft that are patched into this hive mind. I believe the governemnts have lost control of the situation and do not know who is who anymore. This is why DNA scanners are located are the exits of many government facilities around the world. I believe this supercomputer has taken on a 'life' of it's own and no concious lifeform is at the controls. I also believe we are seeing some kind of human resistance taking direct military action against this threat. Forces such as COM-12 in Naval Intelligence are constantly on the move in submarines for instance as a last stand. It seems certain 'super-soldiers' have volunteered from a young age to live in certain areas of the UK and to be ready for ops in that area when they needed or to be in areas where fast travel by water to other locations in the UK is available. It appears these people have volunteered for voluntary memory erasures when said ops are complete and to be returned into there respective commuinties 'Fallow-Blind' to continue roles in those commuinties as GPA ( General Population Assets ). It seems this super-computer can 'scan' the minds of the population looking for these brave soldiers, both female and male, therefore of the AMT individual is not aware of being part of these as a GPA, the artificial intelligence computer cannot locate them for termination. Ultimately I believe this is a battle of man against machine. I also believe that the DMT cyborgs under total control are the army'governemt described as The Beast in the Bible.

Commander Michael Prince

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Old 11-27-2009, 09:00 PM   #112
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Default Re: Welcome Duncan

Originally Posted by Duncan O'Finioan View Post
One big thank you and hello to everyone!!
I will spend as much time here as I can, not sure how much that will be right now, but as much as I can.
My personal web page is;
I would ask everyone to take a look and come up with any question thst wish.
Please notice the short video in the top right hand side.
Thanks again to everyone.

Does anyone know Duncan's new page? This one doesn't work.

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Old 11-28-2009, 01:41 AM   #113
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:15 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
As I've said before, two factions opposing factions in the intelligence have fought for control over me since before I was thirteen years old.

Because of the issues covered here, I believe a race of cyborgs now lives amongst mankind. Protean beings that are the first of their kind. Again these lifeforms appear to be divided into two classes-

[ 1 ]- AMT ( Ascended Machine Technology ) or androids with souls. Half flesh, half machine that exist to serve, protect and assist mankind.

[ 2 ]- DMT ( Descended Machine Technology )- androids with no souls that exist to do the opposite the AMT.

This data is connected wth a statement Barry King made in the past- namely that an Artificial Intelligence based computer from the AL/499 facility was/is contacting programmed clones by telephone in the UK and activating them for tasks utilising scalar tones and triggers directed into craniel implants. AMT beings do not much possess much free will. Theirs is a life of service. DMT beings possess no free will at all. Benevolent extra-terrestrial lifeforms working closely with positive faction in the intelligence commuinity control the AMT lifeforms. Some type of alien based supercomputer controls the DMT beings and has taken over various military on the planet and is somehow manufacturing cyborg alien lifeforms and cyborg human clones at these places and on travelling craft that are patched into this hive mind. I believe the governemnts have lost control of the situation and do not know who is who anymore. This is why DNA scanners are located are the exits of many government facilities around the world. I believe this supercomputer has taken on a 'life' of it's own and no concious lifeform is at the controls. I also believe we are seeing some kind of human resistance taking direct military action against this threat. Forces such as COM-12 in Naval Intelligence are constantly on the move in submarines for instance as a last stand. It seems certain 'super-soldiers' have volunteered from a young age to live in certain areas of the UK and to be ready for ops in that area when they needed or to be in areas where fast travel by water to other locations in the UK is available. It appears these people have volunteered for voluntary memory erasures when said ops are complete and to be returned into there respective commuinties 'Fallow-Blind' to continue roles in those commuinties as GPA ( General Population Assets ). It seems this super-computer can 'scan' the minds of the population looking for these brave soldiers, both female and male, therefore of the AMT individual is not aware of being part of these as a GPA, the artificial intelligence computer cannot locate them for termination. Ultimately I believe this is a battle of man against machine. I also believe that the DMT cyborgs under total control are the army'governemt described as The Beast in the Bible.

Commander Michael Prince
Could many Human Beings, Supercomputers, and Androids be possessed by Draconian Interdimensional Reptilians aka Demons? Could the two factions mentioned above...really be Zionist (Pleiadian) and Teutonic Zionist (Aldebaran)? Is there a third faction (Andromedan?) which seeks an end to this madness through peaceful means? I tend to think (without inside info) that the two factions (whoever they really are) are not in control of the situation (if they ever were). I think they have both been deceived. Perhaps this would be a good time for all three factions to cooperate with each other...and call upon benevolent extraterrestrials...to perform a Solar System Exorcism. I don't know what the root issues are with the Dracs...but I think they should go now. We can address various grievances in a constructive and appropriate manner...at a later date. I continue to support the idea of amnesty for full disclosure, full cooperation, and reasonable restitution...applying to all factions. Who knows...the Dracs might eventually turn out to be model citizens!

All of the above is merely conjecture.
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